Spirit of the game



Who say you cant roleplay, never met Borni, my buffbot?

Nibor: Borni I need some buffs
Borni: sorry no time, still seeking that fridgekeys of Benowyc, I
am sure Gamblor hide them again. Thers must still be
plenty of Pepes ale in that fridge.

discusions like that you see daily in SS gu, not to memtion the stories at our forum.

Dont cry for something not being there, do it.


Ok only read page one and did a quick glance at page 3. The thing you seem to forget is alliances.
In hib excal where my mains are we have 3 alliances.
There is 1 alliance thats is the biggest and has the most active, biggest RvR guilds (CF alliance) , 1 alliance for a bit of fun, a bit spammy etc (HoF) and a third alliance with guilds thinking about big RvR and dont have the numbers of level 50 to completely dominate (CBH).

These 3 alliances when something big is going on. The leaders or certain members communicate to eachother so that everyone knows that we are taking keeps to open DF , Mids try a relic raid again :sleeping: , etc etc. Its all posted in alliance chat then the info , the person(s) who hold the chatgroup, and in the chatgroups the tactics are being explained.

In the CF and CBH alliance there is no spam just reports coming in like 4 fg albs at mmg etc etc, and ofcourse events.

If you guys did something like that in Alb you might be able to get some good communication, and get yer tactics sorted.

Cause i heard you got a buttload of alliances and poor communication.

1 more thing please there is more to RvR then emain, go to the mids or have fun in yer own realm us hibs are getting sick and tired of everyone and there bot being in emain. Although lately it is getting a bit better.


Very good ideas ironheart, but people on the forums arent the one you should talk to. do /who emain and send a personal pm to them with your thaughts (a good idea might be to do /ignore on them before u PM, since its better for them to hear your good ideas before interrupting you with flames). It whould also be advisable to contact every member of BF twice, and im sure outlaw will help you if you proove persistant enuff (i.e spamm). If none of this work try to get in the alb zerg CG and give them some good advice on how to play. I for one have great faith in you as the new albion leader!

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by m4rk
Ironheart, I have heard numerous stories about you and I have myself had the displeasure to come across you twice while XPing. You telling people "I own barrows" doesn't help your argument here, you come across to me to be a complete and utter asshole.

edit: no offense btw, just my point of view.

glad you have met ironheart a couple of times mate........that's what ironheart is suppose to be. Ironheart is an asshole, and as i said, i'd rather be adressed as Dead GuRu here then ironheart unless this is a RP thread. Because for me it is hard to determine wether ppl understand the difference between iron and the irl me.


Ironfart/dead g00r00,

u hit us with yer inane ramblings every once in a while and always get the same response. Either you are a bit of a pleb or just plain thick skinned but, no one gives a toss for your "perfect" realm so please STFU.

As far as addressing you as drop dead instead of Ironfart, well tbh u were a wanker as old Ironfart, so how the hell do you expect any sort of credability here or anywhere? You cannot go through Albion telling people they are morons and only you are king, then expect people to forget. The fact that you suggest that that is how you were supposed to play your character suggests that you really do need to sod off to another server and start again.

There are countless players within Albion for which alot of us have the utmost respect, you DO NOT fall into this category. No matter how you try and guild the lilly here, your thoughts are not worth a dime, kthnxbye.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by elbeek
Ironfart/dead g00r00,

u hit us with yer inane ramblings every once in a while and always get the same response. Either you are a bit of a pleb or just plain thick skinned but, no one gives a toss for your "perfect" realm so please STFU.

As far as addressing you as drop dead instead of Ironfart, well tbh u were a wanker as old Ironfart, so how the hell do you expect any sort of credability here or anywhere? You cannot go through Albion telling people they are morons and only you are king, then expect people to forget. The fact that you suggest that that is how you were supposed to play your character suggests that you really do need to sod off to another server and start again.

There are countless players within Albion for which alot of us have the utmost respect, you DO NOT fall into this category. No matter how you try and guild the lilly here, your thoughts are not worth a dime, kthnxbye.

dear MR Reetbeek aka elbeek

i will do like you do, flame me again!!

because the moderator on this site/forum is you guildmember and probably is incapable to warn you the way he warned me....
Tildai is you in game mate wich seems to be giving you the priveledge of flaming ppl without consequences as would other do it would get spanked by his royal highness the moderator

i will be honest with you... ironheart is a king, you are a moron in game, that is a mere fact.. your utter dissapointing statement here just proves that you can not accept that i do what i want...
it seems you are the mindless person here that should be sodding of to another server... i do nothing wrong .... you do my friend... you make things personal, so pls.....
go back to your guild and as Ironheart would say, incompetence rules RVR

what is say is : "things could be different but a lot of REAl life reason makes it VERRY hard to accomplish...

so MR assbeek, i think it is about time you started growing up for a change and if you would have a certain age then i would suggest you started reading more information on what type of game you play... instead of blindfouldedly following the order of your ingame "leaders".


tbh I can see why you get flamed. In barrows you did constantly tell people they sucked and you were the king and stole exp spots. Cant expect people to forget it without even an apology :x

DeaD GuRu

just this one more thing....

last weeks i have been in RVR , solo, to have a look at how things are done... i have to say... and be honest... i do find some fun in the pointless RP farming the way most of you do...

the only problem is that i do feel sorry that the basic concept of the game has been partially raped by the RR-farmers...

It is not my task to change thing, nor is it my job to tell other what way they should play a game... everybody is supposed to have their own set of brains to investigate, explore and learn the real concept of their hobby.

The real problem seems to be the basic fact that ALL PPL flaming me for playing a character like ironheart can't split fiction from reality. And reactions must have a base of jealousy or envy because some ppl have got the balls to state their personal oppinion. It is not my fault you can not cope with the fact i suggest things to try and stop some whinethreads about dissorder, feeling under powered, game balance problems etc...

and o be honest..; i do not mind ppl telling me my ideas are "impossible" to realize... but instead of shooting old cows... maybee suggestions should come from other ppl.
This is a discussion forum, and every time i pôst stuff you ppl always start the noncense....

it is not me that starts flaming...
it would be just as easy for all ppl that see Ironheart as their nemesis and can't accept reality of thing, to ignore threads i post instead of replying with utter noncense.$

thank you and keep that in mind pls.

i do not ask to be treated this way by jealous, ignorant and narrowminded PPL

cheers and greetz

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by kirennia
tbh I can see why you get flamed. In barrows you did constantly tell people they sucked and you were the king and stole exp spots. Cant expect people to forget it without even an apology :x

kernnia, i do understand what you mean, but why should i apolegize out game for IN-game stuff i adored doing?
Stealing spot? don't call it that way pls, no one may claim spots, as other whine thread always state

but before that thread that this forum is out-of-game from a couple of months ago it is possible i could have offended ppl the way i do in-game.

So hereby, and i am not ashamed in doing so, If i should have caused havoc on this forum when using Ironheart in here, i do apolegize officially.

but PLs don't expect me to just swallow the flaming noncense i have to read from those ignorant-uninformed ppl out here

and kernnia, i do know a couple of post back things went a bit out of hand, sorry for that incident


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
kernnia, i do understand what you mean, but why should i apolegize out game for IN-game stuff i adored doing?

like being a twat?


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu

msg to tildai: if you let the reply of elbeek get unwarned, i will take official steps this time as your moderating capacities here seem to be based upon in-game contacts


DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by elbeek
like being a twat?

yes elbeek, beeing a twat, never met someone IRL that you can't have a descent chat with?? well, be it fictional, be it real, they exist... that is what RL , FL , is about ain't it? conflict managment, learning how to handle things....

a lot of ppl ran into the iron fist because they tempted a king on his turf... results: disaster, out of game stress for those ppl...and flaming...

a couple of weeks later, they tried a different tactic... talking about thing, compromising etc... RP style for me... well those ppl will say that iron rules


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu

a lot of ppl ran into the iron fist because they tempted a king on his turf... results: disaster, out of game stress for those ppl...and flaming...

a couple of weeks later, they tried a different tactic... talking about thing, compromising etc... RP style for me... well those ppl will say that iron rules

LMFAO , disaster, out of game stress? You flatter yourself there, most thought you were a tard. A for being a king.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Here is my different tactic wibble wibble wibble wibble, get my drift?

Please stand up those who think Ironfart rules?.....no sit down, you cant vote for yourself.


i would say something rude but tilda wud hax0r me :<

DeaD GuRu

wibble wibble... hmmmmm

no idea really, i knew a song once with that text

king, yeah, out here, on these keys i'm just another human, in there, i am what i want to be

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Sol-
i would say something rude but tilda wud hax0r me :<

thx, i would reply just as rude and i would get banned too


Originally posted by moona
O M G its the "all against Ironheart" post again
cant you give this guy ONE chance ?

or all you all 12 y old kids?

If he made any sense and stop pointing fingers at the others for what he himself doesn't do neither,we would

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Hatjitjai
If he made any sense and stop pointing fingers at the others for what he himself doesn't do neither,we would

pointing fingers? making sence?
i think it's quite clear ain't it...
I just have a different POV that Rp farmers dont appreciate.
and i do do the things you think i don't do.

that was a nice line :)


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
kernnia, i do understand what you mean, but why should i apolegize out game for IN-game stuff i adored doing?
Stealing spot? don't call it that way pls, no one may claim spots, as other whine thread always state

but before that thread that this forum is out-of-game from a couple of months ago it is possible i could have offended ppl the way i do in-game.

So hereby, and i am not ashamed in doing so, If i should have caused havoc on this forum when using Ironheart in here, i do apolegize officially.

but PLs don't expect me to just swallow the flaming noncense i have to read from those ignorant-uninformed ppl out here

and kernnia, i do know a couple of post back things went a bit out of hand, sorry for that incident

The whole thing about you being different in game to out of game is what most people see as wrong. As far as I see it, barrysworld is part of the game. The same person that is talking on barrysworld is talking in game so they are identified as such. If some1 for example, like elbeek is doing, had a nasty experience of you in game, then they aren't going to come on here and sing your praises and be nice about your suggestions.

Before you say it, yes I CAN tell the difference between RL and the game HOWEVER, in game traits and way people react DOES generally effect their attitude in real life too. People who like to be nasty in game, generally tend to be nasty out of game and vice versa....not vice versa but y'know what I mean. This doesn't mean however that if for example I hated the mids in game cause they were zerging gits that on meeting them in real life I wouldn't sit down and have a pint with em. That's the difference. Someone however calling be a retard on the forums OR in the game, I simply wouldn't want to meet up with irl though


Mr ironheart
i THINK you MIGHT have to change ur user name on Barrysworld again.
to stop the flaming in the future.
and never ever metion that u r ironheart
and this is also part of roleplayer-----Reborn and Try to Be a nice guy in BW and DAOC.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Lireihuan.china
Mr ironheart
i THINK you MIGHT have to change ur user name on Barrysworld again.
to stop the flaming in the future.
and never ever metion that u r ironheart
and this is also part of roleplayer-----Reborn and Try to Be a nice guy in BW and DAOC.

i will do nothing of the sort lirei...
BW users here will have cope with the fact that users will have to learn to split fiction from reality.
It is not me that start the nonsence every time, as you will know.

btw, it is dead guru, ironheart is an RP character
this is not an RP thread


It´s the other way round, dude. You will have to cope with the fact, that saying "Ironheart is a RP character and he´s an asshole and you´re just to stupid to realise the difference between fiction and fact" is just a lame excuse for doing what you want and don´t care about others ingame and that Excalibur is not a RP server. It´s the same thing as with the <Chaos Theory> muppets. They´re acting like twats and assholes ingame, destroying the fun for other people while hiding behind their "roleplay", then come here and expect people to treat them as if nothing happened.
If it´s that simple, you can justify everything you do ingame with "playing a role". Just create a character who´s main attribute it is to steal money and leech xp from other players and there you go. Nobody can touch you because of course you´re just playing your role and it´s the retarded other players who´re too stupid to realise the difference.
If you want people to separate your person from your behaivour ingame, then this is the wrong server to play on. Just realise, that it´s not you who´s making the rules, but that those rules are made by the community and if you want to be part of the community, you have to adopt and accept those rules.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by thorwyntf
It´s the other way round, dude. You will have to cope with the fact, that saying "Ironheart is a RP character and he´s an asshole and you´re just to stupid to realise the difference between fiction and fact" is just a lame excuse for doing what you want and don´t care about others ingame and that Excalibur is not a RP server. It´s the same thing as with the <Chaos Theory> muppets. They´re acting like twats and assholes ingame, destroying the fun for other people while hiding behind their "roleplay", then come here and expect people to treat them as if nothing happened.
If it´s that simple, you can justify everything you do ingame with "playing a role". Just create a character who´s main attribute it is to steal money and leech xp from other players and there you go. Nobody can touch you because of course you´re just playing your role and it´s the retarded other players who´re too stupid to realise the difference.
If you want people to separate your person from your behaivour ingame, then this is the wrong server to play on. Just realise, that it´s not you who´s making the rules, but that those rules are made by the community and if you want to be part of the community, you have to adopt and accept those rules.

my friend this is a roleplay GAME
even a massive multiplayer rpg
wich the creators of this game had to narrow because loads of ppl have NO knowledge of what type of game they baught.

The only rules that apply are the EULA AND THE CoC

you will not, nor will other ppl deceide what the rules are in here unles you are an employee of mythic/goa


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
you will not, nor will other ppl deceide what the rules are in here unles you are an employee of mythic/goa
And why the heck are you trying to this, then? You are contradicting yourself. All of your threads are about how players should do this and should do that, and how guilds should do this and do that, and then you excuse yourself by saying that you are just "offering advice". From your very first proposal to appoint yourself "leader of Albion", your BW reputation has gone down, and there is no way you can salvage it with petty excuses when you continue to do the same again and again.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Belomar
And why the heck are you trying to this, then? You are contradicting yourself. All of your threads are about how players should do this and should do that, and how guilds should do this and do that, and then you excuse yourself by saying that you are just "offering advice". From your very first proposal to appoint yourself "leader of Albion", your BW reputation has gone down, and there is no way you can salvage it with petty excuses when you continue to do the same again and again.

contradict myselfe belomar?

i'm roleplaying, i'm doing what should be done, at least i did.

but as most things in life the vast majority deceided i was wrong, so hey, i do not contradict. I change my way of doing things.

i use Ironheart to Rp, the rest of the characters to play like all do.

Now you try to reverse my words her, not me.

i addapt

and as for a rep here, it was created by the ppl that do not understand , or did not understand what i was doing.

is there no such thing as FOS???
i just tell my POV and i may express my feeling if i disagree..

discussions led to me beeing an ass...

and kids out there gladly confirmed the "important" ppl doing it

1) i said this is an RP game
2) in the beginning Iron suggested reformation, restuctering , and stop fighting ammoungst guilds but the enemy were hibs, mids..he kicked all major ppl's butts. He kept on shouting that way and still is...
3) i narrowed my RP loc to barrows...
4) several Rp guilds started on server... all were torn down by RP farmer not interested in the "real" concept....
5) i tried to reach ppl out here... my ways weren't the tacticians or diplomatic way... i got my ass kicked every time...
remember this>>> every thread there is PPL AGREE with ME and RVR-RR10 kids disagree with ME
6) i kept on trying, like the albion treasure chest idea... to repair relics doors... etc... / i kept on getting spanked by kids, imagine this...
7) i got pissed and started to act accordingly wich confirmed the ppl disagreeing with me and they had a ball with it.
8) after a while i started to realize this wasn't a RP forum here, after that post a month or two ago... later on i changed my nick and tried to suggest thingsout of character as a person...in this thread.. tossing iron out of it all, i use to have other plans for iron
9) EVERY thread started out positive until some stupid kid, like sharp, lireihuan , had to mix ingame-outgame things and then all started to crumble...
10) now.... no idea, don't really care, but i will post ideas i have... as i said... you do not have to reply to my posts...

is it so wrong as a RPcharacter to want to wake up in a realm where all problems are beeing dealth with , instead of letting the albion population suffer day in day out because of lack of oraganization. Rolplaying an angry dreamer :)
( out of game i do think that there are verry nice and verry talented organizers out there, remember that!!)

well, i have and will change my in game way, because i'm sick and tired off missplaced gamers not knowing what is fun and what is fiction.
I feel sorry i have to destroy a character concept to let ppl see who really is playing that character and how constructive he can be...
I will not change servers , nor will i delete or whatever loser would do...
i don't feel like i have lost out here...
i just tried in two ways... none understood

now if possible i would like Tilda to close this thread because most post in here aren't about "who can do what" or "what can be done", but just personl conviction of interpretations.....


Jesus fella, just let it lie - i don't know you from adam and whilst i don't agree with your PoV - i'll defend your right to say it.

However... remember that your ingame actions, whether roleplaying or not have consequences - the main one being that you seem to have upset a great many people with your 'Ironfist' alt.

Telling people how to play the game is no way to go about changing people opinions of you, or how people view the game.
If you want respect m8 - earn it. Organise a raid somewhere, or a keeptake/retake - people are much more likely to listen to your opinions if you back them up with actions.

I for one would like to see less flaming and more constructive ideas on this forum. So what if you don't agree with someone's PoV - be an adult and ignore it or post constructive critisism. The prevalence of people who think they know best is overwhelming - offer your advice - if someone listens or agrees with you then good for you, if not then rather than starting an arguement, explain why you feel an idea wouldn't work - be constructive.

If people would show each other a little more tolerance and be a little less quick to judge, well just maybe we can sow the seeds of a more co-operative Albion.

I've said my piece and like so many others on this thread - its merely my opinion. I certainly don't claim to know best or have all the answers, but then i don't expect to do be lectured by people who think they do either.


DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by earath
Jesus fella, just let it lie - i don't know you from adam and whilst i don't agree with your PoV - i'll defend your right to say it.

However... remember that your ingame actions, whether roleplaying or not have consequences - the main one being that you seem to have upset a great many people with your 'Ironfist' alt.

Telling people how to play the game is no way to go about changing people opinions of you, or how people view the game.
If you want respect m8 - earn it. Organise a raid somewhere, or a keeptake/retake - people are much more likely to listen to your opinions if you back them up with actions.

I for one would like to see less flaming and more constructive ideas on this forum. So what if you don't agree with someone's PoV - be an adult and ignore it or post constructive critisism. The prevalence of people who think they know best is overwhelming - offer your advice - if someone listens or agrees with you then good for you, if not then rather than starting an arguement, explain why you feel an idea wouldn't work - be constructive.

If people would show each other a little more tolerance and be a little less quick to judge, well just maybe we can sow the seeds of a more co-operative Albion.

I've said my piece and like so many others on this thread - its merely my opinion. I certainly don't claim to know best or have all the answers, but then i don't expect to do be lectured by people who think they do either.


true, i don't know all either, all post i do start out with the thought of attempting to be constructive wich ends up with beeing destroyed.
i alway hope for constructive adds, but.....
thx for your answer :)
I do not feel offended by your post to make that part clear :)
I never wanted to say: YOU MUST DO THIS
I always tried with : MAYBE YOU COULD DO THIS because that is not verry clever......ok, sometimes it may seem a bit to hard, english ain't my native tongue, haven't got the verbal feel like i do with my mother tongue :)
I won't be offended if ppl say that my ideas suck... if they can add a perfectly normal reason to it :) but if someone commes here.... you can ***** my ***** ... well, i guess my reaction speeks for itselfe doesn't it. At least thats what i tried here.

as for organizing things.... i have my own guild with a couple of ppl i know a bit... we have fun, we do PVE hunts, kick asses butt, go rvr in our way. i will not be able to organize Relic raid, D-raids S-raids... or at least i don't know if i can...would have to try it out :)

and i let i go thats why i asked to close thread :)


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
you will not, nor will other ppl deceide what the rules are in here unles you are an employee of mythic/goa

Wrong, Only ppl that control the rules in here are, Game staff being owners of these boards and Barrysworld staff and mods.

GoA nor Mithic have little (in the case of goa having 2 mods here) or No (in the case of Mithic not knowing we are here anyway) control over the content of these boards.

This is part of the game, Even the classic CD opens a barrysworld sign up page after you install the client. But it is no way controled by said partys.


Originally posted by Hatjitjai
If he made any sense and stop pointing fingers at the others for what he himself doesn't do neither,we would
did he made a flamethread? dont think so
he wanted to construct something....
not to destruct:/
its the peoples who answered who started the flamethread

and King Ironheart of Barrows is just a ROLE he plays in a ROLEPLAYINGgame, ok he maybe plays a asshole, be an asshole INGAME back not here

aargh , i dont give a shit anymore , dont play DAOC anymore

i'll have a happy fantasylife in SWG


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