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- #31
as Pin said in a thread, the nerf wont be as bad for SB's since their CS styles + dots/debuffs wont be affected, while all the zerker have is the LA styles.
Originally posted by vintervargen
as Pin said in a thread, the nerf wont be as bad for SB's since their CS styles + dots/debuffs wont be affected, while all the zerker have is the LA styles.
Originally posted by Denisée
Forgot what I was about to say. Wrote mabe 70-80 lines then totaly forgot the point of it.
But this I can say: "Compare the three assasin-classes and you will find this 30% reduce to much. Then you might say why not go on the CS-line. If you do, rethink and look on stun!"
Originally posted by gutrot
PIN - i was under the impression from logs i've seen that we were losing nearer to 30% dmg, if it was only 10/15% dmg then i could live with itwill soon see anyway....
Originally posted by old.anubis
i know how it works now and how it will work in 1.62
if you dont attack shamans now you wont attack them after patch
that's what i say
shaman is one of the key persons in good rvr group
root rox (few month ago i realised how good is root, and put it on my 1st quickbar)
disease rox (halfed heals anyone? like one of two clerics/druids is dead), especially insta on 8 seconds timer
dot on casters (together with disease) makes them panic and do funny things
ichor is very nice ra (among other midgard crap)
so if you dont realise impotance of shaman, you wont realise it after patch
and btw, shaman root is matter, in general druids dont make it more than 8%, in comparison with 24% body from warden it makes shaman root even better than healer mezz![]()
Originally posted by old.Emma
You obviously spent lots of time working this out. all that time and effort i put into seeing just how bad the nurf has affected the "average" player was all for nothing.
Wish my norse zerker could hit for 1k+ even with a decent crit ive only ever capped at 648 dmg. Yet ive been hit by CS hero`s and Polearms several times with crits for over 700 dmg.
Noticed NP are starting to use savages instead of zerkers alot now. Prolly cos Zerkers just do the damage needed now.
Just as a comparison though
Doublefrost Cap using a 4.1 spd Bastard Sword on a troll with 35 qui.
Caps at 380 dmg post 1.62
Caps at 528 dmg pre 1.62
Amethyst Slash Cap using a 4.1 spd Bastard Sword on a Highlander with 50 qui.
Caps at 396 dmg
Diamond Slash caps at 467 dmg
Now you see why zerkers become rare next patch ?
The problem is mythic has stated that Zerkers are supposed to be the only lighttank post 1.62 that should be able to go head to head vs a heavy tank and win. Problem is they can't. The only positional style they have is rear, snowsquall and rear styles have had there arch nurfed by 33% also making those styles alot harder to get off unless you are literally right behind your target.
Originally posted by sorusi
380 dmg - that gotta be one mega gimped zerker, because my friends zerker does more than that and hes semi gimped with:
he caps about ~380ish aswell, considering hes missing 6LA, and also very low RR i wouldnt expect the nerf to harm anything
also compareing with DF is quite useless since its a "anytime", anytimes are not for damage, its.... backup, positionals are suppose to be compared thats what you should be useing etc...
Originally posted by old.anubis
yea, and now you dont attack shamans because it doesnt make sence for you?
i doubt something will change, shaman will die one of the last as usual
and if you are hitting shaman instead of healer, i would tell too bad for you![]()
Originally posted by Jergiot
some1 plz tell this guys that end potions and end buff are real and not just a fairytale.
and the hole "end buff only lasts to amg", well ye its true, but its also true that u can get a new one from roaming/camping mid grps with a shaman.
Originally posted by old.anubis
who cares
now every1 and his mom has 50 lvl savage
Originally posted by bracken_woodman
The powergamers just never learn.
Originally posted by StormriderX
False assumption really. Versus a good group shaman gets rezzed from one of the 3 healers present or pr'd, and he quickly rebuffs whilst his group mates fire a end gem/potion to serve their end needs for the time being.
Also damn hard to kill something with 3 healers healing it. 1.62 changes little for me - healers still get to die first, shammies second.
Originally posted by svartmetall
Neither do those who whine when someone from another realm has the temerity to actually kill them in RvR.
Originally posted by gutrot
The issue for me as an SZ is that we will not be able to compete with the other realms assasins. I played an sz cos i liked the thought of being an assassin killer, now they pigeon hole me into being a CB, and a bit of a weak one too with only a single line respec.
Originally posted by Begach
I like the idea of a "kill all j00 bishes" class to. Don't make it fair now does it. Learn to use CS and kick mythics ass for not sorting your reactive styles out at the same time.
You could look at it like this dear boy......mythic are giving the other assasin classes a taste of what YOU had for a VERY long time.....an advantage. Bitch an whine at mythic to sort your styles out while hib/alb farm yer ass because they like the idea of being an assasin killer too.
Sorry if this is a bit harsh but shit happens. Adapt, overcome an learn to play an assasin instead of a dmg tank with stealth![]()
Originally posted by old.Nol
Ok sorry storm, so then groups won't kill the shaman first, we will run around after the warrior...any goup that leaves a guy rebuffing in the middle of the fight deserves to die. The point is, the only way you're catching the healers, is if the end regen is gone or do you have some other master strategy you plan to share with us halfwits sometime?
Originally posted by StormriderX
Also damn hard to kill something with 3 healers healing it. 1.62 changes little for me - healers still get to die first, shammies second.
Originally posted by StormriderX
Kill a shammy and people start firing end potions, thats all I'm saying.
As for catching healers - get your tanks to get pf.