The decline of Midgard....


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Raven said:
well said, its on its arse and not getting back up again, get over it people. new people coming in. And people played this game for a long time. People have other stuff to do...rl situasions change etc.
More and more will leave....


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
If CC leeched like buffstrips bryjia bridge would be crawling with soloing pac healers.

BB does make okay drood with 42nurt/33regrow spec (or whatever variation). Would think only a minority are specced like this and templated well enuff to play properly. Quite handy to have BB specced like this as backup drood for big raids and realm events tho, where naturalists are at a premium. Normally switch to play BB then myself, as hate been perma res sick and unbuffed as a caster in raids and can't run both (on pc that can handle it).


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
Puppet said:
I dunno, but I dont thrust conclusions from statistics by someone who said 'Warlocks are hardmode, and rangers are the easiest mode ever'.

haha so right


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Finculin said:
Hmm...dont most druids go 44 buff/31 heal/4 root ? (in hib anyway)

Thats a decent rvr spec too so should be quite alot of them out there. I know Ive reloged to my bot on quite a few occations when we are low on druids.


well, that is true but we both know that you are not the best example of the average player, you little PvE-whore :D i think most ppl would just settle to equipp their BB's so they cap dex (for faster rebuffing:D) and can preform simple PvE tasks. that's what i've done with mine (disregarding my cleric ofc since i wanted to play one in RvR from time to time:D)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Xajorkith said:
So what people are saying is that Albion has more than double the number of primary healers than Midgard purely down to DI bots?

So we saying that Albion, Hibernia, Midgard all roughly (at least comparable to the overall population) have the same number of fully played Main healers?

Do Albion and Hibernia suffer from lack of main healers too? (I don't think anyone disputes Midgard does.)
I didn't say anything like it. All I pointed out was that there is a large amount of buffbots and that they're not very likely to be played actively. I believe the number of active healers is somewhat of a percentage of the active population in a realm, rather than some fixed number the same in all realms. I think Albion, for example, has more active clerics than Hibernia, as there is a larger playerbase. And, seeing there are more players, I think there's a larger number of buffbots in Albion aswell, tho I can't tell for DI bots as I know very few of them.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Players roll mid > meet Denarius > reroll Alb !:england:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Finculin said:
Hehe, well during Mastards first RvR event I played my BB Bereth (fully toad and templated). After 1 hour 35 minutes I was second on heal list with 88k healed and first one having 1 hour more played and 3k more healing.

Now that aint to shabby for "just" a BB!:)
You can't really compare a relic raid or some large scale battles to fg-fg rvr tho, as I tend to run into grey-bluecons in large raids aswell, while a fg isn't really likely to take a lowlevel or ungeared player when they intend to win fg battles.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
MesS° said:
For OPted groups: Mid > Hib >> Alb.
And again this results in mid and hib having fewer groups running, because of missing key classes. The elite however is having an easier time agains its oponents. And would explain a higher RR avarage.

This allso falls inline with mid and hib allways have been more vocal about wanting 8v8 fights, its human nature after all. Ofcause they want the game to turn in the direction they have the best advantage. :)

Easy for people to get taken in by this, and I agree it has at various times been the general consensus, usually dictated by the fact that Mid had some excellent 8 man groups running.

However, just look at some of the Alb groups that were around not that long ago, PE, Boys Dont Cry and Asylum, these groups more than hold their own against any other mid or hib group so I really dont think this holds true, and your argument is to easily twisted by albs as an excuse to not form solid 8 man groups but continue to run with the zerg.

A bit of effort is all it takes to get a competitive group going in any realm. It's time for people to start making that effort, especially now a lot of the leet groups have moved on.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
MesS° said:
For OPted groups: Mid > Hib >> Alb.
I don't agree. It all depends on your own group setup and the group setup of your enemies, it's a matter of some setups working better against a certain type of enemy group than another. Rock-paper-scissors on a grand scale, in other words. For instance, an Albion sorc-heavy extend group has a considerable advantage over a pure Mid tank group.

In fact, I would say that overall (i.e. over all conceivable group setups in all of the three realms), we have the following happy situation:

Mid ~ Hib ~ Alb


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Cromcruaich said:
Easy for people to get taken in by this, and I agree it has at various times been the general consensus, usually dictated by the fact that Mid had some excellent 8 man groups running.

However, just look at some of the Alb groups that were around not that long ago, PE, Boys Dont Cry and Asylum, these groups more than hold their own against any other mid or hib group so I really dont think this holds true, and your argument is to easily twisted by albs as an excuse to not form solid 8 man groups but continue to run with the zerg.

A bit of effort is all it takes to get a competitive group going in any realm. It's time for people to start making that effort, especially now a lot of the leet groups have moved on.

very true, Asylum was a good fight, PE too and ofc BDC was hellish to deal with, cant really say alb as a whole is gimped when alb is more than capable of creating competative groups with ease, this I know from firsthandexperience since I have a bunch of albtoons aswell and used to run in a solid albgroup. Anyone saying alb is gimp is basically just saying albs players are gimp, its not the classbalance or similar that is whack in this case anymore. I can agree on one achillesheal of alb and that is that the setups are very sensitive to changes, cant just toss in 3-4support and rest DPS and run as easy as mid and hib can but when albs build a strong group it is as strong as any group out there.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Shike said:
very true, Asylum was a good fight, PE too and ofc BDC was hellish to deal with, cant really say alb as a whole is gimped when alb is more than capable of creating competative groups with ease, this I know from firsthandexperience since I have a bunch of albtoons aswell and used to run in a solid albgroup. Anyone saying alb is gimp is basically just saying albs players are gimp, its not the classbalance or similar that is whack in this case anymore. I can agree on one achillesheal of alb and that is that the setups are very sensitive to changes, cant just toss in 3-4support and rest DPS and run as easy as mid and hib can but when albs build a strong group it is as strong as any group out there.

So you dont agree, and say Alb can build just as god groups as the other realms. The other realms just have an easier time doing it?
Riiight... :rolleyes:

And noone said Alb was gimped. Not in this tread anyway. I said its easier for Mid to make an opted group and be sucsesfull. Mayby not alot but it is easier. Albion has had loads of very sucsesfull groups, several wich where/are a match for anyone. But the other realms has allways had more.
You dont get "mad skillz" and therefor want more 8v8 or duals, depending on wich icon you press when you first start playing DAoC. Its just how the game ended up beeing designed.

Belomar you jumped ship yourself, mayby that had something todo with the fact, that it was more fun winning?
You where an excelent cabby, but as i remember it you didnt become really competetive untill you joined mid.
Or did I get that all wrong?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Shike said:
very true, Asylum was a good fight, PE too and ofc BDC was hellish to deal with, cant really say alb as a whole is gimped when alb is more than capable of creating competative groups with ease, this I know from firsthandexperience since I have a bunch of albtoons aswell and used to run in a solid albgroup. Anyone saying alb is gimp is basically just saying albs players are gimp, its not the classbalance or similar that is whack in this case anymore. I can agree on one achillesheal of alb and that is that the setups are very sensitive to changes, cant just toss in 3-4support and rest DPS and run as easy as mid and hib can but when albs build a strong group it is as strong as any group out there.

I don't agree.

In Albion, if you want to run a caster group you have to decide between end for kiting or elemental resists + bg'er.

In my opinion there's no room for both a Paladin and a Friar in the same group.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Belomar said:
In fact, I would say that overall (i.e. over all conceivable group setups in all of the three realms), we have the following happy situation:

Mid ~ Hib ~ Alb

The outrage! Its so bloody obvious its Hib ~ Alb ~ Mid or perhaps Alb ~ Mid ~ Hib but what you described is so wrong !!!!!



Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Puppet said:
The outrage! Its so bloody obvious its Hib ~ Alb ~ Mid or perhaps Alb ~ Mid ~ Hib but what you described is so wrong !!!!!
I stand by my point and I will never back down! To the end!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Vodkafairy said:

mids with good bd > hib ~ alb

hib ~ alb > mids with shit or no bd

So no bd in a mid grp = gameover .. i see :|


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Vodkafairy said:

mids with good bd > hib ~ alb

hib ~ alb > mids with shit or no bd

probably true... however i usually had the impression that

alb > mid
mid > hib
hib > alb

dont know why, but as alb hibs seemed harder overall, and as mid albs seemed harder overall (ofc really good grp stands out in any realm, but this seemed to apply to the "decent" grps atleast...)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
raid said:
probably true... however i usually had the impression that

alb > mid
mid > hib
hib > alb

dont know why, but as alb hibs seemed harder overall, and as mid albs seemed harder overall (ofc really good grp stands out in any realm, but this seemed to apply to the "decent" grps atleast...)
Also feel like that!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Belomar said:
I stand by my point and I will never back down! To the end!
I guess you'll have to be dragged down, then :<


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Mids need more thanes in group! :(

Maybe even two, one to bodyguard the other!


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Vodkafairy said:

mids with good bd > hib ~ alb

hib ~ alb > mids with shit or no bd

no no no

alb grp with gingy in > hib
alb grp with gingy in > mid
alb grp with gingy in > hib + mid

mid > alb (no gingy)
hib > alb (no gingy)

lvl 1 fighter > hib grp with VF in :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ging said:
no no no

alb grp with gingy in > hib
alb grp with gingy in > mid
alb grp with gingy in > hib + mid

when we're talking about who gives easiest rps yeah!


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Belomar said:
I stand by my point and I will never back down! To the end!

Well Vampiir > Healer+BD so I suppose the end is near for thou !

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