trycorn said:assasins can kill everything yes! but everything can kill an assasin aswell! can see in your sig that u dont have an assasin so based on that u cant rly comment all that much about them. yes its easy to kill a caster but if the caster is just abit smart he / she will not run in a strait line all the time, this make's it harder to get the PA in and if u miss that, and the caster have speed, its though luck 4 the assasin as u will most likely be killed within a few nuke's.
No I don't have an assassin as I also said in my previous post, but I doubht I would have a hard time playing one, I have more or less everything but an assassin, and my sig aint updated, you shouldent really go by peoples sig's because I doubht most cba to update those all to often
Also if the assassin would screw up when attacking a mage he would probably chicken out and vanish, might Pl my lowbie NS when I cba, because they do seem fun to play though, well I have played one, but been to lazy to drag it to 50 and Artify it etc
I do belive it's hard against other classes, but as I said I don't really think there is much skill needed killing solo mages usually.