The whole 1.62 LA nerf is blown way out of proportion...



705 (ib) (177 base dmg) - 40% nerf' (styled dmg) = 494 cap still

critical cap with 99% crit atm: 1402+248= 1650

crtical cap after nerf 99% crit: 983+248=1231


Originally posted by Gorbash
what utter bull.

have you ever HAD 3 zerkers on your arse before? no healer on the planet could keep you alive longer than 10 seconds.

with bof they can :p


after today i can happily say bye bye shadowblades, 3 different assasins hitting my scout with 29% slash resist for over 200 a go :)

i look forward to when your all brought back into line :)


Originally posted by old.Nol
Currently the shaman is not the most important target in the mid group, sorry if this bruises your ego mate, but in the next patch the shaman is the most important person to kill.

See, if the shaman is dead right now, healers can still endlessly sprint away because of the nature of the end buff, but next patch, kill the shaman, and healers can't sprint.

As Spamriderx :) says; False assumption really. Versus a good group shaman gets rezzed from one of the 3 healers present or pr'd, and he quickly rebuffs whilst his group mates fire a end gem/potion to serve their end needs for the time being.

Also damn hard to kill something with 3 healers healing it. 1.62 changes little for me - healers still get to die first, shammies second......end of quote :D

This is true.. Any sane mid char; healer tanks etc will have end regen pots in their inventory. if they dont then its their stupidity. Yea sure its not as good as reg4/5 but they will still regen end etc with just untill the shaman is standing up rezzed and rebuffing.

I know my inv will be full of end reg pots :)


Originally posted by old.Anubis
who cares
now every1 and his mom has 50 lvl savage

Well that doubles the number of playas right? :p LOL!

Originally posted by Vesta
Also damn hard to kill something with 3 healers healing it. 1.62 changes little for me - healers still get to die first, shammies second......end of quote

Nerf healing :p


"i got a 5 specc SB and i get hit hard with this so called nerf bat

and when i bought this game and i made my sb i did it because of
what he stand fore so did all the zergers,

is like saying your to good a player, sry but we nerf you so you must quit or build a hunter or savage.
untill we neerf them also then you can build a bone dancer
hes a new char we nerf him a little later....

and while we nerf you we try make albs hit hard even though
the are not a mele realm but we got my acconts on the alb realm.

goa sould never have played around with any of the char
they where all good, and no body whined untill that day
when they made there first change to a char,
then we got alot
of players to whine my char sucks or hes to strong.....

Tiri the soon to retire sz

btw i am roleing a hunter cant nerf the good players of mid"

Heard of a char called smiter? Same destiny, lvled mine to 50 just to see all work go away with the 1.48 patch...
Ure not the only class that has been affected by a big nerf...


Originally posted by Trinilim

While it's true that shadowblades will suffer more than zerkers, considerably so, they should still be able to hold their own as long as they discontinue the infamous DF spam.

This leaves the question open to them as to what anytime style they should use?

Well, 95% of the infils out there use Garrote and/or the tranq-wyv combo.

Consider speccing a SB as axe/LA or whatever, something with dual welding :), somewhat like an infil. High CS, low/mid LA.

After working with the character builder I've come up with the following spec, which looks like a good assassin spec. Definitely not a "always win" spec, but then again I suppose nothing is really. And this is with autotrained stealth to 40 :)

35 stealth
39 CS
7 LA
50 sword
34 poison

With +11 to all of these you'll get 46 stealth (which will be raised with realm rank), very nice damage on CS styles, very high weapon skill with sword + ragnarok (the most damaging style in the game, +damage wise), and the 2nd to last poison. Within realm rank 3 you'll get the last con/str debuff which is the most important.

So I think shadowblades will be able to compensate :), but as stormriderx said, all the FOTMs will quit and roll a new overpowered char, but all the people true to their class will stay :)

First get a clue...

Every style in LA looks the same, so if I'm using Snowblind, Doble Frost, Snowsquall, Icy Brillince, Comeback, Frosty Gaze they would all appear to you as DF. I have always used 2 qbars depending on target. Soft targets like mages or other assassins have always been DF as anytime for backup on Comeback. Against chars with more HP(IP) I have used Snowblind. If I could open up a figth with Snowsquall/Icy Brilliance or BSII(mages)/Snowsquall/Icy Brilliance I have always done so. Take a look at the screen from Sorousi and other High RR Zerker you will see that they use Snowsquall/Icy Brilliance a lot, but to you it still looks like DF. The Zerker/SB that spammed DF _all_ the time, was and still will gimp their class. So the "onebutton" DF spamming SB/Zerker is imo a myth based on the fact that styles look the same.

Your template is not bad, but not the best and with it you will have no chance against a buffed INF/NS. Typical reply from someone that obviously never have played a SB though. To try to get you to understand it I will explain it very simple to you. Take your spec and compare that to INF and you get this:

SB: 50SW/39CS/7LA
INF: 50TH/44CS/20ish_DW

Both using garotte and both manage to debuff. INF gets higher WS and has a higher DW/CS spec than the SB --> better chance of landing Dragongfang/less chance of beeing evaded/higher dmg. In addition both NS and INF swing faster, have better RA's and better BB's. So to answer you, yes a CB will still do ok vs other than INF/NS and against some classes even better, but against INF/NS forget it. Given equal equipment/RR/BB/Skill the SB simply can't compete. And while we are at it I fear high RR NS much more than INF's.


Originally posted by Pin
Most SBs lose ~10% damage on average. 44/44 SZs lose around 15%.

Get over it.

If it had only been 15% I would be ok, but it's more like 30%+. Form what I have read and tested DF does about the same dmg as Havok, abd that for sure is more than 15%


Originally posted by Pin
Most SBs lose ~10% damage on average. 44/44 SZs lose around 15%.

Get over it.

Very well put Pin.



Originally posted by sorusi
with bof they can :p

So you're saying that a well-formed, well-played Albion group NEEDS to use an RA simply to survive against an equally well-formed, well-played Midgard group?

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