Spellcrafting ruined the game for some?



personaly i think making money in DAOC is feking boring ive played other MMOS and making money was fun but in DAOC its just not the same.

Balance is something that will never see the light of day in this game im afraid heres an example for all u buffbot moaners

Shaman just been given a END buff 10mins duration now then think of all the uberbuffed Shadownoobs going around with infinate END for 10mins camping mmg then run back to mpk for another buff.
That buff is overpowered and doesnt balance the game. If one realm gets a End buff why shouldnt every other realm?

Im not asking to make every feking realm identical but they could atleast do something to try and balance it.



Originally posted by Pin

Nope. Just getting another set :p

I have 22 plat that I am going to spend on a "Pin-killer-set" when SI are released.


I dont think SC has spoilt the game, in fact I think what it has done is open up RvR a lot more as the cost of getting a reasonable suit of SC armour including procs/reactives isnt that expensive. About the only people who seem to moan about it are those that spent ages farming drops to give them the a significant edge over most of their opposition. All SC has done is level the playing field a little more.

I do agree with Archeon about the active RAs though, most of them probably should be removed with the exception of MCL and FA post 1.56, as all they really do is help reduce downtime between fights, which is a good thing. Passive RAs should remain though, as they are fairly minor bonuses and serve to grant the higher realm ranks a slight edge over those that havent spent as much time in servitude to their realms.

As for epics and drops being completely useless, I have to disagree. The epic quests are relatively easy, not particulary time consuming and result in a perfectly good set of items. Also, some of the drops that are still in the game have better stats on than anything that can be created with SC. For example, my next and probably final set of equipment will consist of 3 drops, 3 SI quest items, 2 DF bought items, 2 pieces of my epic armour and 6 SCed items.


Re: ...

Originally posted by jox

I have 22 plat that I am going to spend on a "Pin-killer-set" when SI are released.

I am presuming that what that actually means is:

"I have 22 plat to spend when SI is released. This should be enough to buy me and my 2 friends a full MP suit each cos it's still going to take 3 of us to kill Pin"


Edit: Oh, did that reverse-proc deathshot feel good? :p


sadly this game has gone down the same sad road as EQ at the mo as most zones in the game are abandoned and only the raid zones were ppl get somthing they want are used =DF for cash and seals you dont see many noobs anymore and tbh i dont think SI can save this game now as soon as SWG.WOW and dragon empires also EQ 2 comes out this game i personally feel will die a very fast death


Originally posted by scoutguy
sadly this game has gone down the same sad road as EQ at the mo as most zones in the game are abandoned and only the raid zones were ppl get somthing they want are used =DF for cash and seals you dont see many noobs anymore and tbh i dont think SI can save this game now as soon as SWG.WOW and dragon empires also EQ 2 comes out this game i personally feel will die a very fast death
Dunno what realm you play in but Mid/Excal seem more crowded than ever, even in the low level zones and I still meet new players on a fairly regular basis when playing my alts. SI will bring a new lease of life, and should hopefully spread the players out a little more so the popular exp spots become less crowded.


SC sucks, plain and simple. So do many of the RAs.
Add to that the new uberific items SI will bring. Too easy to gather great gear these days.


aye, i said my thoughts about this many times..

Censimilia my ranger has uber items and is pretty much capped on all resists and Str/con/dex/quick and most skills not all...

But she doesnt use any specc crafted kit (apart from bow)

Getting to this lvl of uberifcation was always possible (pre SC), but it realistically there would only be 1 or 2 people a realm that could achieve it and they would have to hunt like mad for a long time to get the right items.. This is how it should be

I have recently rolled a shade, he is not yet lvl 50 but I have all the items I need now so he will be 99.9% capped from MP SC'd items(better than censimilia) and it cost about 4 plat in total to achieve, and there was no effort or challenge to get the stuff...

and the sad thing is everyone has done the same.....

Sure SC is a gr8 idea and crafters needed something to make player armour better... but once again Mythic went way to far and have now created a game where the PVE element isnt actually required... rendering all quests and Boss mobs next to worthless....

Players should be able to craft 99% quality items maximum (and to do this should be 3 times harder than it is to make an MP now) and the Current Stats/skills etc that you can put on weapons should be halved at least. This would make player equipment highly viable in combination with other gr8 drops...

Like I said b4, its Dark age of CloneAlot now. But Mythic wont listen now or change it... as always they arnt to clued up on the impact of their changes and they really dont know how to keep the balance of the game stable...



"Edit: Oh, did that reverse-proc deathshot feel good?" by Pin

Nah, didnt notice it, how mutch did it gave me in dmg? is it worth to install?


DF was the first drop hunt nerf, spellcrafting the final blow. People are salvaging drops from epic mobs etc.
Alb twink:"Tuskers sword? Nah why kill that stupid pig I got a masterpiece SC'd" :rolleyes:

All these RA's also destroy the game.

Why not let everyone start with a lvl50 and 10 plat in the bank. Would save a lot of time


I can't really tell (yet) if SC ruined the game, but i can tell i feel pretty much screwed for the second time. I used to hunt a lot in DM and LB to get drops for my merc at first, i remember i had 5 pieces of Doom chain at some point (how uber was that? :p), then they intrpduced epic armour which made all the time spent hunting nearly useless. Then i started lvling Rug, and thought: Since i get my epic armour anyway, i'll focus on hunting for the best items/jewelry in the game to get the best resists, that way i'll still be a force to reckoned with....
Well then they introduced SC, meaning every guy with a bit of cash could get the same and better resists as i had without going to all the trouble of hunting certain zones just hoping for that 1 thing to drop, and then win the lotto.
So ruined, maybe, screwed over ppl who spent lots of time in PvE hunting 'uber' items, that's for sure.


Re: ...

Originally posted by jox
"Edit: Oh, did that reverse-proc deathshot feel good?" by Pin

Nah, didnt notice it, how mutch did it gave me in dmg? is it worth to install?

Was you, Niki and Gedan at apk. Gedan killed me.

The reverse proc DDs are only really good if your opponent has shit resists in that damage type, which apparently you do. 101 (-3)


Hmmm ....
I used to take Lenda to any place possible to hunt nice and rare items. Even after DF, there were a lot of places to go to that gave very nice items / armor / weapons. Many of them went to the guild, others to other players that could use them better or to a larger advantage in RvR.
With SC/alch , it is true that quests and PvE have become obsolete and only serve to get the cash needed to buy a finely crafted, standard, 13 in a dozen template. (No offense to the spellcrafters but in the end you just have 'the' wizard template, 'the' armsman template, ...)
So players who liked the quest and PvE part often get the 'why even bother' feeling as the only thing that can be done with most of the drops is /salvage


Cens organised a Legion raid today. loads showed up and we killed the princes and legion.

Then the lotto. She had hard time finding anyone that wanted the items and we ended up with 24peps that wanted the seals just to sell/craft with.
None realy want to go to a legion raid if it wasnt for the seals just becouse they dont need the items they need the cash for SC gear.


Maybe its just that I came to this game after playing EQ for over 2 years, purely because I had enough of spending all my time organising raids then the hassle of fairly sorting out who gets what afterwards and wanted to have some fun in a realm vs realm environment.

My biggest disappointment with DAoC was the time I had to spend exp grinding against mobs with poor AI, worst still was the idea of wasting hour after hour farming mobs in the hope that some rare item may drop that would give me a better chance of surviving in RvR.

Whilst I can understand that a few players, mainly those who have spent hours on end in remote locations of the game farming mobs for items so they can have so much better equipment than everyone else, may be disappointed by the introduction of DF/spellcrafting/alchemy it has helped get more players into and enjoying RvR.

I agree that the introduction of SC/SI has significantly reduced the benefit from raiding epic mobs, but is that a bad thing? I dont think it is. The aim of DAoC is realm vs realm conflict, the raids people should be planning are keep and relic raids as they are the true indicators of who is 'winning' the game at any given time.

I also think it was a real shame that Mythic didnt take advantage of the introduction of SI to redesign and expand the frontier areas in such a way as to reduce zerging and increase the utilisation.


The thing that concerns me the most is, with SCing and everything in the game now, where is the fun in RvR? Lets take Armsmen as an example, since my first main was a Tank. Every armsman I run into in RvR is gonna have capped stats, melee resists, skills and some nasty procs. Just as I would most likely going to have the same. And so would every other zerker he ran into. Where is the fun in that? Its like beating up the same guy, over and over, only a different name on the kill message. Some of the fun in RvR, at least for me, were knowing which people to go for, and which people to let others go for. ie. if I am running around together with a 2h crush skald, and we meet 2 armsmen running around, I would know that Armsman #1 has a rather low slash resist, and go directly for him, while Armsman #2 has a lower crush resist, so he would be perfect for the skald. And yes, I know this was a very over-simplified example,and that there are a ton of flaws and "But what ifs" about it, but in the end, there won't ever be any more encounters of that kind, or even similar to it, because we are, after all, the same guy with a different name now. At least once we all get to RR4 and have the "must-have" active RAs like Purge and Ignore Pain. I pity the poor guy that buys DAoC today, and levels his way to 50. Man is he gonna feel sucky for the next months, when everyone he runs into, be it in a BG or in "real" RvR are uber-twinked and got the most insane RAs.


Originally posted by censi
Getting to this lvl of uberifcation was always possible (pre SC), but it realistically there would only be 1 or 2 people a realm that could achieve it and they would have to hunt like mad for a long time to get the right items.. This is how it should be

No, it's never been possible for most if any classes in Albion. Call me a whinging alb if you like, but you simply have better items. :rolleyes:


its possible on all the realms to get to near capped with non SC...

yes there is slight varience but its a myth that hib has better items... Sure you dont have slash rings etc, but these arnt the highest Mbue rings on hib neway...

Its all pretty balanced and I have seen some stats on good players on ALB US that can nearly do it pre SC. its not easy but thats how it should be.


its no different than hunting down those uber weapons we all love ... only dif is now you can buy em whenever you want.
Peops in the past looked for all the best bits etc and now they basically have got em all ... i dont see anything wrong with it but i do get what you mean ....
i like how mythic have made it teh game used to be too hard ... what it should be is as they have tried to do is easier to get to high levels and enrich your experience at those level s... thats what ya sposed to do :0


SCing is nice, gives more point to bbeing a armor crafter, its just WAY to overpowered.. it shuld never had been possible to make better stats on SCed item that a legion hauberk drop.. ANd why wait tot he SI drops? 90% of people with SC'ed items have all needed stats capped, includes all resists.

SC'ing wuld have been nice if they wuld lower the imbue points with 30% or so, in that way most drops wuld be better


hibs and mids already had good resist items, this was more a 'nerf' for them then for albs.


you guys seem to forget us casual players :)

for me SC sux's ..

i never had more then 680gp used all my money on rams/wood for guild keep raids.. or if some ppl needed money for something..

now im semi retired but log in from time to time to do some RvR ..

thing is the SC guys with half the RP's that i got (around 900k) own my ass..
for ppl like me the SC is sux ... i cant be ass'ed to waste my little online time on farming money to get a SC set...

A guildie told me 'it only took me 3 days to get the money for it'

but ehh well .. thats for ever for me..


Herfølge Boldklub


Originally posted by Aussie-
hibs and mids already had good resist items, this was more a 'nerf' for them then for albs.



Originally posted by Draylor

Whining about IP I guess? Well for a start it doesnt cost 4 RSPs.

Its not something Id have out of choice - but like many other RAs there isnt a choice - I have to have it. And like I said spellcrafted gear will be exactly the same, everyone will have it soon enough.

Agreed - I'm not a fan of Ignore Pain :) it's too good for the cost.
Or rather, the other abilities available aren't as good for the cost they are.... RAs are supposed to be a way of personalising your character more... but if there's 3 abilities that you MUST HAVE before taking anything else - where's the difference?

Oh well, at least they take it off of the assassins ;)


As an inf (46) yet to make 50, I find SC has spoiled the game. Before SC I could go RvR and have a chance of killing even an orange if I played well. Now with SC (which 50's can afford, and I can only afford 1 or 2 pieces tops....no time for cash farming need xp's) I find that soloing is just too dangerous now. I still do it, but I get wacked too often before I manage a kill now.

I agree with the post <what use is it to camp for rare drop items now ?> bascially no use .... just go do boring cash farming and have your uber item made.

I am OK with the RAs, but as I only have 40,000 RPs no doubt I will be called a nOOb for saying this, but I think that with a few exceptions (group purge for example) they add some nice variables to the game for those that spend time gaining those RR's.

Rare drops/Unique items should be better than SC'ed items....period. Epic stuff should have been enhanced to be as good as SC at least, if not better, or nerf SC/Alchemy so that Epic stuff is worth keeping.


Epic armour killed the armourcrafting trades. Stone dead.

Why bother spending 15 plat getting to 1000 AC for noone to want your trade? heck even if you manage to make a masterpiece set of armour it'll be useless... the epic armour is 100% quality and has stats.


if SC makes everyone equal does it not come down to who has the mst skillz in using there char .....

/emote Swings and OMG its a home run !


Thing that bothers me is it's too easy to cap everything. SC is a nice concept, but you should still have to make tradeoffs in your stats, with SC people basically have no weakness, everything is maxxed.

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