Suggestion For legion rain



BTW i made an offer of 2 PLat for the gate on excal after last relic attempt.

Act more talk less

Offering cash so?

come to Excal, make a running team for wood, 8 peeps, run the wood from beno/cammy to Excal, 102 000 ironwoods needed for 3 doors needed to get them all from 0% to 100% .

So start running, not just talking it.

Im 1 who usually repairs them, there is also others, but runners r needed more than repairers.

Or we spent 24 plats on buy Dyr/duskwood because there is no runners, and thats 2.5 more expensive than using iron.

If u dont wanna run, then give the cash to the repairer= f.ex Me

1st get knowledge how f.ex relic door repair is done, how much wood is needed, where to get it, what it costs etc etc, then u know where to put that cash of yours, i think 99% of us wanna fix the doors, but the knowledge how and what to do is only in hands of 50%

Knowledge is Gold


how about u?

Well don't like to brag anything or something, but I organized some woodruns that night, made some repairs, then went with a small group to beno, only to find it attacked by mids, so I informed the alliance and soon beno was safe again. Got some more wood, made some more repairs, then I went with a GoL-group to sweep our frontier, which apperently alot didn't care about, because soon most would be back xping or in emain, even though we still had 1 door down, and 1 not fully repaired.

Then I ran out of money (only spend 2.5 plat), 1 door was up, 2e at 50%, 3e at 85% at that time. Was about 0200 am. Went some xping because there were no albs left except finand, but he went crafting :p. Wanted to go to bed at about 0600 am, then I read about your topic, and got me pretty upset. Posted some, and couldn't fall asleep so I went back playing again.

Ah well, a little money transfer and some treeloot later, I was on my way again. I ran solo back and forward to Beno to get runewood (about 1 full inv without being enc could do 1 repair). After 4 hours some guildies came help, we ran back and forward a few more times and look: all doors repaired again.

So I spend about 4-5 plat on excal relicdoors tonight, and about 8 hours repairing doors, not counting the time I spend in our frontier cleaning it.

/end of brag.

So ehm, that's about me :p.

as u must have seen in other tread, i am not the only one complaining about the last raid, cause most items found weren't even presented to the INVITED guilds as well.

You actually don't know how this lotto is being held at all eh? ALL guildmasters get invited in a chatgrp, drops are ordered by ITarta by 'uberness'. Then all the GMs (or at least most of them) go to Lynn Barfog, and kill some frenzies. Each guild give Tiarta a number between 1 and 100, and the last 2 digits of the xp is the winning nummer for that item. The 4 true Legion drops go to 1 guild each, and all the guilds get 1 legionitem, then the legion-round starts again (this takes some legionhunts, but at least every guild is sure of a true-legion drop). Same with the relular drops, if guild gets 1, he's out till every guild has a drop, then the round starts again.

It's as easy and fair it can get. If you don't agree with the lotto, YOU DON'T JOIN THE LOTTO. It's your own choice really. It has been said numerous times.

And what are this rumours about Falcor holding back items? It's a fucking lie I tell you. If you don't believe it, count drops next time, and see that this 'mooran' is only screwing up people. And don't tell me you didn't, you said invited guilds were getting screwed, and since Falcor was the one holding the drops, you WERE accusing him.

the money would be gained by auctioning these REALM gained drops. THIS money would not return to most wealthy guilds >>>>>this has to be set straight in one of the former replies in this lovely thread>>>

So your saying, that a small guild, who just spended his last dime on excal doors, has a change at a true-legion drop? And big guilds with lots of money don't get them all first? Right..... live on in your dreamworld.

i will not invest in a realm that is devided by snobism or elitism.

So you do want to organise a legionraid to help the realm, but don't want to spend some money and time for it? Hmmm, why do I start to think you're after those drops (since you still got money left, and didn't give it to Fin, Gremon and me, who were actually spending time to repair those damn doors), and not after helping the realm? Because you clearly need to get something back for helping the realm (refers back to quote). Where would our realm be if everyone would think like that?

Gah, I think I'll stop posting here, because:

hope i get some more flames, lol, i wanne get the longest thread on BW

since you're just a little child on this forum, just like Karam, and only taking shit out of people to get attention. Or to just quote our beloved Karam, ubertank of all servers:




poor little ironheart crying cos he didnt get an ub3r 1337 l€g!0N itajm? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


dont cry, when u manage to find your way from prydwen bridge to wd then maybe you could lead us around DF :)


Re: Re: Re: Suggestion For legion rain

Originally posted by ironheart

rofl i dont remember ever seeing you donating money when doors were being repaired... or organising wood runs...... or ..... even turning up to defend the relic? o_O

Originally posted by -Dreama-
I don't think I've seenIronheart leading any mojor raids. I know I haven't seen him fixing any relic doors.

nanana this supports what i said

Originally posted by ironheart
lets say 130 joined>> thats 117 ppl that would be happy with the xp they gained in participating in this raid.
u mean 130ppl, 129 of them happy to come along no matter what the outcome and the 1 guy (you) crying in the corner cos u didnt get a drop.

Originally posted by ironheart
u only confirm what i do think of u IRL not in this game.

ok i admit, im a dickhead, outcast from society, i had a shit childhood and play games to pretend to be important and make myself feel better, thats cos everyone hates me irl and i was picked on at school, my parents didnt care about me and i have 1 arm and no legs and no life either... whats wrong with that?

Originally posted by ironheart
as u should know i do know what i am talking about, but as it seems, al little kiddie like urselfe wants to make himselfe interesting again by flaming me.

rofl, when have we seen u organise anything? ^^

Originally posted by ironheart
i did repair doors, i did help in raids

thidranki doesnt count

Originally posted by ironheart
so that everybody could be happy, not just the looters.

u mean u can be happy, along with the looters :D

Originally posted by ironheart
but he ain't one of the gate repairing ppl in fronteer is he? if he is repairing gate and doing woord transports, parts of the money would go to him, everybody can craft and get as good as he is, most don't like it.

hahaha thing is, you talk as if you repair and do wood runs (like i said before, thidranki doesnt count). and if everybody can craft and get as good as he is... how come there aren't any other 1000+ fletchers? hoho

k im bored of u now, bye


everybody can craft and get as good as he [Odysseus] is

noone can ever get as good as Me. I am a divine being.

now can we close this thread already?
too much crap and flames for my taste, i like the whine-threads better.


1. Not last Legion lotto, but the time before, we were in LB and we actually had to go rez Ironhearts group at least twice. This has no relevance other than I think it's pretty damn funny that the people he is criticising over a Legion Raid (difficult) came to his aid twice during a LB raid (simple).

2. Regarding the doors. There is nothing to stop someone with the woodskill and the money from helping to repair the doors. You don't need a special invite or permission for fucks sake, just do it.

You certainly are coming across as a rambling mooran.


What happened to the idea that we sell all Legion loot at e-bay and go for a beer??????

Lets do that next =)


Ironheart: why don't you organise a relic raid soon?

Falcor and Tiarta really have this Legion gig down... it's become a routine... and that's because:

1: Leadership is excellent. Tiarta arranges the people coming together and does the inviting into chatgroups (5 mins you say.... it's more like 50 mins getting every guild in). And for the leading of the zerg Falcor and Khalen do an excellent job.

2: It's invite only... now for a lot of people this sounds 'elitist' behavior. This is completely untrue. Every time there's a legion raid my guild produces 1 group... so do most of the invited guilds... this way we all know who we can depend on. Also, at the current time there's 12 guilds in the group... more are simply not necessary.. lag is bad enough as it is, and now each guild gets drops... and that might not be the case if more guilds come. Also, the legion raid group is not alliance based.

3: keeps need to be taken down before the raid. This also has become a routine.

I for one am very happy with the current way the Legion raids are done... and the lotto system the next day is excellent!!! very fair, the system works.

Now there seems to be some rumour that Falcor holds items back for himself. This rumour should be taken out and shot

It takes a LOT of energy to try and keep 100 people in line and lead a successfull legion zerg. Please don't ruin things by shouting crap like that.


Now there seems to be some rumour that Falcor holds items back for himself. This rumour should be taken out and shot

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by old.Odysseus

noone can ever get as good as Me. I am a divine being.

now can we close this thread already?
too much crap and flames for my taste, i like the whine-threads better.

indeed oddy bows are special because when we where all but young noobs ody started crafting with banana (tm) secret training but since then the banana (tm) has gone missing hence no one has the xtra special secret training and know how ody does to make uber bows

ill say it again ironheart your a twat

ps would u like a spade to dig that hole deeper?

frikkin mooran

oh one last thing after i posted the 1st time in this thread ironheart pmed me in game and i quote here
Ironfart: Appologise for your flame and the language u used
Me: Ummm no i meant what i a said im not going to appologise it

yadadadada ironfart going on about how hes done so much for the realm and ill never know but having shit all to back up his claims.....

Ironfart: Fine i have taken steps to have you removed from game ive spoken to the right people

Me: rofl lmao u twat and your saying im a kid wtf lmao are u 11?


uhohhh herbal u better get ready for the mighty rightnextyear3dayban.....

btw, the banana (tm) isnt missing, its stored safely in my vault muahahahahahahahah


One things for sure, after this little performance there wont be many people interested in a Legion raid led by Ironheart.

The current setup is working well for those guilds included. No doubt other guilds interested in doing the same - theres nothing to stop them getting together and doing it.

Next time someone tries they might like to learn from Ironheart and not start by flaming those currently doing a decent job.


Seems to me its roughly the same core of guilds doing the legion raid every time....

It works well, ppl are listening (mostly) to the leaders, not too many smartass comments...

We work well together it seems - we have a common goal, noone bitches over doing keeptakes.

<gets ready to duck flames>
why dont we make an alliance of those guilds?

We had bad experiences with large alliances in the past, but the numerous small alliances make it hard to respond to relic-threats (I personally msg 4-5 different ppl every time).

<gets ready to get hammered>


The problem there would be that the guilds that are all interested, willing and able to participate usefully on the legion raids... <breathes> ...all have very different interests elsewhere, and would probably not form a particularly functional alliance.


aye, some would not be interested, but gathering just 10 guilds in a common alliance would be better than having a lot of small 2-3-4 guild alliances.

maybe im dreaming :/


btw can someone tell me how the 12 guilds were choosen ? and whats their names ?


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet
1: Leadership is excellent. Tiarta arranges the people coming together and does the inviting into chatgroups (5 mins you say.... it's more like 50 mins getting every guild in).

i got the cg last nite when tiarta relogged and i gotta say its tough having it :) i cant imagine startin it :]


<gets ready to duck flames>
why dont we make an alliance of those guilds?

It would make sense in some ways - but we'd be back to the same old problems very quickly I expect :(


the guilds are

Guardians Of Light
Defectu Virium Elite
Black Falcons
Shadowlords Society
The Ministry
Royal Bavarians
Dark Prophecy
Herfølge Boldklub
First Cohort
Dragon Knights

some of them coz i know them well, others coz other guilds wanted them in, that would be my best answer.

Tiarta - lvl 50 Cleric
Teleri - lvl 50 Sorcerer
Gobo - lvl 39 Mercenary

Dragon Knights


Re: Re: Re: Re: Suggestion For legion rain

I really noticed u allways seem to quote out of boredom, do something else dont use a thread with a suggestion with most ppl don't seem to be able to picture to themselves.



no fecking way maty , i wont drop a penny on those gates, no more, mate unless everybody is donating some form of money not just the more fortunate ppl. I'm glad some ppl are happy with beeing looked at as the maid of the realm, i don't want to look like that, rather be the geek of the realm then the maid.

if there would be some form of organization around this , i would gladly donate loads of cash, even would cover the pay for my guild on my own.

as i said i offered it , no responce, no name, no location, nothing, so i spared myselfe a lot of bother and kept the two plat where it was.

To be honest i'm really getting sick of trying to keep explaining to u lot that what i try, was nothing but a mere suggestion, and i flamed the current things are run in legion raiod, dragon raids, or some MAJOR realm event.

i really start to feel that most ppl here really haven't got a clue what it's all about.... SO PLS ... stop posting unless u can come forward with some creative form of sugestion instead of just trying to make urselve interesting by attacking my attempt!!!!!!

BTW no offence to u OLD.FIN, as i recall u were the first to reply on this message, an d u told me that some of it was a good idea , some others could be adjusted a bit.... THATS WHAT I CALL POSITIVE CRITICS, not flaming childisch nuescance ( hope i spelled it right ) to me




u haven't got a clue what the point is in this.

really u haven't so pls stop threading in this post, ur just filling gaps...............


lol i cant belive how funny this thread is! laughed so much reading it, not gonna make any comments much

Tho one thing that does sadden me is this little rumour about me keeping drops....its nasty, very nasty, i hadto hear last night before legion raid, which kinda put me out of the mood for doing it, my armsman has very good kit, i will honestly say that, however 90% of it is off trades and the rest from working BLOODY hard on hunts, i find collecting drops fun, it gives me something to do besides rvr, out of the equipment i have on my account i would have 100 times more if i hadnt of given any away, ive given a hell of a lot over the past months to friends and sometimes just ppl who ask, ppl can think im a loot hoare if theywant, tbh i dont care, but i never take anything that i cant use to its full extent, and i give a hell of a lot mroe away then i take.

I dont try and control 100 ppl in a tomb filled with con purple mobs for a damn drop =/ i do it cuz its fun and ppl enjoy coming so i do it for them, its not too much fun for me cuz its hard work, but if ppl enjoy coming with me then im happy enough.


Originally posted by bf_kate
1. Not last Legion lotto, but the time before, we were in LB and we actually had to go rez Ironhearts group at least twice. This has no relevance other than I think it's pretty damn funny that the people he is criticising over a Legion Raid (difficult) came to his aid twice during a LB raid (simple).

2. Regarding the doors. There is nothing to stop someone with the woodskill and the money from helping to repair the doors. You don't need a special invite or permission for fucks sake, just do it.

You certainly are coming across as a rambling mooran.

i think u joined in that LB hunt then cause there only were about two full groups, not all were even lvl 50 players, never are, first thing i told em, that if they were xp'ing they should not join.
so whats ur point??? we took all of em , all went home happy and were satisfie, AND NOW U'LL come braging about that hunt???
pls milady , or whatever u may be, wait a couple of years b4 u react to a thread. cause, all the LB hunts i organized were fun, some of em ended with a whipe out, and i said WIPEOUT. no others came to ress us ever, the only ress we enver used were ppl in the groups, that LB hunt u have in mind, really don't know it.

so pls,..... go make urselfe usefull and try to flame someone else...

concerning ur remark on the doors.... ppl are complaining that when they are hunting some place, one is leeching from another player on XP.... why cant u see that most ppl are leeching from other players when it comes to money... that seems to be tolerated????

ppffff, just shut it pls


ironheart pls just go and make ur own legion raid!



ironheart reroll hib or mid plz


Originally posted by ironheart
ppffff, just shut it pls

Cant you just quit while your behind?

Your idiocy is proven beyond a doubt - theres no need to convince anyone now ;)


Originally posted by Freppe^^
ironheart pls just go and make ur own legion raid!

i would love to mate, but as someone said here, as thing seem not much ppl would be willing to join a raid i arganized, so i wont bother, the only thing i would be willing to try i to get some of the smallest guilds together and try to push true as far as possible. I would even devide the drops as i say , so these guild wont have to pay a penny on the gates without it beeing for nothing, they , or some of em that baught the items will have something in return, thats about all.

Dunno mate, i'd love to, but after this thread i guess i wont be able.



Originally posted by Gunnerr
ironheart reroll hib or mid plz


get a job

and pls just shut it, i hope i meet u face to face in game, really i do.

i will not reroll for anything, not for u not for this thread, not for nothing, cause i know what i wanted to achieve. As it seems, no succes, I don't lie awake from it at night. Just tried something.

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