Support new map pack?



If your gonna attempt an insult try to spell it right, tsk bloody North Americans.......:rolleyes:


TseTse, when you grow up, you will learn that people have different opinions to yours, & when they describe those opinions, it doesnt mean they're flaming you



As a player who stopped playing Tribes2 in November, I have no axe to grind or opinion as far as the map-pack proposal goes. Looking at the replies to and fro here, I get the impression TseTse that you hoped to post on the BW forums about your idea and get a lot of positive posts back backing up your idea.

I'm sorry if a dose of honesty is not what you wanted to hear, but the fact of the matter is that you asked for feedback and you got it. Now that you've had feedback from people who play on one European GSP, you might want to poll other GSPs but all I can say is that the situation with GamesDomain, BlueYonder, Jolt and others is not too different from BW. Custom maps are interesting, but they don't get the servers filled up. Client-side maps are also a no-no as that means the player has to expend some (gasp!) effort. Serverside maps should be enough.

Of course, who am I to talk? I've not played Tribes2 in almost 4 months now.


you can be sure i'll pass on the sentiments to our group. =)

"barrysworld is really not interested in participating and would rather flame mappers" [/B]

Yes, im sure you could make us look really bad bending the truth in such a manner to "your group".

I wonder if you actually have the good manners or spine to either post a link to the forum topic in your comments so they can see the truth.

Or even better post a link here to your group so we could defend ourselves against your slander.

Going by your childishly unconstructive behaviour on the forums so far, i very much doubt youd do either.

Any mappers out there who want opinions on their maps however im sure people on BW would be very happy to give input on it. If its very good, wed probably like to use it for league play.

as for your comment of "barrysworld is really not interested in participating and would rather flame mappers".

I do find that amusing considering BW public servers have a Full 2 Custom map servers and several other servers that mix up good server side custom maps, with tweaked base maps and base maps.

On top of this all of its bookable servers have a large range of Custom maps to practice on.

Further more, the BWT2L runs 9 maps in its league 4 of which (almost 50%) are custom maps.


Now I'm Zengei (gasp! a mapper) and I would like to make one thing VERY clear. Mappers KNOW how cutoms maps are played. The difference between how SS and CS maps work and play (I ask you who else would know better?). I think the reason why Tse was getting kinda irritated is because your just stating things that we know ALL ALONG. If you remove all the stuff about how CS maps aren't played you guys are basically posting nothing! Now the question was would you support a custom map pack? Well according to you you gave TseTse your best "wishes" but it was obvious to anyway that those "wishes" were pruly a sarcastic jests. Obviously you guys are not willing to support custom maps.


tse tse doesn't need to come back and twist any words they are right here for us to read.

I think he is funny, he seems to care.

I look at the other communities and they eat up CS maps. Take UT for example, it can be hard to find a server side map. It is not just the auto downloader, that is the lazy persons excuse.

The people that are making the decisions on rotation know people that are playing enough that with a few minutes of time could come up with one new good map to play every day let alone once a week or month.

In addition, with a massive website like this that supports the huge amount of servers that BW supports, a site page that updates all map changes for servers and offers the updated maps in packs shouldn't need auto dl to keep the massess interested.

800 maps! lol yeah it seems like a lot. Especially to someone like tse tse who has probably helped a good quarter of those maps be released. I personaly spend more time in the UT scene and have to dig through closer to 5000 maps to chose from. Granted UT had the superior Auto/dl BUT the serious gamers dont wait for auto dl they check the websites for the servers they frequent.

As for all of the flaming, lol, it follows poor tse tse like the plague!
Rather than being offended because a group of people have a good idea and flaming about it, try shutting up. don't say anything.

"I will say ill of no man, and speak all the good of everybody." - Benjamin Franklin ( who is a bloody north american that could spell very well).

Not only is this advcie that the people he directed it at take but everyone. I spend a lot of time in forums of various games and Tribes2 seems to breed a closemindedness that is uttelrely amazing. It is made apparent in these ignorant flamings and in the fact as a group you are all incapable of downloading some maps and playing on the same servers.

well that is it your are welcome to flame me for my spelling or where I live now.




well that is it your are welcome to flame me for my spelling or where I live now.

I don`t like the way your name is in CAPS. ;)


As for all of the flaming, lol, it follows poor tse tse like the plague!
Rather than being offended because a group of people have a good idea and flaming about it, try shutting up. don't say anything.
Typical. He asked for an opinion, and got it. He didn't like it, so he started getting arsey. The rest is history.


UT released many bonus packs, outside of that i found custom map servers werent that popular Auto DL did help it a bit though.

Hard to compare UT though when you only need 3 or 4 people to get a game going. In T2 you need about at least 8v8 before anything starts to happen.

But saying we dont support client maps is a blatant lie. Euro T2 have had plenty of Client side custom maps, all running great maps. Problem is, noone ever went on them.

Now a Client map for league play would be much more interesting. Similair to xmappack or unnamed. I know your talking about pubby stuff. but my point being is that if you get maps included in ladder play then theres a good chance people will play it on public servers as seen with euro map pack in europe.

Thing is TseTse comes here expecting to be worshiped like he is at where everyone awards an A+ for any POS someone churns out with a gimmik or new texture despite the fact most play like shit.

TseTse came here and basically offered to do things that have failed in the past. He had nothing to show for it and basically acted like a child instead of arguing in a civilised manner.

And since you guys seem so happy to flame us, all i can say is that perhaps would gain more respect if it didnt stop churning out shite in its maps of the week. Maps like insurgence and Ziggurat look pretty but just wont work in Ladder or Public play (both are far too large and frankly the uber visible distance would kill most peoples FPS). As far as i can see is good as a repository for maps but only serves to boost the ego of people who make fancy artistic maps without having a clue about gameplay. If TseTse's mappack would have been all like Ziggurat or Insurgence then im glad he gave up already.

Of course TseTse could never make a working anything if he gives up at the slightest sign of critisism. You dont sell a product by slagging off all the customers.

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