Terminator 3



Originally posted by Scouse
Didn't check my spelling L - furry muff :)

And ECA:

Why is that then?

Are you so politically correct that you can't admit to differences between the sexes?

Men tend to be bigger/stronger/faster etc.

Women tend to be smaller/more dextrous etc...

Evolution has made us this way. What's sexist about that?

If women were as physically capable at the things that men are capable of then they'd be playing all the same sports alongside them and attracted to all the same jobs.

The same holds the other way round. The hi-tec electronics industry is rammed full of women on the production lines because men fuck things up because they're simply not dextrous enough.

Just because you're one of the daily-mail reading politically-correct fuckwitt brigade doesn't mean you should go round branding people "sexist" simply because you don't want to/can't enter into a rational debate on this.

1. I disagree with your generalisations that 99.5% of women would lose a fight to a man.
I'd say it was more like 60-70%, simply because women are more vicious :-]

2. I read the Times and the Telegraph.

3. This post proves you make sweeping generalisations and assumptions, hence your arguments are unreliable.

4. I win.


I remember reading that they chose whats-his-face to play the evil terminator in the second film because he was 'cat-like'.

Seems they've gone for a similar feel third time round, and that lady certainly seems more 'cat-like' than any bloke around.

In conclusion then, Jean Paul Gaultier's 'Le Male' is an expensive fragrance, but get's the job done.


Scouse foot in mouth syndrome strikes again. Seriously Scouse, do you ever consider what you write before you write it? And as for you fictional statistics, heh.

Scooba Da Bass

I used to speak to some guy called Scouse on another network, he was nice, this has no real relavance.


Originally posted by Summo
I remember reading that they chose whats-his-face to play the evil terminator in the second film because he was 'cat-like'

Exactly. Does Robert Patrick, physically, look like he could kick Arnie's ass? No. Did he pull off the role of T-1000 well (whupping Arnie's ass in the process)? Yes. Scouse = teh lost.


I disagree with your generalisations that 99.5% of women would lose a fight to a man.
I'd say it was more like 60-70%, simply because women are more vicious

I simply disagree with you on this. I think the figures would be much higher.

This post proves you make sweeping generalisations and assumptions, hence your arguments are unreliable

Actually - I only made one "sweeping" generalisation in the post - the fact that all PC people read the daily mail ;)

The others are facts. Men tend to be stronger/women more dextrous. You can't deny these (well you can - but you'd be full of shit!)

Exactly. Does Robert Patrick, physically, look like he could kick Arnie's ass? No. Did he pull off the role of T-1000 well (whupping Arnie's ass in the process)? Yes. Scouse = teh lost.

And if Stu had bothered to read any of the post before this all I said originally was that I was concerned that it MAY look silly when you go to watch the film. I never said it WILL look daft. And actually - Robert Patrick looked well menacing in T2 - as far as I saw by the trailer this girl doesn't (as much).

I'm not sexist or racist or whatever else you want to brand me. (Well, I AM mildly homophobic but hey-ho).

All I've done is say "I hope the film doesn't suck ass with a female terminator". I justified this with the argument along the general terms of "women can't fight as well as men" and "other films that have done the same look silly".

A bunch of you took that as me saying "all women are weak and men are better". I never said that - but if some of the low IQ's floating about want to take it that way then fair enough :)


Don't seem to remember Ripley getting into many fist fights with the aliens.

Cracking punch she had in that walker tho :)


Originally posted by Scouse
Don't seem to remember Ripley getting into many fist fights with the aliens.

Don't see Arnie getting into much fist fights with em either.


Sar old bean. You've come in a bit late haven't ya :)

The idea is that sometimes it looks daft on film when women hit men.

Long Kiss Goodnight with Geena Davis?



LOL caLLous - I'll pretend you never said that m8 :D


Daisy hitting Tim in the episode when colin get's abducted.. by an aligator.. or something..

Now there's a goot right hook

d'you want a jaffa cake?


That was a good punch-on-the-move.

Don't sneak up on me like that!

Scooba Da Bass

Charlies Angel's was unrealistic, women out of the kitchen, don't make me laugh.


Yes yes but they were wearing Cat Suits so all is forgiven!


what about the punch at the end of This Life? That was a good 'un


I agree with Scouse tbh. Men are better at fighting than women. Hence the common insult "You fight like a girl". Women who can fight are normally butch lesbos with Doc Martens and shaved heads and/or from Glasgow. I hardly see this as a sexist viewpoint.

Women are better at some things than men. Cooking, washing, ironing, going to the bathroom in groups and taking ages getting ready spring to mind.


I think we have a late late entrant in the "Most retarded post & poster 2002" compo.




one thing I dislike about the whole female terminator is .. well... why?

People might underestimate her, because she's a girl.. but that seems a little too far a stretch of the imagination. I mean, I just don't really see the point in it. I can't think of a reason the machines would create a female terminator.

t1000 was small and skinny because he didnt need to be any more, t800 was big and bulky because he was mechanical and was just big generally because he was a grunt. Why a female terminator, WHY?

Man, this film will be so shit :|


Originally posted by Sar
I think we have a late late entrant in the "Most retarded post & poster 2002" compo.





The T1000 was actually just a mass of liquid metal, wasn't he? Therefore his form would be totally irrelevant... Plus, it's not about size, it's about gender.

Yes, there's probably fuck loads of women that could kick my lightweight arse... However, these are women that train. If a man trains exactly the same amount as a woman, and they fight, the man would easily beat the woman. If you got a woman who does as much exercise/manual-work as i do, i guarantee you that i'd come out ontop. As it happens, i do Wing-Chun, and have been doing it for over a year... The few women, and younger lads that have/do go to my class, wouldn't stand a chance against me in a real fight, even if they were a bit more advanced than me. When you get to a certain level, obviously skill can beat strength, but the average lass would have trouble decking even a small bloke.

Yes, 'ard women in films, generally look totally stupid. Even if the film pits some kind of 1337 ninja amazon bad-ass woman, against a skinny computer geek, it still looks wrong, simply because women have a hard time looking hard. Even a small, or just ordinary bloke(like the T1000), can look hard. It also helped that the T-1000 fought Arnie using extended metal arms, which reinforced the fact that the T-1000 was increadably strong, and basically a lump of liquid metal.

It's not being sexist, it's being fucking real :rolleyes:


The actress played her part brilliantly in the first one(one of the reasons why is was the better film), but in T2, she came accross too butch, and too much like the super-woman that this thread is about... The bit where she tries to kill the black techy who's responcible for the development of skynet... That was just awful, not least because she starts crying when she can't kill him.

Her role at the end, fighting off the T1000 was ok, but apart from that, her character suffered due to being an 'ard woman. Of course, T2 was always going to be a bit sucky, due to:
The cliche that Arnie takes on. Having him spawn next to a bikers' bar, and then nick leathers, and a bike, was the most stupid thing they did. Ok, so Arnie looked cool, but it's so what you expect. The way he gets kitted out in the original was far better.
The fact that he doesn't do any killing for most(if not all?) of the film... Fs, what's the point in the violence when he doesn't kill anyone :eek:
The lad! God, in a couple of parts of the film, he is so annoying! Cut with the family friendly-crap! Where's the mass-killing of the original!?

Bah, i shouldn't turn this thread into a disscussion on why the original was so much better than T2... What actually in T3 meant to be about? And what's the trailer like? Cba to download it(probably won't work, depending on what type of quicktime codec it uses)... If T3 is more like T2 than the original, i'll be pissed off :eek:


oh jesus.. I'm just not gunna bother arguing with you abou this as you're quite clearly full of shit.

Plus t2 was better.


Ok hypothetical question here.

You have droped the kids of with the grandparents, you and partner decide to go to the pub for a quick pint, while your getting the beers in, a bloke stuffs a glass into your wife/gf's face

What do you do?

A) Say "hey your at least as strong as me, deal with it bitch!"

B) Fuck the bastard up.

C) Call the police and hope to fuck that its all female pc'c that come's, cos females kick arse and any male pc would just run away and do the washing up or somthing.

D) Admit that males are physicly stronger then females,(although the percentage of male to female hard cunts escapes you for the moment) live with that fact and get on with your life.

E) Post on a forum that your missis would beat my missis in a fight anyday of the week, apart from tuesdays after 6 because thats when she goes to the sliming club.

Scooba Da Bass

F) Wonder why when you type like a chimp are you on everyone's ignore lists.

(This might be the correct answer)

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