Sorry, you no longer qualify as geeks


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
OK perhaps some of you need a life.

I feel like I've lived several already. For more details type the following into a search a engine of your choice:

*I have not had sex yet and feel perhaps I ought to.
*Sci-Fi is *not* a way of life it's something I'd consider when I've managed the above.
*I would like to know women who are not my mother.
*I would like to talk to women without offering credit card details.
*Arguing about if star wars is comparable to star trek is like saying "Yes, I am a tosser, my friends are tossers and nerds, no-one takes me seriously and no-one ever will"
* I have been to a Sci-Fi convention. I felt at home despite the fact I was surrounded by 40 year old virgins, real ale drinkers, persons with mullets and people who, despited my efforts to converse, have the social skills of a fart in a bath.

Please get a life before someone points out to you in no uncertain terms that you don't have one before it's too late...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
better late then never :kissit:

roflmao!! great thread...nerds fucking funny though ....

Asal The Unforgiving

Alright then. I would like you to know that in an episode, Captain Picard states, when faced with turbolaser-style weaponry, that such weapons are not powerful enough to disrupt the Enterprise-D's shields AT ALL. Perhaps you'd like to remember that your guns are harmless before engaging in combat?

Bill Door

Oh. Please.

First, Turbolasers are not LASERs. Observed effects and all.
Secondly, that comment was about a ship with inferior power generation capabilities and by that logic, the unsheilded Enterprise could take a superlaser hit, like oh, the one that dumped over 5E16 megatons Alderaan.

Really, the gunnery problem is the opposite way around. The dense hull armour will be able to withstand phasers chain reaction effects (Not that they have the power to penetrate the shields and there is no frequency dependance, so no sneaking past the shields that way), and your 64mT maximum photon torpedoes will barely scratch the sheilds. Perhaps you'd like to remember that your guns are harmless before engaging in combat? And your Treknobabble is useless against the overwhelming firepower advantage.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Talsar said:
When moving from the "Enterprise" era, into Star Trek (Kirk&Spock) - just after the birth of "The Federation" - it was seen as hostile to use the word "Soldier / Marine", so they evolved into "security forces".

Further adding to the theory that an Imperial Star Destory would own the Enterprise by virtue that the crew of the Enterprise are a bunch of pussies.

And whats wrong with green? Army guys wear it all the time I don't see anyone acusing them of being gay :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dear lord...this thread...I wish I could just...dear lord. ~shakes head in either disbelief or shame...probably both~


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Deepfat said:
OK perhaps some of you need a life.

I feel like I've lived several already. For more details type the following into a search a engine of your choice:

*I have not had sex yet and feel perhaps I ought to.
*Sci-Fi is *not* a way of life it's something I'd consider when I've managed the above.
*I would like to know women who are not my mother.
*I would like to talk to women without offering credit card details.
*Arguing about if star wars is comparable to star trek is like saying "Yes, I am a tosser, my friends are tossers and nerds, no-one takes me seriously and no-one ever will"
* I have been to a Sci-Fi convention. I felt at home despite the fact I was surrounded by 40 year old virgins, real ale drinkers, persons with mullets and people who, despited my efforts to converse, have the social skills of a fart in a bath.

Please get a life before someone points out to you in no uncertain terms that you don't have one before it's too late...

pffft tbh!
* always at it tbh
* scifi is not a way of life but it rocks, well some of it..
*women arnt all they cracked up to be imo and i should know
*hookers take credit cards now? ...hmm wonder where they swipe them Oo
* arguing or "discussing" starwars vs star treck is less tosserish than having a pop at people and calling them lame virgins tbh
* havent been to a sci fi convention but i would like to, think it would be better than some smokey sweatty night club where the floor is covered in broken glass and you have to wade to the toilets, then fight off some sad git in todays version of a shell suit while he tries to grope your boobs, aaand another thing.. i havent been a virgin for about 9 years now (and am no where near 40), never drunk real ale or had a mullet and i have superb social skills i just cba waisting em on people that call others tossers :touch:

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