Also regarding cunt, 18th century made it vulgar, it's been around for ages though. Funnily enough feminists want it banned due to it "dehumanising women to their bodyparts", while they have no problem with the word dick.
How long can this be tolerated by the mass opinion in a country..we have the cult of Islam in our towns and some of them are plotting to kill the association is creeping into everyones's a disaster waiting to happen.
I have no idea if this is legit or old.
But it's quite good.
@Job I've found the most perfectest article ever.
Damn I thought everything on the interweb was gospel truth.Well that's a lovely website run by some very lovely people with very well informed contributors......not
Yet again my point is totally in real people with an average grip on reality are starting to believe that all Muslims are at least secretly supportive of Muslim extremism and that is what fuels the seething pit of suspicion in the middle and working is a disaster waiting to happen and the most surprised will be the simplistic liberals who are holding on to a dream.
I just wrote out a long reply, but realised it wasn't worth it, again.
Fake, there's multiple versions of this kicking around the internet.
Oh no, it's al-cateda!!
I can't believe this is an idea.
I know people have jokingly spoken about this kinda thing, but I mean, come on.
You can't simply 'breed out' a part of society you don't seem worthy.
Devils advocate.
I can't believe this is an idea.
I know people have jokingly spoken about this kinda thing, but I mean, come on.
You can't simply 'breed out' a part of society you don't seem worthy.
Don't think it's got much to do with eugenics, just the Aussie way of stopping people having kids they can't afford.