Spirit of the game


DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by <Lireihuan>
maybe you should not be ashame to give ur char's name

and btw i truly believe what u said is meaningless if u don't make any effort like lead a relic raid :)

i know i am sucked at keep defending & relic raid, so i keep silence and follow what leader says. If u wanna be the one in charge, u go head and see if any of ur barrows pals follow ur lead and grab the relic back to our home.

Before u do that, u r just a non-raidleading-experience player ironheart and offer us ur precious idea that can't be done

do i have to lead raids before i get some confirmation/cooperation from the gaming ppl? Can't a simple analysis be enough to make the other ppl think or even use that idea to build something better?
i have attended a lot of raids and to me, although i do have a good connection and descent pc, fun drops out of it because one has to disable half of the options before you can act normal with your character out there. Best raids i've attented were those led by Wildfire, waaaay back when he was young :p results were nice and the following weeks that person took care of a lot more then just organizing that raid. he's a member of of "descent" RVR guild and the relics were defended adequatly wich is more then we can say from the others that led a raid....They may have been succesfull... the aftermath was a disaster

all keeps are claimed in rvr. How many ppl are in those keeps guarding? how many alts are logged in those keeps to defend their claimed keep if they get attacked? Who is setting guards in those keep? Hey i know guarding is boring, but in a GOOD guild mates would say:" ok, i'll go there for an hour or so , who will be next?"

example last raid on albion: i was in hadrians wall, hunting with my necromancer. I passed all keeps in our fronteer, checked them all out. NOT ONE keep had ONE person there (active that is, can't tell if they logged there). FC claimed erasleigh as i can recall (can be mistaken) and i think BF had Surs. No one seemed to care me MSG'ing them with my necromancer telling that a lot of activety is going on in our fronteer.... I logged out, next thing i know when i logg in all is gone.. So don't call me an unexperience rvr-raid-leader. I do not need to lead to forfill my character functions. I saw, i notified, no reaction, am i to blame? Am i unexperienced?

ok that's it, had enough discussion about this topic..

Nothing will ever change...
There are IRL reasons, there are In-Game reasons..

i'll continue doing what i do, be it nothing to most of you, be it acting as a creep to others etc...

i will have fun. But i won't be ignorant and if i can offer some idea or suggestion to try to improve Life on the Server i would rather have ppl ADDING info to that idea instead of calling me unexperienced raid leader


all keeps are claimed in rvr. How many ppl are in those keeps guarding? how many alts are logged in those keeps to defend their claimed keep if they get attacked? Who is setting guards in those keep? Hey i know guarding is boring, but in a GOOD guild mates would say:" ok, i'll go there for an hour or so , who will be next?"

so you seriously expect people who´re playing this game and spending money on it to level a char to 50, then log on and sit in a keep doing nothing but guarding it in case some enemy force decides to attack? That´s your imagination of a perfect Albion?

You´re a hopeless case. Try to accept that your opinion of what´s making this game worth playing does NOT mean that everbody else should share it.


example last raid on albion: i was in hadrians wall, hunting with my necromancer. I passed all keeps in our fronteer, checked them all out. NOT ONE keep had ONE person there (active that is, can't tell if they logged there).


Last raid on albion was an alarm clock raid.

You think we should have a 24x7 rota for defending keeps?

You can count me out of that one thanks.

o don't call me an unexperience rvr-raid-leader. I do not need to lead to forfill my character functions. I saw, i notified, no reaction, am i to blame? Am i unexperienced?

This isn't about your lack of experience, or your inability to tell the difference between 4fg of radar guard and a relic raid (something common to a great many people who post threads identical to this one).

It's about the fact that you have come here, started belittling the efforts many people make in albion, and without making any effort either to lead or to find out why people act as they do.

It's not that you are an inexperienced leader, it's that you have made no effort to lead anything, and are coming here telling those who do lead that their attitude is wrong.

If you had some respect for other players, you could come here and ask why people don't sit mindlessly staring at a wall in each keep when there are no relics to defend anyway. You could ask what it is that needs to be done to capture a relic, and ask for the opinions of the many people here who *do* have the experience and *have* made the effort in the past.

But for any number of people here (and not just Ironheart) that seems too hard.

Seems it's easier just to belittle the efforts of others. And that, is where the real problem with a small but vocal proportion of alb lies.


Number of unsuccessful relic defences during populated hours in the last year = zero.

Number of relic raids failed due to insuffcient alb effort or organisation in last year = zero.

Number of anything failed due to not having a big enough alliance chat channel in last year = zero.

DeaD GuRu

true, but in former posts i suggest an US EU possibility....

read that part?

btw , don't use the name iron in here :) unless this is an RP thread


Yes, but I've never met anyone based in the US playing GOA DAoC unless they moved stateside after launch.

And I certainly wouldn't put any pressure on anyone in SS to leave for another guild just for this reason,

Not enough US players to justify it, and anyway, it doesn't gain us much, because we still won't have the numbers to defend an off-hours raid, and we still have more than enough numbers to defend an on-hours raid. (In fact we wouldn't have much trouble defending an on-hours raid even if the keeps *did* fall beforehand - uber guards are overrated)


DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by old.Ramas
Yes, but I've never met anyone based in the US playing GOA DAoC unless they moved stateside after launch.

And I certainly wouldn't put any pressure on anyone in SS to leave for another guild just for this reason,

Not enough US players to justify it, and anyway, it doesn't gain us much, because we still won't have the numbers to defend an off-hours raid, and we still have more than enough numbers to defend an on-hours raid. (In fact we wouldn't have much trouble defending an on-hours raid even if the keeps *did* fall beforehand - uber guards are overrated)


thx, i think you have got a point... you have the in game resources and ppl , i trust your oppinion. Ok, that is then, nothing will ever change..... pitty... although most ppl seem to have some sort of fun playing as they do now :) well, let's all try to have the same. if there would be a valid sollution out there to make things nice and good.... feel free to ask for my support,.

Personally i am willing to help guilds, groups if they have got a plan. Just keep the ppl that see me as their nemesis out of my area of effect :)


Albion state is great. When we have the relics, we do very very well. For you to come here preaching that we don't do well after all the effort and success of the last year and a half, even after none of the organisation has been down to you is ridiculous. It's like going into a furniture store and telling the manager how to make sales and coming out with ideas that wont work. Sitting in a keep doesnt matter. We don't NEED a rota for sitting in the keep.

The reality is, /gu gets spammed everytime a guard is killed so we know when our keeps are under attack anyway. Alts are often logged inside keeps which YOU CANT SEE when you go around checking for people sitting inside the keeps. And having a rota with one person sitting inside is pointless because one person cannot stop a zerg. And if you are suggesting 10+ people sit in the keep to defend then you probably don't have any idea of the size of current guilds as this would mean pretty much everyone in the guild must sit inside the keep and do nothing.

And if you want a relic raid doing, DO IT. Don't rely on others and complain when they aren't organised cause tbh, most of the leaders of previous raids are sick and tired of people such as yourself preching about how much of a bad job we do and have done in the past when you don't do anything yourself. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, because it's you who is destroying morale amongst the leaders when you slag them off, not the other way round.

DeaD GuRu

kirennia read the full thread, read all words, then edit your post pls...

if you would have bothered reading all you would have seen that i even congratulate ppl like wildfire.. can't recall the name of the person from GoL that did the last raid, but in game i Pm these perons to tell them they did a FINE job..

lucky i just keep my temper at ease now...

you(re morale may be slacked or whatever you call it if you get to hear something... but others don't they think about what has been said and discuss about it....

you are a GM????? lol ;-)


you are a GM????? lol ;-)

Yes. And at least Kirennia is doing something for the realm unlike some attention wh.. I mean unlike some gentles, who keep bothering everybody with their sensless, hedonistic pseudo-philosophies about spirit of the game.


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
a couple of weeks ago Shadowlords society was standing on HMG defending our realm... neat job... i went true the gate, and i posted them info on incomming traffic... to prove the effectivety of this type of gaming : when informed they wiped em out, if not informed (wich happened) they got whiped and the wall was empty again....
Um. Right. So when we get informed of, say, 3 FGs of Hibs coming towards the HMG, we can actually kill them with our less than FG, whereas when you are not there to tell us of the incoming, we get wiped? Puuuuhlease. ;)

And yes, you need to slowly build up your credibility before you can assume command of Albion. :cool:


I like the spirit of Albion, keep it as it is, especially the alliances. Don't ruin it by building up anything that works ;)


if u want theese things to happen, why dont u make a guild, make it an rvr guild that takes every1 in, teach ppl, and go defend our frontier all the time with ppl keeping an eye out 24/7 in ur claimed frontier keep, make sure all in there can roleplay, and everything else u wrote. nothing that stops u from doing what some others may not find as a such fun and enjoying part of the game as u do - not that hard a solution, is it....


if u want to roleplay go to percival/nimue servers

designed for ppl like u ;>


You have chosen to play on one of the servers that Mythic Entertainment has
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from the DAoC Code of Conduct apply, as well as the following expanded

Naming Policy for Roleplaying Servers.
-All names must fit into the medieval setting.
-All names must fit into the realm that you are playing in.
-All policy enforcement for names on the roleplaying servers will be done
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authority. It is in Mythic's sole judgment whether a name breaks the
policy, and we will rename characters accordingly. If you see someone with
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-All communication on the roleplay server must be appropriate for the
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-If a guild, group or person agrees that out-of-character communication is
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-If someone is breaking the roleplaying communication policy on the server,
you MUST ask them to stop before reporting them. If they stop when asked,
and do not repeat their out-of-character communication, then the problem is
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the violation). Thank you and have a great time roleplaying!


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
kirennia read the full thread, read all words, then edit your post pls...

if you would have bothered reading all you would have seen that i even congratulate ppl like wildfire.. can't recall the name of the person from GoL that did the last raid, but in game i Pm these perons to tell them they did a FINE job..

lucky i just keep my temper at ease now...

you(re morale may be slacked or whatever you call it if you get to hear something... but others don't they think about what has been said and discuss about it....

you are a GM????? lol ;-)

the point of what I was saying was that if you want these rotas set up with a guild that takes everyone in, make a guild and tell everyone to sit in your keep for hours on end. You said it's a pity that we don't try hard enough, not directly meant about relic raids but for relic defense but the simple fact is that we DO. That is why people are getting peeved off, because their efforts are constantly ignored and laughed at even though they may be more worth noting.

As for laughing because I'm a GM, well, that speaks for itself

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by kirennia
the point of what I was saying was that if you want these rotas set up with a guild that takes everyone in, make a guild and tell everyone to sit in your keep for hours on end. You said it's a pity that we don't try hard enough, not directly meant about relic raids but for relic defense but the simple fact is that we DO. That is why people are getting peeved off, because their efforts are constantly ignored and laughed at even though they may be more worth noting.

As for laughing because I'm a GM, well, that speaks for itself

rotas : you meen rotation system? as in guarding?

ok thx :)

and i would sure be willing to leave a BB in guild defended keep instead of letting it facehugg a wall near CS or some other telekeep :)
While doing so, i could keep an eye out on keep and roam with the other :)


O M G its the "all against Ironheart" post again
cant you give this guy ONE chance ?

or all you all 12 y old kids?


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
rotas : you meen rotation system? as in guarding?

ok thx :)

and i would sure be willing to leave a BB in guild defended keep instead of letting it facehugg a wall near CS or some other telekeep :)
While doing so, i could keep an eye out on keep and roam with the other :)

as I said m8, you don't need a bot to be there to know when the guards are under attack. As soon as guard spam hits /gu when the first guards are killed, we log in bots. Every time LoD capture a keep, first thing I do is move my ice wizard specifically lvled up for this purpose, upto the keep with wood. Then I log her off and go back onto my cleric, ready to log her on when an attack occurs. I know of several other people who do this also.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by kirennia
as I said m8, you don't need a bot to be there to know when the guards are under attack. As soon as guard spam hits /gu when the first guards are killed, we log in bots. Every time LoD capture a keep, first thing I do is move my ice wizard specifically lvled up for this purpose, upto the keep with wood. Then I log her off and go back onto my cleric, ready to log her on when an attack occurs. I know of several other people who do this also.

ok, i do and did understand what you mean(t) and you may be right this way may work...
i think it's plain normal if you watch those old Fantasy movies where you see an empty keep and suddenly 200 skelletons rise from the ground out of the blue... just the same here, empty keep, some guard... and suddenly ... plop plop plop plop plop a lot of fighters out of no where :)

this may seem semi-contradictory to what i suggested about loggin alts in a keep... i had a good thought about it and it does not compute anymore...

i have seen some serious abuse in these cases... logging out and in .... i would even call it SyStem abuse now.....
Stealthers logging out when DF is ours and logging in when it is taken by others.... ok, i may be nagging here :)) sorry

If only Mythic could prevent PPl from Logging in and out in the RVR zones... all mentality would have to change...... and PPL WOULD HAVE TO PATROL AND GUARD,
i think i'll go send em a mail with this suggestion, joke

just one more question......

if anyone can answer this....

can we place corpse summoners in our own fronteer?

cheers :)


No CS in our frontiers - to have a (working) CS, the realm its in must own one or more of your relics iirc.

They were meant as a tool to help getting relics back - rather than mass rp farming at Nottmoor, for example, hence the semi nerf, and the restriction about relics (though I dont think they ever worked in home frontiers). A CS appears when enemies claim keeps in our frontier, but doesn't work as we don't own any relics.


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
If only Mythic could prevent PPl from Logging in and out in the RVR zones... all mentality would have to change...... and PPL WOULD HAVE TO PATROL AND GUARD
I have better things to do with my time than to patrol a fictional frontier, regardless how I feel about the relics (when we have them). While these new changes with guard spam reporting to the claiming guild certainly has made relic raids that much more difficult for the attacking realm, it does mean you have to do a lot less meaningless "guard duty".

DeaD GuRu

ok, so most ppl think that guarding our realm is unnessecairy because the in game features help us. True.

aaaa, pitty... so scouting our fronteer has no point either because everybody will wait until they see "guard-death-spamm" before reacting and returning to our realm.

time needed would be: suiciding in emain... wich must not be that hard since everybody is packed in there, releasing, healing, re-buffing, re-grouping then charging in our fronteer (travelling time to excal with top speed from mincer takes about... 1-2 min?) to try and prevent the disaster..... well, if i look at it i have to agree with Kirenia's way of doing things and say that the only good players would be the once having an Alt logged in some keep in our fronteer because they would be ABLE to defend at least....All other players would have to hope they get to the gatekeeper spamming IN OUT to enter the keep and help defend it...

so time elapsed for non-logged players would be ....+-6 minutes to get to their keep and help the logged characters..
for logged characters, they would have to logg in mid combat or suicide or just the plain 30 sec... then release because you can not logg when dead.... then logg.... then relogg alt, maybe 2 min tops needed, then get a group when logged asap, this while defending, beeing in combat, wich makes you ungroupable....

this simply does not compute with me
ok, it seems to work... sometimes

how long does it take for three FG to raid a keep? semi defended?

whatever :)

i think that the real point here is posted in belomars last bit...

I have better things to do with my time than to patrol a fictional frontier.....

pls belomar i'll say it in advance, this is not meant as an offence, i understand your point and this goes for all ppl really, even for me..(at least a part)

ppl only care about the RP they gain in one day, not the state of the realm and the "spirit-of -the-game" indeed is a orange con creature wich has been slain by ..... all
Most ppl see that guarding thing as a pointless action.... i still don't, and ok you may be right, guard spamm help the claimed guild an ppl can logg alts in a keep , then relogg if needed...
but is it effective???

who cares :) none

final post on this thread, i'll close it myselfe, lol

for once i would love to make everybody happy...

do what you do best, but don't flame ppl for having efficient ideas although they may seem boring or pointless to most...
and for all, have fun in what you do and...

everybody is correct, no one is wrong , ppl just have a different point vieuw on things

cheerz peeps


Iron i can read from this you have a very limited knowledge about how daoc works... and why ppl play this game as well...

i suggest you try to get acceptet into a guild and learn the in's and out's of the game .. and then im sure you idea's will be welcome

Minser of HB


Tired of ppl telling others how to play....


Ironheart, I have heard numerous stories about you and I have myself had the displeasure to come across you twice while XPing. You telling people "I own barrows" doesn't help your argument here, you come across to me to be a complete and utter asshole.

edit: no offense btw, just my point of view.

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