Stealthers gonna have to rethink tactics with TOA


Indiana Jones

Originally posted by the_smurflord
Can everyone who's never played an assassin or stealth class in rvr (and I don't mean thidranki) ever please shut the hell up, you seriously don't know what you're talking about.

hear hear !


Agree, too many bandwagon stealther haters on this thread :p


Too many bandwagon stealthers too. And thats the real problem. Stealthers are not a problem, it's the fact EVERYONE has one nowadays. There is no room for so many.

Got an BG inf myself, but haven't logged him on for ages. I enjoy playing a cleric a lot more. I don't need to see my killspam. As long as the group kills someone I'm happy :)

Roo Stercogburn

Such flaming.

I think that the game has *always* lacked an ability like prescience node. However, before stealthers go mental, this is because I have always from the start believed that stealth in DAoC is badly implemented full stop. It should not, and never have been invisibility with impunity.

Now, at first glance, Prescience Node seems somewhat strong. I think the duration should be shortened big time. 1 or 2 minutes I think should be more than sufficient for this spell.

And like the rest of you blasting away on this thread I am only guessing. We haven't got this yet, and don't know the effects in game for ourselves. I think everyone should loosen their sphyncters and chill a bit. The one advantage of being behind the US is that we've always been able to get things that are fixed before they get here.

Indiana Jones

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn

And like the rest of you blasting away on this thread I am only guessing. We haven't got this yet, and don't know the effects in game for ourselves. I think everyone should loosen their sphyncters and chill a bit. The one advantage of being behind the US is that we've always been able to get things that are fixed before they get here.

i could be wrong, but hasn't toa been launched yet in US. Its gone at least gold as far as i know.

Well they won't "fix" (if they want to fix it in the first place) untill next patch.

If we should get Toa in (lets say) march 2004. We'll have to wait untill may - june, before we get next patch as goa usually combines a few patches

Roo Stercogburn

Despite any other faults they may have, GOA make a good effort to try and combine any important fixes into the patch translations. They've done this before and I expect this would be exactly the same.

Its amusing to watch the hoohaa in the US, but as I said, I wouldn't get overly excited just yet. Wait and see :)


I dislike stealth in the form it takes in DAOC as much as anyone, but get real this ability isn't that good, 15 secs to cast, with a 15 min timer, how many people sit in one place enough to make this useful?

It will be useful for what it is intended, causing stealthers problems in their usual camping spots.

But FFS! Mythic, don't keep nerfing stealth till it's no use, either leave it alone or scrap it all together.

Indiana Jones

my suggestions would be

a) One orb at the time... don't allow the caster to place as much orbs as he wants.

b) either give it a recast time of (lets say) 5 min and 1 hp OR recast time of 15 min or so, but give it a bit more hp so it can survive a few hits, lets say 250 - 400 or so

c) make the visible range of the stealther depend on its stealth


we got the first big patch after SI rolled in with SI...

since basically the first big patch after the expansion is the beta-test-stage-4 (or live-servers lots of people test ;)) bug fixes ;)

hopefully we'll get the new and improved (tm) version 1.66 when we get ToA :)


Trying to get passed a milegate is very stressfull as it is for a solo stealther. With this we will be confined to the space between pk and mg.

Caster nr 1 : Hey guys there is a stealther NW
Caster nr 2 - 5 : setting grond target

nuke nuke nuke

Caster 1 - 5 : weeeee, rp's

Roo Stercogburn

Indy, ToA went live in the US on 28th October.

In advance of the add-on being released, Mythic admitted the next couple of patches after that were going to be ToA bug fix and balancing patches.

Tesla Monkor

Originally posted by old.job
I dislike stealth in the form it takes in DAOC as much as anyone, but get real this ability isn't that good, 15 secs to cast, with a 15 min timer, how many people sit in one place enough to make this useful?

The 15 min timer is the amount of time the spell LASTS. Not how long it takes before you can use it again. Once you finish one orb, you can immediately cast another one. With 1500 range, and placing it in the middle of a keep you reveal ALL stealthers trying to get in through the climbpoints.

Since stealth is basically each rogue's 'armor', they are left without their primary form of defense. Kinda like a spell that would reduce all tank's AF's to 0 in the radius. :p


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Can everyone who's never played an assassin or stealth class in rvr (and I don't mean thidranki) ever please shut the hell up, you seriously don't know what you're talking about.

I'll second that ( no I did not die again )

Roo Stercogburn

If you think about it, savages, zerks and other classes have all been (or going to be) nerfed because of people describing the effect of these classes rather than having played them.

Wrong maybe to spout a stealther is this or a stealther is that if you haven't played one, but the effects of stealther-play in-game are fairly apparent to all. You don't need to have played one.

Stealthers are too used to having their own way in small scale RvR.

Sorry guys, zero sympathy there's a detection mechanism. I do think it needs some checking for balance and I'm fairly sure that will be taken care of before it hits our shores.


Just waiting for the stealthers to roll GTAE Bots now <grin>



Master Levels from TOA, a full combat style and RvR review, i say everyone out there will have to consider new tactics be it for solo, small scale battles, FGvsFG, and even some zerg tactics.

This particular ability is nothing to lose sleep over it, the game is changing, the only ones that wont like it is the ones that can't adapt, and if in the end the game turns to shit....oh well we will find something else to play...hopefully.

And for those that say stealthers have it easy, lol

Stealthers never had it easy, from lvl1 they are practically taking the shit from most others, so the ones that make it to the end are people that are if nothing else are determined, if a tactic must change so be it no big deal we will just find another.

Tesla Monkor

My problem is that Mythic introduces another cheap shot skill that for free, negates the entire specline of another class. They did it with See Hidden and archers were slaughtered into near extinction. The same will happen now - regardless of what all those rp horny casters are saying just to get their hands on this ability.

15sec cast time is way too short. 1500 units in a straight line takes more time to cover - perhaps SBs finally have a reason to buy Shadowrun now. (That's a joke by the way. ;P)

That's kinda ironic, actually. Mythic changes the game to justify ludicrous ideas they included easier.

Noone's buying Mastery of Water! Well.. we'll just build an entire expansion that is partially underwater!

Noone's buying Shadowrun! Well.. etc.


When people say "stealther" here are they seriously referring to archers too? Surely there's no one here clueless enough about the game to think archers are overpowered??? As it stands archers are the weakest class in game, and that's coming from someone who's played a tank, support, mage, and stealther.

- Tanks are good 1 vs 1 and zerg vs zerg and gods in fg vs fg
- Mages are gods in 1 vs 1 and good zerg vs zerg but extremely weak in fg vs fg
- Support is needed everywhere so hard to rate
- Assassins are gods 1 vs 1, good in zerg vs zerg, useless in fg vs fg
- Archers are weak 1 vs 1, good in zerg vs zerg, useless in fg vs fg

Please, explain how the hell anyone can be deluded into thinking archers needed more nerfing? I've always been for assassins getting toned down a little bit as they're consistently the killer of me as an archer but this is too much of a nerf for any class to deserve, even savages or bonedancers I wouldn't have wished a nerf of this degree onto.


Oops got that wrong, you can cast as many as you like?
Seems a bit much.
I agree about archers, I very rarely get killed by them, at the most they make me back off, I rolled one for the BG and found the class hopeless.


afaik the caster atm can't cast spells on the stealther they see, also the stealther isn't really uncovered.

So if this would remain the case you'd have a mage that needs to whack a stealther with his stick to uncover him (atm you can also send pets though, so remove that).
As long as the target is only visible to the caster and can not be targeted/assisted on and can only be uncovered by melee then this ability would be okish, although it should be limited to 1 orb per caster.


Should be set on a high recast timer tbh.

I don't mind this kind of ability being added, yet if it gets to a point where you can't play a class how its ment to be, IE assasins are ment to be unseen, then I won't find the game fun at all.

I was told that the master level abilities was just fluffy, like foundations, look at me I've a house, look at me I've some special abilities, yet I've seen references to PBAE mezz mines etc... wtf?!?


i agree with jaem........but i very much doubt ill be around for ToA and it def wont make me wanna come back :(


Originally posted by old.Thanatlos

As long as the target is only visible to the caster and can not be targeted/assisted on and can only be uncovered by melee then this ability would be okish, although it should be limited to 1 orb per caster.

The target is available to all in the realm

Tesla Monkor

Yay. It got nerfed.


- Prescience Node now has the proper 5 minute recast timer.

Now all they need to do is fix the range bug. Once you enter the Node area you are revealed, but when you leave it you are still visible up to clip plane. Buuuug.


Did not bother to read the whole thread but something like 15min recast and 15s duration would seem a lot more reasonable o_O


2 things:

1-Assassin's have been able to kill casters with impunity since day 1, but when casters can see assassins, and then have to melee to uncover them still, its overpowered?

2- The stealther population is far to high and squeezed into to small an area, add the fact they have no natural enemy and theres nothing to keep them in check. New RvR zones might help alleviate the overpopulation proplems though.

I have played all types of class in this game, casters and stealthers included, and i have no sympathy for assassin classes, they have been on top far to long.

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