Things all DAoC players should have done...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Coren said:
  • Revisited a mob that owned you when you were level 6 and beaten the snot out of it.

  • Salisbury plains giants .... i soo loved going back and tanking em with me sorc just for the principle - and i hasten to add i did it when no lowbie groups were about.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Belomar said:
Here's my little collection of things all DAoC players should have done and experienced to get the maximum of enjoyment out of the game. Feel free to add to this list, I am sure you have your own tips, and I am also sure many of you don't agree with my points.

  • Levelled a char from 1 to 50 at least once.
  • Played in at least two realms, preferably three. Preferably in RvR as well. Things look quite different from the other side of the fence, trust me.
  • Participated in a dragon raid. Dragons are the age-old enemies of adventurers everywhere.
  • Participated in a relic raid. Nothing like seeing your realm flex its muscles.
  • Played a necromancer in PvE. Constant pulling of orange+ con mobs is fun, even if boring in the long run.
  • Rolled an enchanter (if only a lowbie one). You have to see what the fuss is all about. ;)
  • Rolled a savage (if only a lowbie one). Same reason as above.
  • Played an assassin class in the BGs. One-shotting mages is sooo fun. ;)
  • Played an AoE DoT class in the BGs. You'll be wiping armies.
  • Done your epic quests (at least for one char). You'll get to see a lot of your realm, and... a lot of your horse's backside.
  • Sorted SC armor (at least for one char). Only with capped stats do you get to see your char at its full potential.
  • Gained at least RR4 with one char. Some people may detest RvR, but this is most probably because they lack the experience.
  • Activated at least one artifact and levelled it. Artifacts are fun toys with cool abilities.
  • Done your ML trials, at least up to ML9 for one char. It is actually rewarding (at least after ML3 ;)).
  • Defeated an enemy FG with your own FG. Adrenaline.
  • Gotten at least one FAO or whine thread on BW or FH. :D

9/16 ;< not a hardcore DAoC fanatic it seems :/


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Well maybe I didn't do a DoT char yet but does solo guarding a keep with GTAE count as well?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Belomar said:
Here's my little collection of things all DAoC players should have done and experienced to get the maximum of enjoyment out of the game. Feel free to add to this list, I am sure you have your own tips, and I am also sure many of you don't agree with my points.

  • Levelled a char from 1 to 50 at least once. CHECK
  • Played in at least two realms, preferably three. Preferably in RvR as well. Things look quite different from the other side of the fence, trust me. CHECK
  • Participated in a dragon raid. Dragons are the age-old enemies of adventurers everywhere. CHECK
  • Participated in a relic raid. Nothing like seeing your realm flex its muscles. CHECK
  • Played a necromancer in PvE. Constant pulling of orange+ con mobs is fun, even if boring in the long run. NAH
  • Rolled an enchanter (if only a lowbie one). You have to see what the fuss is all about. CHECK
  • Rolled a savage (if only a lowbie one). Same reason as above. WONT ON PRINCIPLE
  • Played an assassin class in the BGs. One-shotting mages is sooo fun. CHECK
  • Played an AoE DoT class in the BGs. You'll be wiping armies. CHECK
  • Done your epic quests (at least for one char). You'll get to see a lot of your realm, and... a lot of your horse's backside. CHECK
  • Sorted SC armor (at least for one char). Only with capped stats do you get to see your char at its full potential. CHECK
  • Gained at least RR4 with one char. Some people may detest RvR, but this is most probably because they lack the experience. NOT YET :(
  • Activated at least one artifact and levelled it. Artifacts are fun toys with cool abilities. CHECK
  • Done your ML trials, at least up to ML9 for one char. It is actually rewarding (at least after ML3 ). ONLY ML3 YET
  • Defeated an enemy FG with your own FG. Adrenaline. CHECK BUT RARE :(
  • Gotten at least one FAO or whine thread on BW or FH. FAILED MISERABLY SO FAR :p



Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
censi said:
spot the alb. :)
Spot the retard. Get out of my thread, I wrote this post to try to open the eyes of all players (perhaps specifically the casual players who I don't feel get to enjoy all the aspects of DAoC), and this is also the reason why this went into the General Discussion forum and not the RvR forum. That you still feel the need to drop smartass remarks quite comfortably exhibits your mental maturity. Furthermore, if you have the impression that I, personally, zerg, then you are clueless indeed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Originally Posted by yaruar
What about rolling a gimp class and leveling it to 50 then going out in rvr to find out just how imbalanced this game really is and how much fun most of those classes are

been there, done that...
Nzi - 4L1 shadowblade
Gramm - 50 shaman
Trylleklovn - 50 savage
Hijinxx - 50 runemaster
Gorann - 50 skald
Gielen - 50 warrior
Boofis - 48 buffbot

So where's the gimp in your sig then :confused:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Would definitely add organise anything that requires more than 1fg at whatever level.

Some personal fun things that I'd include

Own and decorate a house including at least one trophy

Suicide in DF by jumping into hulks (go on try it its quite addictive)

Make SC'er (even low level) and blow something (of your own) up on purpose

Take the boat ride to ToA

Walk (on foot) with no speed from your capital city to your SI portal (to remind yourself just how big the place really is)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
* Run around in circle's jumping like a frog in front of a borderkeep... then stop and try yelling insults over the wall from time to time in hope some1 will come out and give you a figth...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Too bad its not possible / tolerated anymore, run through the mid-realm (home-realm) as alb on excal :D

I still have the screenshots of me running through mid-realm with Wedge at level 43 or so... Very funny... Yes the hole was actually found by accident :p

Other then that, did pretty much everything except the BG alts... And savages really arent 'that' overpowered at < 10 ...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Heres another one:

Helped, or been helped by, a player from one enemy realm to bring down a player from the other enemy realm... and once the fight is over /hug, /kiss, or /wave and go your seperate ways. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
And another> Fallen asleep at the computer after staying up way to late playing, preferably during a raid or event so your friends can laugh at you.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Belomar said:
Here's my little collection of things all DAoC players should have done and experienced to get the maximum of enjoyment out of the game. Feel free to add to this list, I am sure you have your own tips, and I am also sure many of you don't agree with my points.

  • Levelled a char from 1 to 50 at least once.
  • Played in at least two realms, preferably three. Preferably in RvR as well. Things look quite different from the other side of the fence, trust me.
  • Participated in a dragon raid. Dragons are the age-old enemies of adventurers everywhere.
  • Participated in a relic raid. Nothing like seeing your realm flex its muscles.
  • Played a necromancer in PvE. Constant pulling of orange+ con mobs is fun, even if boring in the long run.
  • Rolled an enchanter (if only a lowbie one). You have to see what the fuss is all about. ;)
  • Rolled a savage (if only a lowbie one). Same reason as above.
  • Played an assassin class in the BGs. One-shotting mages is sooo fun. ;)
  • Played an AoE DoT class in the BGs. You'll be wiping armies.
  • Done your epic quests (at least for one char). You'll get to see a lot of your realm, and... a lot of your horse's backside.
  • Sorted SC armor (at least for one char). Only with capped stats do you get to see your char at its full potential.
  • Gained at least RR4 with one char. Some people may detest RvR, but this is most probably because they lack the experience.
  • Activated at least one artifact and levelled it. Artifacts are fun toys with cool abilities.
  • Done your ML trials, at least up to ML9 for one char. It is actually rewarding (at least after ML3 ;)).
  • Defeated an enemy FG with your own FG. Adrenaline.
  • Gotten at least one FAO or whine thread on BW or FH. :D

all accept done up to ml 9 i detest toa pve -_-


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Belomar said:
Here's my little collection of things all DAoC players should have done and experienced to get the maximum of enjoyment out of the game. Feel free to add to this list, I am sure you have your own tips, and I am also sure many of you don't agree with my points.

  • Levelled a char from 1 to 50 at least once.
  • Played in at least two realms, preferably three. Preferably in RvR as well. Things look quite different from the other side of the fence, trust me.
  • Participated in a dragon raid. Dragons are the age-old enemies of adventurers everywhere.
  • Participated in a relic raid. Nothing like seeing your realm flex its muscles.
  • Played a necromancer in PvE. Constant pulling of orange+ con mobs is fun, even if boring in the long run.
  • Rolled an enchanter (if only a lowbie one). You have to see what the fuss is all about. ;)
  • Rolled a savage (if only a lowbie one). Same reason as above.
  • Played an assassin class in the BGs. One-shotting mages is sooo fun. ;)
  • Played an AoE DoT class in the BGs. You'll be wiping armies.
  • Done your epic quests (at least for one char). You'll get to see a lot of your realm, and... a lot of your horse's backside.
  • Sorted SC armor (at least for one char). Only with capped stats do you get to see your char at its full potential.
  • Gained at least RR4 with one char. Some people may detest RvR, but this is most probably because they lack the experience.
  • Activated at least one artifact and levelled it. Artifacts are fun toys with cool abilities.
  • Done your ML trials, at least up to ML9 for one char. It is actually rewarding (at least after ML3 ;)).
  • Defeated an enemy FG with your own FG. Adrenaline.
  • Gotten at least one FAO or whine thread on BW or FH. :D

Been there, done that... Many times.

Edit: Ok well only 1 char ml9+


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Hehe, had a lvl 24 caveshammy in SC in BG1. At 348 rp´s I parked him in the CK as we had it, and when I logged back on the next day we had /lvl everyone remember Thidranki was full of lvl 20´s in free armor...I can assure you, being lvl 24 ae dotter in SC there was fun. Really fun :)


Jan 12, 2004
Belomar said:
  • Levelled a char from 1 to 50 at least once. DONE
  • Played in at least two realms, preferably three. Preferably in RvR as well. Things look quite different from the other side of the fence, trust me. DONE
  • Participated in a dragon raid. Dragons are the age-old enemies of adventurers everywhere. DONE
  • Participated in a relic raid. Nothing like seeing your realm flex its muscles. DONE
  • Played a necromancer in PvE. Constant pulling of orange+ con mobs is fun, even if boring in the long run. DONE
  • Rolled an enchanter (if only a lowbie one). You have to see what the fuss is all about. DONE
  • Rolled a savage (if only a lowbie one). Same reason as above. NEVER
  • Played an assassin class in the BGs. One-shotting mages is sooo fun. ;) DONE
  • Played an AoE DoT class in the BGs. You'll be wiping armies. NEVER
  • Done your epic quests (at least for one char). You'll get to see a lot of your realm, and... a lot of your horse's backside. DONE
  • Sorted SC armor (at least for one char). Only with capped stats do you get to see your char at its full potential. DONE
  • Gained at least RR4 with one char. Some people may detest RvR, but this is most probably because they lack the experience. DONE
  • Activated at least one artifact and levelled it. Artifacts are fun toys with cool abilities. DONE
  • Done your ML trials, at least up to ML9 for one char. It is actually rewarding (at least after ML3 ). ALMOST DONE :)
  • Defeated an enemy FG with your own FG. Adrenaline. DONE
  • Gotten at least one FAO or whine thread on BW or FH. Hmm think I once had a whine about my infil :m00:

the 3 words to make this postable with the corrections inside quote :eek:


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Originally Posted by Coren
Revisited a mob that owned you when you were level 6 and beaten the snot out of it.

Ahahahaa...missed that one.

Took my then-44 Thane into Askheim and AOE nuked the entire place to ash, /yelling "That's for 26 levels ago, ya tufty-eared bastards!".

Felt goooood.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Coren said:
  • Revisited a mob that owned you when you were level 6 and beaten the snot out of it.
Stubbe was just killed by Envy Drakeling Dorga.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
done , only not played hib or alb on high lvl.. hib was just plain boring and albion looks stupid imo so anyway :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
stubbe said:
Stubbe was just killed by Envy Drakeling Dorga.

Well the alb version I was thinking of is Cynewulf the Ghostwalker, or Slythcur - just two of the things that make Salisbury Plains such a shite place to level. The first time I ever got rezzed by a pally was near the broken bridge, he said 'did the Ghostwalker kill you?' 'yes' 'right I'm gonna kick his arse' and then he did :) and a few levels later, so did I.

Also good is the quest where you have to beat up the Ghostwalker's pathetic younger brother/son/apprentice :D.

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