The World according to the americans...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
This whole anti-american attitude just sickens me. I wouldn't mind so much if most of the rants here were from illiterate teenage boys, but there are some supposedly 'mature' people posting on this thread, with some pretty outrageous views.

I've been to the US quite a few times, and I have yet to meet anybody there who could be called 'ignorant'. You want ignorant? Just travel to any inner-city council estate pub, and listen to the garbage spouted there.

You're all entitled to your opinions, but when those opinions involve typing uneducated racist propoganda on a public forum, then something should be done about it. Certain people by rights should be facing bans.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
This whole anti-american attitude just sickens me. I wouldn't mind so much if most of the rants here were from illiterate teenage boys, but there are some supposedly 'mature' people posting on this thread, with some pretty outrageous views.

I've been to the US quite a few times, and I have yet to meet anybody there who could be called 'ignorant'. You want ignorant? Just travel to any inner-city council estate pub, and listen to the garbage spouted there.

You're all entitled to your opinions, but when those opinions involve typing uneducated racist propoganda on a public forum, then something should be done about it. Certain people by rights should be facing bans.
I do tend to agree with you, but there certainly are things in america that are a) completely fuckign stupid and b) wouldnt find here (prolly also true the other way round but im british so nyah!)

For example, in some states they STILL do not teach the principles of evolution, they stick to the bible and refuse to let children grow up knowing the (99% accepted) truth.

They managed to elect themselves a corrupt, rather stupid sounding, seemingly racist President (illegally on several counts, i might add) who then went on to start, and finish a war based on cods wallop (can i get a medal for first use of cods wallop on FH? :D) and thin air.

America doesnt even sign up to all of the hum anrights and World environmental policies agreed upon in Tokyo adn various other placees - they cant be fucked to tell their own people that they dont NEED a 6litre 64x64 truck to drive 1/2 a mile to work every day in.

Also, i was wathin t'telly t'other night and i saw (Louis Thouroux or however u spell it) was with an american family, the Mother was teaching the kids (about 4 y old iirc) songs about (pardon my awful language) killing N*****s and C**ns and so on, and they were playing VIDEO GAMES bsed around going into run down neighborhoods and beating 3 shades of shit into the various ethnic minorities that lived there.

Now, obviously not ALL of america is like that, just the united states, but it still worries me that such behaivior and intolerance (which is also exhibited here to some extent, BNP, anyone?) is acceptable in ANY walk of life and in ANY society.

Wher i grew up (saaaf england) i barely even knew there WERE rascist people until i got older and started goign to pubs etc.. i just thought it was something police and americans practiced. Now im older, maybe wiser, and much less tolerant of intollerant people (heh, i liked it).

Im just annoyed about the state of the world tbh, why cant all the stupid scunthorpe leaders go to some litte useless island (aussie maybe) and have a big fukin fight, and leave us normal folks alone to enjoy the simple things in life - kickin back on the sofa watchin telly, smokin some bud while the missus gives you a neck rub!

Now tell me you dont want that?



Dec 13, 2003
Jupitus already said so, but I'll repeat it. Take a chill pill Dill. better yet, take 2.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Chilly said:
For example, in some states they STILL do not teach the principles of evolution, they stick to the bible and refuse to let children grow up knowing the (99% accepted) truth.

This is a recent development. While I don't agree with the philosophy, I can understand why it happens.

They managed to elect themselves a corrupt, rather stupid sounding, seemingly racist President (illegally on several counts, i might add) who then went on to start, and finish a war based on cods wallop (can i get a medal for first use of cods wallop on FH? :D) and thin air.

To suggest that George Bush is guilty of anything that any other leader wouldn't do, is rather ignorant. We elected Labour into office, they can hardly be called honest can they? Its no different anywhere else.

America doesnt even sign up to all of the hum anrights and World environmental policies agreed upon in Tokyo adn various other placees - they cant be fucked to tell their own people that they dont NEED a 6litre 64x64 truck to drive 1/2 a mile to work every day in.

On this I agree with you, but we're hardly in a position to preach.

Also, i was wathin t'telly t'other night and i saw (Louis Thouroux or however u spell it) was with an american family, the Mother was teaching the kids (about 4 y old iirc) songs about (pardon my awful language) killing N*****s and C**ns and so on, and they were playing VIDEO GAMES bsed around going into run down neighborhoods and beating 3 shades of shit into the various ethnic minorities that lived there.

Now, obviously not ALL of america is like that, just the united states, but it still worries me that such behaivior and intolerance (which is also exhibited here to some extent, BNP, anyone?) is acceptable in ANY walk of life and in ANY society.

The program is designed to exclusively highlight the strange and controversial lifestyles of celebrities, or minorities, in this instance. To suggest that it is representitive of the large majority of decent, caring US citizens, is rather stupid, if you don't mind me saying.

Im just annoyed about the state of the world tbh, why cant all the stupid scunthorpe leaders go to some litte useless island (aussie maybe) and have a big fukin fight, and leave us normal folks alone to enjoy the simple things in life - kickin back on the sofa watchin telly, smokin some bud while the missus gives you a neck rub!

It won't ever happen, because no country in the world has a truly representative form of government. To be honest, if you feel strongly about it, you can do something. Its called a vote.

You have to remember that the USA is the most powerful and influential country on this planet right now. As well as all the good things that filter down from this, you're going to get some of the bad things as well. History has shown repeatedly that no matter how well-intentioned any empire is, they always attract an excessive amount of flak, not necessarily because they deserve it, but because they're the easiest target to point the finger at.

Wile E. Coyote

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
My beef with the US are these (politics not people!):

- They continually break human rights. (Capitial punishment, even of kids)

- Their form of politics with campaign funding and electoral voting is an open invitation to untraceble corruption. Powerful lobby groups like Haliburton and NRA are shaping their politics. The C - grade student Bush is a puppet on a string.

- They undermine important international initiatives like the Koyoto agreement and the international war-crimes tribunal. They use their veto in the UN more than any other nation with veto rights.

- History shows that they keep using the CIA to covertly sabotage and back coups against governments they dont like (Even democratically elected ones).

- They export a capitalist consumer culture which in my opinion is leading to a colder society. The fact that they have one of the highest crime-rates in the world, and their huge amount of gunshot killings each year only strengthen my doubts as to wether or not I want my country to keep being more and more "Americanized".

- They are two faced in that they keep critizing countries for not being peacful, breaking human rights and having WMDs. Do they themselves live up to these standards?

- They go to war for fictitious reasons. If you belive they went to war against Iraq to save the Iraqis, because Saddam (secular dictator) has ties with Osama (islamic extremist) or because of the threat of WMDs they didn't have, you are indeed naive.

Don't be brainwashed by the CNN and American propaganda. Broaden your view. Read Rouge States, Stupid White Men and see Bowling for Columbine!

Wile E. Coyote

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
And Tom: If you don't stand up for what you believe in and criticise what you belive is wrong, you are nothing but an Orwellian sheep. Of course we point our fingers and criticise US politics. Being the new big Empire, they affect us all.

Cavex ElSaviour

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
too bad our govrnements are busy sticking uo their tongues in bush his <insert random body part here>


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Wile E. Coyote said:
And Tom: If you don't stand up for what you believe in and criticise what you belive is wrong, you are nothing but an Orwellian sheep. Of course we point our fingers and criticise US politics. Being the new big Empire, they affect us all.

There's a marked difference between doing that, and "fucking hating" all americans on principle, and throthing at the mouth with rage at every single american (refusing to take into account different states, political allegiances, agendas...). One is an expression of your rights, and the other is contempt for other people's.

Wile E. Coyote

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Wile E. Coyote said:
God knows I have a thing or two against American foregin politics and their monkey-in-a-suit president, but there's no reason to be a jerk against THIS American (Egor). Its important to remember that the US is a BIG, BIG country with ALL KINDS of people. Egor seems like one of the more reasonable Americans to me from what little he has written. Doesn't come a cross as arrogant to me. A bit on the defensive maybe, not strange since people are basically saying he's a dumb mofo just for being an American.

Stereotypes are bad m'kay.


My first post in this thread, so you see, I agree with you completely. Did I come across as frothing at the mouth against every American? I even started with saying "My beef against the US are these (politics, not people)".

What I was refering to was Tom excusing US POLITICS.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
As interesting as this debate is... :)p) Dill and Egor know each other IRL...

I think they worked together or something.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
BlitheringIdiot said:
As interesting as this debate is... :)p) Dill and Egor know each other IRL...

I think they worked together or something.

It seemed obvious that Dill was taking the mick since his responses had absaloutely nothing to do with the previous post, was quite funny tbh and people reacting as if he was serious was funnier still


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
pez said:
It seemed obvious that Dill was taking the mick since his responses had absaloutely nothing to do with the previous post, was quite funny tbh and people reacting as if he was serious was funnier still
I thought the same too, when damini first replied I posted explaining that it was a joke - then I thought perhaps she was somehow being sarcastic too and it was humour above my level, and that I would look silly... so I deleted it. :eek:

Then I come back to see all this!


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You know I like Bush, he may not be an intellectual, he may have had everything put on a plate for him , including the presidency.
But he's not full of shit, and when I say shit, I'm talking about that smarmy spin that lots of people mistake for intelligence and charm.
He does talk from the hip, no spin there, what spinmaster would allows such babbling shite.
He DOES believe what he says, it may be a simplistic view , but don't Yorkshire men pride themselves in calling a spade a spade.
When Bush got in power, the whole of the Washington, Celeb/Bankers/Pretty people parties that Clinton had going ended overnight.
He is a REAL President, Clinton was just a fancy PR man, it seems a lot of people are happy with that and don't like Bush.
After Sept 11th everyone said they would support the war on terrorism at any cost, yeah soon as it started inconveniencing them in the slightest, they all started moaning, short attention span/self indulgent fuckers every last one of them.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I'm currently reading a book written by Robert Baer called Sleeping with the Devil. He's an ex-CIA operative who spent most of his time in the middle east in a clandestine operations division.

His book takes a very close look at the Saoud family (the monarchy in Saudi Arabia) and their relationship with the US government over the last 30 years, especially the trade agreements the two countries have made with each other and where the astronomical amounts of money involved all ended up.

It's not quite what this thread is about but it certainly sheds light on some very serious issues and decisions that have been made over the years and the effects that they have had on current world events. If you're at all interessted in this then I strongly recommend you buy it, but it really isn't for the faint of heart.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Wile E. Coyote said:
What I was refering to was Tom excusing US POLITICS.

I don't excuse US Politics, I just point out that they're not doing anything that any other government would do/have done in similar circumstances. Unfortunately, we don't live in a utopian age, learn to live with it. People have short memories.

Re executing children, well, if those children are viscious murderers, then I'm glad someone is doing the job.

Wile E. Coyote

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yes, things are bad, they will never be better. We must learn to accept how it is, never try to work for a better world... Like good little sheep. Two legs bad, four legs good! Or was it: Arab bad, we good!

And I agree, lets kill the children convicted of murder. Its OK since the court system is never wrong... And clearly children are only small grownups. They have the same capability of reasoning as us.

Bring back lynchmobs I say! And burning of suspected witches!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
God, "children" is such an emotive term. It conjures images of pink cheeked urchins, four foot tall, being led bewildered to the executioners chair. I certainly wasn't a child at 16, and if I killed anyone at 16 I think I deserve to be treated like an adult. If you haven't formulated an understanding of right and wrong, or the concept of life, by the time you are 16 then something is deeply fundamentally wrong with you.

Wile E. Coyote

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, but the line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere. You're not old enough to drink or drive, but old enough for the state to kill you. Right... Anyway, I think capital punishment is wrong no matter how old you are. I pretty much share the view of Amnesty International on this matter.

Wile E. Coyote

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Completely off topic but: Anyone know why my signature keep disappearing in some posts?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Am I the only one who saw the Taliban executing murderers in Stadiums by hacking their heads off and though 'what a great idea!!!'

There we go again 65 'innocent' people sent to death row...yeah

That's 63 fukheads who have been wrongly accused of some crime because all their other crimes have fitted a similair pattern strong enough to convince a jury they commited that one.

People get off death row for all kinds of pathetic reasons, while the people they killed are still very dead.

Every time the word 'innocent is used, we always picture some law abiding citizen, playing with his kids, when the Police kick down his door and cart him off to death row.

That list include people who might of got off on some technicallity, but he judge went 'fukit, shoot him.'


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Your sig can only appear once per page, its to save space.

Im against capital punishment too.

Wile E. Coyote

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ah, thanks Blithering... I think I'll just remove it then (what they intended for us to do?). Just looks silly with all that blank space.

Edit: Uhh... duuh.. The blank space will still be there... Had a little "blonde" moment there... :p

Edit2: Thats some real ninja-editing there Job. So I'll edit this one again to reply, 3 posts from me in a row would be really weird.

They were aquitted because DNA evidence showed they were innocent. 65(!) people on death row were innocent. And DNA evidence is hardly a dodgy technicality. You can't fake DNA evidence... Now imagine how many that were killed that they never found out about...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Wile E. Coyote said:
Yeah, but the line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere. You're not old enough to drink or drive, but old enough for the state to kill you. Right... Anyway, I think capital punishment is wrong no matter how old you are. I pretty much share the view of Amnesty International on this matter.

tbh the country has it the wrong way round...

at 18 you are now considered sensible and mature enough to drink
at 17 you are now considered sensible and mature enough to drive
at 16 you are now considered sensible and mature enough to settle down and raise a family...



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
There used to be a cool page called Texas death row last meal requests, apparently it offended some people so it was pulled, in there you could read the crimes of all the people executed on death row, some of the most hideous, shocking acts of inhumanity you can imagine, not one single one of those evil fukers deserved to live 1 more second on this planet.

Like the black guy who broke it to a subarban house, raped the wife in front of the husband and kids then shot the husband in the head, splattering the kids with his blood, he then shot the wife, but she survived, albiet with half her head and brain missing, blind and in a wheelchair now, then raped the kids , girls and boys while there dead and half dead parents were still in the same room.
He was picked up 2 days later driving the family car, he said in his statement that he hated white people.
How on God's earth can anyone say that man deserved pity or forgivness or a second chance?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Job said:
no one is suggesting they deserve pity or a second chance but execution is such a lazy way out for the authorities and maybe an easy way out for the criminal. Also if it turns out a mistake is made a man can be freed but not brought back to life.

Wile E. Coyote

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
How on earth can you draw the conclusion that when you're against capital punishment you think what a disgusting murderer did was less bad? But in this world there are seldom clear cut cases like that. And innocent people DO get put to death for crimes they did not commit. I don't say you should let that animal who did that crime you describe lose on the streets. My god. Everything isn't either black or white.

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