NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) has captured an extreme and rare event in the regions immediately surrounding a supermassive black hole. A compact source of X-rays that sits near the black hole, called the corona, has moved closer to the black hole over a period of just days.
I like the way it goes straight back. I only saw that was a tradition at the weekend. (You don't keep another teams home run ball.)haha the kids face, I guess he wins the coolest grandpa award
I'm confused holes are theoretical..but now they are directly seeing things interacting with them
No really theoretical, the maths says they have to exist. As for observation; they've been looking for the effects of black holes for years, I didn't realise they'd found anything this...obvious (I was aware there's a lot of work going on to see the effects of the black hole at the centre of the milky way; didn't realise they had such good results looking elsewhere).
Yes mr hawkingblack holes are, by their nature, not directly observable. you can only determine that one is present by the effect it has on the matter around it, and the presence of certain things like X-Rays where there is no discernable source. if, at some point some bright spark comes up with a more acceptable theory for what we observe to be happening than the current one, then the new one will be used. science, folks!
science, folks!
There's been direct evidence for something like twenty years through observing a few specific galaxies. They can tell by the speed of rotation of stars around the cores there has to be a certain amount of matter within a certain amount of space and the only thing that fits is a black hole. Current thinking is there is a black hole at the centre of every galaxy. Problem is they are almost impossible to observe because there's a lot of stars and dust in the way as you get more central, and despite their names, all that matter spinning into the black hole generates so much energy they are actually incredibly bright objects. It'd be like trying to see a fly while looking into the glare of a billion headlights.
Started watching Breaking Bad.
After one episode:
"I should cook meth"
Gonna watch you and your mobile when you come to mine to measure up