The great times of manachanters over?



Here is the official reply from mythic on the enchanter tl's report.

However i don't agree about mythic nerfing, i agree that this class needs a change, be that small or drastic. :m00:


Originally posted by scarffs
link doesnt work...

It does, just that the page where the link is pointing is down for the time being :p

Or at least it worked some hour ago and i doubt he changed it ;)


Well, without reading the link(that doesn't work) and with noone giving no constructive critisism to bash away with a 4ton hammer and a jellyanvil(hurts when the anvil goes squishy and you hit the ground), i'll just point out one thing:

When was there the great times of manachanters? Ergo, aka, iow, without a doubt, how can it be over? Point.

I thought manachanters were the class that whenever and no matter when anyone was asking around, starting from beta, if they should make a manachanter, the reptilian choir of bunnies rose from the swamps of neveragain and said in one mighty voice:

"What? Another one?"

Just my conception of the dealie here. My two cents and a urinal to throw them into.



hope i hit 50 on prydwen before these nerfs come in, focus pulling is one of the few things that makes exping a second or third character to 50 bearable :D


Eh, mythic are going to give chanters a nerf in mana and some boosts in light and more so in enchantments to end the foty syndrome that has gone with the chanter :p

So, serves em right, and bring it on :p'

Edit: And ya, nerf focus pulls :\


If you read the TL report properly, there is mention of "moving" the tools of a chanter to the correct line. In addition they say the Enchantment line is severely poor.

1 + 1 = Focus Shield moving ot Enchantment line.

IMHO of course :)


sounds interesting - they're going to make PBAoE have tradeoffs (as it should) , fix resists and sort out focus pulling.

(you'll notice damage adds get limited on high level monsters with lower numbers of attackers ... if you're hitting for 1 damage then your damage add will only do +1 - damage shields don't, they get the full value no matter the level of the monster - I expect that's gonna be the change, and it sounds like moving damage shield to enchantments is quite possible too...)

he missed the point about Concentration though - thought he was talking about Mastery of Concentration.


Yay - can't wait for this nerf - How DARE a non main nuker pet class be able to spec pbaoe and have excellent ranged nukes too - in fact possibly the most ranged damage of any class in the game.

Also looks like they'll be moving their focus shield to enchantments line as well so they'll have a harder time levelling up - poor things ;)

Oh and baod getting nerfed, but we knew that was coming ;)

At least maybe we'll all have a chance against hibbie gank groups now.


Originally posted by parisienscot

At least maybe we'll all have a chance against hibbie gank groups now.


I've never seen more then 3 hibbies together and even then they were discussing/arguing about which looks better, green leaves or brown treetrunks. :p

The third liked trees just because they don't mind being hugged but..that's off the point.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

I've never seen more then 3 hibbies together

1 manachanter + 1 bard + 1 druid = RUN!

Yeah thankfully not many hibbies around but the thing is they don't need many - last weekend about 40 mids were standing outside a keep we had just taken when 1fg of hibs ran up (some guild called Eclipse apparently PS Lorilei I enjoyed two-hitting u on a seperate occasion ;-b) insta mezz and pbaoe - there were hardly any mid survivors ;)

Actually that was quite amusing that time because they took advantage of us being so stupid and all stuck together. What is annoying though is when every single time (it seems like) you meet a fg of hibbies with another fg and even when you get the jump on them... they win. This is due mostly to the problems with manachanters.


i can see both the resist debuffs and the damage shield getting moved to enchantments. its the least specced line on chanters so needs something new to get people speccing the line.

besides when they finally get around to sorting out the resist system the 50% resist debuff will be no where near as dangerous as it was before.

from what i understand someone with 50% heat resist that gets debuffed 50% will only loose half there heat resistance, ie 25%. meaning caster will still be able to do damage to people. but it also has a chance of gimping some of the debuff casters.


Moving the focus shield to enchantment would be a good move i think - still allow people to focus pull, but they need someone specificaly designed to do it, and not just the general PBAOE class.

I think in Mid (Spiritmaster) the Focus Shield is on the same line as pet buffs and not pbaoe, so why not Hib too :)

Ohh and gifv Cabbys PBAOE too then hehe

Cap'n Sissyfoo

We are completely reworking the resist buff and debuff system. Mana chanters currently can spec for their highest PBAE spell, while also achieving a modified light spec (through items, RRs etc). When coupled with the ability of the Enchanter to debuff the light-based damage, this results in a class that is making no trade off for their PBAE capabilties. I can't go into details, but this is almost definitely going to change.

Teehee. :)


The Enchantment line needs help. We're looking into Light but it's not that bad in and of itself, it's just very overshadowed by the overpowered Mana line
mythic stating mana line is overpowered. :clap:


sounds more like they'll reduce mana to fix the other two (although light is pretty much there if they fix the attack speed/qui debuff problems)


Nerf chanters and hibs are shit. Unless resist's system change then at least the other hib casters can be useful.

As for moving dmg shield out of mana line. spec pbae and u still lvl v fast. Reason they will move it is because chanters only needed healers in grp no tanks. a fix would be to let the chanter cast the dmg shield on a tank, this isnt a perfect fix as it relys on the tank getting hit and most tanks have good def :D. But it would be better than how it is now for poor tanks trying to lvl up. That wouldnt be a castable spell in RvR thou :p


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
sounds more like they'll reduce mana to fix the other two (although light is pretty much there if they fix the attack speed/qui debuff problems)

dd and as debuff is "pretty much there?"

not what i'd call a good specline but...


Now dont Cabys and SM's have access to the same damage shield ? But you dont see us focus pulling as much. Guess its due to damage shield and pbaoe being on the same spec line in hib.


I'll be interested to see how they will address this. As an Enchanter, I've been very dissapointed in the lack of options for an enchanter that can remain viable. Enchantment just plain sucked, there will be some improvement in 1.62 but imo it's still not a viable spec yet. Light, I'll agree with Arnor here, a DD and AS debuffs just doesn't cut it in my book! Yeah, manachanters are overpowered, most of them will agree, but what other options are there?

Moving FS to Enchantment would be a move I'd agree with, means an enchantment specced enchanter will feel more complete. If they plan on moving the debuffs too, though, that would leave mana with PBAoE and, umm, well thats it! If the debuffs get moved to Enchantment, I can see FS staying in Mana, which overall would be bad for the class - 3 broken speclines instead of one highly overpowered and 2 pretty much pointless lines. But I wouldn't be surprised if this was the choice taken, given they specifically want to minimise ranged utility for PBAoE chanters - though Ice wizards with 10% debuff cold DD, the same damage type as their PBAoE however makes this comment invalid!

Whats needed is the option for a chanter to spec 'petless', having more personal utility in a way that doesn't leave other mages in the cold. Some of the ideas by the Enchanter TL really made sense to me, having the 'spellcaster' pet buffs in the light spec and a few more melee type buffs in Enchantment, maybe some extra utility in Mana in place of those dreaded resist debuffs and I'd be happy to try any spec!


Originally posted by acei
Nerf chanters but not BD's lifetap....

retard-comment of the week award goes to: <drumwhirl> ACEI!!!

congratulations, what a great achievement!


the supp SM only has a pbaoe, while the mana line has debuffs of the baseline nuke, which means that a enchanter with no light spec can nuke for the same amount.

The mana line also has a focus sheild, which SM/cabbies (not sure about cabbies) have to spec another line, so they lose the debuff and the pbaoe if they want the focus shield, thus very few people spec in the focus shield line, while hibs can get the focus sheid and a pbaoe and debuffs.

so moving the focus sheild to enchantment is a good move, as it will bring the enchanter to the more normal set of spec lines, 1 DD line, 1 pbaoe (again, not cabbies for some reason) and a buff/focus sheild line that the SM has


Originally posted by Arnor
retard-comment of the week award goes to: <drumwhirl> ACEI!!!

congratulations, what a great achievement!

and yes, acei comment was a bit dumb


Dumb but worth mentioning :) damn it make that insta life tap a casting spell then well be happy :)


and totally bugger up the class?

wtf is the point of giving us healer pets then unless we get MoC?


Has the class changed recently, ive noticed in Thid there are only 2 pets following a BD around now and not 3, this makes combat a little easier

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