Suggestion For legion rain



Originally posted by ironheart
U get a feeling, have u seen anything happening??? have there been any form of suggestion been made without beeing flame out of reach by kiddies in kindergarten???

Well, you are pretty much flaming each and everyone doing a legionraid you're not even in on. To flame people usually gets you flamed aswell, would that make it easier for you to get your ideas about a legionraid through? You flamed your own ideas out of reach.

I get the feeling that alot of people want to do something for the realm, but since they think they're the only one they won't try, because 'What can they do on there own'.

Ok..? Ofcourse good ideas are welcome, put pressure on _good_ here. Your idea wasn't very balanced nor very good. Combine that with flames of individuals and it was very bad.

Haven't bothered reading this thread untill now, I hope it's not over already ;)

Disclaimer: These are just thoughts and ideas, and should not be taken seriously if you disagree.


lmao now iron asked from these forum holders to rate this thread to 5 stars, lmao, what a bunch of noob


euh, maybe a bit late (don't care :p ) but not only the ppl of this thread are conviced that ironheart is annoying ( read: retarded ass), as some may know, he's a member of Flemish Lions. I was GM of FL before he joined and thus I kept a close bond with some of the members, lately I've seen big names in the guild who joined other guilds, including GMs. And I got a possitive confirmation that it was Ironhearts impossible childish attitude wich made them leave. not only is he gonna solo legion, he'll be a one-man guild to.

ps: it's my first flame, plz understand :rolleyes:

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