Starting out tomorrow

Largo .//npc

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
Howdy :>
I just bought DAoC, which should arrive tomorrow morning.
So, could anyone give me any tips on what servers/realms to join ect?

I'm from the UK, looks to do PvP eventually, but not right off, I'd like to play for awhile before I do PvP.
Also looking for a popular server, but not over crowded, I noticed some of the Euro or UK servers only have about 120 people on them :/

I have no Idea what realm thing to select. All I know is that I want to be a Human Warrior of some kind.

Thanks again for any help.



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
welcome to the game.. first of all

if you dont like to be flamed or flame.. stay clear of ANY other section then the newbie section. daoc is mostly "try to find the mythology" that you prefer... you like The norrøn myths with thor, odin, and those smelly vikings, then midgard is your game .. if you find the Knights of the round table, king arthur, fish in a tin-can.. then albion is your scene. if you prefer the Celtic mythology, elf-chicks with big boobs and girlymen.. then hibernia is your playground.. after choosing what realm you prefer.. then you need to sort out what type of char you want to play.. you say you want to play a "human warrior" of some sorts.. this leads me to think you got introduced to mmorpgs by world of warcraft.. in daoc things are a little different. we have more classes, and there is a bigger difference then looks on what type of player you choose.. although every realm has a "human" type that is a kind of a "jack of all trades" you have the midgarian Norsemen, the albion Briton, and the hibernian Celt. when you say you want to be a warrior.. do you want to wield, 1 shield, 1 weapon.. 2 weapons.. 1 BIG weapon.. do you want some magical abilities? alot of magical abilities, or no magical abilities. once again this will help you choose a class that will fit for you.

at the moment i would suggest the english server Glastonbury to start out in.. this is a very new server... and has some different rulesets, but the server are capped with people almost every night and should also making finding a group, easier. good luck, enjoy the game and if there is anything else i can be of service with.. feel free to ask :)

Largo .//npc

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
Thanks for the reply.
It would seem Albion would be the realm for me, the kind of warrior type clan I'm after is either Sword and shield or 2 handed swords (Preferably 2h swords). I did kinda come from WoW btw, but I've played almost all MMOs out there atm.

You say to start on Glastonbury, but isnt that a classic server? the way I understand things are, DAoC has been out for 10 years now? and recently, they upped the graphics ALOT, which has really impressed me, which is why I've decided to take it up. I understood Glastonbury to be the "classic" old style graphics ect...I'm most probly wrong with that xD


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
I would recommend the Prydwen-Excalibur cluster, hence these include ToA and personally I find these yet another great perspective of this game, classic is something you can always join in later if you happen to dislike ToA. Basically you can determine whenver you like ToA or not by asking yourself the question: "How much effort do I want to put into a character before it can compete", the more time your willingly to dedicate the more I would recommend you to join a "non-classic" server.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
its only 4 years old.. :) ok.. so you want to play in albion..

you have 2 characters that fit that description.. 1 is the mighty paladin.. this is the guy who stands in front and takes a beating.. he is the guy who holds the mobs.. he can take a shitload of beating because of his tin-armour.. (plate) and his chants...

or you can do a armsman.. hes just a plain warriortype, but not that wanted in groups because he dont have anything that makes him "stick out" except his pole :p

both wear the same armour, though paladin has a self-shield wich gives him better armour then armsman, + better defence because of the chants.. (chants are songs that he play / twist to give everyone in group the benefits). both can wear a shield and a sword, and later go 2h sword / hammer if you choose to do so :) i would recommend that you go a paladin with a shield-sword-chant spec.

personally i always use to find good ways of speccing up while leveling. even though you are new to the game so you most likely wouldnt know what things meant ;) so there is usually good guides or good players that will help you with that.

this is a guide you could check out even though its a bit old, it will still help you find what to spec. what makes daoc different from games like wow is that you dont automaticly get skills, you have to train to get them. and you get a certain amount of points to spend every time you level.

its a "classic" server.. wich is a name that isnt totally true. the name on the server is "alternate ruleset" you still get the new good graphics, only thing you dont get is one expansion thats called Trials of atlantis. wich is a big pain in the ass anyway ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
reason i would recommend classic...

there are more ppl there.. alot more you can level with.. on prydwen-excalibur you have very few players at the moment making leveling / grouping VERY different. you also dont need to buy 2 accounts to play fully there :)


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Largo .//npc said:
Thanks for the reply.
It would seem Albion would be the realm for me, the kind of warrior type clan I'm after is either Sword and shield or 2 handed swords (Preferably 2h swords). I did kinda come from WoW btw, but I've played almost all MMOs out there atm.

You say to start on Glastonbury, but isnt that a classic server? the way I understand things are, DAoC has been out for 10 years now? and recently, they upped the graphics ALOT, which has really impressed me, which is why I've decided to take it up. I understood Glastonbury to be the "classic" old style graphics ect...I'm most probly wrong with that xD

the only classic about glastonbury is the rules pretty much. You wont see the toa zones which have some nice gfx tho. But i would guess as a newcomer Glastonbury will be way easier to level in since there is a lot of people in all levels to group with. Exc/Pry cluster is a bit dead now since glaston is new and exciting etc.

About the class, you want a bigass 2h sword. Warrior (midgard), Hero (hibernia), Armsman (Albion). Are the big bad tanks of each realm. They take a lot of punishment etc. Loads of ppl think these classes dont fill an important task enough to take them in to the group (in rvr that is). Espically the armsman since they pretty much compete with paladin/mercenary spot. Paladin provides endurance to the entire group but hits alot weaker and mercenary is a dualweilding class that cuts down shield defense and hits hard. I dont know if that will be different on classic server so armsman will be able to get a few groups cause mercenarys lost banelord ability here. Mayhaps :p

Largo .//npc

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
So what's the Pro's and Con'd of this Trials of atlantis? I know that comes with the Package I just bought.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
trials of Atlantis has a lot of high level PVE stuff, where you need big groups to complete.

some are called master levels, theres 10 steps per level and each step requires from 1 to 20 people or so, each master level ends with killing a boss mob that usually requires a fair few high levelled toons. Upon completing a master level your granted a an ability that is available to your class, each class has the option to follow one of 2 patches, there are i think 6-8 paths in total.

There are also special items called artifacts, each artifact requires you to complete a certain task, be it locate some items, kill a mob at a certain place, kill groups of mobs at certain places, certain Artifact encounters rely on there being a certain mob spawned, once this mob is killed it can range from 3 hours to 24 hours till the mob will spawn again. Once the encounter is complete 3 scrolls need to be gathered, each of these scrolls dropping usually from mobs in the same area which you completed the encounter.

ToA is mainly aimed at 40+ theres only about 5-10% of the arti's that you can get before level 40.

The thing is if you want to PVP successfully now on the none classic servers you really need 2 accounts, one for the toon you play and one to buff you up.

Atm i would really recommend the classic servers, it has never been so much fun levelling up a low level toon as it is now on classic servers.

On the TOA servers it would almost be divine intervention for you to find a group below level 20, you'd be lucky really to find one below 40.

To play on the TOA enabled servers to its fullest you need 2 accounts, on glastonbury outside the PVE thing having 2 accounts isnt as big an advantage as it is on the TOA servers.

The cons of TOA was that it gave a lot of abilities that seriously over power characters, some of the artifacts, masterlevels tipped the balace, you could kit out a toon with insane casting speeds and still have good damage, but to do this all took a lot of time, and unless you know people in game its close to impossible to do some of the encounters. It made it so the more time you put in, camping arti's/scrolls, activating and leveling them, the stronger your toon would be. This is ok if your willing to spend most of each day in game, but for the casual people they just couldnt keep up with the people that played all the time, making that gap bigger.

The classic server tries to do away with all these overpowering abilities, by no means is the classic server perfect, but in my opinion in terms of game balancing and being fair it was a step in the right direction. You dont need 2 accounts to compete in PVP as you do in the TOA servers.

TOA was an end game, on the classic servers its been removed. However something to note with the new Darkness rising patch comming up soon, the new epic armour (everyone can easily do), has some good stats on it and also to look out for is the champions weapons which are also fairly easy to complete. Its a bit like a watered down easier version of TOA.

For me personaly i have 2 accounts and either is fine, the new artifact changes should make things easier, i dont plan on playing much past 1 or 2 toons now (found the ones i like most) , but the population on glaston is too good to pass by, in comparrison when i come back from work to play on a server with 500+200 people or on a server with 3000+ people i know which one i choose for now.

One last note glastonbury the english classic server has a healthy mix of people from all around europe, some dislike that but i think its a good thing.

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
In a little while tough (month? two months??) there will be a patch making ToA a LOT easier, which would nullify a lot of the reasons for going to a Classic server...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
one thing i didnt mention, certain classes were put in to counter the buff bot problem, most notable the vampiir class which comes with innate buffs, this on a normal server is fine (if you can call it that, still issues around this class) where everyone runs around with buffs, but on the classic server this toon in perticular has been left powerful to say the least.

The heretic can potentially be a self buffing reaver and a warlock still has crazy damage output.

Largo .//npc

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
Thanks for all the info guys, you've been a big help.

I'll be going for Albion, Briton, Paladin on the Galstonbury server to start off with then. All I need now is the for the game to arrive xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
While a Briton paladin is good, you can also consider making a Saracen one. Saracen is also human-looking, they got +20 dexterity (helps with parry and block) while giving up 10 constitution (health) and 10 strength (can determine your weaponskill/melee damage). As a Paladin your primary roll is defensive, taking some beating while others kill the mobs. With higher dexterity you will block and parry more so your defense will be better.

It doesn't make that much difference in the end but whatever race you chose, you have the option to put 30 points in any attribute when making your character. I advice you to put 10 points in each dexterity/constitution/strength. If you put more than 10 points in 1 attribute, it will count for 2 points. So you can put 15 points in dexterity but you will just have 10 points left to put on other attributes.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Largo .//npc said:
Thanks for all the info guys, you've been a big help.

I'll be going for Albion, Briton, Paladin on the Galstonbury server to start off with then. All I need now is the for the game to arrive xD

Sounds a fairly wise choice. Remember to pick a good name and put 10 points into str, dex and con when you start because they are the only things you can't change later!

I remember when I first started I wanted to be a big tough warrior and so I picked a dwarf warrior (fortunately I didn't call him Gimmli :p ). Although I really like my warrior his role in role in RvR is not what I expected. The primary task of shield tanks and certainly the paladin is defensive. If you want to be the person that does insane damage in close combat you need to pick one of the light tank classes but you can try that once/if you ever get bored of the paladin.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
Cadelin said:
I remember when I first started I wanted to be a big tough warrior and so I picked a dwarf warrior.

They don't excist! Midgets I tell you! :p

Largo .//npc

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
Equador said:
They don't excist! Midgets I tell you! :p

lol xD

Thanks again to all for the help.
I'm really looking forward to playing it. Problem seems to be though, Mother is saying it's a christman present, and I can't have it yet, plus Mrs Largo will be in all day tomorrow, so I guess I won't get much done on it even if I do get it.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
Largo .//npc said:
lol xD

Thanks again to all for the help.
I'm really looking forward to playing it. Problem seems to be though, Mother is saying it's a christman present, and I can't have it yet, plus Mrs Largo will be in all day tomorrow, so I guess I won't get much done on it even if I do get it.
tell her you need to take a look at it so you can make sure its the right one....

then write or copy the cdkey down.. give it back... get online... enter the cd-keys... and download the game ;) enjoy :D

Largo .//npc

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
Don't look like I'll be playing today. have messed me about and not even sent it yet :/
I can't even cancel it and go into to buy it.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Hey Largo, i play a paladin (almost 2 years) and they are a fun class, the beauty of them is they can take such a beating you can level easily so for a first character its ideal :)

A paladin has the option to specialise in 1 hand sword and shield or 2hand weaponary, however if you want 2 hand (i.e. be able to hit really hard) they are not the best choice, if you want to be the guy that protects the group then a sword and shield paladin is the choice :)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
VampiiricMist said:
or you can do a armsman.. hes just a plain warriortype, but not that wanted in groups because he dont have anything that makes him "stick out" except his pole :p

Someone aint read future patch notes ?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
Infanity said:
Someone aint read future patch notes ?
yes i have... but theres a bigger chance of him getting a role in a pve-grou/guild if he rolls an essential class in any group.. yes armsman gets a boost in a later patch. but who the hell cares about that boost if he cant get it over level 5...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Getting groups with an armsman (s/s) in PVE was quite easy for me...When it comes to RVR it gets harder but with the future changes Armsmen will be a lot more-wanted in groups than they're atm.

Largo .//npc

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
I've been having a play on the Trial account, and It's been pretty fun, apart from having to spend money to get rid of a stupid bright blue shield and sword.
I Don't want to get too far with my character, as I'll have to do it when the full version finally arrives.

This is the back that I got. Anything else that I'd need?


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Largo .//npc said:
I've been having a play on the Trial account, and It's been pretty fun, apart from having to spend money to get rid of a stupid bright blue shield and sword.
I Don't want to get too far with my character, as I'll have to do it when the full version finally arrives.

This is the back that I got. Anything else that I'd need?

Ive got a lil cash left on one of my accounts, i will give you it.

Im not playing alb any more.

About 300 gold or so, but pm me on FH when you get your main account, as you will loose it on your trial account!

Edit: The best thing to do on a trial account is play around with the classes your considering playing.

Try out a paladin and armsman, See which you prefer. Damage wise etc. and play style.

If you like 2hnders, 2hnded pally is quite nice, But also is armsman,

Its all down to your play style :)

Enjoy the game :D


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
My very first character was a Paladin with a 2-handed sword. Don't ask why, but I chose an Avalonian for the race - LOL. Got him to level 50 then retired him.

Anway, had tremendous fun playing him. Hope you enjoy your DAOC experience and welcome to the community.:cheers:

Largo .//npc

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
Won't be playing the full version untill christmas :/
I got to level 6 on my trial account, but I'm lost for what to do now. It did send me on an RvR quest, which didnt actually lead to anything, no exp ect, pretty pointless. I managed to die doing that charging an enemy base on my own xD


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Largo .//npc said:
Won't be playing the full version untill christmas :/
I got to level 6 on my trial account, but I'm lost for what to do now. It did send me on an RvR quest, which didnt actually lead to anything, no exp ect, pretty pointless. I managed to die doing that charging an enemy base on my own xD
Make a differnt charectar then :p and see if you fancy playing it.. Lowbie RvR quests are poor as its not often we get a new player to daoc > hence the battlegrounds are empty =x Untill about level 20-24 Thidranki.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Infanity said:
Make a differnt charectar then :p and see if you fancy playing it.. Lowbie RvR quests are poor as its not often we get a new player to daoc > hence the battlegrounds are empty =x Untill about level 20-24 Thidranki.

Unlike WOW, quests don't really make the level grind in DAOC, you can quest - and most people do at the higher levels if they get bored of the grind (some quests are great exp, others are long and got lots of story for a smaller reward=.

The one thing i always loved about DAOC is that to level you have to kill mobs, over and over and over (I actually do love it, no joke). As a new comer it will be great too because you can explore at the same time, some in classic some in SI zones.. lots to see :)

When you get to about level 5 you should stop questing (if you did the quests from ur trainer) and just go plain out slaugtering enemies, think ít would be great if you could get a little help with gear from some players as it can bea little hard as a paladin at satrt without gear. (I can for one give you a full suit up to level 20 on alb/glastonbury if you dare post ur characters name here when you get the final version (will bookmark thread)). Got plenty of gear in my vault for a paladin at lvl 10-20, after 20 im sure you are more than able to suit urself cuz u will have learned what is needed to know :)

Paladin is a slow killer, but they can be fun because they can handle several enemies very well, and they are very hard to kill compared to other classes :) I for one like pet classes tho.. just gotta have a pet to get me out of all the suicide things i do


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
I can gives you loads of gear and plats! w00tle!

when your eventually ingame then pm me sometime here there and wherever! :eek6:

Largo .//npc

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
I finally have it!

Made my character on Glastonbury, named him Largoth. Hopefully see some of you on there. (I'm Albion btw :>)

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