Spellcrafting ruined the game for some?


Hit ^_^

aslong as u have fun i dont see anything wrong whit spending lots of time in game.
rvr is fun sometimes farming money sometimes.
realy sucks they added sc tho as as u said 99% of all droped items goes to merchants or salvage.
farming seals gets boring after a while and so does rvr.


SC made the ones who care about their char more than others, better in an easy way. still some1 with just crap gear can own some1 with perfect stats, but the chance is smaller..

its equal for all, everyone have the same options.

ppl also whined that epicarmor ruined the game, but it didnt. stop whining, play the game as it is, or quit.


Originally posted by woodmansee

You gotta look at it from the crafters point of view. THis is like the first time anyone has wanted items from crafters. Whats the point crafting for hrs and spending all that money and no one wants your goods?
Another thing I dont understand is some people are saying its unfair sc bla bla bla cuz of the money, but your talking about a dragon drop that a solo guy without a guild would have almost no chance of getting.
Plus they are making the dragon drops respec stones and im sure they have got alot more good item drops planned.
Its a hard balance thou to keep crafters and hunters happy.
WHo dosnt want an item with procs and stats?
Its fair to all, anyone can earn gold.

O yea almost forgot. ITs a mmorpg. Things evolve and change all the time. First ac could only go to 8xx and no one wanted their items. Then came epic armor. Again no one wanted aromor crafted items. This is their first real time to shine, and im happy for them, for all the hard work and money they spent.. As time goes on im sure things will change again and again. For now thou hunting is great again cuz I want to earn the money to buy my new sc armor.

As I said make crafter items pretty good and very cheap, make drops very hard to get (not very rare, but a very good challenge) but better than crafted items.

They set up the crafting system wrong from the beginning, making people pay insane ammounts of cash for something not really good. Now they made something to make crafted items very good but drops are useless now. Why should a crafted sword be better than a sword dropped from a goddamn level 75 mob?!


Heh - Mythic is in a bid war with itself - anyone heard of the term 'Monty Haul' - basically its from tabletop RPG's where the game gives you more and more items of ever increasing power.

The problem with this is that when you have a sword +10 then a sword +5 is just junk - people see no value in the items that were superseded.

The next problem for Mythic is that with SI you can basically cap almost everything - so the next thing to go will be the caps - then youll be able to level to 60, 70 etc. ad infinitum...

To those who say Mythic is adding content your right - however 95 percent of the old drops are now worthless junk for newbs - is that really a good thing?


EQ went the same way, every new expansion had better items than all the previous content, hence people had to buy the new expansion to keep up with everyone else. UO does something similar, adding new content/abilities dependant on getting the latest expansion. DAoC will go the same way, subscription pays for the hosting and support, sales of original game and expansions pay for development, thats the way MMORPG financing works.


IMHO Crafted items should never be allowed to be better then the Items dropped from mobs like Dragon, Legion and the likes. Who wants kill a dragon and sit through a lottery if you can order your own tailor made "dragon" set for a handfull of gold.


So really you would rather have it that only the leet guilds or alliances can have the best weapons by killing a dragon or legion? Cuz no small guilds or solo players can!!!

Plus no one will buy crafted stuff or they wont pay much.. Just like mp and 99% qua. People will pay alot for the best and not much for 2nd, 3rd best. That leaves the leet guilds farming the big mobs and earning crazy money...

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