The old days

The old days

  • Yes

    Votes: 312 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 88 20.4%
  • I'm a noob that thinks RPs is the best thing in this game

    Votes: 32 7.4%

  • Total voters
Apr 26, 2006
blejs said:
I remember someone told me this suggestion to avoid ppl for camping the milegates some.

Me me me ! really it was me :p

blejs said:
I would still say perfect server would be something like this.

Old frontiers
Agramon still there just entrance points would be changed.
Still mounts
Toa stats like castspeed and others + cap increases still avalible.
NO MLS (except fop, and MAYBE cure nearsight, disease thing)

Old keep system, then it actually was fun to try grabbing keeps.

Something like that would be perfect on a live server. On freeshards ofc get gear fast, and lvl 50 insta :)

Agree 100% on this. Id also would lik to add:
- Scrap all NF classes, they bring nothing but imbalance issues and unecssary variables ;o


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 25, 2004
yesssssssssss why daoc was so fun and now is THE SHIT


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Brohanith said:
gifv back SotL times... 2fg on stick ftw :touch:



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
The current rvr environment and options far outstrip the old and would have been better if it wasn't for one thing...

Playerbase attitude. RvR wasn't so formal back then. You didn't have to be perfectly templated, didn't have to be above a set RR to join in, didn't even have to be lvl 50 to invited to groups.

The attitude continues to change for the worse, eroding the fun as it goes and making it impossible for the new guy (if they dare to exist anymore).

Bring back the attitude of OF, bring back the fun :/

(I miss the days where the whole realm would run to defend Excalibur in times of crisis, now all we seem to care about is the holy arpee)
Dec 31, 2003
Hmm, I wrote a long well constructed post as a reply to, and summary of the thread, but halfway I just realized that people who say NF>OF just suck.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Fanguir said:
Never played OF anyone have a map of it? :england: :drink:
Kirstena's Atlas <3

I've had great times both in OF and NF. I do miss Old Emain, and imo they should "bring it back" by letting lvl50s enter Cathal Valley. Maybe it's not a good idea on the servers that currently have a healthy playerbase, and already have action in Cathal Valley. But on the Exc/Pry cluster Cathal Valley is just there doing nothing, looking like Old Emain and bringing back a lot of good memories, but it's a "ghost town"!


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
OF was just bollox. Seems like so many have forgotten the "great " time spent trying to pass milegates whilst set grps farmed from the gate rooms for hours on end.

People qq now about the "zerg", failing to remember Outlaw and Zoys 5fg zerg which occurred with boring regularity.

I agree that NF is flawed but at least there is the option for variance if people can be arsed to move away from bridges.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I dont miss it at all, emain drove me insane with its wait 15 mins to port, buff, run to bowl, die, rinse and repeat, if you didnt get caught by a gazillion stealthers at the MGs.

In my own frontier, buff, run for 20 minutes to Odins, die, rinse and repeat.

Now theres so many ways to get around, new places to hide, ambush and run away from.

Give me the population we used to have, and things would be better tho, shame so many have left.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
where you had to learn the layouts of the frontiers with no map (although useful as it is)

Man u just reminded me of the first few times trying to find emain took me a f00king age, spent about five days in there trying to make my way to this mythical place called emain trying to keep up with fg's on there way there screaming "which way to emain!!!" usually followed by "ffs come back!!!! :("
Fun Times.
Voted yes ofc hated toa, was fedup of pve long before toa came out and thought nf just spread out the action to much. OF might have had faults but imho was far better then the current format.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
i`m 37 years old now.

nothing feels anymore like when i was 18.

i want to be 18 again and do stuff for the first time again.

now everything i do i have done before.

no more surprise, confusion, exitement like back then when the world was new and exploring it was amazing.

still the world didn`t change, i did.

slightly of topic, but maybe less than you would think at first ;)


i`m 37 years old now.

nothing feels anymore like when i was 18.

i want to be 18 again and do stuff for the first time again.

now everything i do i have done before.

no more surprise, confusion, exitement like back then when the world was new and exploring it was amazing.

still the world didn`t change, i did.

slightly of topic, but maybe less than you would think at first ;)

i actually get what muylaetrix is going on about for once in one of his real life submarine analogys! :eek: shocking


there is still hope for mankind !

btw, nice fights yesterday in labby.

haha yeh was pretty funny, was there to annoy a fg hibs that killed me and boomer farming, killed them once but then he logged so i tried to just cause some annoyance as i had nothing better to do :p was on my way there then saw you go past was like eh!? whos here, pala resisted root 3 times then i finally got him and killed you lot ^^

The time i died you caught me by complete supprise was just on auto run, got aggro on the way down to the crossroads then you guys were round the corner was like eek, end pot fast and run :p Thought you would have gone back to farming whatever you were going to when i killed you, but then you guys kept coming towards mid side to find me. Wondered if it was you because of the name of the necro but was listed under a different guild so i thought maybe not, but then found out when i came round a corner one time and got a bolt in the face and moced :p You really shouldnt let me drag you though all those mobs kiting lol but i dont have much choice in the lab, isnt an ideal place for a bonedancer to fight as the pets arnt very effective due to los and unless i get the jump on you and take you down fast ive got to kite. Some good fun anyway, reminded me of old df rvr :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2007
LOL @ that post above making it look like how fg was out to pve kill you, where as we were killing cerb and u came killed our druid, so we killed u, then u relogged to bd killed us once, then we killed u repeatatively til ur healer left and then u came back solo and dinged me 4L9 on my warden heh thanks for the arpees


Please talk more shit

You said you were going to laby early in the day, i joked and said id come kill you. You then said you werent going to farm anyway.

Later on boomer said he might start playing again so went to get him a power mythrian, we arrive there and you are there with a FG and immidiatly attack us, takes your FG 3 deaths and a few minutes to kill us.

Not being happy about it, logged BD and wiped your FG with a duo and all we used was TWF against the amount of RAs you used. You then said on irc you would not be going back, so i logged valk and we started to kill cerberus in duo, you then run in and gank us while we are doing this. Boomer then logged, so yeh you pwned us good :m00:

Boomer decided not to waste his time on you, which was probabaly the better option, but i chose to go back and do my talking in game as you and members of your group were chatting shit on IRC. Managed to kill 2/3 of you on some of the runs which was quite funny. Also a good laugh how you started to bunch up at the stairs in fear for when i was coming and use charge twf di etc to stay alive, and thanks for grappling me so i could kill you. Funny you and Faril saying how much i suck when you grapple casters, blow RAs and still have people die 8v1.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
i actually get what muylaetrix is going on about for once in one of his real life submarine analogys! :eek: shocking

execpt that this world can chance with a few lines of coding (Probably a few thousand lines but thats easy compared to chance physics irl)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 28, 2003
If all u guys who voted "yes" saw a therapist - u would get told that u live in the past and need to move on.

So cmon..


Move on?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
If all u guys who voted "yes" saw a therapist - u would get told that u live in the past and need to move on.

So cmon..


Move on?

you are 50% right and 50% wrong
right because cant stay in the past
wrong because then the rvr was much much better then

i believe that in any terrain or place or what ever you can have fun in rvr. just need the number of the ppl which used to be bk then


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
I Aint played excal for months. but it was dire just before i left andseems to be worse now.

i miss OLD NF it was brill running around the bowl to amg and mmg etc in emain.. and the mass zerg fights in the bowl was fun.. solos went to hw and some 8v8 went odins ;:( those was the good ole days. and ofc no toa either which i think fucked u rvr also indirectly.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 23, 2006
I want the OF back, let's just whine to EA?
Doden's Gruva Etc, loved roaming there, camping border keeps!
emain, alb front, mid front, hib front

alb front <3

mid front <3

old emain <3

me wants it back, and me wants it now!
cause I hate water/wading! fleeing to nearby towers! keeps! camping close to safety! sux bollocks!
anus people I hate the fleeing bastards! I hate the scouts, camping in the tower.


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
the fact is if you dont go forward with an game it will die anyway.
The problem is one of marketing---->no fresh blood over such an long time will kill any game....there have to be a constant stream of people joining a game,to let it survive.

And to my memories about the old frontiers.....
-go out with an FG get rolled over and over from the better groups.
after ToA it was easier to compete with the high RR groups then bevore
-loads of people cheating like bastards,radar,lag.......
after the 2005 banning it was a lot better
-was it really fun to stand on a platform for people and wait for the port?
-Hadrians and Odins was mostly deserted ,roam for 10 minutes and find noone
-E-Main was zerged like hell.....and Hibs had the longest way....


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 21, 2004
Thoose of u who never played OF should know that it was not a golden age.
A small group of the community got near all the fun and near all the rp's.
(They are the same that want it back)
Took hours to get a group together and u couldnt get to the fights solo.
NF vitalized the game for most players and even made it playable for them.

You are soo right, a lot of wasted time back then for getting back and forth, after you died. Getting through milegates, with stealthers camping it. Unrealistic keep sieges, a very nasty elitism attitude from some players (on mid).

If the game did not evolve in the 5 years since release i very much doubt it still to be alive, I for one would then have left it long ago.

Only good thing was the realm spirit, ppl would actually go and defend if they were told to, or asked to help out. This could be the same if we had no clusters where ppl play different realms on same cluster.

Give us a multilingual skin, move chars around to 3 EU clusters. Give ppl the choice to move to the mentioned clusters. Then you might have a realm spirit again.

ToA stuff meaning artis and ML steps have been changed several times, so dont whine about them anymore, they are EASY mode compared to what they were in the beginning of ToA. In the next patch they get even easier, so come on, the postulate ToA ruined my game, does not hold water anymore, it is a worn out phrase.

Today we fight low population, and the huge difference in RR strength between new and old chars.

Solution could be: Open Cathal Valley (not used on Dyvet anyway) for lvl 50 chars. Make the RP x5 or even more so ppl can go and fight there until they ding RR5. Because at RR5 you start to be high enough to stand a chance in real frontiers nowadays.

Alternatively you could also at the same time change the rps given to chars below rr5 in all zones, but if we ever are to see any action in Cathal Valley, it needs to get a bonus there.

Insta RvR on server: Personally i think it is fine, like a BG or so, the zone turns into a combat area, with a lot of action and little down time. I just wonder about why ppl do not use the labyrinth anymore, fast combat action good rps and lots of fun it was in the first weeks after release.

So my conclusion on the poll is clearly

OF: :(
NF: :)

Best Regards

Von War
Guildmaster of Danish Huscarls


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
The only good thing in the old days compared to now is that back then you didnt feel like playing on a private counterstrike server.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 5, 2004
Nothing beats the old days. Damn GoA, if they find out they would have a profitable game if they bring back original Excalibur with only SI allowed...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2007
i love the old Relic keeps. i dont like the Temples :>

And i loved that u could upgrade the relic keep gates with runewood.

that is what i miss..


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
i miss old Emain.

i loved it to camp MTK.

Most people i shot didnt even knew from where they got shot, most of the time. Most casters didnt used to /face back then.

down times of inc solo's or duos was surmountable volley'ing buffbots.

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