The "My console is better than yours!" thread



Yeah i agree. But the thing i disagree with is the argument that a certain console is crap, bet u these opinions are based on very few games played in all honesty, certainly not all a console has to offer.

I may also add that future releases are worth bearing in mind before u nail a console for the games on it.. At this point in certain consoles lifespan i defy u not to find at least 3 games that u like on all off them thus rendering the *console* is shit totally redundant.

I hated my new Nike Air Shox R4's till i started wearing into them, now i love them. (err sorry)

And if people really want to end the war, u could base the amount of quality games compared to crap ones and the gamecube would win hands down (if u go by reviews from leading reviewers magazines/sites). But i still play my DC more..

Its a stupid argument thats all, dont mean to go on about it :)

And even more reason! how many cross platform ports are we all seeing? Looooads. I couldnt reconmend a single console to anyone, id say buy what u want but buy good games, if u do that no console is shit


Why not go for the cheapest console, thats what I did, and I'm very happy about it too. The GC was the cheapest for me.


I hope you don't apply your "Buy the cheapest" theory to everything in life.


Everyone can have there own view on what console thay prefer, and thats why all consoles sell, some better than others.
I own a psx, pc and xbox. My m8 owns a ps2, and one of my other friends owns a GC.
The reason i baught a psx is because it was a great console with killer games that hadnt been seen before. The reason i baught a xbox was because of halo and amped which i played when i was in america. Some of you may say is that it, is it worth it and xbox only= Halo. But i say so what i baught an xbox for these games pluss there are a few more i like and thats enough for me which makes me happy. If a great game i wanted came out for gc that i dont have i buy it. All this mines better than yours crap is just silly. Its all down to personal pref, so who gives a shit.
Enjoy the games for what they are, not what console there on.


I own all three but I always think there is something special about Nintendo games. Thats why its annoying to see them struggle.


I own all three but I always think there is something special about Nintendo games.

Maybe there is, but that doesn't make up for the fact they only release 1 game every 6 months


Look, if everyone on this forum had as much money as a lottery winner, they would buy all the consoles (GCube XBox PS2 GBAsp Dreamcast), and every games you have ever fancied getting but didnt have the money. (not to mention 2 memory cards for your PS2, and maxing out pads for all of em.)

So all this about "i like X over Y" is bogus, what people are really about when they diss one console over another is that they dont want to admit they are too poor to afford all of em, so some kids make out this "ill look cool if i diss the Xbox/PS2" to my mates by spouting some drivel about gameplay etc.

Personally, i love em all. I even have a ZX speccy in the loft. ;-p
(horace goes skiing, the best game ever!)


I think if some people on this forum won the lottery they'd just stick with the Dreamcast and snort coke of it all day personally.

Me? I'd buy Nintendo of Europe and release Animal Crossing for all the GC owners in Europe who have no idea it even exists. I want to free their minds.



Playstation 2 IS THE BEST ENOUGH SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm a ps2 fan, such a great console with a great bunch of games to go with it. It's now online, and has even released the eye toy.

Game Cube? More like Poocube.

x-box - some great games, and if it wasn't for the size of the controller i'd probably buy one. But i prefer playing Tiger Woods on x-box coz of the joy stick.

Dreamcast, um no i don't think so.

I used to play my mates Nintendo, but i owned a megadrive. Got rid of it, well they don't make any games anymore.


Originally posted by yankeedoodle
Look, if everyone on this forum had as much money as a lottery winner, they would buy all the consoles (GCube XBox PS2 GBAsp Dreamcast), and every games you have ever fancied getting but didnt have the money. (not to mention 2 memory cards for your PS2, and maxing out pads for all of em.)

I have all the above but didn't win the lottery. :p


That means either:

1) You have far too much dispensible income and I hate you.
2) You are a sad bastard with no friends and enjoys the company of computer games, and I hate you.
3) You're a sucker for games. And I might hate you. But probably not.
4) I just hate you.


Originally posted by gravsey
x-box - some great games, and if it wasn't for the size of the controller i'd probably buy one.

The xbox controller is actually very comfy when you get used to it. But if it's not your bag, you could always get the controller-s, it's fantastic.


No it's not.

The standard box controller is insistant on giving you hand cramps and pains. The S controller is very nice, with a much better size and button layout, BUT the build quality is dire - they feel cheap and nasty, and break easy.


Originally posted by gravsey
Game Cube? More like Poocube.

Dreamcast, um no i don't think so.

From the above I can deduce that you're a cunt.


Originally posted by Ono
From the above I can deduce that you're a cunt.

I think cunt is a bit over the top. If he cannot appreciate some of the finest console games to date, who are we to be critical.

(ok, he's a nonce)

PS. Contra on the PS2 - quality quality game.


Lovedaddy & Ono, stop the name calling we're not in a playground now.

I take it you both own these consoles? Tell me what good games are there for the gamecube, i can think of one Zelda as for the Dreamcast haven't they stopped making games as they just can't sell any.

But if you enjoy playing the games on these consoles carry on, but your missing out on some top quality gaming on the ps2.


Originally posted by gravsey
Game Cube? More like Poocube.

Oh, im sorry, I was under the impression you had the mental age of a 6 year old.

PS2, got about 100 games for it. (work purchase, I half inch)

Current playlist include:
PS2: Contra, Metal Slug, Winning XI 7 and VF4Evo
Dreamcast: Ikaruga, Street Fighter Zero 3
GBA: Mario Advanced 3, 4, Castlevania games.


Originally posted by gravsey
I take it you both own these consoles? Tell me what good games are there for the gamecube, i can think of one Zelda as for the Dreamcast haven't they stopped making games as they just can't sell any.

But if you enjoy playing the games on these consoles carry on, but your missing out on some top quality gaming on the ps2.

I've got all 4 consoles mate. From your blinkered view you obviously don't.

Gamecube Top Games (for the millionth time) :rolleyes:

Super Monkeyball 1 & 2
Metroid Prime
Viewtiful Joe (does a lamoid like you even know what this is?)
F-Zero GX
Super Mario Sunshine
Resi Evil Remake
Eternal Darkness
Mr Driller Drill Land
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
Rogue Squadron
Animal Crossing
Resi Evil 0
Zelda WW
Skies of Arcadia Legend
Waverace:Blue Storm

Notice anything about the above?

I'll tell you. They are all Cube exclusives on the current consoles. I could have added stuff like Soul Calibur 2, Burnout 2 and WE6:FE in there amongst others but they are also out (in lesser form BTW) on the PS2.

As for the Dreamcast, well, I'm not even going to bother selling that to a closed minded guy like you. If you don't realise what a great machine the DC is then that's your loss. The fact is even so long after its demise they are still releasing games on the DC.

Now go back and finish level 5 of Enter the Matrix or have another go at Tomb Raider. You deserve them.

Oh, and before you call me a Nintendo fanboy, I'll just let you know my current playlist:

CUBE: Viewtiful Joe (you looked this one up yet?), F-Zero GX, Mario Golf. Kirby's Airride.

XBOX: MAME, Final Burn. O.To.Gi

PS2: Initial D, R-Type Final, WE7, Taiko No Tatsujin, Pop n Music 8.

DC: Tokyo Bus Guide, Space Channel 5 Prt 2.


I luuurrrve my Dreamcast and still play on it regularly. Utter crime that it didnt do better, but some fantastic games out there for it.

Wanked all over the competition and although I'm happy with my special x-box, DC games > xbox games any day.


i'm a fan boy of the one i've got but that dosn't mean i dont like the ones i dont at the mo i have :

an X-BOX, Dreamcast, Game Boy Advance SP, Genisis, Game Gear, NEO-GEO pocket Color, SNES, PSX and a Virtual Boy (this is curently my top one as i just got it and i love getting head aches.).

However i've had a Game cube and a PS2 and will be getting them again i think as soon as i see some new games i like for them.


Hmm, it's a decision between Mega Drive and Dreamcast.

But I'd say Dreamcast because:

- Some of the best and most innotive games EVER.
- Great console with great capabilites, for it's time.
- I've played every next-gen, but nothing compares
- It's a SEGA ;)

I just can't stand PS2's... Well anything Sony, they have horrible games on the whole and are badly designed...


I reckon for me it's the Dreamcast.

Great games. One of my fave console games ever is Soul Calibur. I've just recently got SC2 for my GC and I'm having trouble telling the graphics apart in any significant way.

It's just an utter bitch that the DC online servers are all but shut down and the broadband adapters are so hard to get/expensive.


Originally posted by andygraves
Lovedaddy & Ono, stop the name calling we're not in a playground now.
Actually that is exactly where you are. This is the playground to stop all the other threads needing a playground.

Frankly Alex Kidd owns all your asses anyway.

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