Your 0-3 and then 3-3 was a fluke, everyone knows that. Of course Scouse dream that because of that magic night of the fat pig you should be automatic in the CL every year, but years passed with Scouse team winning nothing while Chelsea and Manchester drown in trophies.
But you finally slipped and shopwed how truly crazy you are. The protests didn't get you sold, the banks sold you away like a cheap whore. Your protests didn't do anything and the portests in Manchester won't do anything either, never. Banks called the shots, but you really believe you got rid of the Americans, right? You are crazy.
We earned our trophy. We won the league, the cup and the CL and that fat Scouse loving horrendous pig better win us the Team World Cup or I will go crazy as the Rafa love Scouse.
You finished 5th back then, right? Rules had to change so that the thief Scouse could play in the league of CHAMPIONS again. You haven't been champions in how long over 20 years. Embarrassing, get this person out of here.
in all seriousness though, how will this affect the fantasy league stuff?
lets slit our wrists together, everz