The State of RvR Discussions


Nov 28, 2004
Respect others wether you like or dislike there game play

if you have issue with them us pm

If you got nothing nice to say don't say it

if you drink to much and a gimp in game don't use fh

most of all respec someone as that someone as got feelings

but slag me of as much as you wan't i dont give a shit

ps the guru as spoken


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
getting banned 3days for saying "hoho synergy signed up OLOlll1" is just retarded.

about 5replies later flim closes what could have become a great flamethread with "lets try again with less of the stupidity shall we?" as reason. pathetic

and remis example is even worse, I mean since when is it forbidden to complain on FH


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
hmm, touchy subject in some ways but.. here's my view on it:

Ban the spamtards, I couldnt really care less. Idiots posting +1 everywhere in different ways contribute with zero value and shouldnt really be allowed to do so since it destroy so many good threads. I admit I have done this on a few occasions aswell but not to the degree where I have annoyed people, nobody have ever whined on me at least. Some spam should basically be allowed but not for the sake of spamming and nothing but spam. If its someone coming with solid readable good posts aswell I think a warning is in place if its too much spam between the good posts. I cant really define a good post but I guess its a post that is worth reading, not the usual "downloading", "u suck", "ibtl", "retard +1", "etc etc".. thats just spam. Some thought should be put into posts at least, doesnt have to be an academic writing it though.

Ban the rasists, repeative foul languageusers (die irl, etc) and the ones that opens stupid silly threads (MKJ is a good example here..). This is selfexplanatory, they post pure garbage and shouldnt be allowed to post at all. MKJ stopped having comedyvalue a year ago.. after that it was just tedious to read his drunken BS.

Addwhine should be allowed, people need to ventilate somewhere, its a RVRforum and ofc people will be angry, furios, annoyed, sad, happy or something else when they press submit. All feelings should be allowed to be expressed imo, its just that simple. If a muppet post:

"Mister Spiritmaster, You fucking!!!11 fag, why did you jump me when I had 2 people on me, solo??"..

he deserve a small ban, on repeated idiocy, permban.

If he post:

"Mister Spiritmaster, next time, could you perhaps consider to let me finish my fights before you decide to jump in for some easy RPs, please?"

It is tolerable to read, it isnt offensive, its a request that belong in a RVRforum imo.

Its all about _HOW_ you write stuff down, nothing more to it. If a poster cant keep his temper and just HAVE to write down HOW much he hate another player, hes obviosly not mature enough to post and shouldnt be allowed to do so until he learnt his lesson.

Guildwhines should deffo be allowed, guilds are a huge part in DAoC and if a guild plays like shite out there, it should be allowed to whine at them in a constructive way at least. We cant really talk to them ingame, not everyone use iRC and there just isnt another mean to communicate with them.

Gratsthreads... I hate them! Since they dont belong in the RVRsection unless people are allowed to also post critisism in them aswell, that fact alone makes those completely useless. I think they are too fluffy and its just too much carebear over it.

"Grats mister leecher to rr5.. well done, go on to rr6."..
"Congratulations, well played"
"Nice one buddy, lets zerg to rr6 now!"

These are to me as provocative as my "leecherhateposts" in some gratsthreads apparently are to Flim. We just have a different view of RVR. I dislike leeching, zerging scum, Flim defends that playstyle. Nothing more to it. Why I aint allowed to whine is just weird. Admittedly I could choose wording alil better but there is no point, it all will just be deleted anyway. Its pure censorship in favour of one playstyle over another imo and this need to be changed in some way, either remove gratsposts to offtopic and keep em there for carebears or easen up the modding on them please.

I liked FH when it was more provocative, more arguments, more flaming, more of everything, nowadays its just dull and boring and too heavy moderated. Cut the spamtards and let people flame some at least, we would at least see something else than heavy moderated fkin gratsthreads then.

VN is a totally stupid forum, its unbelievable how little the mods there actually do, its a neverending flood of stupid minds creating posts, FH is starting to go too much in the totally opposite directions.

No hard feelings I hope Flim! :) I still like ya and think you do a solid job, Im fully aware that you probably have guidelines to follow and also your personal view of things which just differ alittle in very few areas overall.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
teh people have spoken. now quit locking all threads and let the flame begin!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
well said. there's an old saying about power corrupts. a bit like with politics, you have to ask yourself what kind of person is drawn to want to be a MOD...

..and what "pleasures" they derive from it :)

add a grats forum, more post editing/deleting and less thread locking and perhaps a double-check with another mod before a ban would help a little ^^


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
We have forum rules, one of which is "don't whine about adds" - I'd agree I am being fairly heavy handed on this particular rule. That's intentional and it's in response to every grats thread on this forum for at least a fortnight before I did being filled with really quite hideous and nasty personal attacks, all starting with "omgz well added meightors!"

Maybe its because they are no fun to play with they get that responce , afterall they are doing a "omgz i r0x i got arpeh's" post.

some people are definently more fun to play with than others , and i see it as direct insult to not let people know if they are no fun to play with.

Next time it could be their kids they play a game with.:)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Konah said:
well said. there's an old saying about power corrupts. a bit like with politics, you have to ask yourself what kind of person is drawn to want to be a MOD...

You have to ask yourself why you feel its necessary to ask that question.

In answer to your question I would guess its the same reason that people become policemen/women, they have a sence of duty to protect the defenceless from anarchy, assist in answering questions and generally being helpful people.

I would guess that the people who assume all people who take positions of responsibility mearly lust for power should turn their perception back at themselves to see what type of people they really are to be able to come to that conclusion.

Being my father was a "bobby on the beat" for 25 years i know exactly the type of person gives up his/her free time to help others with nothing but grief and abuse for their sacrifice.

Try to have a little more respect for those that give rather than take, put yourself in their shoes and analyse your own comments objectivly and you will see why they reacted as they do.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
while sometimes i think the mods need to relax a little they are the ones that do the modding, following the rules of jup, its his forum, not ours. if someone would make an alternative then great, but for the moment we have to follow the forum owners rules.


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
i really hate those gratz treats, and love these stories out from the frontiers when someone had a good fight or a bad one, even zerg whines should have there part here.
And discussion about OP classes are really needed to give feedback for all the players,and maybe developers and producers sees them also to see what gone wrong what right.


Loyal Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Ging said:
You have to ask yourself why you feel its necessary to ask that question.

In answer to your question I would guess its the same reason that people become policemen/women, they have a sence of duty to protect the defenceless from anarchy, assist in answering questions and generally being helpful people.

I would guess that the people who assume all people who take positions of responsibility mearly lust for power should turn their perception back at themselves to see what type of people they really are to be able to come to that conclusion.

Being my father was a "bobby on the beat" for 25 years i know exactly the type of person gives up his/her free time to help others with nothing but grief and abuse for their sacrifice.

Try to have a little more respect for those that give rather than take, put yourself in their shoes and analyse your own comments objectivly and you will see why they reacted as they do.

Agree 100%


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Personally this no add whine policy on fh is somewhat of a white elephant. Whilst we've argued time and time and again about the way of playing the game and how it works for all, what seems to happen is that almost the whole forum is based around falling out or scoring moral points over one and other. No problem with falling out, or giving credit where its due for anyone in any part of the game. The problem is that nearly everything is about the same thing and there's rarely anything ever constructive.

Take VFs video guide as an example. I dont know the guy, grouped once I think, but it was a nice guide and also got a lot of contributions from people from differing realms offering additional pointers. Then you got people whining he'd done it for reputation points and some of the posts went down the inevitable road of e-peen fencing. There was even whine that it was in the wrong section and we had differing opinions posted about that.

In that regard almost the whole content of the forums is basically assinine whine/argument and opinions of what/why/when/who/dont do again/get lost etc etc. Most of Ethilds post is based on frustrations and was a fair post.

Grats threads are a strange one. I dont read any about anyone I dont know and I only post when I feel that person deserves an acknowledgement. Then again we could probably lose the grats threads or just have a sort of roll of honour or something as a locked thread and someone adds xxx player to certain realm rank. The only thing is that you cant really acknowledge a good enemy player getting a worthy acheivement unless you both use irc. Most enemies deserve respect for the way they fight, some you have fought against for years and I just see it as a nod of the head, well done, now I'm gonna kill ya next time kind of thing.

So the more rules you make, sometimes the more awkward things become.

I really find it silly that some of the same people seem to come to the forum to defend running a collective zerg through agramon to ruin the stuff that happens there. Whilst it doesnt have a no entry sign to non full groups, its obvious that people from all realms are trying to utilise it for that sort of action. So with all the losses to the server through the classic situation, its been the case that people from all realms post if they are going to battle. Those that just go there as a zerg just do to wind people up and then the forum mods kick in on their side quoting the no add whine rules. Thats how it appears to a lot of people and therefore we have this debate about it. We then get the CS comments and then the l33t comments and the hitherto epeen ping pong between the two. What tends to happen then is another group breaks and doesnt come back, leaves for good and the game experience for everyone starts to lesson.

In the end the whole forum basically becomes worthless. There are obvious other areas to go, which as they always point out, no-one can make them avoid agramon, but nearly every night there's action around some keep/zone in some realm, yet we can clearly see who goes where just to ruin stuff. That the mods then say hey mate you just whined about adds, means that xxx poster gets banned and the griefers carry on.

The daft thing is we can all try and solo, we can all try and run opted, we can all try and run random pugs with 4 bards and we can all join a bg for keepstuff. We will all have random success or lack of. The problem is when everything is about arguing, hatred, flames, epeens, pointless pics of stuff, then ultimately, log , one more less person playing and eventually the circle is complete.

So fine, what BC said, sometimes good to argue/flame, and some of the pics are funny but usually over done, hence the forums become pretty much like the game experience.

In a time when the cluster is trying to pick up from losing so many players and friends, its just another negative that can be avoided.

Shikes post is good as is Gings. I can see the mods pov on most of the stuff but this policy on add whine is not in keeping with the rest of the rules. It comes squarely down on one side of the fence, rather than being impartial and it that regard it just encourages grief.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
Regular Freddie Join Date: 20th Nov 2005
Posts: 0

instead of using Lockorators. use a forced bad language filter like has. it forbids you to use words & some word combinations like die,dick,.. . it might be easy to avoid if you start writing like: "f*cking d*ck" . but the insult completly looses it's effect when you write it like that.

unmoderated forums (bw) wasn't perfect , but atleast you could laugh with a few posts/threads each day.. Since FH i've never dropped a tear of joy.

posts like : do make a forum fun. if this was posted on FH it would have been deleted.

Ah! So that's what Haggus looks like :fluffle:


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
Supermod Promote

hey mods,

ive an great idea.

promote me 2 a Supermod just 1 day? :)

i know what u think now.

but seriously, i wouldnt do any shit, could this eys lie? ok u cant see my eys but if u could u would know :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Agree 100% with the threadstarter.

But do remember the quality of the threads is directly affected by the age and mentality of the usercrowd.

So it all makes sense in a way. I belong to that mass myself. However I'm 100% sure that if the majority change so will I. A start would be to take the whine and grats somewhere else like ingame or on IRC.


>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Himse said:
Maybe there would be less of a whine if Mythic put rvr back to OF ? :<

Most of the whine is due to adding on bridges and being zerged on bridges bla bla, i read FH when OF was around and it was a much better place ...(just after it started up after BW :( )

/agree givf OF back something that worth tbh after all this patch crap

/roleplaying off (keeps towers crap)

Givf rvr givf something good

but all this is a joke really it never gonna be happen and this game never gonna change to good except some pve things that working on

so......... continue the discussion :/ ignore me


Aug 25, 2005
>.< Pooned said:
/agree givf OF back something that worth tbh after all this patch crap

/roleplaying off (keeps towers crap)

Givf rvr givf something good

but all this is a joke really it never gonna be happen and this game never gonna change to good except some pve things that working on

so......... continue the discussion :/ ignore me

How about you do us all a favour, and /givf off?



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
lol....its just helerious to see all these whine threads poping up in frustration over not being able to whine and throw as much shit as you wish on ur fellow epeen players.Its the same people that whine that flame each other over and over again(with a few exceptions). And your even acting so high and mighty that you think you are owning this forum. How about just accepting that you are a guest here like everyone else and have to accept the rules here as muchg as everywhere else?
its like in daoc...some things rules there too. And you guys have the same frustration over that. You seem to start whine and cry as soon as you cant do exactly like you want.
And like teenage punk rockers some starts to try and instigate a little rebellion against, whoever tries to dare govern them or decide anything for them in any way lol, or try and turn everyone against whoever the poor people are that are trying to moderate this on their free time.

And this constant will to talk about adding and ur frustration over that. You are saying the modds are taking that "zergers" side:p
Whos side is that? All the people who whine over that, are themself acused over and over by their honorable peers from rr heaven of adding and zerging every single add whine post.
My guess is that 90% of the people that whine here have irc anyhow, and since you usually ends up whining on the people on there, why not take care of that there instead? The modds set up these rules and its nothing you can do about it, more then accept it or leave for another forum.
And if you now just have to get in touch with a non irc user that have(shudder) added on you...or made you loose(shudder) in the most disgracefull way,..then try make a pm? or do as alot of people started doing lately, x realm a bit and logg on ur other realm character and pm there:p
Seriously....bunch of cry babies...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
Regular Freddie Join Date: 5th Mar 2004
Posts: 0

lol....its just helerious to see all these whine threads poping up in frustration over not being able to whine and throw as much shit as you wish on ur fellow epeen players.Its the same people that whine that flame each other over and over again(with a few exceptions). And your even acting so high and mighty that you think you are owning this forum. How about just accepting that you are a guest here like everyone else and have to accept the rules here as muchg as everywhere else?
its like in daoc...some things rules there too. And you guys have the same frustration over that. You seem to start whine and cry as soon as you cant do exactly like you want.
And like teenage punk rockers some starts to try and instigate a little rebellion against, whoever tries to dare govern them or decide anything for them in any way lol, or try and turn everyone against whoever the poor people are that are trying to moderate this on their free time.

And this constant will to talk about adding and ur frustration over that. You are saying the modds are taking that "zergers" side:p
Whos side is that? All the people who whine over that, are themself acused over and over by their honorable peers from rr heaven of adding and zerging every single add whine post.
My guess is that 90% of the people that whine here have irc anyhow, and since you usually ends up whining on the people on there, why not take care of that there instead? The modds set up these rules and its nothing you can do about it, more then accept it or leave for another forum.
And if you now just have to get in touch with a non irc user that have(shudder) added on you...or made you loose(shudder) in the most disgracefull way,..then try make a pm? or do as alot of people started doing lately, x realm a bit and logg on ur other realm character and pm there:p
Seriously....bunch of cry babies...

Eb You're a star
Rep baby rep :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
ebenezer said:
lol....its just helerious to see all these whine threads poping up in frustration over not being able to whine and throw as much shit as you wish on ur fellow epeen players.Its the same people that whine that flame each other over and over again(with a few exceptions). And your even acting so high and mighty that you think you are owning this forum. How about just accepting that you are a guest here like everyone else and have to accept the rules here as muchg as everywhere else?
its like in daoc...some things rules there too. And you guys have the same frustration over that. You seem to start whine and cry as soon as you cant do exactly like you want.
And like teenage punk rockers some starts to try and instigate a little rebellion against, whoever tries to dare govern them or decide anything for them in any way lol, or try and turn everyone against whoever the poor people are that are trying to moderate this on their free time.

And this constant will to talk about adding and ur frustration over that. You are saying the modds are taking that "zergers" side:p
Whos side is that? All the people who whine over that, are themself acused over and over by their honorable peers from rr heaven of adding and zerging every single add whine post.
My guess is that 90% of the people that whine here have irc anyhow, and since you usually ends up whining on the people on there, why not take care of that there instead? The modds set up these rules and its nothing you can do about it, more then accept it or leave for another forum.
And if you now just have to get in touch with a non irc user that have(shudder) added on you...or made you loose(shudder) in the most disgracefull way,..then try make a pm? or do as alot of people started doing lately, x realm a bit and logg on ur other realm character and pm there:p
Seriously....bunch of cry babies...

you absolutely missed point of discussion ? , this is not about wether FH has right to use what ever ruleset they want for modding these forums , noone is arguing about that.

were are discussing wether current ruleset is beneficial or detrimental , as in pro's and con's , you know discussion , exchange of wievs etc.

you might think im a crybaby or a teenage punk rocker , hell you might even be right (sex pistols were hot when i were young , so were wahwah pedals) , but has it anything to do with the discussion of the no add-whine policy ?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
the no-add whine is really just an anti-flaming policy, we've just highlighted that the insult of "adder" is not allowed ;) mainly because it was being spammed in almost every grats thread on the bloody boards.

It was only a small minority of posters doing this as well btw. and they'd post it in every single thread.

You're allowed to discuss adding or not - that's fine - it's just the use of the word "adder" as an insult that's at the wrong end of the FH CoC.

i.e. a thread like:
"Why do people add? I don't get it, I like fair fights, why do people have to spoil them?"
is perfectly fine.

A thread like:

"FAO: Zergmeister you're such an adder"
is not.

In a similar vein threads like:

"Why do people cheat?" is good as long as no names are mentioned.

"FAO: Haxxor, you're such a cheator"
is not.

or possibly:

"Why do people play overpowered warlocks?" = good
"FAO: Whorelock I hate you you suck no skill loser" = bad :)

At the end of the day - if you think a thread was unfairly locked/nuked if you think someone got unfairly banned you can PM me or another mod to ask about it or to state your case.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Tuorin said:
Those that just go there as a zerg just do to wind people up and then the forum mods kick in on their side quoting the no add whine rules. Thats how it appears to a lot of people and therefore we have this debate about it. We then get the CS comments and then the l33t comments and the hitherto epeen ping pong between the two. What tends to happen then is another group breaks and doesnt come back, leaves for good and the game experience for everyone starts to lesson.

Nice post. If we were to get anything out of this thread it would have to be along the lines of the adding discussion because that is where the heart of the problem lies. What has dumbstruck me several times is that whilst there have been some really good posts on the subject that more often than not people use the atmosphere of the board and especially the issue of adding to flame and so on. Just like ebenezer has said and that is what the Mods seem to want to deal with and frankly they are doing a good job.

As for running 2fgs in Agramon tbh I agree it is depressing to be out on a night trying to enjoy the game as a group and then to get hit by 2 fg's of very high rr players. It usually is fine if it happens elsewhere especially on bridges and at the entrance to Agramon, but when your in Agramon it generally speaking is very bad form. I just wish those people who do it would try running as seperate FG's for once and try not disrupting other fights. I would never have been able to say that a while ago but now I can see what people mean by it and I do respect what they are saying.

But so long as the adding discussion happens in a vicious personalised attack you have no hope of ever being able to constructively speak to the guys who are doing it. I would like to be able to send them here but the bitching just does not allow you to post it because those same idiots are going to come into that thread and turn it into a negative thread and you will get no-where. Worse in fact you would have started a flaming session on the guys you are trying to get through to. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
The last straw for me was when Mids recently had Eras.
This is roughly from memory.
3 groups of albs were attacking 2 groups of mids near t1 which was razed -
1 of the albs groups disengaged to attack a group of hibs coming out of the water just as the last mids went down.
We joined them in killing the hibs.
They abused us for adding.

I used this forum for info and entertainment
Then recently (since cluster tbh) our guild was getting abused for it's play style - realm vs realm - kill anything with a red name
We as a guild were always happy to help lower realm mates find there feet
we never shouted abuse and we never intimidated
and often times we had more than 8 people on, so we ran together.

So what right do you have to come on here and bitch and about our play style? Start your own forum and go and whine there


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
I think this thread should be closed as there is so much content in it at this stage :p and just have a sticky of EXACTLY whats allowed with referance to flims post about whats tolerable.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Ging said:
whats the success rate of the appeals film? :)

Not really kept many statistics on it ;) but if people have a point and they PM me about it things get unbanned/unlocked. (e.g. jjuraa the other day ;) unfair ban that one - got sorted the moment I read the PM)

not many people PM though - they seem to prefer writing big anti-mod whine threads instead :) (or flaming in otherwise reasoned discussions)


my personal theory about adding/zerging hypocracy is that the biggest part of the daoc population are people with one fault or another, may it be in their personality/environment/family etcetera.

*note: this is not meant as an insult, just the fact of my oppinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
#175 Today, 02:42 PM

we have all the right that you have when you add

Your wrong
There's nothing in Mystic's CoC about adding
FH CoC says you can't bitch about adding
please abide by the rules


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Ronso said:
I think this thread should be closed as there is so much content in it at this stage :p and just have a sticky of EXACTLY whats allowed with referance to flims post about whats tolerable.

most people seem to be able to understand what's allowed and what's not - there's a big sticky at the top of the forum that says what's not allowed ;)

It's really not tricky.

However I think you're right that this thread has probably reached the end of its useful time here.

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