Spellcrafting ruined the game for some?


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Another annoying aspect is that whenever you find a nice drop which has some fairly good stats some monkey will ALWAYS say, 'Pfft, you can do better with SC.'

To them I say, "FUUUUUUCK OFFFFF!".


I agree that SCing and Alchemy are killing some of the fun of the game, unless your an uber drop and cash whore that is.

I dont mind the idea of SC weapons, but having a full set of armour too, way over the top. You do your epic at 50 and are content to have a semi resonable peice of armour, then they bring this in. As someone said before why did we bother. IMO no armour should be better than your epic, it took effort to get, and seals / cash / salvage aint that hard to get.

This leads me to the crafters too. Yes you put in a great deal of effort into the crafting, many of you sponsored by others, yet still many insist on charging extortionate prices for your wares to your realm m8s. There are a few in Mid that quite happily will produce these items for cost +small%+mat costs for retries, and take pot luck on the qual. Others in the realm seem hell bent on the gain of wealth.

Consider this, a new player comes to play DAoC (and dont flame n00bs, you were all one once and a lot still are!), he gets to 50 slowly but surely, only to be ganked in rvr daily due to A) excessive RAs B) Excessive SCd and proccing items C) his shat epic armour thats not worth a w*nk d) not having enough cash to buy SCd gear to balance his nerfness.. Result, one cancelled sub.

As Arche said, Mythic dont / wont / cant give a flying feck about us who live with Tony Blair and eaters of snails n frogs, but we'll all keep ranting in the end. Im still enjoying the game, but improving chars beyond the reach of others due to the time you have played will kill the essence.

Live on BW :) best whine in the world :p


The people who moan about RAs are the ones who fooked em up and go tit wrong when they respecced too :)

Only thing SC has done for me thats bad is whenever i look for a group, every bloody person in the realm is sat in front of a table in TNN , and it aint got no pie on it.

The only time they leave the table is to get more money to buy more ingredients for SCing or ALCing.


I think they should re-design the whole RvR aspect of this game and plenty of other things. Here's some of the things I'd like to see changed:

* Take a new look at the RA system as it is now. The idea of gaining new skills when you gain realm ranks is nice but it has been implemented so badly in my opinion. Wouldn't it be much nicer to get a new piece of equipment every full realm rank you gain and a choice of some smaller skills in between?

The augmented [stat] and mastery of [skill] things are nice I think, but things like cheap purge and IP are just ridiculess. That you hit faster, or for more damage, or have better defence when you gain in realm ranks is totally logical and fun in my opinion but don't over-do it..

* Take a look at the resist system. Hitting for 60(-300) is certainly not "working as intended" I hope. Make resists hardcapped to 30% or even lower.

* Re-balance all classes with the year(s) of experience they have with this game. Archers are useless. Void elds are useless. Light elds are near useless with extreme resists. Enchantments-enchanters are useless. Mentalism-mentalists are useless. How can this be "as intended"??? Just using hib as example, I'm sure other realms have -plenty- of unpopular/gimped classes/specs.

* Re-think the current CC system. With insane resists, RA's and whatnot CC its so pointless. Remove all insta- and AoE-crowd control and remove the possibility to resists every damn thing.

So many more things I can mention... It all comes down to this: When a void eld fires a bolt who is affraid? Nobody because the chance it will miss is extremely big. Who is affraid when you see an archer "firing" at your group when pbt is running? Nobody because arrows miss very often. Who will give a shit about casters (as in, weak armor wearing, damage dealing classes) start hitting your group for ~100 damage?


Didn't even start about nightshades yet.

Edit- Oh forgot to go back to topic. With SC and alchemy nobody is hunting for weapons/armor anymore because you can get better with alchemy/SC. Think armor/weaponcrafters should be able to produce very cheap and high quality (no bonus) weapons. Alchemy should be able to give it a small effect, but not make drops useless. So: crafter items -> very cheap. Drops -> very good and very hard to get. Alchemy should be able to make some nice potions but not uber ones that ruin RvR like RA's did....

Just think of it.. when you see a big flashy and impressive weapon you should think "Wow!". And not "ahahah nubeh he can't even buy a SC'd weapon ahahah".


:clap: VodkaFairy:clap:

Most excellent post :)
Now to find someone at Mythic we can sack and sneak you in.


I quite like spellcrafting...

it means my level 41 wizard doesn't die to a single DoT anymore :)

devaluing drops is a bit of a pain though... although with SI there are more drops coming out (and dropped tinctures for crafted armour I think...)


After haivng some lengthy chats with in-game friends about this I have come to the conclusion that its not SC that is the problem, it is the ability to cap all the stuff you want.

If Mythic simply halved the stats/resists/skills/hits/power on every item in the game and did the same with all the SC then it would be impossible for any player to cap out their desired stats/etc. Hence giving variety to every player you met in RvR.


Originally posted by starblade
:clap: VodkaFairy:clap:

Most excellent post :)
Now to find someone at Mythic we can sack and sneak you in.

Hehe thanks :wub:, there'd be soo many things I'd change :p

To start with put the housing system on ice and start fixing the actual problems. :rolleyes:


i like the idea of hardcapping resists vodkafairy...

hitting some hib with my shouts for 21(-219) is not cool at all... :<

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Noo...everyone needs houses. I hate spending every night lying on the cold, damp ground in Lyonesse, chilled to the bone after wasting some twees. I would much rather go home to my lovely hareem of Saracen babes and curl up in front of a fire with a copy of 'Sorcerer's Times' as my elven slave women cook me dinner and wash the twee sap out of my filthy, sodden robes. :)



Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Noo...everyone needs houses. I hate spending every night lying on the cold, damp ground in Lyonesse, chilled to the bone after wasting some twees. I would much rather go home to my lovely hareem of Saracen babes and curl up in front of a fire with a copy of 'Sorcerer's Times' as my elven slave women cook me dinner and wash the twee sap out of my filthy, sodden robes. :)


Don't forget a bunch of camels as it will be a long walk to the housing zone ;)


btw sorry VodkaFairy, i killed you with find like 10 mins ago, was so tempting, blue con... free rps....<drool> :p


Originally posted by -Laand-
btw sorry VodkaFairy, i killed you with find like 10 mins ago, was so tempting, blue con... free rps....<drool> :p

Like I care.. Everyone keeps killing me anyway so


My cleric at lvl 35 with SC'd armor had capped con, dex, pie, power and +hits, plus some thrust resist and strength. This all on first try armor so quality between 99% and 95%. He had more hitpoints at lvl 35 than he has now at 41 with banded coral drops and an armor factor that was only 30 or so points lower than it is now. That is plainly insane.


Originally posted by Tank Init

and now i hear the group heals can be staggered so ppl get healed only when they need it lol, guess mythic/goa only want blind ppl to be able to play this game with any challenge now, soon i be able to solo the dragon its getting that easy

way to go mythic/goa :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Hmmm, have you ever tried to heal someone in RvR combat. Trust me, it's NOT easy. The primary healing classes of the realms need this heal spell in order to be any use in RvR at all, other than to res or buff.

Oh, and in what was is this anything to do with GOA? They don't have a choice in the matter. Well, unless they went so slow with patches that we didn't ever get them.....



Originally posted by Vell
Hmmm, have you ever tried to heal someone in RvR combat. Trust me, it's NOT easy. The primary healing classes of the realms need this heal spell in order to be any use in RvR at all, other than to res or buff.

Oh, and in what was is this anything to do with GOA? They don't have a choice in the matter. Well, unless they went so slow with patches that we didn't ever get them.....


All the heals have situations they are best suited to.

Single heals are best when you have 1-2 people damaged and have LoS to them.
Group heals are best when you have 3+ people damaged.
Spread heals are best when you have 1-2 people damaged and no LoS to them.

The main problem I see happening with spread heals is that some players will only use them and give up on single/group heals, hence running out of power very fast and leaving their groups vunerable in longer fights.


Sc ROCKS! If everyone has it and to bad if you dont, it just makes the fights last longer and thats a GOOD THING!
The fights was always to quick since day one of beta!!!
Same with ip and all the other ra - GREAT STUFF!!!!

I have to agree it adds alot more content for HIGH LVL PLAYERS and thats JUST WHAT THE GAME NEEDED!!

To the guy who said something about the Legion.. Iits alot harder to get the money and time for crafting than it is to kill the LEGION....

They add great content to the game and people moan.. Sheesh!


becuase they add stuff it dont mean it will be more content ....

like if they add'ed 29347 more buff to the game would the game be more fun ??

nopes it would just mean more wating at TK's (never understood why buff's are in the game in the first place... 1 entierly specline with no fun what so ever)

so imho i think it is valid to disquss if the add'ed stuff gives daoc more content..

to me it seems that SC is nice for the guys who powerplay...
they have killed all the mobs to many times.. their epic armor is allmost worn out, they have the cash for it ..

but for the non powerplayer it is not so cool... (as i allrdy whined about)


their not adding new content tho imo

with scing i have no need for si items or any other, so basically like the new dungeon in frontiers, even if it wasnt bugged to hell id still have no reason to go there other than to go 'oooo pretty' i suspect same with si stuff.


O cmon people keep talking about the money... First thing your nothing in rvr untill your lvl 50 really. At lvl 50 its EASY to farm dia seals in df. I got like 100 in 1-2 hrs plus 100+ gold. Thats over 1 plat per 1-2 hrs. Everone at lvl 50 should know a Armor Crafter that can give him a decent deal on 99%qua armor. Now if your to lazy to farm df for an hr or two, here and there, thats your problem. If you dont know a ac at lvl 50, I can only say stop hanging out solo with your stealth skills and make some friends!



Originally posted by woodmansee
Sc ROCKS! If everyone has it and to bad if you dont, it just makes the fights last longer and thats a GOOD THING!
The fights was always to quick since day one of beta!!!
Same with ip and all the other ra - GREAT STUFF!!!!

I have to agree it adds alot more content for HIGH LVL PLAYERS and thats JUST WHAT THE GAME NEEDED!!

To the guy who said something about the Legion.. Iits alot harder to get the money and time for crafting than it is to kill the LEGION....

They add great content to the game and people moan.. Sheesh!

Well spoken, well spoken


Re: ...

Originally posted by jox

To the guy who said something about the Legion.. Iits alot harder to get the money and time for crafting than it is to kill the LEGION....

Yeah, but it takes more people to kill legion. And if more people are there to kill him that means more people in the lotto and less chance of one person having all the insane procs he can get.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

Consider this, a new player comes to play DAoC (and dont flame n00bs, you were all one once and a lot still are!), he gets to 50 slowly but surely, only to be ganked in rvr daily due to A) excessive RAs B) Excessive SCd and proccing items C) his shat epic armour thats not worth a w*nk d) not having enough cash to buy SCd gear to balance his nerfness.. Result, one cancelled sub.

So are you saying that someone who reaches level 50 should be able to go into rvr the same day against players who've been level 50 for months and playing the game from the start and be on an equal footing? No, can't agree with that.

People should be rewarded for sticking with the game - if someone cancels because they aren't uber from day 1 in rvr then I say they picked the wrong game.

The only problem with sc as I see it is how its made the rarest drops almost worthless (a dragon plate bp that's got a lower utility than 99% sc bp anyone?). Mythic could easily rectify this by creating some awesome, but extremely rare items. And it shouldnt just be from the epic mobs that they drop so that you have to get 100 people together to have a slim chance in a lotto. It should be that they are truly rare, but accessible - so they could drop on say a range of level 50+ mobs, but with a very low chance of doing so. So instead of needing 100+ people to go and kill the dragon, but your chance of getting it decided in a lotto, it should really be decided by chance encounters. For example, you could have situation where a solo level 50 player roaming in Snowdonia comes across a group of enraged bwcas. He slays them and finds that they have been hoarding a rare and powerful helm, more powerful than any playermade item. That way there would be little point in people camping and "pharming" spots for items, but would actually mean that to find a powerful item was really something special.


Originally posted by woodmansee
At lvl 50 its EASY to farm dia seals in df. I got like 100 in 1-2 hrs plus 100+ gold. Thats over 1 plat per 1-2 hrs.

How the f**k did you manage that? Most I ever make in df group is about 20 an hour - thats a group of 5 making 100 diamonds an hour between us :(


You problem is 5 people...

50th lvl tank/shaman can almost chain kill for dias. Throw one more tank in for non stop killing.. Gotta love shamans new end regen :)


Originally posted by bracken_woodman

The only problem with sc as I see it is how its made the rarest drops almost worthless (a dragon plate bp that's got a lower utility than 99% sc bp anyone?). Mythic could easily rectify this by creating some awesome, but extremely rare items. And it shouldnt just be from the epic mobs that they drop so that you have to get 100 people together to have a slim chance in a lotto. It should be that they are truly rare, but accessible - so they could drop on say a range of level 50+ mobs, but with a very low chance of doing so. So instead of needing 100+ people to go and kill the dragon, but your chance of getting it decided in a lotto, it should really be decided by chance encounters. For example, you could have situation where a solo level 50 player roaming in Snowdonia comes across a group of enraged bwcas. He slays them and finds that they have been hoarding a rare and powerful helm, more powerful than any playermade item. That way there would be little point in people camping and "pharming" spots for items, but would actually mean that to find a powerful item was really something special.

You gotta look at it from the crafters point of view. THis is like the first time anyone has wanted items from crafters. Whats the point crafting for hrs and spending all that money and no one wants your goods?
Another thing I dont understand is some people are saying its unfair sc bla bla bla cuz of the money, but your talking about a dragon drop that a solo guy without a guild would have almost no chance of getting.
Plus they are making the dragon drops respec stones and im sure they have got alot more good item drops planned.
Its a hard balance thou to keep crafters and hunters happy.
WHo dosnt want an item with procs and stats?
Its fair to all, anyone can earn gold.

O yea almost forgot. ITs a mmorpg. Things evolve and change all the time. First ac could only go to 8xx and no one wanted their items. Then came epic armor. Again no one wanted aromor crafted items. This is their first real time to shine, and im happy for them, for all the hard work and money they spent.. As time goes on im sure things will change again and again. For now thou hunting is great again cuz I want to earn the money to buy my new sc armor.


Originally posted by woodmansee

You gotta look at it from the crafters point of view. THis is like the first time anyone has wanted items from crafters. Whats the point crafting for hrs and spending all that money and no one wants your goods?
Another thing I dont understand is some people are saying its unfair sc bla bla bla cuz of the money, but your talking about a dragon drop that a solo guy without a guild would have almost no chance of getting.
Plus they are making the dragon drops respec stones and im sure they have got alot more good item drops planned.

That's why I said for mythic to create truly rare, but very powerful drops which were rare through being found rarely (but on a wider range of accessible mobs), not because they are on a dragon. Its only the fact that sc items = the most powerful that is wrong. On the whole I think SC is a good idea, I just wish that they hadn't blown away the mystery and excitement of stumbling across a truly rare and powerful find.


Yea but the same way hunting a dragon is fun for the best items. Now any hunting is fun for gold for the best items. Same thing in a diff way. This way thou crafters get some love that they sure do earn.
Another good thing, its got alot more people into crafting. The more things you do and want to do in a game, the better.

I wouldnt mind seeing events from the gms that rewarded players with a true rare (1 of a kind)..

Anyway killing the dragons and legion is old and people have done it over and over.
This is new and new is good. So like this now untill the next new thing comes then like that :)


Originally posted by woodmansee
Anyway killing the dragons and legion is old and people have done it over and over.

Culduurach loads - 0 Hibernians :wall:


Was you, Niki and Gedan at apk. Gedan killed me.
I don't believe you ran into 3sbs at the same spot, sorry.

Spellcrafting... all or most seem to forget the bottomline here at the end of the day this games main objective is not for us to have fun playing it but to bring money for the people who created it and exploit it. We all pay a monthly fee to play this the more time mythic/goa manage to let you spend to achieve something in the game, without rubbing it in to thick ofcourse, the better for them. I have thought about this alot and when you look at it almost every aspect of this game is not he skill you achieve from performing certain actions but the time you spend that mathers.

Horse routes: Just calculate the time you spend on a horse if you want to get from one place to another. You pay 5 silver for a horse ticket as it is and they can't even make all points on the map connectable.

Quests: Guild of shadows on alb is a nice example ... run from snow fort to Barfog and back a few times. Get a question at snow fort, ride to camelot for an anwser and repeat over and over again. You spend hours riding back and forth and spend 10 minutes actualy killing something only to spend at least half an hour more to get a reward.

Crafting ... pure time investment the least they could have done is give crafters more room to work with instead of just the room in their backpack.

Experience not everybody should be able to get level 50 just like that but I mean 45-50 ... killing the same monsters for days and days just to get that final level and often the mobs that give good experience are in short supply so only a certain amount of people can kill them at the same time resulting in wait lists of hours wich ofcourse is good for mythic/goa again.

Realm vs Realm. The more points you get the more abilities you can purchase and the better you become. getting points in realm vs realm is yet again another time consumption. Want lots of points spend lots of time there. Porting after death, same thing. How long have you spent on the teleport pad waiting for a port (afk on pad sound familiar) Once more time being wasted.

Collecting the perfect gear: people spent months to get the perfect set of items and now the game is getting a bit older and alot of items are in circulation they make them all "worthless" because most of the thing that ever dropped are now outclassed by the playercrafted items. Ofcourse in order to get it done you first need to level a new breed of crafters AND you have to pay tons to get it done. Instead of hunting for items you now hunt for money to a) level a crafter b)get your equipment done.

SI oooh new dungeons, new items previously made spellcrafting sets need to be looked at again so throw em away. More money AND items are needed this time wich leads to more time players need to spend in the game to get it wich means more accounts that get prolonged again $$ for mythic/goa.

Everyting you do in this game comes down to the same thing, the more time you spend in it the more advantage you gain. Doesnt matter if you have 2left hands are shit for brains and have no hand eye coordination at all as long as you spend enough time on it you will be fine.

The only challenge for mythic is put enough whistles and bells on this timesink to keep you interested and entertained.

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