Told yo cats were goodMy new Cats arrived today. Very pleased with them.
I have one pair still good after five years and another for best that I just bought six months ago. I would have returned them if they fucked after six months to get a replacementThe last CATs I bought a couple of years ago lasted 6 months before the soles wore out. Used to buy them pretty much exclusively.
Yeah say I decided a Harry Potter book was my sacred religious teachings and anyone who looks at it would cause me great offence and distress.Yes it's a book. But it's a book that certain people attach large significance to. If you think that way please go draw a depiction of Mohammed and stand in southall or somewhere waving it in the air.
I will read about your death on the news
Yeah say I decided a Harry Potter book was my sacred religious teachings and anyone who looks at it would cause me great offence and distress.
Ok public order offences all round...of course not..what if the book she was ripping up was called the kuran and had recipes for lamb's the most dreadful appeasement to a cult that threatens violence if it doesn't get it's own way.
Not really. We as a society are saying it's not right to disrespect others beliefs by using public demonstrations destroying things that are sacred to them. By doing that we hope to inspire them to accept that their own people doing bad things against ours. Like poppies. Is not acceptable and therefore will put pressure on them to live along side rather than breeding've just exactly proved my point in your reply.
Islam is a cult like Catholicism and Buddhism etc are all cults.Islam is a cult..the mass brainwashing of billions and the best we can do is tiptoe around them so as not to offend and actually prosecute people for the most inocous display of disagreement..
She helped rip up a fukin book...these are very worrying trends for our relationship with a medieval mass religion.
It's a freakin fairy story and we are barely free in our own country to point this out in public.
I didn't' I think all religions are cults' except out cult generally allows criticism and safe destruction of our religious symbols.Islam is a cult like Catholicism and Buddhism etc are all cults.
They are all methods of controlling the masses. Millions have died in the name of Christ. And keep doing so. From the crusades and before. You can't paint one religion different from the rest.
Islam is a cult..the mass brainwashing of billions and the best we can do is tiptoe around them so as not to offend and actually prosecute people for the most inocous display of disagreement..
She helped rip up a fukin book...these are very worrying trends for our relationship with a medieval mass religion.
It's a freakin fairy story and we are barely free in our own country to point this out in public.
Islam is a cult..the mass brainwashing of billions and the best we can do is tiptoe around them so as not to offend and actually prosecute people for the most inocous display of disagreement..
She helped rip up a fukin book...these are very worrying trends for our relationship with a medieval mass religion.
It's a freakin fairy story and we are barely free in our own country to point this out in public.
Except it wasn't an "innocuous display of disagreement". It was at a football match. In Birmingham. A team supported by large numbers of Asians. Which is why they were done for a public order offence. If you did anything provocative at a football match, you'd get the same treatment. The religious aspect makes is newsworthy, but its not the main issue. It makes me uncomfortable that it seems religion is being "protected" here, but its actually not the main motivation of the police and judiciary.
How long should I wait before contacting Shopto about a missing parcel? My guess is now considering it was dispatched last Friday.
Your landlord was sitting in your kitchen...seems a little odd.So the landlord was sitting in the kitchen this morning. What happened? According to him mind you; Taken to hospital, told they'd admit(?) him, he waited a while and was then transferred to a drunk tank. He wasn't drunk, just out of it due to well...hitting his head. HOspital didn't check, just looked and went "Yeah he's a dunky". He signed himself out as he had no alcohol in him(police can't keep you really if you sign a responsibility waiver) and came back home. Headache, barely on his feet, went to bed.
Out of my hands really, but man, not the first time a hospital/police doing the old "he's not sick he's drunk" would cause problems.
Your landlord was sitting in your kitchen...seems a little odd.