Stop running ya Wussy's


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Demon2k3 said:
Where are you guys? i was running around crauch for 30 mins but yet nothing :p.

DC bridge top opposite T4.
or just above T2 :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
Retribution said:
My god ffs stop runnin away, 1v1 and people when they gonna lose they run for a mile.

Habamus < almost killed you and you legged it from me....
Jatagan, had you dead many enough times and u ran of to get healed then come back...
im RR4 ffs hab is what rr9? and jata is rr8? and you both run off?
jat yea u came back but not after gettin healed..

guys come on ffs if you gonna 1v1 at least finish it and stop runnin away like little babys :wanker:

there my winge for the night..

BB :)

You add and zerg like it's the blinkin last day you'll ever live so if people doesn't give you fair fights i don't really give a shit about it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Solari said:
You add and zerg like it's the blinkin last day you'll ever live so if people doesn't give you fair fights i don't really give a shit about it.

Happy people make me Giggle. do it more :touch:



One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
hopefully i'll be out more, found the spot but got jumped by a rr10 ns then 2 more jumped me, but those 2 backed off. anyway. the rr10 ns(can't remember name) dropped me pretty fast :).


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 25, 2006
Retribution said:
Happy people make me Giggle. do it more :touch:


nice fight with ya top of oceanus bridge. your shield was a bitch for me to get past.. but i beat ya in the end.. kudos for a good fight and not jumping of bridge to escape like most woulda done.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
QuickStix said:
nice fight with ya top of oceanus bridge. your shield was a bitch for me to get past.. but i beat ya in the end.. kudos for a good fight and not jumping of bridge to escape like most woulda done.

na im not a runner. if i die i die. but yea was a gr8 fight. im jsut makin a end barrel atm, used 46 in 6 hours of soloin on bridge :)

so ill be back soon.



Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Valks are retarded. Kos in any way and use all the tricks in the book to get em down.

To the poster: If you got no idea on how to use anything but your hot, then I really feal sorry for you. And no, it won't make a difference even if you're higher rr, you still wont know wtf to do anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Gear said:
Valks are retarded. Kos in any way and use all the tricks in the book to get em down.

To the poster: If you got no idea on how to use anything but your hot, then I really feal sorry for you. And no, it won't make a difference even if you're higher rr, you still wont know wtf to do anyway.

^^ ok then....... :eek6:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Retribution said:
My god ffs stop runnin away, 1v1 and people when they gonna lose they run for a mile.

Habamus < almost killed you and you legged it from me....
Jatagan, had you dead many enough times and u ran of to get healed then come back...
im RR4 ffs hab is what rr9? and jata is rr8? and you both run off?
jat yea u came back but not after gettin healed..

guys come on ffs if you gonna 1v1 at least finish it and stop runnin away like little babys :wanker:

there my winge for the night..

BB :)
too bad you missed the warlock month?


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Konstantin said:
PA goes true BT Pa goes true brittles ? ? ive seen alot of casters getting 2 shotted what caster have more Af then a paladin ?:pmaby ure ranger cant 2 shot a caster but infil/ns/sb´s can:)

BT sometimes, Brittles yes. PA will do around 1k damage if landed and follow up around 300-400. Some casters have more HP than that and require a nice Garrote as they run :)


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Funniest runaway for me was early yesterday morning, RR7 Blademaster called Sfakisblade. PA'd him on DC bridge he ran using charge I think. He then placed his bot halfway from DC to bridge and comes looking for a even more one sided fight. So I went up and killed the bot and run towards him unstealthed. Again he ran away :)

Ran into him again at DC tower 4 attacked him with a back style (minimal damage) and true to form he ran away using charge. He then starts roaming with a healer and banshee so I logged cabby and waited at DC 3 for them to finish DC4. Oil was already up so used that first and then killed all 3 + ranger. Was funny as hell.

Think he needs to learn that Blademaster > inf. He would have probably owned me if he tried :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 12, 2006
Lythande said:
How can you let someone get away from you as a valk with an anytime snare in shield-line, a back-pos snare in sword, and a CAE snare-spell....

If that some1 moves around the corner? --> "You can't see XXX". Sure he/she has to be quick to do it and it wouldn't work in open field... but it would work.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
I kinda like all these valks out there after the patch... less of the silly d/q shearer's and lots of free rps...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 12, 2006
The only thing I don't like about this is how players that don't care a dime about FOTM classes or speccs suffer from all this hate... take the Valks for example. Yes - I have one. And no - she isn't even lvl50 and so I never had the time for pawning everybody out there... I just like Jack/Jill-of-all-trades chars and chars that can heal/rezz in some kind. Hence I play(ed) Friar, Druid, Warden, Bard, SM and now a Valkyrie. I know that I can't hit as hard as a Warrior or the like and can't heal as good as a Shaman or Healer... but I am fine with it - I am a grp person and like how I can fill several roles and like to experiment with it.

But that doesn't count... Valks are fotm, valks are OP, Valks are kill on sight, players choosing a Valk to play are generally "I-WIN" people with only half a brain or less... and so on... it ain't funny at times to read all these threads.

I don't critisize other people for what realm, race, class or specc they choose, I never cared about "perfect" group setups because it's fun to find out how to do things actually... I might come to like/respect other players for what they do and dislike others... but extending this to a whole class? Oh well...

I can understand about the trouble other players have to kill a Valky with the self healing this class got... but everything I saw till today is that I can be easily outdamaged and run OOP very fast if I only stand there healing myself. And often enough I can't even heal me once (not that it would make any difference when I am being outdamaged anyway, but that's no argument for all the Valky-haters). Maybe I have yet to see the light and some1 has to show me my personal built-in "I-WIN" button on my QBAR... maybe I'll understand then.

/salute - hope to see you out there for some nice fights the other day (in some weeks or so... if I was able to do some quests and change my gear to something more decent... that might allow me to live longer than the usual 2-6 seconds when I am under fire from you, grrrr.)

Had a fight with a Cleric some days ago... 6 minutes bashing on each others head... sooo sad that we got a guard add... now that was fun ;)

I'll stop here... thx for listening anyway - Sorry... just in a somewhat bad mood today and it just get's on my nerves.

/me mutters and gnarls and hides in a dark corner


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Konstantin said:
shouldent attack then:) can tell u stealthers are that fun to fight either if ure a caster etc.

I agree if you attack you should be able to take a loss, because it's you'r choice to attack, if you can't take a loss then you shouldent attack atall tbh.

Agree with the thread creator, those who runs when they are about to loose are chickens.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Konstantin said:
caster usaly get 2 shot by stealthers :) so kinda hard to run.. stealthers arent suposed to kill evrything.. some classes has to have a advantage vs stealthers. same goes for valks. well any class.

Killing mages are so easy as an assassin that it's silly.

Can't understand how those playing that class can complain because it can kill more or less anything, and mages are just easy RP's.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Puppet said:
I dont recall when I 2-shot a mage for the last time. Through BT's, Brittles, Divine Intervention, more AF then a SI-paladin, 1500+ hp I dont see many true 2-shots on em.

Add ofcourse the ML9 Pet, MoC+Lifetap, Intercepting Pets, Healing pets while getting lifetapped, chambered down in a milisecond, chainstunning pets, insta-stun theurg-RR5 etc etc.

Not saying Im great at playing my mage as I don't play him that often, but I have played for a long time so Im not all crap either :p

And when out with my Eld solo, and if an assassin attacks, you have no chance atall, thats just how it is really, there is no real skill included in takeing down a mage.

Ofcourse it will be easier with MoC+lifetap and an ML9 pet (well you really would need all that and up to stand a chance), but this aint the case for many mages, and then you have no chance ;D


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Puppet said:
I dont recall when I 2-shot a mage for the last time. Through BT's, Brittles, Divine Intervention, more AF then a SI-paladin, 1500+ hp I dont see many true 2-shots on em.

Add ofcourse the ML9 Pet, MoC+Lifetap, Intercepting Pets, Healing pets while getting lifetapped, chambered down in a milisecond, chainstunning pets, insta-stun theurg-RR5 etc etc.

Solo caster, if not 2 shotted, then 3 or 4 if the PA comes of. Certainly, if I get PA'd and the stealther gets his styles off, then i'm dead. Its not a complaint by the way, I think personally the caster/stealther war of attrition is pretty well balanced at the moment. Though thats from a hib caster point of view. Not sure how hard hib stealthers have it against enemy casters.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
censi said:
even after like 4 years. u still see the odd humm dinger of a thread that epitomes the purest essence of fuckwit, in only a manner that that a pure grandmaster exponent of fuckwit could muster.

For that I salute yee sir. keep up the pwnage.

And Censi speaks from experience.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Elrandhir said:
And when out with my Eld solo, and if an assassin attacks, you have no chance atall, thats just how it is really, there is no real skill included in takeing down a mage.

I play an eld solo quite a lot, and i disagree - there is skill in taking down a mage solo from a stealthers point of view. Firstly the PA has got to land right, then if it doesnt, you need to recover from it and get on with the job. You really can tell the difference between a crap stealther and a good one.

On the flip side, it takes a bit of skill on the side of the caster to make themselves a harder target, and good knowledge of the game to anticipate when to expect to be attacked.

I love solo battles against stealthers, I hate it when you get jumped by 2 or 3 at a time :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Elrandhir said:
Not saying Im great at playing my mage as I don't play him that often, but I have played for a long time so Im not all crap either :p

And when out with my Eld solo, and if an assassin attacks, you have no chance atall, thats just how it is really, there is no real skill included in takeing down a mage.

Eldritch is certainly not the best example tbh. It has no pet for starters and no way to heal himselves (unlike caba, sorc, SM, WL, BD) and even an eldritch has ways to get away. The Eldritch RR5 RA, if you are on your toes can be a life-safer. That is, if you dont get perfed (BS2 you might survive if you got specAF and decent HP/resists). Allows you to get some range on him, which should be enough to cast a stun (or mezz etc). For the other listed casters its often far easier.

The 'main'-casters from each realm (RM, Eldritch, Wizard) are by far the easiest casters to take down for an assassin, imo they are about how it should be: Easy to kill once in melee, but let them alone for a second and they pound out the hurt on you.

Ofcourse it will be easier with MoC+lifetap and an ML9 pet (well you really would need all that and up to stand a chance), but this aint the case for many mages, and then you have no chance ;D

Spiritmaster ---> Intercepting-pet, combined with LT (if Dark-spec) will give you a great shot against an equal RR assassin. Combined with ML9 it becomes even more godlike.
Bonedancer ---> jajaja strafe + banelord and you win lots of times.
Warlock ---> Use your nerfed spells and can still kill assassin in 3-4 secs.
Cabalist --> Pet (ML9) which procs a stun, Lifetap, kite, MOC etc. Doable.
Sorcerer ---> See cabalist except you dont proc stuns but same applies.
Theurgist --> Use RR5 RA get some range, mezz/root if assassin purged the stun and pet em to hell.
Chanter --> Tricky, I agree. Perhaps with snaring pet. And if you got a ML9 pet you might outlive the assassin with the famous 'Im OOV and pet pounce on you for 500+' tactic
Mentalist --> Tricky but RR5 RA to allow for setting up a mezz or stun.

Ofcourse alot if situational, and on timers, but those timers are there to use and will be used on assassins. Its not uncommon to get MOC'ed down 4x in a row on my stealthers by an Alb-lifetapper. Cooldown on alot of abilities is just too damn low, MOC on 10 mins wtf!?


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Hawkwind said:
Think he needs to learn that Blademaster > inf. He would have probably owned me if he tried :)
no he wouldnt, coz all he can do is add and camp. i know this and i dont even solo :<


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
Ah Valks!!

Well i ve had a few duels with Valks. Fair duels (that means i didnt add, waited for full health etc). I won some i lost some (specially after i respeced ra's to group spec, thus no ip) but i always duel them, though it seems to be a lost cause. I just hope they continue to show up for duels when the "fix" comes.
I dont mind ppl that choose to roll fotm classes, but i respect them only IF they stick to them after their "fix" arrives. I remember when savages were fotm, all groups had 2-3 of them and the assist train realy was deadly. But after the fix you rarely see any savage at all. Same with Warlocks and now Valks.
So /respect ONLY for ppl that will show up with their fotm chars no matter what future brings...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Puppet: if a WL rr1-4 can kill ya in 3-4 secs it's cause your matter resist sucks ~~
The good thing about valks is that now i don't feel any guilt to roll a Wl :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
If you can´t understand is for use FA2 is your problem no mine.

Go QQ to denarius espy, i hope find you in combat for add =).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Puppet said:
Eldritch is certainly not the best example tbh. It has no pet for starters and no way to heal himselves (unlike caba, sorc, SM, WL, BD) and even an eldritch has ways to get away. The Eldritch RR5 RA, if you are on your toes can be a life-safer. That is, if you dont get perfed (BS2 you might survive if you got specAF and decent HP/resists). Allows you to get some range on him, which should be enough to cast a stun (or mezz etc). For the other listed casters its often far easier.

The 'main'-casters from each realm (RM, Eldritch, Wizard) are by far the easiest casters to take down for an assassin, imo they are about how it should be: Easy to kill once in melee, but let them alone for a second and they pound out the hurt on you.

Well I guess hib casters have it hardest probably, because most people who play casters I know goes down like sh*t if they go out solo and if they get a assassin on them.

My Eld aint really high so I can't say that you couldent get away, but well it dosent really seem hard to kill most Mages, But I can agree to Moccing Sorcs + Ml9 pets could be hard, or SM's or maby BD's, still you have the mezz poison and after haveing used that they shouldent be a problem either imo.

You can probably kill assassins as a mage, but seeing people that are crap 1 vs 1 kill mages rather easy tells me that there can't really be much skill involved in doing so, if I wasent so tired of lvling chars I would make one just to see how much skill you really need as my judgement is just based on that more or less whoever plays the mage if solo and a assassin attacks him he goes down without much trouble ;D

This is why I think that assassin classes have it to easy really, because they can kill anything tbh (Even though I may be wrong, It's still what I think)


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Elrandhir said:
This is why I think that assassin classes have it to easy really, because they can kill anything tbh (Even though I may be wrong, It's still what I think)
assasins can kill everything yes! but everything can kill an assasin aswell! can see in your sig that u dont have an assasin so based on that u cant rly comment all that much about them. yes its easy to kill a caster but if the caster is just abit smart he / she will not run in a strait line all the time, this make's it harder to get the PA in and if u miss that, and the caster have speed, its though luck 4 the assasin as u will most likely be killed within a few nuke's.

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