Trem's hunky sex love muffin
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- Dec 20, 2003
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stolen from a thread on barrysworld ages ago and posted to my personal diary thing said:nice thread on BW
By tdc on Tuesday, 17:00 - 4/2/2003
Where are you and what are you upto?
at work reading this forum and being busy. one of our systems has just dropped a cpu :/
[highlight]I'm at my desk feeding old entries from my diary log into my new log thingy[/highlight]
Do you think what you do is worthwhile?
for me, yes. for others, yes.
[highlight]same answer heh[/highlight]
When was the last time you were really pissed?
really pished? aaaages ago...
[highlight]same answer.[/highlight]
Tell us a joke:
why did the fetishist cross the road? because he was embedded in a chicken.
[highlight]At a U.N. meeting the American ambassador turned to the Japanese ambassador and whispered, "When was your last election?" The Japanese ambassador turned bright red and whispered back, "before bleakfast."[/highlight]
Who was the last person you texted and what did it say?
my mate max, to ask if he had his central heating online again
[highlight]my gf to tell her I'd left my keys at work[/highlight]
Who would you least like to see naked?
my mother
[highlight]same answer heh[/highlight]
Who would you like to punch?
the bloke who was looking over my shoulder just now :/
[highlight]nobody. I'm a really peaceable bloke tbh[/highlight]
What does God look like?
I believe in a higher plane of existance, but not in a god or gods.
[highlight]same answer heh[/highlight]
Who do you love?
my family and my friends
What fantasy do you still have to fulfill?
mmm I can't say as I'd prolly get banned
2nd choice: I want to climb a mountain
[highlight]aaaaaannnd....still the same answer heh[/highlight]
What's the best thing you've heard in the last 16 years musically?
um...have to be Pink Floyd
[highlight]the floyd, and radiohead too imo[/highlight]
What's your idea of Heaven?
a world without fear
[highlight]same answer heh[/highlight]
And your idea of Hell?
this world, but without the few things that make it bearable
[highlight]same answer heh[/highlight]
What do you want 200 of?
...teen girls in my hareem? ...truckloads of cash would be nice too tbh. yes, I'm that shallow.
[highlight]I'd still not mind a hareem tbh, so same answer[/highlight]
What's the best bit of advice you've ever recieved?
Don't quit school you lazy fuck. I said this to myself.
[highlight]same answer[/highlight]
Who is the greatest living Englishman?
all the truely great englishmen are dead :/
[highlight]same answer heh[/highlight]
What's been the highlight of the last 16 years?
My mum getting better after a dose of the big C.
[highlight]same answer, but in the second place spot me meeting my girlfriend. yersh, I'm soppy like that[/highlight]
And the low point?
dad passing away. mum getting the big C
[highlight]same answer.[/highlight]
What's the worst chat-up line you've ever heard?
"Are you horny or do you want a cookie?"
[highlight]"aww fuck it. fancy a shag?" - according to Xtro I may actually have said this myself.[/highlight]
When was the last time you did the washing up?
ummm....iirc last friday
[highlight]couple of weeks ago. my cleaner does it for me. joy[/highlight]
What's next?
back to work...
[highlight]a wee drink, then sleep[/highlight]
old thread on bw. my answers from a year and a half ago, and my new answers in highlight tags. I don't really change much I gather, or perhaps nothing ever happens to me. feel free to answer the questions heh.