The frustrations and satisfaction of arti's


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
it just really frustrates and annoys me when i run past an arti spot on ANY toon that i am logged in as, you get someone there shoutin 'camped'.

- you cant camp its against C&C
- you cant preclaim - you dont own mob

Its even more sadder when the person who is asking for help to do an arti - preclaims it for himself :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
dunno if it's been answered before, but you can ask a necro or something to walk inside the camp (with pet at the edge) to hand in the wings to the questmob. if you have a bg/group up, you will get credit outside the camp.

im 100% sure of that, unless it has changed lastpatch


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Trust Ironfart to interfere with his communist crap whenever someone posts an arti whine thread.


Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Nerve said:
Trust Ironfart to interfere with his communist crap whenever someone posts an arti whine thread.


lol, communist crap, yeah riiiiiight :p

fyi: and friggin bother to read all...

1)a couple off reasons why ppl are greedy
it isn't farming itselfe that causes the problems.
It is the urge to be able to compete with the elite bunch that hasn't got anything better to do then exploit game contents.
The ppl who say: YOU NEED THIS OR YOU SUCK are to blame....
People also become greedy because off the overpriced shit and also because off the IMPOSSEBILITY to obtain something normally.(they can have a dozen of REAL LIFE reasons)
They HAVE to become greedy, lotto for stuff they don't need for themselves so tey CAN SELL it for stupid ammounts off gold, like the rest (who are just as bad) do.

you just won't ever believe it when i say it.....
but i don't care really, not anymore...
I'm used to dealing with ppl that are blinded by their own fortunate position.
I'm used to dealing with ppl that can't distinct true from false, cause they are ignorant.
And the best part of it... i don't blame you ppl for it... most are to bussy beeing stupid to start thinking about stuff ;-)

This community creates it's own problems and i don't blame you, we're all humans, and most humans are so bored with life that they just need to invent something to pester a fellow human beeing a bit.. because it makes them feel makes them feel noticed.

2) the camping issue
camping IS allowed... a camp bonus has been added to xp scores to PROVE that is HAS a purpose.
camping does NOT mean you can CLAIM YOU OWN STUFF on that particular spot....
Most off the the camper will be so utterly stressed up ....waiting for a pop... that he'll explode at the minor bypasser that seems to uphold the rules. He'll explode cause he feel that someone is invaiding his territory.... that while he has NO territory...
After these stressfull feelings.... flaming starts.

First Pulled, First served and it may make you feel bad to see that you waisted your time sitting there.... that is just your own fault really.... after taking a couple off deep breaths..; you should realize that it was just your own fault.

3)Why don't you all look at the market explorers like this:

for example, cycloptic shield (i have two on my merchant as well)
you look and notice that there are about 15 shields availble on the Merchants.
This would mean that this event does spawn regulary ..; so it is pretty easy for everyone that could USE that item to get the artifact, credit and use it.
Why should the prices off those items exeed the limits off decency? (mine are up for 0.5p i think, 500 gp farmable in two evenings of xp'ing (for a casual gamer) But NOoooo, still they have to put on a stupid price.

Then we have the artifacts that have a longer spawn rate... an event that isn't found up that often, a lot harder to complete .... for exemple..Nailas, Cloudsong, Gov, shades of mist....

The person that has those on a merchant....
1) why the F*c* DO YOU EVEN HAVE IT???
conclusion: stupidity and GREED, you even lotto'd, farmed something that someone else could have done FOR FREE AND USED IT. Even one where you could have helped that person with it. Since farming means you love doing something..... and you do it for the fun..... not the cash.
2)why the F*c* don't you just GIVE it to a person that could use it..; because for some off those artifacts getting the SCROLLS is just as hard (casual gamers)

look at nailas on merchants:

artifact sells for ..... 10-15 plat
scrolls , can't recall the numbers 20-25 plat for all of them, dunno???

that is +- 30-45 PLAT FOR A ROBE

at an average off 500gp for turbo farmers (pure loot and gold farmers) an evening...

that would mean:

ok ok

i'm wrong..; i know....

just wanted to get this fantasy off my chest, cheerio laddies



Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
iron m8 - u need to get bak in your tree:

Camp bonus - is there to give you extra xp for NOT camping a camp!. A camp thats been camped to highheaven will givf crap camp bonus, a high camp bonus indicates not much farming....

Naliahs - i bought one for 5plat the other day - dearest was 15 plat - but there was at least 3 or 4 under 10plat. Yes the scrolls will cost me at least 4* more than that - but with the new 'any mob can drop' rule coming in this should help.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
rampant said:
iron m8 - u need to get bak in your tree:

Camp bonus - is there to give you extra xp for NOT camping a camp!. A camp thats been camped to highheaven will givf crap camp bonus, a high camp bonus indicates not much farming....

Naliahs - i bought one for 5plat the other day - dearest was 15 plat - but there was at least 3 or 4 under 10plat. Yes the scrolls will cost me at least 4* more than that - but with the new 'any mob can drop' rule coming in this should help.

so then we come to the point..... let's exploit it as LONG as possible from ppl until we can't exploit it anymore....

yeaaah, right... (prup con nearsight)

btw i love ur literal translations.. either ur a Dutchie or an illiterate english person. But i love it :) get bak in your tree :)

and i used nailas as an example....

camp bonus is the bonus one/all players get on a spot when killing a spawn on that spot...

The camp bonus will deminish with the number off mobs pulled.. be that from one person of from multiple persons...
and YES you may camp a spot... YES you can...

now HUSH..


they way you handle other ppl in the environment will determine wether it will result in problems or not...(issueslike leeching and crosspulling.. etc.. made that clear.. )
I have had tons of discussions about this topic, and i started out wrong also when i started playing this game, i made some mistakes ;-) like all have.

at an event, compare it to this...

the dog races... you know em..

15 Necros and buffbots sitting next to each other at Eremai...

none willing to cooperate...

Frist pulled first served ;-)

this will result in a fight, ooooofff course..
but those are the basic CoC rules matey...

in that situation the (hmmm, not foto-finish) but foto-start will determine who hit first and that person may have all when the mob is finished


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
rampant said:
iron m8 - u need to get bak in your tree:

I actually agree with IH on one point...there really are some greedy f***ers in this Realm - sadly that's human nature :(

Still, there are a lot of great people too :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Red HATred said:
btw i love ur literal translations.. either ur a Dutchie or an illiterate english person. But i love it :) get bak in your tree :)

how about 'Get off your soapbox', or 'get off your highhorse'

I have no problem with u iron, just really commenting on your rant ie get bak in your tree (wasnt even calling u a hibbie :) )

I like doing arti's for the sake of doing em - for the pleasure i derive from killing a mob using a tactic - adapting those tactics to the environment and learning new one - its called having fun in a game -

What is not having fun is spending 50 hours camping an arti! That i would not do - nor respect a person for doing it. If arti is up and there is noone there i pull and do - if there are ppl there - give em enough time to get a group together to try it themselves, offer to help or take it cos they are too slow in getting a group there to do it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I won't do a line by line ripping apart of Ironheart's thread, as it's way too late in the day and the 3pm doze is coming to an end.

Ironheart, I do understand what you are saying, ie your opinions on the matter. I also think you are missing the point entirely about artifacts/scrolls/farming etc.

The economy of the game is, surprise surprise, part of the roleplaying adventure. Using intelligence, initiative and developing a firm grasp of the game economy is in itself part of the experience. To be good at the game, you need to understand how to get on top of the finance side of the equation.

The fact you constantly go on about "real farmers" who sit and kill yellow con mobs for cash simply implies you have a feeble grasp of economics. It is perfectly possible for very casual players to obtain any items they desire; it is merely a requirement that people use their heads to devise ways of reaching their goals.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
eggy said:
I won't do a line by line ripping apart of Ironheart's thread, as it's way too late in the day and the 3pm doze is coming to an end.

Ironheart, I do understand what you are saying, ie your opinions on the matter. I also think you are missing the point entirely about artifacts/scrolls/farming etc.

The economy of the game is, surprise surprise, part of the roleplaying adventure. Using intelligence, initiative and developing a firm grasp of the game economy is in itself part of the experience. To be good at the game, you need to understand how to get on top of the finance side of the equation.

The fact you constantly go on about "real farmers" who sit and kill yellow con mobs for cash simply implies you have a feeble grasp of economics. It is perfectly possible for very casual players to obtain any items they desire; it is merely a requirement that people use their heads to devise ways of reaching their goals.

eggy, the only gold that enters the game is the gold that drops from mobs, the gold earned by selling loot to merchants AND the gold earned from salvaging and trinketting....

ALL other means of gold spending and earning is , thx to belomar for enlighting that part in another thread, REDISTRIBUTION

i'm looking at the roots.... not someway half in between... and beeing good in spending someone elses cash is not hard :)

don't forget, some ppl make sure that you can get gold.. if it weren't for the normal gold... there would be nothing

ps: don't forget , new players do enter this game also, and that way of aquiering stuff is their only way (honest way)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
I agree with Ironheart on this. If you take a closer look you'll notice that prices went up dramatically when we had DF for a couple of weeks (or even months). Hardly pure coincidence, people had more cash on their hands ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2005
In my opinion as a fairly new player, everyone is right on certain points of this, it just depends on your point of view, in which way every one is different :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
If arti's were placed at prices where anyone could afford them it would be a who can camp the ME for the most amount of time game, guess what the 24/7 kids still win and the casual player even loses the option of saving up for 3 weeks to finally be able to buy it... there's simply none of them for sale. You might be able to buy a GOV, instead of gold, which would now become completely pointless, you would have to offer some other l33t item, cloudsong for example. Since your casual gamers wouldn't be able to get that either then it wouldn't help them out.

Look at diablo 2's economy. (try to ignore the mass duping that occured there). Each character could only hold so much gold, an amount that was easily reachable by anyone. Everyone with a day's playing could have as much gold as anyone else. Within about 2 days gold became worthless. Buying items for it just never happened. If you wanted an item, you better have another item the person wanted.

The reason I wouldn't sell arti's cheap is because I have alt's/guildies that could use them. If i'm selling an arti, it's to buy something else that I need for a template. (Don't think of it as selling GOV for 20p, think of it as trading GOV for cloudsong... the prices attached are meaningless) If there's only 700 gov's in the realm and 2000 people that want it not everyone can have it. The people who will end up with them are the people prepared to put in the time in TOA to get the cash, simple as that.

Casual players can have fun and do well without all the leet kiddie stuff, or if they feel they can't possibly live without it, they can use their brain and spend 2/3 days farming in the right place and afford it. The prices don't seperate the casual from the hardcore, they seperate the lazy from the motivated... Personally I can't say that's a bad thing.

To the thread starter....
While you may of been trying to make a valid point, i'm not sure.. you actually came across as a clueless prick. You..
a) Have no idea how the artifact works from your posts
b) Seem to take joy in laughing at people who have less luck than you
c) So killing a mob more than once is greedy... I'll remember that next time I see you trying to level anywhere... Ok so you didn't ding 50 on that mob, but when it repops next time you shouldn't kill it, it's someone else's turn! Would certainly make AC a more interesting place to be!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Golena said:
To the thread starter....
While you may of been trying to make a valid point, i'm not sure.. you actually came across as a clueless prick. You..
a) Have no idea how the artifact works from your posts
b) Seem to take joy in laughing at people who have less luck than you
c) So killing a mob more than once is greedy... I'll remember that next time I see you trying to level anywhere... Ok so you didn't ding 50 on that mob, but when it repops next time you shouldn't kill it, it's someone else's turn! Would certainly make AC a more interesting place to be!

Talk about completly missing the point, to sum it all my point was it was unfair for an individual to camp a popular site through the time that people probably play the most i.e. the "whole" weekend, hence i made this post, how that warrents you to call me a clueless prick i do not understand, but one thing i do understand, you for sure have one serious chip on your shoulder, and to be honest as fun as it may have been your not even worth keypresses of a flame.

my reply to your little list

a) when did i state anywhere in any of my posts how an artifact works ?

b) i call it poetic justice if you had read my post and understood it, you'd prolly also understand why i call it poetic justice, mind u i might be jumping the gun at even thinking you know what poetic justice means.

c) i never said killing a mob more than once was greedy not any mob anyway, but i did suggest that depriving every other player in a whole realm of a wanted mob over the period of 4 days, which also happened to cover the weekend was selfish.

so please in future try and read and keep track of whats happening in the thread, rather than just reading a few lines here and there and assume the rest, no one ever teach you about assuming things ???


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I love reading Iron's posts. I can just imagine him / her camping outside a macdonalds complaining about capitalism.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Sugah said:
I love reading Iron's posts. I can just imagine him / her camping outside a macdonalds complaining about capitalism.

knowing that the meat used in those hamburgers comes from cows that have been bred on chopped away Rain Forrest in south america and also employe underpayed young ppl that are beeing exploited by sheer kapitalism one should do that ;-)

but hey, that is waaaay off topi :)



Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
I actually like Ironhearts posts but its a fact that they will never become practical even though he does have asome good arguments.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I used to camp Orions belt.. a lot , if anyone came along needing credit i would invite them , and i did get a few credits on peoples players for them, but after about a week of camping like 4-5 hours a day and no drop i realised what an utter waste of time camping it was...

Then few days ago , a guildie got us killed in barrows.. i released to Oceanus and thought ah what the hell.. ill go check.. swan to island, he popped in front of me, agrod pet, i swam underwater and set pet on jugger 2. Lol , got out of water at 10% hp on peridas and boom... Dropped/Credit done..

Agro... all them HOURS wasted camping... and i get it from agro :)

Camping does officially sucks :D

Agro ftw, got Scholars 3 of 3 twice from agro too lol..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Caster Version of Orions isnt that bad tbh btw.. Has 3%cast spd on it 4%power and some other crap.. not template giving stuff but very nice for lowbies. Not sure on the Melee version..


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2004
Kalidur said:
how that warrents you to call me a clueless prick i do not understand,

1. You are rude
2. You are wrong
3. You fail to see it and keep arguing


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2004
Kalidur there is no irony or "poetic justice" in this. Just your sick mind feeling good someone who wasted alot of time didnt get anything.

You talk about greed but in the same breath You wanted that item so bad You even made a post like this after YOU got the gem, Gollum Gollum ...

My final words to You after seeing You have no intention of reading my replies is just fu_k off and happy stalking.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Stunned said:
Kalidur there is no irony or "poetic justice" in this. Just your sick mind feeling good someone who wasted alot of time didnt get anything.

You talk about greed but in the same breath You wanted that item so bad You even made a post like this after YOU got the gem, Gollum Gollum ...

My final words to You after seeing You have no intention of reading my replies is just fu_k off and happy stalking.

now heres the poetic justice, I check the site not camp it, in doing this i give others the opertunity to try it, you camp the site for 4 days not giving anyone a chance to get it, (you selfish, me considerate), I get gem you dont, thats poetic justice. one last time please stop the personal vulgar attacks its getting annoying.

if you can make a referance to gullum and his lust for an item, make sure you've picked the right person, it wasnt me that left all else for 4 days dwelling on an item was it ?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
knighthood said:
I used to camp Orions belt.. a lot , if anyone came along needing credit i would invite them , and i did get a few credits on peoples players for them, but after about a week of camping like 4-5 hours a day and no drop i realised what an utter waste of time camping it was...

Read that Rtoo, 4-5 hours a day, not 50+ hours in 2 days (somehow you managed that, but i'll be dammed if i can work it out)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2004
Acctually I forgot something , Baldrian got the gem saturday or sunday morning ( forgot wich ) so even there you are wrong.

and umm

Kalidur said:
not 50+ hours in 2 days (somehow you managed that, but i'll be dammed if i can work it out)

Weren´t You the one crying I was there 4 days mr stalker ?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Stunned said:
Acctually I forgot something , Baldrian got the gem saturday or sunday morning ( forgot wich ) so even there you are wrong.

Forget a lot dont ya.

You know from most of the comments you put forward, I dont hate you, i pitty you, i really do.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2004
No I just dont care enough to make a detailed description. Its just annoying when your stalked by a retard. Do You pay for my 3 accounts ?

IF You made a post saying "Rtoo you camped GoLM alot last days and its annoying" that would be a bit umm special but ok I guess. But You call yourself considerate and also makes a post like this just to taunt me, and sit back with a selfrightous smile.

That fyi boy Kalidur is sick.

Kalidur said:
You know from most of the comments you put forward, I dont hate you, i pitty you, i really do.

How about You care about yourself and your own actions and leave me alone ? There are shrinks to see about stalking problems m8.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
why make a new thread? just bump one of the other 2 million threads on the subject of arti camping/greedy people


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Marc said:
why make a new thread? just bump one of the other 2 million threads on the subject of arti camping/greedy people

Stop camping LD's mum Marc it's my go!!!!!!!!!


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