TG raid or not?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
well its a long time since i ve seen a tg raid (ofc i may have not saw any1 who goes for tg raid with his firends i am not a beloved person:p)
wonder if there is gonna be a tg raid soon.
i need items who drop from mobs imposibble to kill with focus.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
You won't see any Tuscaren Glacier Raids until the 1.64/1.65 patch has been released. There is no real point doing the Raids until the Focus Shield has been nerfed so it stops the Spiritmasters camping Tuscaren Glacier killing all the named mobs and getting the Tuscaren Glacier Items.

Just give it a week or so before the Raids start to happen again. At least know the Spiritmaster's won't be overcharging people for the items.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
heh overcharge?, doubt it the market is flooded thanks to tg farming, some items that cost 5 or 6p a few months ago u cant even sell for 1p. Wait and see. the single respec stone price will go up, as will the full rspec and RA cos the dragon will be getting harder ( Remember when full respecs were going for 10p ). It just like the stock market... why do you think the sb/hunter/warrior vest is so expensive? cos there are hardly any. Same thing will happen after patch prices will go up cos ppl will want the items. Anyway tg will still be farmed, it will only take longer :m00: . Remember Np, BC and RG farming in tg early days.


why do u think steinvors frenzied axe goes for around 20p? cos only very few ppl farm the elders if they were farmed like council and isso they would cost about 5p, even less.

tsaxpinoula said:
well its a long time since i ve seen a tg raid (ofc i may have not saw any1 who goes for tg raid with his firends i am not a beloved person:p)
wonder if there is gonna be a tg raid soon.
i need items who drop from mobs imposibble to kill with focus.

<cough> hunter vest <cough>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
remenber tg farming only farm councilers isso forn and birds thay hardly ever farm the elders its posible but not with a 5 man team need 2 fg with 3 sm at least so there is still a big demand for tg raids but not worth it untill patch as for a good raid you need 6 fg to kill king and queen but with council and isso and m8s dead by sm you might if lucky get 30 drops for 50-60 ppl not good odds.
but after patch when tg wont be farmed your looking at 60-70 tg drops per raid( record is 79 drops)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
ruahtian said:
thay hardly ever farm the elders its posible but not with a 5 man team need 2 fg with 3 sm at least

2 persons 4 characters 4 dead elders. Fun challenges, but timeconsuming so didn't bother to camp them anymore after getting the sm-vest/legs we needed. The elder councils drops mostly crap anyway.

/brag off


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
hmm u right there vepo with all the sm's camping it, bit silly really :/
anyway if there is a tg raid after 1.65 patch is out what will the specific lvls be ? :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Himse said:
anyway if there is a tg raid after 1.65 patch is out what will the specific lvls be ? :clap:

All down to the individual raid leaders taste, myself i set the level req. at 40+ for guild groups, 43+ for support, 45+ for everyone else, and 50 to roll in the first round of the lotto.

Of course, thats just me. Other people do things different ways (e.g. lvl 50 only and stuff like that)


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
oki thnx alot i had some idea but needed to know from someone who has been in a tg raid before :D

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