FH is my second home
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And funnily enough a bit fatter 
That isn't whisky. It is bourbon, or as it is also known as, rats piss.
I agree with her.Soooo further to my nephew getting beaten you .just know this is going to be silly, his rather soft father went up and met a Uni official with the plastic 'liason' officer, they had the footage, identified the lads as students in the Uni and had decided to fine them (wtf) 500 quid each if we don't take it to the Police...this money is going to the Uni by the way, so dickhead agrees because of a sob story that the lads futures are at stake...now sit down for this one..the frickin pricks gave my nephews phone number to the lads and asked them to txt him an apology, which he recieved..5 sorry mate's.
The wife who works with assaults in school has gone balistic she's allready contacted the Uni saying if they want to brush it under the carpet it will cost them his course fees.
Oh this is going to get nasty.
Soooo further to my nephew getting beaten you .just know this is going to be silly, his rather soft father went up and met a Uni official with the plastic 'liason' officer, they had the footage, identified the lads as students in the Uni and had decided to fine them (wtf) 500 quid each if we don't take it to the Police...this money is going to the Uni by the way, so dickhead agrees because of a sob story that the lads futures are at stake...now sit down for this one..the frickin pricks gave my nephews phone number to the lads and asked them to txt him an apology, which he recieved..5 sorry mate's.
The wife who works with assaults in school has gone balistic she's allready contacted the Uni saying if they want to brush it under the carpet it will cost them his course fees.
Oh this is going to get nasty.
The world is made up of lots of different people. Just because they have different views to what's acceptable no a days when they were bought up before integration doesn't mean we should condemn them from society.
The world is made up of lots of different people. Just because they have different views to what's acceptable no a days when they were bought up before integration doesn't mean we should condemn them from society.
Free speech is just that. Or do you want to restrict free speech to just what society in general finds acceptable? Je suis charlie. Lest we forget.
Exactly.The fuck are you going on about?
She used the term 'negro' and said she has a problem with them.
Mmm pizza nowISIS intelligence ladies and gents, now i'm off for a piece of that leaning tower of pizza because quite frankly i'm fucking starving.
Yep, she is perfectly entitled to her opinion and everyone else is perfectly entitled to fuck her off...which they have.
"I don't know whether there is something in my psyche or whether it's karma from a previous life or whether something happened to me as a very, very young person and I've drawn a veil over it - because that sometimes happens, doesn't it?
"But I really do have a problem with people with negroid features."
Why is her freedom of speech curtailed. Just because you don't like it.
It should be forced out of fashion by social acceptance not by saying you cannot say that. Many people were bought up before all the non racist / sexist comments were out made unacceptable. Why don't we accept these as a thing of he past that those bought up there still use in their lexicon rather than shit she said negro fuck she must be satan.
If you had a teacher who said to a black kid I don't like negros so I ain't teaching you would you be like omg no that teacher can say that its their freedom of speech!
I agree. The way to do it is to have your say back and expose her. But to just ban people from saying those things mean you hide your racists in the closet. And don't know who your voting for. If you allow people to talk with freedom at least you know what your voting for in this case.I'd still support her right to say it. I'd also try and get her fired for saying it, but that's a different matter.