The best GG on the history of pryd

Whichs has been the best GG ?

  • EC OF ( redb jarakin lourker....)

    Votes: 41 8.0%
  • NP OF ( droooood...)

    Votes: 70 13.7%
  • NP TOA ( sorusi , jergiot ...)

    Votes: 50 9.8%
  • Midget Mafia OF ( Valle, Miracle..)

    Votes: 112 21.9%
  • Everlast OF (Zpasi, Vanaya...)

    Votes: 18 3.5%
  • Brite grp NF (Brite, valgair ,Mocracle...)

    Votes: 28 5.5%
  • PE OF ( Dreami,Fadeh...)

    Votes: 156 30.5%
  • PE TOA (Onigiri, Saitoh ...)

    Votes: 36 7.0%

  • Total voters
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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Where is Derric when you need popcorn while watching a purse slapping fight :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
straef i summarize all your words in one thing , you are insulting cos i forgot 90 % ? of the groups in the poll , i can admit i forgot a few grps but is obvius i didnt forgot 90 % of the best groups. i think there is no reason to insult, and if u do it without reason you should get banned here.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Dont think FL and everlast "dominated" to the % other guilds on there did

SoTL prolly have one of the best win ratio's in the server history when walker was in group, kinda funny that they arent included =]


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
shorti said:
well warders and sotl were pretty much unkillable @ their era ... ie where u werent rvring (playing ?)

i remember when we made first pe merc grp with 3 mercs when dreami started playing with us but was still in The Dragon Senate. And we were all rr3 and we beat warders.
Those were the days!!!:worthy:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Succi said:
SoTL prolly have one of the best win ratio's in the server history when walker was in group, kinda funny that they arent included =]
Xxcalibur doesn't like them, so there!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
straef i summarize all your words in one thing , you are insulting cos i forgot 90 % ? of the groups in the poll , i can admit i forgot a few grps but is obvius i didnt forgot 90 % of the best groups. i think there is no reason to insult, and if u do it without reason you should get banned here.
No, I'm insulting you because you're a clueless ****, which you keep showing off in the majority of your posts, yet you have the guts to say that I know fuck all about Prydwen, I lose 90% of the fair fights, and I'm 'zero', followed by you saying that you never insulted anyone? I'm insulting you because you're a bloody joke and there's no other way to get through to you because you're so_fucking_thick.
If anyone should be banned it would be you, for posting a new poll every bloody day (yes, in case that needed explaining: not literally) and seeing abuse in whatever I say while being in denial of your own.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Straef said:
The funny thing is, he wouldn't even have noticed my post if it weren't for him being insulted, don't you think? He's only been going on and on about how I've been insulting him, rather than about how I might have actually had a point about him missing a lot of guilds.

Well I'm sorry Straef but if you want to have people listening to what you say and what good points you have maybe you shouldn't insult them?
I keep telling you that all the time! ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Glerina said:
Well I'm sorry Straef but if you want to have people listening to what you say and what good points you have maybe you shouldn't insult them?
I keep telling you that all the time! ;)
I didn't mean it like that. It's just that he would've passed on the post without even reading it otherwise, as he never seems to be reading any of my posts before judging them. I didn't even insult him, at first, but he seems to think so.
[/QUOTE=Straef]There's one Alb guild on there? What a fucking joke ;o
You're not exactly giving people a chance to vote for who they might think are the best by leaving out 90% of the groups, are you?[/QUOTE]
That's hardly insulting him, tho I may have different borders about what I find offensive than some of you do. The only thing I said was that the thread was pointless since it's impossible to make an objective vote unless you agree with Xxcal on what's good and bad, which I don't. Sure, I called him a retard later on, which I did like twenty times before that, and which I will keep doing, as that's the way I feel about him. He talks random shit half the time, brings up subjects as if they're 'facts' while he just made them up while writing, which, to me, didn't give me too great an impression of him, tho I could be totally wrong about him being thick, but wouldn't it be about time for him to make a sensefull post then, to prove me wrong?
Bringing stuff like 'you're zero', 'you know nothing of Prydwen', 'you lose 90% of the fair fights', only makes it look like some upset 10 y/o to me, throwing random crap at me without thinking.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Straef said:
No, I'm insulting you because you're a clueless ****, which you keep showing off in the majority of your posts, yet you have the guts to say that I know fuck all about Prydwen, I lose 90% of the fair fights, and I'm 'zero', followed by you saying that you never insulted anyone? I'm insulting you because you're a bloody joke and there's no other way to get through to you because you're so_fucking_thick.
If anyone should be banned it would be you, for posting a new poll every bloody day (yes, in case that needed explaining: not literally) and seeing abuse in whatever I say while being in denial of your own.

i did 5 polls in 2 years m8. its a fact . Just check it . Less insult like a child and grow up a bit


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
i did 5 polls in 2 years m8. its a fact . Just check it . Less insult like a child and grow up a bit
Four of those were created within two weeks, and, due to the way a thread gets bumped whenever someone votes, they were all active for quite a while. Five polls in two years or four of them in two weeks, quite a difference, I'd say :<


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Straef said:
Good job :I
what job?

you're doing a good job with this tool though:



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Edlina said:
Get a job so you can buy a proper STATIONARY comp and come back to daoc, is what he's saying, imo!
I was trying to be subtle, but yes :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 20, 2005
Freaks :mad:

And about topic, SoTL ran when there were no other set groups out (at least i can't remember any), same with old Warders, anyway it's not possible to compare groups from past with todays, game has changed too much :)

I remember first high RR ppl (and high RR hib in those days was like rr6-rr7) from hib didn't get their ranks from running strong fg-s, was more like playing early in the mornings and zerging, remember Trelawney, Saxif etc from hib leading em ... was fun, 3 warden groups, no bards almost ever ... etc


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
Kahland said:
i remember when we made first pe merc grp with 3 mercs when dreami started playing with us but was still in The Dragon Senate. And we were all rr3 and we beat warders.
Those were the days!!!:worthy:

I just remember you guys ran 2fg for a while in the start when you all were very low rr, was a very easy kill back then :) it changed pretty much after a while tho. The era where all alb guilds had red and white cloaks :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
mze said:
Freaks :mad:

And about topic, SoTL ran when there were no other set groups out (at least i can't remember any), same with old Warders, anyway it's not possible to compare groups from past with todays, game has changed too much :)

I remember first high RR ppl (and high RR hib in those days was like rr6-rr7) from hib didn't get their ranks from running strong fg-s, was more like playing early in the mornings and zerging, remember Trelawney, Saxif etc from hib leading em ... was fun, 3 warden groups, no bards almost ever ... etc

SoTL ran groups when NP, Warders, Eclipse and many other guilds ran groups so try again :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 20, 2005
Septina said:
SoTL ran groups when NP, Warders, Eclipse and many other guilds ran groups so try again :)

I guess that's when i was playing SWG, missed that era then.

Tho i was kinda thinking the very early SoTL, with Sami, Xorta, Walker, and the LoE zerg <3

and at that time NP was still running 35 QUI troll zerkers™, Sorusi etc on exc, Tuorin was highest RR hib and stuff :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Septina said:
SoTL ran groups when NP, Warders, Eclipse and many other guilds ran groups so try again :)

didnt sotl stop when hib grps started to use 2 chanters x2 baods? not due to that :) but around that time iirc
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