

FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Mazling said:
Prove to me the non-existence of ghosts :)

Thats like trying to prove God exists/doesn't exist...

Any so called proof is so easily "disproved" that all you end up with is speculation. You either believe in it or you dont.

I dont as I've never had any experiences which would convince me otherwise.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Haha. No, the reason is because it flies in the face of everything rational or scientific. It's just such obvious, random, "comforting" bullshit, likely created from a healthy fear of death. It's a similar deal with religion - people wanting the ego-comfort of knowing that their lives may just go on existing beyond their "physical demise".

Or let me put it this way. It's a pretty obvious fact that the brain, and all "input" senses, are fallible. It is not a fact, nor does it have any reasonable proof (physical OR theoretical), that ghosts exist.

A friend of mine had an apparently incredibly vivid hallucination maybe half a year ago. He thought he saw a head floating in the corner of his room, and then bright lights appear through his window. He was paranoid, he told me, for 2 or 3 days after that, but quickly, and sanely, came to the conclusion that it was a hallucination of some sort. Judging from this thread, should a similar thing happen to a bunch of people here, we'd be getting all sorts of alien abduction stories.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i have hallucinations all the time, much more vivid than a floating head and bright lights :p


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
yes but we're not talking about the effects of LSD here (I hope)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
tris- said:
i have hallucinations all the time, much more vivid than a floating head and bright lights :p

Uhm. In any case no, the guy hadn't taken any hallucinogens anytime recently or whatever (so he told me), which is why he became worried for a couple of days. Mainly about the state of his brain. Hoh.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
It is easy to choose an explanation you are comfortable with - you're a great example, Louster ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Yeah, because it's hard to be comfortable trying to become convinced of stuff which is hilariously ludicrous and irrational. Hooray for magic!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Its difficult to think I was hallucinating, because the cat would have to have been hallucinating as well :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Well sure, but jumping from seeing a "blur" to fearing for your life is pretty nuts. Honestly, is there anything in your memory you're not picking up? Like, was the area around the "grey blur" blurred also? Did you blink between seeing this thing and not seeing it? I've had experiences where things don't look right and it's just moisture on the eyes or whatever. I'm still thinking it was likely an insect of some sort.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 17, 2003
Tom said:
Its difficult to think I was hallucinating, because the cat would have to have been hallucinating as well :(
You sure you weren't having a nibble on that catnip too?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Louster said:
Uhm. In any case no, the guy hadn't taken any hallucinogens anytime recently or whatever (so he told me), which is why he became worried for a couple of days. Mainly about the state of his brain. Hoh.

sorry to sound stupid but why did you link the to definition of vivid? mine are so vivid i cannot make the distinction between reality and the hallucination untill a few minutes after. dont take drugs either, i have a disorder ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Since you were saying it was "more vivid than a floating head and bright lights". The content of the hallucination isn't really relevant to the vividness, so I figured you got the meaning wrong. "Vivid" doesn't necessarily mean indistinguishable from reality (in the sense of, like, actually making realistic sense), just that it was very clear and distinct.

Also I kindof felt like being an anal pedant. Wee!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
Its difficult to think I was hallucinating, because the cat would have to have been hallucinating as well :(

Unless you were also hallucinating about the cat hallucinating.

*scratches his head*


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Louster said:
A friend of mine had an apparently incredibly vivid hallucination maybe half a year ago. He thought he saw a head floating in the corner of his room, and then bright lights appear through his window.

TV AM news?



I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Chapter 2. The 1st floor

Ok, so last night the weirdness returned. It was about 3AM, I hadn't been feeling particularly sleepy, so it wasn't until then that I felt able to go to bed. Off I plodded, chucking my rags on the floor and collapsing into my pit.

The cats (for now there be 2 of them, twice the protection hehe) always sleep in my bedroom, nearly always on the bed. So it was no great surprise that they did so last night. After about 10 minutes of dozing in bed, with both cats curled around eachother in a tight little ball of fluff, the older of the two (the one that started all this) leapt up, dived off the bed, and ran out to the top of the stairs.

I'm not exaggerating any of this, the moggy really did do exactly that. I didn't really think much of it, perhaps the smaller kitty had pissed it off somehow (they pretend-fight all the time), but what happened next really spooked me.

Imagine a cat's meow. Then imagine pitch-shifting it until its about 3-4 octaves below what it normally is. A baratone meow if you like. Then stretch that meow out a few seconds longer, and double it in volume. Its the kind of meow a cat suffering from gigantism would make - or a cat being possessed by satan. Once, twice, thrice, the little ghost-detector did this, and bugger me if the other kitty didn't jump off the bed and leg it out to see what was going on. I followed. Aren't I brave?

I turned the bedroom lights on, looked out the door, and saw satan-kitty looking through the ballusters, and down the stairs. The other kitty was sat further away, at the top of the stairs, probably wondering what all the noise was about. Anyway, I walked over to it, and satan-kitty legged it downstairs at warp factor 4. The other kitty wouldn't follow. Despite me tapping it with my foot, it didn't want to go downstairs.

Anyway, I checked around downstairs (my first thought was that a neighbour's cat had got in the catflap and was wandering around my house in the dark), but there was nothing around. So I went back to bed, 5 minutes later the cats came back up, and nothing more was heard.

It was only in the morning I began to think - was this another spooky occurance, or could it be some scrotes looking through my windows/letterbox to find the keys to my new car?

Wish me luck. Guard duty tonight (camera at the ready).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You're assuming a lot of stuff here.

That the cat saw what you saw and wasnt behaving as YOU would expect having been given a cat nip toy. Wonder what the cat thinks about this?

That a smudge out of the corner of your eye is a ghost. Since you seem bent on thinking along those lines I think a fertile imagination can fill in the rest easily. Too much late night telly watching horror films can do this. Watch Most Haunted, you'll soon realise what a crock it is.

That said ghost has evil intent (in your mind). Unless its throwing pointed (stabbing weapons in Arnie parlance) or jagged circular saws in the wall I dont think you have the evidence for this.

Put a lock on the cat flap (catch) and either have one cat in or no cat in and see if you experience the same problem.

Most likely a rat.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Nice HiFi

Nice HiFi mate. Mission Cyrus Amps? or the NAD equivalents? Whats the deck, Linn Sondeck? Plinth looks a bit big for a Linn but a while since I've seen one.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Where are you placing the webcam, tom? You could try setting up a mic nearby too :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Hawkwind said:
Nice HiFi mate. Mission Cyrus Amps? or the NAD equivalents? Whats the deck, Linn Sondeck? Plinth looks a bit big for a Linn but a while since I've seen one.


Naim psu + pre and power amps. Arcam CD player, Roksan Xerxes deck :)

No ghost last night, or scrotes, so I'm still alive. All I'll say is that I know exactly how my cats behave, and on these two occasions their behaviour has been completely out of the ordinary. Kind of like if you went to your mum's for tea and she showed you a vibrator she'd bought.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Tom said:
Kind of like if you went to your mum's for tea and she showed you a vibrator she'd bought.

That happened to you too, huh? *shrugs*



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
For the weird meow thing how old is the cat? When ours was old it used to occasionally sit at the top of the stairs doing the exact kind of meow you describe - sometimes all day.

We just thought that the cat was fucking mental.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, the last thing i would do is TAPE THE F*CKING HALLWAY!!

*pant pant*

Ok, you might be freakin out now about this, whatever or nothing at all, but wait until you watch a video where a cute little(read, 7 foot demon) ghost walks up the stairs and into your room.... wearing a strap-on! :wij:

That's really gonna "mess yer cute-uns", like Scotty McDonald said.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
but wait until you watch a video where a cute little(read, 7 foot demon) ghost walks up the stairs and into your room.... wearing a strap-on! :wij:

did wij or wazza have anythign to do with that video? ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
mookie said:
did wij or wazza have anythign to do with that video? ;)

If that ended up on the nightly recordarama, i'd bet my left test....subject on it :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
How odd, I searched for "spooky" and found my own thread.

Anyway, I was out cycling tonight and stopped for a piss on a pitch black country lane out in the middle of Cheshire. Next to an abandoned farm (it's been empty for yonks). While I was busy micturating, I heard the squeal of a gate hinge and a loud "clank" behind me, from the farm.

Now bear in mind this farm has nobody living there. There are no lights on, ever. And there's no cars, no voices, nothing. Just me, holding my massive [now wet] penis, in the dark. So I looked over my shoulder and saw...nothing at all. Just the bright red flash of my rear light. And then the hairs on my neck stood up. The logical part of my brain was saying "you daft cunt, it's just the wind". But the deeper, animal part of my brain was saying "you daft cunt FUCKING RUN AWAY". So I got the fuck out of there and didn't look back.

And another thing, why do they put The Walking Dead on at this time of year? It's scary cycling at night worrying about zombies lurching from hedges.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Still, turns out you didn't get ghost raped to death ten years ago, so that's a good thing. (y)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The wife believes in ghosts mainly because of her catlick upbringing..every story she comes up with is based on some family member who saw something strange and attributed it through religious brainwashing into pseudo popular culture creatures from the spirit world or dead relatives who can't rest in peace..I just roll my eyes and ridicule them because I refuse to let their indoctrinated version of life become their reality..I have the responsibility to reassert reason and they hate me for it..but I'm wearing them down with the truth.

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