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Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yup, same with sea levels. Go to any coastal country in the world and you will see evidence of harbours in land because sea levels were higher in the past. It ebbs and flows.

It would be far more worrying if the climate stayed exactly the same.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Also entirely incorrect. Even the IPCC acknowledged the Pause in warming in their last report, I'm guessing New Scientist have used one of the massive fudged datasets design to cause alarm and get us to pay more tax.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Also entirely incorrect. Even the IPCC acknowledged the Pause in warming in their last report, I'm guessing New Scientist have used one of the massive fudged datasets design to cause alarm and get us to pay more tax.

Yeah. New Scientist is in that business. Definitely. They're all for higher taxes.

You continue to argue with the evidence m8. Knock yourself out. God exists too. Definitely.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Tis the sun that gets hotter. The CO2 spin serves some purpose, i'm sure, but the planet will keep warming up with or without us.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I have no way of knowing the real story of predicted warming but so far they haven't got it right once...not even in the fact paul the octopus would probably take a better guess.
And everytime without embarrasment they point to an unknown are they allowed to do that and still claim the science is settled..unfortunately the real world just won't play the game.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Fucklol. You carry on reading and beliving crackpot shit from fucking awful websites m8.

I'll carry on looking at all the evidence if that's what you mean. As after all, that's what scientists do. Y'know, base their opinions on observations rather than incomplete computer models.

Must admit it isn't like you to accept what The Man says without questioning it. Quite disappointing actually.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'll carry on looking at all the evidence if that's what you mean. As after all, that's what scientists do. Y'know, base their opinions on observations rather than incomplete computer models.

Must admit it isn't like you to accept what The Man says without questioning it. Quite disappointing actually.

You're looking at a clearly quack website and calling New Scientist "the man" :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
the melting of the polar ice caps is pretty worrying though

Not really, there was a time (not so long ago at all in real geological terms) that there were no ice caps at all, it could be argued that there shouldn't even be ice caps at all. Antarctica was forest and tundra at one point.

Nobody actually knows and everything is being based on extremely small time periods and even then much of the data is incomplete.

I then wonder how much of an impact man has vs the impact nature has. Obviously less pollution is a good thing and I am all for not dumping crap into our water table or air but this global panic over something we probably have very little control over is just silly.

...and even if it turns out we are directly responsible for it, why should I feel guilty over developing countries ignoring emissions targets etc. The UK is one of the best performing countries around with all this bollocks yet we are constantly harassed and made to feel guilty about it. Fuck it, if you can't win, why bother?
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Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Not really, there was a time (not so long ago at all in real geological terms) that there were no ice caps at all, it could be argued that there shouldn't even be ice caps at all.


As a side note, a religious nutter I used to know said that the fact that water floated as a solid in its liquid form (i.e ice) was evidence of God as it allowed life to develop in the oceans because if ice sank, life wouldn't be possible (yes yes, 'what the fuck'). I enjoyed telling him that earth was totally free of ice once upon a time which blew his batshit evidence out of the non-icy, Devonian aged water.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Not really, there was a time (not so long ago at all in real geological terms) that there were no ice caps at all, it could be argued that there shouldn't even be ice caps at all. Antarctica was forest and tundra at one point.

Erm yes kind of. But that was when all earth had were a ton of volcanoes and dinosaurs. So while not having ice caps back then may not have been a problem, not having them now would be slightly bothersome.

Especially for every single coastal city in the world... And for that sake alone we probably should do everything we can to prevent them from melting (again?).

How it used to be really doesn't matter anymore.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The problem with climate change is, of course, the rate of change.

We're not going to die of heatstroke, but stuff like water sources are going to change, habitat loss will be an issue and mass migration would become a big problem.

The UKIP voters who don't believe in climate change (not that it needs to be "believed" in - it's real and the evidence shows it) hate immigration now. What about when it starts on unimaginable scales because huge swathes of land become too hard for the extremely poor to live there.

Humans are gonna go somewhere. And it's gonna cost.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
As a side note, a religious nutter I used to know said that the fact that water floated as a solid in its liquid form (i.e ice) was evidence of God as it allowed life to develop in the oceans because if ice sank, life wouldn't be possible (yes yes, 'what the fuck'). I enjoyed telling him that earth was totally free of ice once upon a time which blew his batshit evidence out of the non-icy, Devonian aged water.

So you mean to tell me the fact that ice is less dense than water isn't because of hydrogen bonding? My old Chemistry teacher is going to be so pissed off he got that wrong.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Ironically, that opinion came from a bible thrashing Physics teacher at my Catholic secondary school :D.

He should have been sacked for spouting such utter fucking nonsense, but Catholics gonna Cath.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The problem with climate change is, of course, the rate of change.

We're not going to die of heatstroke, but stuff like water sources are going to change, habitat loss will be an issue and mass migration would become a big problem.

The UKIP voters who don't believe in climate change (not that it needs to be "believed" in - it's real and the evidence shows it) hate immigration now. What about when it starts on unimaginable scales because huge swathes of land become too hard for the extremely poor to live there.

Humans are gonna go somewhere. And it's gonna cost.
You sound like you think humans will be here for ever. That's not necessarily the case. As a species we could be wiped out by change. And it probably wouldn't be a bad thing for the planet.

Even if we do survive it's not written that we will be in such prolific numbers.

Anyway all these quotes of warmest since records began rubbish to prove that we are to blame is just that. Rubbish. Such a short time period two hundred years or so as to be meaningless in planetary terms. Two thousand years would be almost as meaningless and in the time we have had mini ice ages and all.

So it's all based on theory and finding things to fit the patterns. That are constantly changing so the theory's alter too.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Fucking Swedish government and their antipirate lobbyists made a strike against Thepiratebay's server-room tuesday night i think, that's why it's not working apparently. Getting realy pissed with Universal, Sony and all these huge corps putting pressure on the Swedish justice system and were bending over. This can't go on.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Fucking Swedish government and their antipirate lobbyists made a strike against Thepiratebay's server-room tuesday night i think, that's why it's not working apparently. Getting realy pissed with Universal, Sony and all these huge corps putting pressure on the Swedish justice system and were bending over. This can't go on.
It's annoying, but you can't complain.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You sound like you think humans will be here for ever. That's not necessarily the case. As a species we could be wiped out by change. And it probably wouldn't be a bad thing for the planet.

I want to put a cogent argument up against this piece of utter utter retardedness but I know it'd be pointless.

You've got a grasp on half an idea there, then you've undercooked it and come up with a half-baked turd...

Edit: Do you simply not give a shit about the human race?
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I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I want to put a cogent argument up against this piece of utter utter retardedness but I know it'd be pointless.

You've got a grasp on half an idea there, then you've undercooked it and come up with a half-baked turd...

Edit: Do you simply not give a shit about the human race?
Ha you love to brand anything you don't agree with as retarded.

And no I don't care about the human race. In forty years or so I won't be here any more and it won't bother me one little bit.

Most of what humans do is retarded in one shape or form. The planets got a finite life span anyway so if we go extinct tomorrow or in five billion years it doesn't really matter.

It's just a ludicrous sense of entitlement that seems to be inbuilt that we should go on forever.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
no I don't care about the human race.

Then you can [insert banned comment here] tbh.

If you truly believe that then your opinions matter not one jot to anybody who would like to see the continuation and betterment of our species as we meet the challenges that will allow us to advance into the future, create a better world and hopefully spread into the galaxy.

Emotionally, I want to say: "People like you should crawl back into the dark hole you inhabit instead of being negative, hindering voices and burdens on better humans - ones who would see us correct our mistakes and care for each other."

But what I actually know I should say (and wish you'd do) is: "Seek help. There are organisations of people who do care that exist to help the mentally ill and malajusted"...


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
You can both 'disagree' all you want.

What they're doing is illegal in most countries across the world.

So therefore they can justify policing the internet.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Who's to say that it's not your socially manipulated brain that is the wrong one and that you should seek help?

I always think of myself as a bit of a sociopath. But I don't believe that I'm retarded cause I think that way or that there is anything wrong with me. It's just the way I am.

If everyone in the world thought the same way and did the same things nothing would be invented and it would be pretty boring.

I don't have any kids so I don't have a vested interest in the future. So I really don't care what happens after I die.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Who's to say that it's not your socially manipulated brain that is the wrong one and that you should seek help?

1) POV that would drag us back to the dark ages / doesn't care if we all die tomorrow
2) Your own admission that you're a sociopath...

I don't have any kids so I don't have a vested interest in the future.

I don't have any kids either. But I have empathy, am sociable and have friends I care about. Even if I didn't have friends then I can easily make the intellectual leap that other humans feel differently and that, unselfishly, I can understand that their wants, needs and ambitions are equally important as mine.

Their continued survival is still my interest - because I'm not utterly selfish and self-absorbed.
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