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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You can both 'disagree' all you want.

What they're doing is illegal in most countries across the world.

So therefore they can justify policing the internet.
Found something I agree with you on. Hehe. Although I think the industries affected by copywrite theft need to find new ways of merchandising their products.

Personally the only things I really acquire now are movies and to shows. Mainly because I hate watching to shows with ad breaks in them and going to the cinema does my head in accompanied with the drm they attach. I want to be able to watch it were and on what I want. And not 12 months after its been in the cinema


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
1) POV that would drag us back to the dark ages / doesn't care if we all die tomorrow
2) Your own admission that you're a sociopath...


I don't have any kids either. But I have empathy, am sociable and have friends I care about. Even if I didn't have friends then I can easily make the intellectual leap that other humans feel differently and that, unselfishly, I can understand that their wants, needs and ambitions are equally important as mine.

Their continued survival is still my interest - because I'm not utterly selfish and self-absorbed.
i have aspergers it is very hard for me to empathise with others because I can't picture myself in that situation.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Found something I agree with you on. Hehe. Although I think the industries affected by copywrite theft need to find new ways of merchandising their products.

Personally the only things I really acquire now are movies and to shows. Mainly because I hate watching to shows with ad breaks in them and going to the cinema does my head in accompanied with the drm they attach. I want to be able to watch it were and on what I want. And not 12 months after its been in the cinema

I was being sarcastic lololol, its ridiculous that the Americans can police the internet, the internet is no ones property.

Theuve probably pushed Sweden into a corner and said look, they're supporting crime!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I was being sarcastic lololol, its ridiculous that the Americans can police the internet, the internet is no ones property.

Theuve probably pushed Sweden into a corner and said look, they're supporting crime!
It's not just the Americans. It's all the western countries media providers.
Oh an sarcasm doesn't come out in text unless you /sarcasm it or ;) it


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Erm yes kind of. But that was when all earth had were a ton of volcanoes and dinosaurs. So while not having ice caps back then may not have been a problem, not having them now would be slightly bothersome.

Especially for every single coastal city in the world... And for that sake alone we probably should do everything we can to prevent them from melting (again?).

How it used to be really doesn't matter anymore.

Nope. There are fossilised forests under the ice in Antarctica.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Erm yes kind of. But that was when all earth had were a ton of volcanoes and dinosaurs. So while not having ice caps back then may not have been a problem, not having them now would be slightly bothersome.

Especially for every single coastal city in the world... And for that sake alone we probably should do everything we can to prevent them from melting (again?).

How it used to be really doesn't matter anymore.

Also, the fact there are coastal cities is besides the point. It doesn't mean that the natural state of the earth's poles should be covered in ice or not.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The problem with climate change is, of course, the rate of change.

We're not going to die of heatstroke, but stuff like water sources are going to change, habitat loss will be an issue and mass migration would become a big problem.

The UKIP voters who don't believe in climate change (not that it needs to be "believed" in - it's real and the evidence shows it) hate immigration now. What about when it starts on unimaginable scales because huge swathes of land become too hard for the extremely poor to live there.

Humans are gonna go somewhere. And it's gonna cost.

Yes, that's all fine. But what has that got to do with natural geological change that we have no control over or effect on? Rivers have been drying up and changing course since the earth held water. The fact that a settlement has been there for (far, far) less time than the river is irrelevant, if it naturally changes then tough shit city.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
i have aspergers it is very hard for me to empathise with others because I can't picture myself in that situation.

Do you have trust in other humans?

If so, trust me that an interest in the continued survival of our species is an inherently "good thing" and that if you factor that objective into your deliberations when assessing things that can have an effect on our survival, it will greatly enhance your decision making process :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yes, that's all fine. But what has that got to do with natural geological change

It's got nothing to do with natural geological change. I agree that natural geological change is absolutely not a problem.

The problem is that we're affecting the rate of change in such a way that it's going to have drastic consequences - simply because of the rate of that change.

The evidence clearly shows that.

That's pretty subjective too, a better world for who? Us or the world? For the rich who benefit from all this climate change bollocks or the poor who are directly affected by our guilt off-set exorcises?

Us or "the world" is almost symptomatic of Moriath's position - if so, see above.

But as for the rest - it's precicely because climate change is going to massively disproportionately affect the poorest of the global population that we need to change.

Plus - the things in that graphic (clean water / air / health children / preservation of the rainforests (and their biodiversity) are things that we all share in the benefits of - rich and poor alike.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Do you have trust in other humans?

If so, trust me that an interest in the continued survival of our species is an inherently "good thing" and that if you factor that objective into your deliberations when assessing things that can have an effect on our survival, it will greatly enhance your decision making process :)

Look at it another way, why are we spending so much time and resources battling something we have no hope of changing when we should be spending that effort on making sure all humans have a decent standard of living and can provide themselves with the basic needs to survive.

Bulldosing rainforest to grow biofuels certainly isn't the way forward


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The evidence clearly shows that.

No, the evidence does not show that at all, it just shows that it is happening, not why. Nobody has yet come up with a cast iron cause.

Rapid change has happened in the past when humans weren't even a species.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Added to the above.

No, the evidence does not show that at all, it just shows that it is happening, not why.

And you're wrong. (According to the only authoritative source that's meta-reviewed all of the peer-reviewed evidence that we have).

Bulldosing rainforest to grow biofuels certainly isn't the way forward
Finally, something we agree on.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Nope, the only "proof" is pirates vs global warming style bullshit. It cannot be proved because it cannot pass the critical tests, ie duplication and observation. It can only be correlated. We can obviously not duplicate it and we have too much of a short time period to have proper observation. All they can say is that in the recent few hundred years the global climate has increased. Totally failing to even consider that it has happened before, both cooled and warmed at a much higher rate.

Its the sort of swivel headed loons that would be panicking over the end of the ice age if they were around in those days. OMG the ice sheets are retreating!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Do you have trust in other humans?

If so, trust me that an interest in the continued survival of our species is an inherently "good thing" and that if you factor that objective into your deliberations when assessing things that can have an effect on our survival, it will greatly enhance your decision making process :)
I don't know how to differentiate trust except from experience. I just give everyone one chance if they blow that then I don't put them in a situation where they can let me down for a second time.

Implicitly I don't count on anyone 100%. Cause of general past experience.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Added to the above.

And you're wrong. (According to the only authoritative source that's meta-reviewed all of the peer-reviewed evidence that we have).

Finally, something we agree on.
They are just taking best guesses. There isn't enough data over long enough period to prove it conclusively. And we don't have another planet with different variables to disprove it.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Do you have trust in other humans?

If so, trust me that an interest in the continued survival of our species is an inherently "good thing" and that if you factor that objective into your deliberations when assessing things that can have an effect on our survival, it will greatly enhance your decision making process :)

To be fair, the chances of "Climate Change" wiping out the human race are around the same as you actually replying to a point, rather than hiding behind "Facepalm", "Lol M8" or attacking the data rather than the source.

I.e. Just above fuck all.

I'm sorry, but there is no visible human signal in the climate records. The climate has not followed a single prediction made by the models run on the computers people like the MET Office are spunking shitloads of taxpayer money on. If there was some actual proof out there, we wouldn't have to hear such nonsense arguments (from a scientific point of view) such as "The 97% Consensus" or the hilariously fudged hockey stick graph. Sorry m8, but you climate alarmists really do need to try harder, because as far as I can see, you ain't persuading anyone that there is actually a problem.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I missed the point of your quote to Moriath completely

I was talking to Moriath about his statement that he didn't give a shit about the human race and his professed sociopathy and aspergers. Climate change wasn't part of that.

As for the rest of your diatribe...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I was talking to Moriath about his statement that he didn't give a shit about the human race and his professed sociopathy and aspergers. Climate change wasn't part of that.

As for the rest of your diatribe...
Cause we all know everything you think is truth and everyone else is a retard if they don't agree ;)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Cause we all know everything you think is truth and everyone else is a retard if they don't agree ;)

That's what the quote Bodhi used was about. I was talking to you about your ridiculously unhealthy opinion that the world can go fuck itself and it matters not if we die tomorrow...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Well in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter. The universe won't go out Just because we go, bit of a bummer on a personal level but hey ho


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
That's what the quote Bodhi used was about. I was talking to you about your ridiculously unhealthy opinion that the world can go fuck itself and it matters not if we die tomorrow...
In your opinion. Just normal in mine.

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