The RVR community: A plea for diversity


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
censi said:
can you be more specific when you say your going to lighten up on the add stuff?

Do you mean we can discuss and acuse people of adding as long as we do it in a non agressive sensible way without profanity?

ie saying "you added on me 30 mins ago when figthing Jonathan the Wizard" is ok.

That's too accusatory, if you want to talk about adding and have people say whether or not they will add or not that's fine. "You added on me" is just going to end up in flames within about 5 posts.

I'll need to have a think about where to draw the line. Accusations are still bad, if it's hostile it's bad.

Edit: I guess in the interim the above could be left without a warning however I fully expect any thread with something like that to be useless within 30 minutes. We can see ;) an experiment.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Tuorin said:
Sadly we have had these discussions umpteen times before Sharkith, you made a decent attempt to generate dialogue over issues.

Actually the last time this was discussed the one person (singular, only ever seen one person suggest it) who suggested going to agramon to zerg it and annoy the fgers for whining was persuaded halfway through the thread that it wasn't a good idea.

There was then some sort of consensus amongst the posters that the fgs would go to agramon and those of us who read FH and didn't want to join in the 8v8 would avoid it or if we went to agramon try not to add on their fights.

In return they'd not whine if they were added on in the normal zones (e.g. around an IrvR keep).

A week later the person mentioned above was being whined at in full view of bolg in insta rvr for "adding" on someone's 8v8 fight.

As far as I know he's not arranged a zerg to go to agramon for "revenge" yet ;) (he seemed to be convinced that was a bad idea even for revenge).

The impetus is unfortunately for you not on the "zerglings" most of whom don't read FH to sort things out. It's on the 8v8ers to go find their own place, much in the same way the soloers tried to create their solo zone (i'm not sure how much success it's had lately though). If you want to sort out some sort of code between yourselves as to how to behave on agramon that's probably a good start - if you can think of some way of dealing with accidental adding from a signup fg which doesn't just turn into "well you once added on me" "yeah but you added on our healer" "ahh but you killed me solo once" - the sanctions listed on that thread are a good example - you'll probably do far more for creating an environment to hunt your fair fights in than any amount of add whine someone could post in a grats thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
There was then some sort of consensus amongst the posters that the fgs would go to agramon and those of us who read FH and didn't want to join in the 8v8 would avoid it or if we went to agramon try not to add on their fights.

In return they'd not whine if they were added on in the normal zones (e.g. around an IrvR keep).

A week later the person mentioned above was being whined at in full view of bolg in insta rvr for "adding" on someone's 8v8 fight.

As far as I know he's not arranged a zerg to go to agramon for "revenge" yet ;) (he seemed to be convinced that was a bad idea even for revenge).

You are tarring me with the brush that I am part of the 8 vs 8 scene and simplifying the argument to an extent that its one basic issue. It is not and neither am I making a pitch for the 8 vs 8s.

I'm subjectively trying to tell you, that your policy is open to abuse, as you yourself have seen a thread where this is suggested and even though as you say it might not have happened (yet) after that thread. It happened many times before and people moaned about adds, people got banned, people got warned, nothing happened to those that zerged in Agramon. To zerg in Agramon is not a crime and I'm not saying it is. However if someone mentions they have been zerged in Agramon, he's up the garden path.

Your policy is that you wont tolerate "add whine" (simplified it to two words) but your policy allows those that wish to, to go and spoil. Again its been said many times, most of these people who bang on about "I have been griefed by xxx cos they told me I was an adding whatever" can now operate with the support of the FH policy, regardless of how they rvr.

Simplified even further...

X has just been killed by 90 people 10 times in 5 minutes.
X points it out on the forums.
90 people say play the game get over it and lol we're gonna zerg you again, cya in 1 minute.
X calls them adders.
90 people call it griefing
Mod bans X.
90 people go on playing their rvr.
X pms 1 of the 90 people with why do you have to zerg me.
1 of the 90 people complain
X gets banned and so on.
90 people go on rvring with the full support of the Fh forum policy to go do what they want safe in the knowledge that the Mods will clamp down on that person who dared complain.

I've took it to an exteme, can you see where that policy might be flawed in some circumstances?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
This is my last post in this thread. Not because it has been bad or that I am dissappointed to the contrary the job is done. Just a few concluding comments if anyone wants to discuss anything else go ahead I will read it but I can't say I will be replying any more.

To Tuorin and others who have constructed the 8 vs 8 project in the space of this game.

I am glad to be part of that and I am glad you have seen fit to develop a space where the game can be enjoyed in that way. I am also glad that despite some difficulties with some individuals and groups 'not getting it' that in fact I can and do enjoy that thing. To have constructed that is an achievement that neither Mythic nor GOA nor FH has done its something beyond all of those and it is an achievement of a community working for itself. Keep it going it is an unfinished project. Its clear that we need to actually be a little better organised and clearer in what it is we stand for. I would suggest requesting space to develop that project in a place where the sentiment towards our project is more liberal. Thats an open invitation to all who want to bring their guilds into full group RvR please come over there and lets start thinking about how this can be done for everyone.

To those who haven't quite got it remember the project is open to all and all are encouraged to join. You should however pay attention to what people tell you and stop trying to change that project for your own aims. Many of the controversial people on this have remained silent I hope your thinking and thinking hard.

On moderation bias
This was something I avoided from my first reply to Flim. That was because I wanted to deal with what I see as the bigger issue. My initial post did create space for the moderation debate. I know it did. To me it was not the bigger issue to others it is fundamental to the issue because they want to come here and communicate with everyone. We really should just listen to that and I am certain Flim that both you and the mods are listening. If you want good quality debate and you want a better forum you need to encourage these exchanges rules won't do that.

Like I said right at the start in this very thread we are and have been almost totally throughout in this thread in community. The fact that the moderation discussions have been ongoing I hope has engaged and challenged you Flim and that you can be encouraged to revise some of the things that are happening. It is extremely interesting that certain parties have either had to or have decided as a matter of policy to avoid further discussion. Just be careful that your not being manipulated because of your views ;). To those parties I would once more indicate that you very earnestly need to engage seriously and stop hiding.

Film I do feel you are somewhat biased against the 8 v's 8 project within this community. I think that is because that project has been misrepresented by what I see as the old guard of the old FH. Here I am referring to the whiners and the trolls some of whom really ought to realise just how stupid they sound sometimes. I dunno but we do need you to think carefully about it. What has happened here is that you and some of the others who have deliberately for what ever reason (I think it was defensive) have gone and happily stereotyped us. That has now been exposed as just that and you will no longer get away with the pretence that you are neutral observers in all of this. I can promise you this is just the start.

The notice on the stereotype of the full group community has now been served by many of the very good contributions from the full group community. You should be very very careful about labelling and misrepresenting them in future.

As for moderation rules.
I am from a political persuasion that there is a kind of violence in censorship. As soon as you have to censor someone being in community is destroyed. Lots of people have pointed this out. To do it at the expsnes of one group against another is potentially worse. Remember there are no neutral observers in this and no-one has a special claim to being right. In this case it was an accident and thats ok - like adding shit happens :).

Flim my final comment is reserved for you. To some extent Slayn totally pwned you in this thread that is because he was able to expose the bias you have. You told him to take the moderation issues here (stupid thread by people who should know better) you know full well that both Slayns contributions to this thread and the forums over the last few days have been good and should be admired. To then push him to go and represent them in the context of what to me was the epitome of the old freddys house is potentially a disservice to both Slayn and yourself. I thought better of you until you did this. OK we all get impatient but that was simply wrong. However I see you are moderating your views slightly in the face of the many challenges - that can only be good for FH.

I feel strongly that censorship is a kind of violence, it belong in totalitarian states and places where people are intolerant. Forcing a group to be silent when they are clearly in community with each other is a violence. You can see that now that many very good people have decided to respond here that notice has been served to FH. Lets hope it gets better.

kind regards



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Tuorin said:
you yourself have seen a thread where this is suggested and even though as you say it might not have happened (yet) after that thread.

It was me who originally suggested that - and if you'd read the thread you'd see how it developed. Ultimately it led to a common consensus that Agramon would be left alone for fg rvr. And personally if a group of people purposely go there with the intention of griefing and adding on every fight while knowing that Agramon is where fg's go then I'd fully expect you to be able to complain about that on here.

Sharkith said:
/snip Forcing a group to be silent when they are clearly in community with each other is a violence /snip

Sharkith you wrote a very eloquent and well constructed post. Unfortunately, in between the excellent grammar it still basically comes across as the same old whine. Which is that people should be able to criticise others for adding. Not that there can be a discussion about adding in Agramon, or a discussion amongst those who say they want fg rvr but who don't then stick to it, but that you want to be able to criticise individual people for adding regardless of where that is. Correct me if I've got that wrong but that's how it seems - in which case you've "added" (if you'll excuse the pun) nothing new. Which is a shame because such well constructed prose deserves more original content ;)

I think using where you can go and "discuss" adds to your heart's content is an excellent idea btw.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Sharkith said:
Flim my final comment is reserved for you. To some extent Slayn totally pwned you in this thread that is because he was able to expose the bias you have. You told him to take the moderation issues here (stupid thread by people who should know better) you know full well that both Slayns contributions to this thread and the forums over the last few days have been good and should be admired. To then push him to go and represent them in the context of what to me was the epitome of the old freddys house is potentially a disservice to both Slayn and yourself. I thought better of you until you did this. OK we all get impatient but that was simply wrong. However I see you are moderating your views slightly in the face of the many challenges - that can only be good for FH.

I feel strongly that censorship is a kind of violence, it belong in totalitarian states and places where people are intolerant. Forcing a group to be silent when they are clearly in community with each other is a violence. You can see that now that many very good people have decided to respond here that notice has been served to FH. Lets hope it gets better.

You see, this is where the confusion is ;) I can't tell the difference between the "good" 8v8ers and the "bad" 8v8ers. People who claim to be the former are accused of being the latter by others and have posted plenty fo bile in the past.

You're distancing yourself from these people here and claiming the add-whine 8v8er is a stereotype - that's a good thing to distinguish but I think we need to clarify who you're including in your 8v8 community as people who I'd include in that (e.g. Infanity - would you say he's part of your community?) have been very vocal and abusive in-game and on this board before.

You say that the other thread is about old FH guard - but I read the responses and I see people who've been championing the 8v8 cause on here and in game for years. You can't come along and say you're part of that cause without associating yourself with them unless you go out of your way to distance yourself from that.

Gonna post another thread on this issue, as it's something that needs to be debated but I think I'm unclear on who you're representing and what exactly your complaint is, and this thread is going around in circles because of that.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
thats bascally what i was saying..

theres 2 camps those that think its right to add and those that dont.

In your in the camp that doesnt you get a few less RP's, you get less kills in your title. but the positives, you get a lot of respect from enemies and those ones that see you not add on them tend to payback the favour when fighting, and you tend to get nice comments and feedback from the community.

If your in the camp that does add you get a few more RP's, you get more kills in your title. but the negatives, you tend to get less respect from enemies, and you tend to get bad comments and feedback from the community.

Moderation should not stop you planting bad feedback on a player in a thread. Moderation should moderate any profanity and personal insults from that thread.

thats the worse thing with these gratz threads that come from people "the community" has zero respect for because of the way they have conducted themselves out there. You can say anything bad.

this is like the worst thing you could ever do to an RVR forum. We have seen from past posts that when a respected player (fg solo or whatever) makes a gratz, theres absolutly zero whine or QQ, its just like a mass spammage of joy and positive comment. That shows you that "the community" is not like just nasty to people for the sake of being nasty. People who get shit slung at them deserve it, and they know they deserve it prior to making their gratz post (they dont care they just want as much of "the community" to see it as possible)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Bracken said:
It was me who originally suggested that - and if you'd read the thread you'd see how it developed. Ultimately it led to a common consensus that Agramon would be left alone for fg rvr. And personally if a group of people purposely go there with the intention of griefing and adding on every fight while knowing that Agramon is where fg's go then I'd fully expect you to be able to complain about that on here.

Yep it did and its conclusion was good really, it showed despite player preferences of how they choose to play, that common decency on everyones behalf is still valued and respected.

Thats what I'm saying, the policy on here doesn't allow anyone to "point out" in a decent sort of way that someone has purposefully gone and spoiled. Its exacerbated further that the moderation policy can come down harder on the "pointer out".

Fair play however to Flim as he has been contemplating making adjustments to the policy, with sensible precautions in place to stop xxxx going off into insult mode or degenerating into the usual rubbish we all really want to avoid.

I'll go read the thread. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
censi said:
thats bascally what i was saying..

theres 2 camps those that think its right to add and those that dont.

In your in the camp that doesnt you get a few less RP's, you get less kills in your title. but the positives, you get a lot of respect from enemies and those ones that see you not add on them tend to payback the favour when fighting, and you tend to get nice comments and feedback from the community.

If your in the camp that does add you get a few more RP's, you get more kills in your title. but the negatives, you tend to get less respect from enemies, and you tend to get bad comments and feedback from the community.

Moderation should not stop you planting bad feedback on a player in a thread. Moderation should moderate any profanity and personal insults from that thread.

thats the worse thing with these gratz threads that come from people "the community" has zero respect for because of the way they have conducted themselves out there. You can say anything bad.

this is like the worst thing you could ever do to an RVR forum. We have seen from past posts that when a respected player (fg solo or whatever) makes a gratz, theres absolutly zero whine or QQ, its just like a mass spammage of joy and positive comment. That shows you that "the community" is not like just nasty to people for the sake of being nasty. People who get shit slung at them deserve it, and they know they deserve it prior to making their gratz post (they dont care they just want as much of "the community" to see it as possible)

First of all i wanna say that the reason the "respected " player doesnt get any whine, is cause the "adders" dont care about them:p Nor do they have any reasons to whine since they dont know the person nor do they care what they do in game. On other hand if the "adder" gets a thread it get flames to pieces by the very predictable people that always whines. So that isnt a big mystery and it isnt cause the "respected " people are so much more liked in game. Ofc they can be liked but hopefully people with some intelect will like them for being a nice guy and not for what opinion they have in a game:p
Then i wanna make a commentabout respect and what people do think one another in game. You might have claimed respect from you enemies and they might "like" you whether they know you or not. And you might get nice feedback from that. But alooooong time now i hib i heard so much shit about you. Many people think ur a whiner, and have been an asshole to plenty of people. I never had a problem with you personally. But from seing what you write here on FH sometimes im not really sure i like what i see. You can write a decent comment a time, and then suddenly something so radical and venomuos pops up one would think you truned in to Mr Hyde all of a sudden.

So, my conclusion is this. Many in ur own realm doesnt care for you a lot, but your enemies seems to like you though some havent talked to you. I would rather be respected and liked by people i have closer to me, but your crusade against adding wont alow that im afraid. I know you have ur friends allready and prolly have no need for more, or thats what i predict you to say.
What im saying is, you get respect from people that are allready ur anyone can do that. The hard part is earning recpect from people that are not ur friends( and im not talking about silly ingame respect).

I think that is part of one of the problems here in daoc right now, or at least on these boards. Cause as i know many many people in game wont care about what any of us are writing here. The problem im talking about is that the people that mostly whine about adding and whine over anything in this game, doesnt really have any need for a comunity. They just wanna play solo....or fg rvr or whatever they have as their thing in game. They wouldnt mind if everyone else disapeared and they could continue playing daoc just the way they liked,,,with only their friends and nothing else left. And thats why they also abuse, cause since they dont care about anyone not playing their game, why bother being polite or nice to someone they dont even want around them in the first place.
So sharkith and rest that wanna discuss this in a good way. I think as long as the solo/fg people or anyone with their own private agenda doesnt realise that they have to spend the rest of there daoc days with the other people in game, we cant have a meaningfull dialog on this forum. My only sugestion to make everyone happy is that people like censi and his respected buddies make their own forum. And that the fg peolle that wanna discuss amongst themself make an own forum. Cause as long as some people wont care about anything else then their own little rules and playstyle we wont make any progress on these forums....
over and out..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I must say this thread is very interesting and has been kept at a reasonably adult level.

There are some people here that need some real help. psychologically too.

Its a game played with virtual icons, for unreal prestige cash and kudos.

Getting the arse with someone who in theory doesnt exist for adding on your no existent fight is just plain BONKERS.

Its a Game, we strive to better our selves in the game...(well chuffed as finally got last piece of my template) but it all means jack shit if GoA decide they done wanna run the servers and close them down......


nice thread shark......

film your right but in a wrong way...or was it wrong but in a right way.

either way nothing is gonna change unless people relax and enjoy...1v1 8v8 rvr in the end who cares as long as the enemy dies ~:p


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Sollac said:
I must say this thread is very interesting and has been kept at a reasonably adult level.

There are some people here that need some real help. psychologically too.

Its a game played with virtual icons, for unreal prestige cash and kudos.

Getting the arse with someone who in theory doesnt exist for adding on your no existent fight is just plain BONKERS.

Its a Game, we strive to better our selves in the game...(well chuffed as finally got last piece of my template) but it all means jack shit if GoA decide they done wanna run the servers and close them down......


nice thread shark......

film your right but in a wrong way...or was it wrong but in a right way.

either way nothing is gonna change unless people relax and enjoy...1v1 8v8 rvr in the end who cares as long as the enemy dies ~:p

People don't get wound up about the fight, they get wound up because it's their time in their hobby which is being ruined.

For example, in my house we have one of those stupid digital tv boxes that work on a really bad antenna. Because we live in a valley, whenever a car drives up/down our road, the signal screws up and we can loose the picture and/or the sound for periods of time. Luckily enough, it's a quiet road but there is a chav up the road who likes to sit there revving engines in his driveway, of course disrupting the tv.

Television is no different then daoc. Should we not get annoyed because the tv isn't 'real'? Should we not get annoyed that we've waited an hour for a nice equal fight in game and it's just steamrolled from one or the other side?

To say that you should cut your emotions off from it just because it isn't 'real' is the bonkers part. It's no less real then any hobby which you spend time in for fun :p

But then again, I'm the kind of person that values things by time, not in a monetery fashion.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
kirennia said:
People don't get wound up about the fight, they get wound up because it's their time in their hobby which is being ruined.

That is purely because they have created their own expectations about a game that isn't shared by the majority of players. If the game was marketed as "Experience the thrill of full group fights free from interference" then it would be understandable. But it isn't. It's marketed and sold as "Experience realm versus realm". That's how the majority of people play it. If people get wound up because they have created their own expectations of a game which subsequently isn't met due to the majority not sharing that view then it's their own fault. The rest of us don't have to put up with the fact that they aren't emotionally able to handle their frustrations.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
kirennia said:
People don't get wound up about the fight, they get wound up because it's their time in their hobby which is being ruined.

For example, in my house we have one of those stupid digital tv boxes that work on a really bad antenna. Because we live in a valley, whenever a car drives up/down our road, the signal screws up and we can loose the picture and/or the sound for periods of time. Luckily enough, it's a quiet road but there is a chav up the road who likes to sit there revving engines in his driveway, of course disrupting the tv.

Television is no different then daoc. Should we not get annoyed because the tv isn't 'real'? Should we not get annoyed that we've waited an hour for a nice equal fight in game and it's just steamrolled from one or the other side?

To say that you should cut your emotions off from it just because it isn't 'real' is the bonkers part. It's no less real then any hobby which you spend time in for fun :p

But then again, I'm the kind of person that values things by time, not in a monetery fashion.

Its not about getting anoyed or letting emotions flow i think. I get anoyed and frustrated many times during game.As i do with some hobbies as well. But never to the point that i have to let it out over a person. Cause that i dont even do most of the time in rl when something anoys me in supermarket or such. And im pretty sure most people with some clue as to how social life works. No you swallow it most of the time cause you realise it isnt anything to get worked up over. In daoc ofc you dont have to take a rl consequence most of the time for who and what ur abusing someone over. And i think that is the main reason people go to that length.If people would go on in rl as they do in daoc sometimes we would have neighbours and people in food ques at supermarket killing eachother all the time.
But..some emotions are just sane:)
over and out..


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
You see, this is where the confusion is ;) I can't tell the difference between the "good" 8v8ers and the "bad" 8v8ers. People who claim to be the former are accused of being the latter by others and have posted plenty fo bile in the past.

You say that the other thread is about old FH guard - but I read the responses and I see people who've been championing the 8v8 cause on here and in game for years. You can't come along and say you're part of that cause without associating yourself with them unless you go out of your way to distance yourself from that.


I find it truly incomprehensible that you can't make the distinction between the good and the bad 8v8'ers. FFS, just ask anyone who's ever RvR'ed on pryd. I am a terrible 8v8'er It's like asking if kerosene is a good fire extinguisher.

On a serious note. I do see how hard it is to distinguish between two groups. On one hand you have the very real risk that people will make posts that lead to endless slagging matches and abuse. On the other hand you have another bunch of people, generally posting in the same thread, who have a strong desire to forge some consensus over what they reckon is an important ingame issue, and who are highly sensitive to any interference with that.

Tbh it's a nightmare. It is indeed hard to tackle. I reckon though, that the current policy of treating any mention of an add in the same arbitrary manner, no matter what its author's feelings or intent, is not the best starting point. And whilst you can't instantly recognise the history and character of a poster, you can still infer a lot from the tone of their post. Imo the answer to this is just to read over the original closed thread a couple of times and look at the posts. There are a few neutral ones, a few aggressive ones, a few insulting ones, a few very patient ones (under the circumstances), a few genuinely constructive ones, and so forth. A mod can do their best to judge this and I for one, am willing to cut a huge amount of slack no matter what their decision so long as they at least give the thread a fair shot.

To see it closed for what seems a very arbitrary reason 'it contains mention of a certain party adding', is to me frustrating. To list reasons over and over again why you felt their was a lot of good in the post, and to be continually referred back to this arbitrary point in the CoC, which is not applied to any other aspect of the game other than adding in rvr, is even more frustrating.

I'm not wanting to attack mods, but I see mods drawing heat because they are being expected to act according to a point of policy which is most arbitrary and leaves little room for discretion or leniency.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
First of all i wanna say that the reason the "respected " player doesnt get any whine, is cause the "adders" dont care about them:p Nor do they have any reasons to whine since they dont know the person nor do they care what they do in game. On other hand if the "adder" gets a thread it get flames to pieces by the very predictable people that always whines. So that isnt a big mystery and it isnt cause the "respected " people are so much more liked in game. Ofc they can be liked but hopefully people with some intelect will like them for being a nice guy and not for what opinion they have in a game:p

thats just absolute nonsense.

the reason a respected player doesnt get whine is, wtf are they gonna whine about? "you sux!! oh no actually you dont", "you add on everything, hmm ok no you dont". You cant just make up whine, if its like some random critisism that noone else has experienced then its worthless, however if its a concensus then other people thread to comment with you in agreement. Also a known lamer is gonna get torn to pieces if he tries to critise someone the community respects, specially if hes talking out of his ass.

Its not a complicated thing we are debaiting here. Its basically an arguement about whether or not you are "allowed" to critise people thats the key point. Its not up for debait that theres a good players out there with insanly high morals that everyone likes (no not me thats for sure), and that theres players out there that steamroller everything they come accross with a FU you and your horse attitude. Take away the right to actually allow people to tell it how it is and you might as well make a forum for all the lamers and a forum for all the leetists and restrict access accross both camps...

what we got is a forum that leans towards the side of the lamer rather than the leetist ((these terms are used loosly to describe the stereotypes we are referring to here)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
censi said:
thats just absolute nonsense.

the reason a respected player doesnt get whine is, wtf are they gonna whine about? "you sux!! oh no actually you dont", "you add on everything, hmm ok no you dont". You cant just make up whine, if its like some random critisism that noone else has experienced then its worthless, however if its a concensus then other people thread to comment with you in agreement. Also a known lamer is gonna get torn to pieces if he tries to critise someone the community respects, specially if hes talking out of his ass.

Its not a complicated thing we are debaiting here. Its basically an arguement about whether or not you are "allowed" to critise people thats the key point. Its not up for debait that theres a good players out there with insanly high morals that everyone likes (no not me thats for sure), and that theres players out there that steamroller everything they come accross with a FU you and your horse attitude. Take away the right to actually allow people to tell it how it is and you might as well make a forum for all the lamers and a forum for all the leetists and restrict access accross both camps...

what we got is a forum that leans towards the side of the lamer rather than the leetist ((these terms are used loosly to describe the stereotypes we are referring to here)

I dont really agree to the bit about the grats. Cause I do believe that the casual players just arent as vocal and doesnt care about what you or the rest do in game more then that they respect everyone else by not abusing them etc. If they dont like you censi, they wont go troll ur grats thread even if they dont, cause they arent as hot headed or vocal as the ones whining on the "adders" or "lamers £ grats threads:) But sure...there are also people that people do respect and like cause they have the best of all worlds...nice personality( in majorities eyes) and a respect for peoples playstyle...and they ofc wont get much whine from anyone.

Also what i said about making new forums wont be such a bad idea then.
then all the "leetist" can discuss amomgst people that actually care about their whine. Wouldnt that be good?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Yes segretation(spelling?) have always been a good way to fix differences :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Yes segretation(spelling?) have always been a good way to fix differences :eek:

i agree with you that its not good:)
its just sort of a last hopeless wish from someone that is beginning to give up on the Fh whine and some of the comunity here:p
Im for all good sugestions that comes close to any solution though:)
over and out..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
censi said:
theres 2 camps those that think its right to add and those that dont.


censi said:
In your in the camp that doesnt you get a few less RP's, you get less kills in your title. but the positives, you get a lot of respect from enemies and those ones that see you not add on them tend to payback the favour when fighting, and you tend to get nice comments and feedback from the community.

If your in the camp that does add you get a few more RP's, you get more kills in your title. but the negatives, you tend to get less respect from enemies, and you tend to get bad comments and feedback from the community.

the community, the community, the community, what community ?

censi said:
thats the worse thing with these gratz threads that come from people "the community" has zero respect for because of the way they have conducted themselves out there. You can say anything bad.

YOUR community, not my community.

censi said:
That shows you that "the community" is not like just nasty to people for the sake of being nasty. People who get shit slung at them deserve it, and they know they deserve it prior to making their gratz post (they dont care they just want as much of "the community" to see it as possible)

i am glad not te be part of such a fucked up community like you seem to champion.

i am part of a very nice and friendly community that doesn`t feel the need to throw shit at people cause they did something that is percieved as `not done` in THEIR community.

your community is rather different from mine.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
A lot of long posts, didnt read em all :( But theres talk about 2 "communities" or groups of players... However, as I see it, it's actually 3:

1. People who play by the game rules, kill everything on sight and don't complain if others do the same and are honest with their playstyle
2. People who pretend to be 8v8 players, but add plenty themselves anyway
3. People who actually play 8v8 and respect the "rules" of it

Could list plenty of examples from each group, but that'd be addwhine or accusations I suppose. Anyway, normally group 2 flames group 1... good example is a guy who some time ago made flame thread towards favaii bracken kagato etc, and the next day he said in the thread that his grp started to just zerg everything on sight and it was actually fun.

Group 3 normally just flames group 2 :) Many "real" 8v8 players are actually very reasonable and respect others' playstyle. I'd never flame group 1, however I'm happy to insult the group 2 since I find the hypocrisy on forums most annoying of all :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Muylaetrix said:

i am glad not te be part of such a fucked up community like you seem to champion.

i am part of a very nice and friendly community that doesn`t feel the need to throw shit at people cause they did something that is percieved as `not done` in THEIR community.

your community is rather different from mine.

awaiting comments and replies really :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
muly u will never have a fucking clue what the fuck im on about.

i think your an ok guy though, so rather than flame u i just say if you see me figthing let me finish the fight before you flatten me, and ill return the favour to you.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
censi said:
muly u will never have a fucking clue what the fuck im on about.

i understand what you saying, my english is good enough for that. but, i fail to

censi said:
i think your an ok guy though, so rather than flame u ...

oh, thanks :)

censi said:
i just say if you see me figthing let me finish the fight before you flatten me,

to wait till you finished to flatten you, watching a realmmate fight and NOT intervene is totally against MY code of honour as a wargamer. Not helping a realmmate archieve victory and watch the poor sod die in front of my eyes for me is... treason against the realm, or so i percieve it.

i probably think as much `wtf, these albs just ran by and let us die !!!` as the FG crowd goes `wtf, that group added on OUR fight`. difference is that i don`t feel the need to hurl abuse at the group that let us die. i just THINK `fucking traitors, they should be banished from the realm for such treason agaisnst the cause of albion`

censi said:
and ill return the favour to you.

?!? and you don`t understand the first thing about wargamers i guess. do you think you do me a favour by NOT adding on me ? i might last 2 secs instead of 1 sec if you don`t add, but i fail to see why YOU shouldn`t add really. imho, it`s your job to help your realm by lobbingg arrows in asnything you see and thus improve the chances of your realmmates to archieve victory.

you, ask a lot of us, and have NOTHING to offer in return really.
Apr 13, 2006
raid said:
A lot of long posts, didnt read em all :( But theres talk about 2 "communities" or groups of players... However, as I see it, it's actually 3:

1. People who play by the game rules, kill everything on sight and don't complain if others do the same and are honest with their playstyle
2. People who pretend to be 8v8 players, but add plenty themselves anyway
3. People who actually play 8v8 and respect the "rules" of it

Could list plenty of examples from each group, but that'd be addwhine or accusations I suppose. Anyway, normally group 2 flames group 1... good example is a guy who some time ago made flame thread towards favaii bracken kagato etc, and the next day he said in the thread that his grp started to just zerg everything on sight and it was actually fun.

Group 3 normally just flames group 2 :) Many "real" 8v8 players are actually very reasonable and respect others' playstyle. I'd never flame group 1, however I'm happy to insult the group 2 since I find the hypocrisy on forums most annoying of all :p

forgot some there raid..

4. People who pretend to be 1v1 players, but add plenty themselves anyway
5. People who actually play 1v1 and respect all "rules" of it



Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
censi said:
nobody will never have a fucking clue what the fuck im on about.

i think your an ok guy though, so rather than flame u i just say if you see us zerging let us finish the fight before you flatten us, and we'll return the favour to you.

Corrected it :)

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