Spellcrafting ruined the game for some?



Forgive me for being a spoil sport and call this a whine if you will, which most of you probably will, but after people started to get sc armour ive noticed that its certainly made my gaming experience and many others far from any better.

Now being good seems to be about being able to spend 3-30plat on sc armour, today with my sb i got owned (yes i admit it) along with another sb friend of mine by a inf, now normally, this wouldn't have happened since it was 2v1 for half of the fight.... However, this certain inf had sc armour, he was proccing like mad and i was doing 100 damage to him tops, so he killed us both.

Personally i think this is rather stupid that people are able to be so much better than people just because they have a few plat to throw around, and i know many others agree with me, i also know this is going to drive me crazy, as i never have, and wont for a very long time have enough money to get a full sc suit, i have hauberk and thats all :/ So for now iam not gunna play unless i can get a group with my sb, as its becoming impossible to solo now.

Overall i think spellcrafting is good for those that have the money, but annoying for those that dont.

Share you views on the matter,



i reckon DF ruined game also lol

then Ra's ......lol

now SC.... BUGGERED :)


SC armor does make a big diffrence....especially with infils vs sb's

i got about 250more hps, 20% slash resist etc...

i had the exact same feeling you got now a week ago or soo....

i farmed DF etc, got myself a sc armor, and now its fine again ;D

fyi: whole set, 99% armor, SC:ed, proc on weapons...was about 3p...and thats kinda easy too farm in df ;>


Tank Init

heal/end pots etc

have all made this game too easy now, and now i hear the group heals can be staggered so ppl get healed only when they need it lol, guess mythic/goa only want blind ppl to be able to play this game with any challenge now, soon i be able to solo the dragon its getting that easy

way to go mythic/goa :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I have 3 lvl 50's, so I'm farming DF like mad...
Just get it also, to lvl the playing field.
On the other hand, it only really affects solo playing classes significantly. In a group the difference will not be so great, or the whole other group needs to have it.
Also, loads of people waiting with SC'ing till SI hits, due to the new items, and yet to be discovered stuff.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu

Also, loads of people waiting with SC'ing till SI hits, due to the new items, and yet to be discovered stuff.

Nope. Just getting another set :p


i think sc improved the game greatly and i have several reasons for thinking so. firstly it adds 'higher end-game' for alot of people. it gives you another higher goal to work towards. secondly it allows people to get real epic armor (dragon, legion) within the safe confines of jordheim :)


now, now yog. sc is good, sc is your friend.

say it with me now ;)


I'm still not sure about this. On the one hand having stuff to spend gold on other than keep doors and basic supplies is a good idea, but it seems the level its gone to is way over. I also don't like how its possible to craft/sc items that are more powerful than the rarest drops - I'm thinking rare drops should still be the most desirable items in the game (otherwise why bother making them rare?), whereas the reality now is that apart from being all nice and glowy, rare drops are no longer a big deal. Also, the need for gold has made some previously nice people into greedy, gold-grabbing b*st**ds. :(


it has certainly taken away an aspect of the game. there is now virtually no variation in resists, HP, etc. Those who had spent hours farming items like me will be a bit peeved since you can get almost the best resists with a few diamond seals and some cash.

However it was definitely necessary. Prior to this patch player crafted armour was useless at 50.


Mythic have done a number of things that get on my nerves as a player.

1st, Realm abilitys - don't get me wrong, i think getting rewards for doing RvR is a great idea. Certainly better than those stupid little totems you could spend BP on, but come on a 100% self instant heal!?! for 4RP on a pure tank? 10RSP for any class with no instant healing ability (excluding stealther classes) most healers can't do that!!

2nd, Spellcrafting - Ok, my epic armour that i quested for is now rendered more or less obsolete. If they were going to put this in why the hell did they waste time making the special frames for it? personally i love my epic armour but with SC what the hell was the point in doing the quest!!!

3rd, Alchemy (i class this as seperate from SC because of the proc's etc) - Alch has its own slots meaning you can have good stats and not have to give up anything to still get a proc. I'd be more comfortable if

A. it worked like a focus bonus and you had to give up an SC slot to have a Proc/Re-proc/Charge
B. the items needed were harder to get, possibly somthing like the Ablative armour Re-proc's needing an item that drops from legion or somthing like that. i don't know but it seems people can get their hands on whats honestly an insanly over-powered tool with ease

...Of course, it doesn't matter what i say or think. This is Mythic we're talking about an american company, to start with i'l bet they don't give a flying fuck what i think and probably laugh at the GOA staffs accent from time to time.

GOA Staff: So sir, when will you be coming to france to look at our work?
Mythic Staff: France? wheres that, somwhere north of kentucky?
GOA Staff: No, its in europe
Mythic Staff: Eur-oupe? oh wait, isn't that where that cock sucker tony blair comes from?
GOA Staff: kind of
Mythic Staff: It doesn't matter, like 88% of my slack jawed red necked hombre's i don't have a passport. Here, have a doggy treat

Realistically it doesn't matter what we think because quite frankly Mythic couldn't give a flying fuck about us Europeon's. as long as they can fill their tanks for 3 pence and raise their obease children i'm sure they'l be happy

Note - i know that this is a very racist statement, but its genuinly frustrating to know that no matter what you think there is very little that will be done. Their solution to things seems to be add somthing else on, not take away

Stealth --> See/Detect Hidden --> Camo --> Patch X.XX See Camo

to give one example.

....ARGG!!!! i'm gonna go crazy if i think about it anymore, the fact that i've wasted 4 hours of my day patronising people that kiss ass doesn't help either.


Quite agree

RA's ruined the game for a start, they should never of been introduced,

And now SC has totally ruined what little balance the game has, I admit, I love my sc'd weapon, but im not going to spend hours on end farming money for a full set of sc'd armour, it just undermines how special getting your epic armour is.

And now, what reason has anyone got to hunt for items ? Which used to be a fun non-rvr related past time for level 50ies and a chance for the big guys to help a few non 50ies get exp too.

And as for healing potions, lol they trying to turn this into Diablo II or something?


If you spend more time, you'll get more levels and have a better chance of winning. Same applies to RRs, and the RAs that go with them.

And now the same applies to items - spend the time, farm the gold, get the items.

Whats the difference - more time spent gives you an advantage in what would otherwise be a fair fight.

Itll even itself out again fairly soon I expect, but for the next few days/weeks some fights may be very unfair.


Originally posted by Draylor
Same applies to RRs, and the RAs that go with them.

How long did it take you to get your first 4 RSP's? Now wieght that up against what you get, a 100% in-combat instant heal. Are you seriously suggesting that this isn't just a tiny bit overpowered?

And don't give me that 'Its on a 30min timer' crap, that excuse is about as vaild as the old schoolboy 'a dog ate my homework miss, honest'

Hit ^_^

cant say o dont have the money. but for me the game more or less got boring when Df came and even more now.
no cool items for farm anymore


Originally posted by Archeon
Mythic have done a number of things that get on my nerves as a player.

1st, Realm abilitys - don't get me wrong, i think getting rewards for doing RvR is a great idea. Certainly better than those stupid little totems you could spend BP on, but come on a 100% self instant heal!?! for 4RP on a pure tank? 10RSP for any class with no instant healing ability (excluding stealther classes) most healers can't do that!!

You'll find that ip costs 17 points including fa2 prerequisite, whereas purge costs only 4rsp.


surivival of the richest... ye.... good... suits me fine


Originally posted by Archeon

How long did it take you to get your first 4 RSP's? Now wieght that up against what you get, a 100% in-combat instant heal. Are you seriously suggesting that this isn't just a tiny bit overpowered?

And don't give me that 'Its on a 30min timer' crap, that excuse is about as vaild as the old schoolboy 'a dog ate my homework miss, honest'

Whining about IP I guess? Well for a start it doesnt cost 4 RSPs.

Its not something Id have out of choice - but like many other RAs there isnt a choice - I have to have it. And like I said spellcrafted gear will be exactly the same, everyone will have it soon enough.


tell u a few simple things:

1) U wont get ppl donating to door funds etc like u used to.
2) U wont have the same fun item hunts like u used to.
3) 90% of high lvl zones in daoc are extinct

I spent a long time tweaking my epic armour with df bits an others, its was hard to do but was fun, now u cna get a whole set done as long as u have the gold with max most things.

when you think about all the useless zones there are in daoc, that are rarely used and only ever used for xping, in albion we got:

Dartmoor, lyn barfog, snowdonia, pennines, hadrians wall, avalon marsh, cornwall, forest sauvage, lyonesse(now gobbos r nerfed).

thats 9 zones, i would pretty much imagine its same for mid and hib, granted some of these r low lvl zones, but dartmoor, lyn barfog and the frontier zones r all high lvl mobs wiht completely useless drops........its a massive waste...

mythic seem to add one place, and let another become deserted, first it was dartmoor to xp/items, then it went to DF now i imagine focus will switch to SI expansion areas, instead of adding new stuff they need to make the old zones more usefull and not so dead, ive gone kinda off track, but Scrafting has made DF, pretty useless for anythign but xp now also, and ofc u sell the bloody seals to crafters to get gold for SCing....

end of speech :)


Originally posted by Draylor
Whining about IP I guess?

Yeah i am, i think it along with purge, group purge, Perfect recovery and Raging power are some of the largest mistakes mythic made.

And you made my point, the fact is that certain RA's (mentioned above) are deemed as 'Must have' by people, the same is now applicable to SC armour people will see it as 'must have'

I guess when you get down to it what i really hate is the way certain things are put in to remove the element of free-thinking from the game.

Why should i get this realm ability? i shouldn't feel forced to get it should i?

I shouldn't be forced to get SC just so i can be on the same level as everyone else?

And its not just the cash, its the ease you can do it with. i probably wouldn't be so against it if there was an element of challenge to getting the stuff needed for the highest level stuff shouldn't there?

or maybe my value system has just been warped by society and i'm a bitter and twisted human being?


TBH SC removes the screwing people over items aspect of the game and we aren't all running around in MP suits with 100% qua gems and everything pumped to the max!

I've got my stats capped, was really a case of losing the overcapped bits from epic/items and balancing everything.
The main issue is resists and how mages feel about that, but since i haven't seen any mages run away yet from my 27-29% (buffs is more like 53% ;) )resists then I don't feel too bad.

Class balance issues are more pressing and in the long run mean more to the game IMO.

Aule Valar

i've finially got all my mp bits and begun to imbue the items, this caps my resists and stats, and almost wind magic, plus dual focus
this means however good the si drops may be i'm not going to want them (well except for the necklace i can't wear due to not haveing caer sidi armour). So why should i bother going to epic dungeons now apart from looking around


Originally posted by stormriderx
You'll find that ip costs 17 points including fa2 prerequisite, whereas purge costs only 4rsp.
23 for non-pure tanks. (3 for FA1, 6 for FA 2, 14 for IP).

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