This assassin fix ?

Dec 31, 2003
Puppet said:
You are aware Garrote with enervating mainhand and lifebane offhand + Dotmine is approximatly 80-90% of a 2K HP target without anything else?

Until some1 purges or minstrel uses warlord ml ability and laughs at u :p

And its possible to kill a rr8 merc and imo if played 100% right you should be able to kill any class. The merc will have as i said b4, choices, he can presude to chase me and risc dying when i decide to engage him in a 100% melee vs melee or he canback off, and its a draw - and risc that ill come after him when he rests.

If a rr8 merc catches me unstealthed or in a way ( Sl ) finds me in stealth and hits me 3 times then iam dead since i cant take 600 dmg /round for very long :s

ANd yah we have diff opinions, and thats okey.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Until some1 purges or minstrel uses warlord ml ability and laughs at u :p

And its possible to kill a rr8 merc and imo if played 100% right you should be able to kill any class. The merc will have as i said b4, choices, he can presude to chase me and risc dying when i decide to engage him in a 100% melee vs melee or he canback off, and its a draw - and risc that ill come after him when he rests.

If a rr8 merc catches me unstealthed or in a way ( Sl ) finds me in stealth and hits me 3 times then iam dead since i cant take 600 dmg /round for very long :s

ANd yah we have diff opinions, and thats okey.

so you purge str/con and lifebane and dotmine.

the assassin (whos not a total retard) reapplies the str/con and lifebane. You cant do anything about that, or now use purge vs any stun or other type of debuff you may be hit with.

Going people have purge!!!!111 is not a valid argument for allowing you to use dotmine in combat.

As you pointed out yourself you can pick when you attack a target. So don't attack a caster when it has 4 brittles up, take it when it has none up. Don't attack a light tank thats probably got everything up, wait till hes ra dumped on someone and take the easier kill. No class can be 100% effective vs all targets at all times and assassins are certainly in that mold. If I go out solo on my sorc, or my pala I would expect to win vs a solo assassin who jumps me when im not resting. However, as a solo assassin, I would expect to win vs any caster and tank i choose to jump because I pick the right time to do it which is something you can't seem to understand.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Mate ur never solo. All you do is 8v8 and gank solo duos. So why would an assassin even bother to attack ur OPed brittle 4 and BT behind :) ?

I solo alot, looking for non-stealthers, usally dont come far as i get fukin instakilled by stealthers. 4brittles? lols, i go out when ressick is down, often means bt+1 brittle, which is, really , my only defense.

For an Archer that's 1 arrow more, an Assasin, 1 swing more. boohoo?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Corran said:
Thing is, everyone jumping to assumptions to what Sanya specifically means.

Castable in combat? Well it is, when your being attacked your classed in combat and you can still cast it. Just you cant have weapons drawn.

No mention on if the disarm should be applied, so you cant assume that is incorrect.

And Sanya has not even got the full details- hence being "fuzzy" on the issue.

Grab Bag said:
Poisonspike may presently be cast during combat, and it is presently our intention to leave that alone.

Sure, there is no mention of any disarm timer there. It's quite simple to figure out excactly what she means though. Just look at what is live on the US servers. Afterall, Mythic didn't screw their code up by introducing a bug like this.
Corran said:
So at this point you are just clutching at straws and hoping that GoA change it back again.
No, I am not clutching at straws. I am expecting Mythic to put GOA straight on this matter, and remind them that they are bound by contract to not alter class balancing code. The long-winded arguments in this thread about whetever this change is "good" or not, is valid proof this is a class balancing change.

I am sure GOA will remember they are obliged by contract (after a quick phone call over the atlantic), and thus remove the bug they introduced.

Corran said:
And yes i read the whole arguement from the start more then once, i just see people complaining over nothing. And to be honest if they change it back then there other things need changing back. For instances an undocumented fix on Heretic which means that once you land the stun style you cant start to focus nuke instantly! Tic issue wont be fixed, it a big nerf to the caster spec'd ones as they cant melee for shit. But hey, keep on clutching!

I wasn't aware of any changes to the Heretic, nor did I know of that issue with the focus spell. But, if:

1) The Americans can do it on Pendragon and Live.
2) It have not been mentioned on the Herald.

Then yes, GOA have once again breached their contract and introduced class changes on their own (or less aggressive: "there have been a communication breakdown").

If that is the case, I would suggest you make a RN report and try to see the wonders of the GM's doing their best at costumer service.

Alternatively, try VN, worked for me. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
the reply i got from rightnow when i asked about the change to poisonspike :

Hello again,

We did this fix because of a bug which allowed you to place multiple mines at the same time. We fixed this but the side effect of the fix was that you couldn't place the mine while in combat. We thought that this wouldn't be a problem as that's how the mines have been working since day 1one and how Mythic described the ability in their documentation. But apparantly we were wrong and it's now a feature rather than a bug. A fix for the multiple mine laying problem will be added in 1.80 and the mines will be put back to their normal nature shortly.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I got the same reply.

Music to my ears :> :clap:

Now move the nerf parcel to someone else, and leave us poor sb's/assassins alone :)

The fight is over, the teacher is coming, move along, move along, nothing to see here now.

Oli - Illu


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Azathrim said:
Sure, there is no mention of any disarm timer there. It's quite simple to figure out excactly what she means though. Just look at what is live on the US servers. Afterall, Mythic didn't screw their code up by introducing a bug like this.

No, I am not clutching at straws. I am expecting Mythic to put GOA straight on this matter, and remind them that they are bound by contract to not alter class balancing code. The long-winded arguments in this thread about whetever this change is "good" or not, is valid proof this is a class balancing change.

I am sure GOA will remember they are obliged by contract (after a quick phone call over the atlantic), and thus remove the bug they introduced.

I wasn't aware of any changes to the Heretic, nor did I know of that issue with the focus spell. But, if:

1) The Americans can do it on Pendragon and Live.
2) It have not been mentioned on the Herald.

Then yes, GOA have once again breached their contract and introduced class changes on their own (or less aggressive: "there have been a communication breakdown").

If that is the case, I would suggest you make a RN report and try to see the wonders of the GM's doing their best at costumer service.

Alternatively, try VN, worked for me. ;)

Azathrim, it would be helpful at this point if you went and reread my earlier post in this thread It's right here.
When you've read it and understood it you will see that we have not introduced class changes on our own. Also I'm intrigued to know how you know the details of our contract with Mythic as I don't remember seeing your name on the distribution list. I'm also curious to find out which other occasions we have apparently breached our contract with Mythic - as you say we have 'once again' breached our contract - and introduced class changes on our own (which if you'd read and understood my previous post, you'd see that we haven't).

If you don't have answers to those questions then you are just trolling for the sake of it and I'd thank you to stop telling lies.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Requiel said:
Azathrim, it would be helpful at this point if you went and reread my earlier psot in this thread It's right here.
When you've read it and understood it you will see that we have not introduced class changes on our own. Also I'm intrigued to know how you know the details of our contract with Mythic? I don't remember seeing your name on the distribution list. I'm also curious to find out which other occasions we have apparently breached our contract with Mythic as you say we have 'once again' breached our contract and introduced class changes on our own (which if you'd read and understood my previous post, you'd see that we haven't).

If you don't have answers to those questions then you are just trolling for the sake of it and I'd thank you to stop telling lies.

He is just on an anti-GOA crusade because he can´t live without his ps.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Requiel said:
Also I'm intrigued to know how you know the details of our contract with Mythic as I don't remember seeing your name on the distribution list.

In this thread you write:

Requiel said:
We didn't introduce a bug and neither did we make any changes on our own initiative - as we aren't allowed to.

I can ofcourse only assume. But the obvious assumption is, that you are not allowed to by contract - as that would be the logical mean to control these matters.

Requiel said:
I'm also curious to find out which other occasions we have apparently breached our contract with Mythic - as you say we have 'once again' breached our contract - and introduced class changes on our own (which if you'd read and understood my previous post, you'd see that we haven't).

If you read the post you took that quote from (you can find it here), you will notice the context it was made in. The context being that Corren raised the question of some Heretic change. As I didn't (and don't) know anything about changes to the Heretic class, I could only summarize and try to find similiarities to this case - in the hope Corren could draw the parallel and know the details of how his class was affected. In other words, I were not stating you had "once again" breached anything.

Thank you for quoting me out of context though Requiel, highly appriciated!

Requiel said:
If you don't have answers to those questions then you are just trolling for the sake of it and I'd thank you to stop telling lies.

No, I am not trolling for the sake of it. I am having this argument because I think you have a wrong policy on the matter of implementing bug fixes.

You have always stated you did not do class balance. Suddenly I see changes that indeed do affect classes greatly. And they turn out to be done by false assumptions on your part. As this case so clearly demonstrates things simply go wrong when a third party tries to do things on their own (as you did do in this case). No matter how much you try to check with Mythic, communication have a way of being misinterpreted - as it did here.

To be perfectly frank, I don't belive you have the knowledge or competense to do class balance or fix game experience related bugs on your own. Your job is to ensure the servers are running in a stable enviroment and if time permits provide some fun events in-game - not to mention the usual CSR related functions.

I can live with the servers crashing (probably less than the US servers).
I can tolerate the XML being down for 4+ months now.
I can accept the character corruption as I saw a huge effort on your part to get it back and running as smoothly as possible.

But do not try to anticipate or interpretet Mythic's idea on game balancing factors!

The only reasonable thing to do on your part is, to acknowledge this is beyond your scope (as it would be for anyone outside Mythic) and focus on what you are meant to do. Only introduce bug fixes when they are on Pendragon or US live servers. Anything else is bound to go wrong.

As a matter of fact, I don't find these things unreasonable. Only sensible. That you argue so heavily against it and suddenly jump into a thread 10+ pages long tells me that a soft spot have been hit. You did a mistake, you were warned by players that this was an error on your part - but ignored it. And in the end you were put in place by Mythic.

That's never a nice situation and ofcourse it hurts. Learn from that mistake and ensure it doesn't happen again by walking the plank that is called attempting to anticipate a company like Mythic and do changes that affect a dire subject as class balance.

xxManiacxx said:
He is just on an anti-GOA crusade because he can´t live without his ps.

No, I am not being Anti-GOA. I am being anti to GOA trying to go out of their bounds and do things they should keep their hands off. I appriciate and like the work the GM's do. But I don't want them to try to do changes that greatly affect classes on their own - and I am pretty sure you would agree on that if you gave it a second thought.

But now that Mani brings the subject of that Poison spike up again:

Are we to expect to see the bug you introduced removed this week Requiel? ;)


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Azathrim said:
No, I am not being Anti-GOA. I am being anti to GOA trying to go out of their bounds and do things they should keep their hands off. I appriciate and like the work the GM's do. But I don't want them to try to do changes that greatly affect classes on their own - and I am pretty sure you would agree on that if you gave it a second thought.

For the 95th time, we didn't forge ahead on our own as you - once again - incorrectly claim. We fix a lot of things every week - after full reference to Mythic. Many, many small problems and bugs are hotfixed by our techs (not by the GM team as you seem to assume) every week. These people are fully competent and more than capable of changing a database field without supervision. Some of them have even been on courses you know.

I'm not going to keep repeating myself here. If you won't understand the simple point I made in my original post then it won't really matter how many times I say it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
When I refer to "you" in this context, it's GOA as a whole not just your GM's.

I am sure your technicians are very capable of handling the technical parts of any change they perform. Afterall, how else could they keep the servers running as stable as they actually do? (and the few crashes lately is relatively few compared to the size of the installation).

What your technicians cannot know though, is the game effect some changes have.

My point is, that the only changes they should do is those that are live on US or on Pendragon.

As I already wrote, any other changes (as this poison spike incident showed) have a risk of being based on misinterpretations.

No matter how much you deny it, this was a change that branched away from the line Mythic have on US live. Sure, you had asked Mythic - and now I repeat myself - but you misinterpret them. Stick to those things that are clearly evident from the patches you recieve from Mythic and nothing more.

Is it that hard to understand? Is it really that unreasonable?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Theseus said:
isnt it the general idea that assassins outdamage archers in melee ?

and u cant do that without dotspikes? besides, those abilities isnt melee attacks now are they?


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Requiel said:
For the 95th time, we didn't forge ahead on our own as you - once again - incorrectly claim. We fix a lot of things every week - after full reference to Mythic. Many, many small problems and bugs are hotfixed by our techs (not by the GM team as you seem to assume) every week. These people are fully competent and more than capable of changing a database field without supervision. Some of them have even been on courses you know.

I'm not going to keep repeating myself here. If you won't understand the simple point I made in my original post then it won't really matter how many times I say it.

why dont these fully competent people remove the interupt component of bd body debuff and enchanter dps debuff then? since they aint supposed to interupt :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I can see both sides of the arguement, and tbh, I'm not going to bite the hand that feeds me :> GoA have freed enough stuck toons and have always been helpful in the past.

Mythic obviously told GoA to change the Poisonspike to stop the insta-drop of 2 ML lines, but GoA unfortunately misunderstood, and for the first time, we had a change on the server that we were not ready for - in that it had not gone live on the US Test Server, and then live in a Patch, hence the cause for alarm.
The misunderstanding gave assassins a crappy nerf, in the usage of the poisonspike, and thankfully Mythic have said that the change that was done was not intended to act in that way.
Looking forward to the ability getting changed to a more user-friendly option.

And Lethul, if you are not happy with those interrupt issues, talk to the daddy:-
and maybe raise a bit of interest on the VN Boards under the appropriate class, and you never know - a TL or someone from Mythic may read what you have to say and wonder what is going on, and Christmas might come early.

Oli - Illu


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
illu said:
And Lethul, if you are not happy with those interrupt issues, talk to the daddy:-
and maybe raise a bit of interest on the VN Boards under the appropriate class, and you never know - a TL or someone from Mythic may read what you have to say and wonder what is going on, and Christmas might come early.

Oli - Illu

oh i have whined there too, belive me :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
In todays news:
Fixes of the week
- In order to avoid a bug exploit present in this version we ran a fix concerning the Spymasters' Poison Spike a few weeks ago. Unfortunately this fix brought back this master ability to its first state in that it was no longer usable in combat. After talking with Mythic it turns out that it is impossible to have a better fix - which would avoid the use of the bug while enabling a normal use of the traps when in combat - before the release of version 1.80.
We therefore decided to bring back this master ability to its former version, starting today, in order to avoid punishing Spymasters who use the ability properly.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
I ask (more like demand) from Mythic to award me a free ML respec... to counter the Ml respec and the 4,5plats i paid 2 days after the fuking nerf when i discovered the path was almost useless


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Nuxtobatns said:
I ask (more like demand) from Mythic to award me a free ML respec... to counter the Ml respec and the 4,5plats i paid 2 days after the fuking nerf when i discovered the path was almost useless

My Nightshade was Stormlord, damn that line sucked and was useless ! GIV 4.5 PLAT !

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