


Originally posted by Petronella
Good Thread.
As Fafnir said, Evade I should be in our possesion but for some reason it isnt :)
Stormcalling needs something added in order to make us more groupfriendly, but I have a hard time seeing Thane having Endurance-regeneration. Maybe another type of buff or even debuff
Energy debuff :D 75% or so :D


Woo! Then I could be a debuffnuker even tho they nerfed my runie. Fix that, and I'll /renew :D


Originally posted by Petronella
or a 10min spec-AF buff ;)
Or damage shield like summ sms get :) Would prevent some people from hitting us :D


Originally posted by old.Hardbein
Fix the mending line for shamans

What? There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Shaman Mending line, that is if you can somehow manage to kill things without entering combat and while sitting down so that the Friggs spells actually have a noticable effect. :great:


The real question is -

Does a Thanes Stormcalling line give abilities that compensate for the lower melee ability?

Given the game in its current form, I'd answer no. Even in keep raids Thanes dont really seem to make much of an impact.

For example VW's DD is 2.5s casting time, allowing quick cast-move tactics, would lower cast times make a difference to Thanes?


Maybe it would help if they just put thanes on the same dmg- and hit points table as the other hybrid tanks?


I agree thane need tweaking badly.... Maybe a Resist buff in Stormcalling line and Ra to make their spells unresistable for 15 seconds every 15/30 minutes?

Just a thought


Aule Valar

Originally posted by Fafnir
Or damage shield like summ sms get :) Would prevent some people from hitting us :D

and make you even less desirable in grps


Originally posted by Zebolt
Maybe it would help if they just put thanes on the same dmg- and hit points table as the other hybrid tanks?

That's all that needs doing. We'd still not be hot cake for RvR groups, but we'd be able to get in some groups atleast.

Of course, this would make Thanes even better farming machines, funding the uber kit of their lvl 50 fotm alts.


Originally posted by old.Bubble
Paladins don't have a godlike defence, RR7 Uberbuffed paladin will block loads yes.

I've lost to Armsmen in a duel but not paladins, i need to always use a Medium+ to hit style to even hit a Armsman.(Friars off Evade is a low to hit...)

To hit effects miss rates ;o


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Perhaps Thanes do need a little touch up.

1. they dont need a little touch up, they need a huge.
2. the love they get is a laugh in the face since its in favor of the 2h thane or 39 wepon, 42 shield, 50 SC spec.

Thanes need a grouping ability, or a group RA that actualy gives something else then a 3 sec stun (minus resists).


Originally posted by krill-nyd
Not having evade is just silly, still it won't affect us much so I can't see it's worth worrying about.

i agree on you on wouldnt help the thanes that much, but its the point of beeing like the other hybrids.

OR give thanes some new funky kind of armor ;p


Originally posted by GrivneKelmorian
2. the love they get is a laugh in the face since its in favor of the 2h thane or 39 wepon, 42 shield, 50 SC spec.

Exactly! 2h spec..

So... bring it on! ;)


50 sword 50 stormcalling imo and u got a nice assist-monkey on your hands.


Thanes used to be all the rage and I thoroughly got swatted by them at range and with thane twohanded hammers up my ass.

Resists make thanes damage a little underpowered. I did play one for a bit I find them one of the most fun classes in the game (pve).

I partly blame their damage (wpn+casting) but I mainly blame the fotm culture for their downfall. In the old days there was one or two thanes in every mid rvr group and they were absolutely fantastic at keep defense/takes and there were alot of them. Even resists didnt matter with enough thanes.

Pallies have end gen so they are needed in every rvr group they werent pre-end gen they were just another tank.

On hib excal and hib pryd I rarely see a champion rvring. In fact on pryd Ive only seen warriors in df or on huge raids.

If your class does not bring something fantastic to the rvr table then you get shunned. Even with thanes buffed up a bit I doubt they will be accepted, in the current climate many other character types have the same problem.

Zerkers, Thanes, VW's Need a little help right now off the top of my head cant remember what my own realm needs help on ^^.


First of all put us on the tank table for hit points not the rogue, just got my SC armour done last night and im on 1600hp self buffed (self thane buffs, dont have a bb), not sure how much pallys, armsmen, warriors get but my guess is that it would be a heck of a lot more. Evade 1 would be a nice addition and maybe reducing the amount of endurance our spells use. But getting end regen chant would be a dream come true :D


imo all thanes need are:

1) det
2) more hits
3) more WS
4) swap all spells for a line of instas (maybe keep the castable DD)
5) remove the worlds most crappy RA and replace it with something thats actually good.
6) dex per lvl


Originally posted by ilum
50 sword 50 stormcalling imo and u got a nice assist-monkey on your hands.

..there we go, thank you.
been this all the way and never considered respeccing


1. More potent spells in Stormcalling Lines
2. Insta 100% End heal on a 15 minute timer
3. Thane RA made cheaper and better(not effected by resists?)
4. Elemental Resist chants that a paladin has?(Like 24% Heat/cold/matter and 24% energy/spirt/body)

1. ok
2. all classes have second wind, kkthx
3. ok
4. skalds have +20% resists, and pallys rarely use their reisist chants

my 2 cents


One thing a thane can kill better than any other class is wizards tho.

They haven't got a chance in heaven unless they have one more point in LongWind than the thane.


I have to say hybrids in general(apart from paladin) need fixing, champs which were great are now not wanted in grps as they have no det and there dd and debuffs get resisted too much now days. VW needs a few decent anytimers id have to say, thanes need em... alot id say, i think they do need to have there SC line adjusted and really need a good RA, maybe something like group purge that they can use every 30 mins or a insta AE resist debuff that debuffs all magic resists by 30% on a 15 min timer :)

But like i said, the hybrid classes in mid and hib need fixed up asap.


Still wierd how Prydwen's first RR10 Mid was a Thane. :eek:


Originally posted by SilverHood
One thing a thane can kill better than any other class is wizards tho.

They haven't got a chance in heaven unless they have one more point in LongWind than the thane.


You are joking? i got 10+ pages of deathspam of a pbaoe group we did in df wiped 200+ mids.Wizards are good if played good just like any class can be really, ok they aren't the best casters but still they can kill believe me.

Mid - Kirinia

Originally posted by Naveh
Still wierd how Prydwen's first RR10 Mid was a Thane. :eek:

Thats because back when daoc started, thanes were actually reasonable. So, lots of people created thanes, plenty of hardcore players included, and a few stuck with the thane.

My Point - Divious would be rr10 no matter what class he played, because he has played it for so long instead of re-rolling.
It just so happens that he's a thane.

DAOC is apparently a group game. The game is designed to get both small groups and large groups to form in order to gain experience/rp together. As an alternative to grouping, stealth classes were invented. A decent alternative that actually gives you a chance to play the rvr side of the game without being in a group.

Unfortunately mythic forgot to 'place' thanes anywhere.

-Thanes can't solo in rvr. They have no speed, no stealth, no 'get-away' tricks. Get caught solo in the frontier and you stand there and fight. On the few occasions that you seem to be winning, you can stand there and watch the enemy turn around and run from you.....just to watch them get away/stealth safely without being able to do shit.

-Thanes can't get a rvr group. They have absolutely nothing to offer a group apart from, in some cases, a decent personality.

1.65.....'oh wow thane love'.....hmm, same old same old. A few tweaks here and there, but nothing that will fix any of the two points above : Thanes can't solo/Thanes can't get a group.

The thane class needs some serious attention. I hope mythic realises this and acts on it quickly.


Originally posted by Fafnir
Thought shamans got end regen with a patch not around SI release or something, then mytchic thought it was to powerfull so they nerfed mid again :D

they nerfed shammy becouse of shammy conc! they dident nerf the shammy becouse of the thane!


Thane boost idea-

Self Buff 10 min timer
Offensive Process
25% chance the thanes weapon with cause a 2 sec stun, this will not be effected by the immunity timer or start it.

This would have no effect on PvE but would be great in RvR and make thanes a good adittion to any RvR group


Originally posted by old.Bubble
Thane boost idea-

Self Buff 10 min timer
Offensive Process
25% chance the thanes weapon with cause a 2 sec stun, this will not be effected by the immunity timer or start it.

This would have no effect on PvE but would be great in RvR and make thanes a good adittion to any RvR group

Rofl someone's playing Warcraft 3. Maybe give Thane's Thunder Clap too? All you need is to move Paladin to Mid and give it a strong spec heal then Thunder Clap+Paladin heal and kill 4fg zergs xD

Not bad idea tho ^^

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