Sorry I've not been around


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Hi folks. In case you missed my ascerbic comments, sometimes silly sense of humour and general unpleasantness ... I've not been too well, just starting to feel anything like my normal self really.

Back on 8 July I was sent home from where I work on a self employed basis, with a seeming IBS attack. I had instructions to come back as soon as I was feeling better, which was fair enough really.

Except what seemed to be IBS very quickly turned into something else with vomitting and endless toilet runs. I visited my GP on 9 July first thing and was told it was IBS, given medicine to take after food and some rehydration sachets for post vomit.

Unfortunately I couldn't keep any food down so the (pre-food) IBS medicine seemed a waste of time, and as soon as I took the rehydration sachets I was immediately sick again.

Night and day rolled around with little if any sleep and even the end of the World Cup held little interest. I couldn't sit at my PC for any length of time and Xbox games required far too much concentration and general verticalness to play.

Anyhoo. By Sunday morning my stomach had become absolutely huge with part of it enflamed and standing out of my skin. I called NHS Direct and was told I probably had food poisoning and was put through to my GP's out of hour service.

What pathetic people they were. I was told to drive over and see them. I said I couldn't drive at this time. They told me to get a taxi. When I said I was too ill to get a taxi the cheeky bint asked if that meant I actually had no money for a taxi, I kept my good humour somehow and explained that I was unable to travel and wanted a Doctor to come to me.

Ten minutes later a kindly sounding practice nurse rang me, assured me that I would be better soon and to go to see my GP on Monday. No home visit for me on a Sunday.

Monday morning. A different GP saw me, within five minutes had rung the local hospital and packed me off to hospital with instructions not to go home, not to pass Go and I had no time to be collecting my £200. He was very worried indeed.

Much better quality of care from that particular GP and I think he saved my life.

I was admitted to the Surgical Assessment Unit of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital here in Birmingham on Monday 12th. After various tests, one of which involved an incredibly pretty Asian Doctor having to insert her hand in my anus (after four days or so of heavy toilet action... yuk). When she told me to pinch her finger internally she giggled. One thing I hadn't expected to happen that day at all, possibly there is something in the old maxim to always wear clean underwear just in case...

The Hospital Registrar called appendicitis almost immediately. None of his colleagues agreed. Ultrasound showed he was quite correct. They were very concerned about the state of the appendix and what it was doing to my stomach and I was scheduled for emergency surgery that evening, although it turned out to be a midnight procedure in the end.

I really thought I was going to die. Because of the state I was in they had to perform open stomach surgery. I have been struggling with my Christian faith and the religion that I am baptised into for sometime but I decided very quickly that I didn't want to accept blood as part of the treatment.

The surgeon and anaesthetist were both extremely impressive. They oozed confidence, were happy to comply with my wishes ("It would be a better world if we all respected the beliefs and standpoints of others" was one phrase that filled me with tears, I really was feeling very emotional).

They pointed out the dangers and that my scar would be much worse with a vertical incision into my stomach, but it was agreed that they would carry out the surgery without blood. Because of the amount of rubbish my appendix was producing internally they couldn't use cell salvage which made me even more certain I would die.

But I didn't die. I'm here and I am feeling so much better. Unable to work, worried about my 31 July tax payment and VAT liabilities, annoyed that I had a holiday booked with Gold Trail and the buggers have gone bankrupt on me, missing my Xbox, sad that I was too poorly to attend the London sci-fi con this year despite £200 of pre-booked tickets for the event, fed up of leaking wounds day and night....

But life is good. I'm alive!

The NHS get a bad press but with the exception of a few half soaked nurses and long waiting times for scans and machinery they are a pretty decent lot. I have some woolly idea that I will go an volunteer a day a week at the hospital in future to express my thanks, but in the short term I'm off to watch Toy Story 3 with my niece and mother.

If I have ever been rude to you, given you reason to think I'm a complete nob: I am sorry. New life, new me.

We're alive! :cheers:


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
holy shit Tur, glad you're still with us man!!!


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Good to hear that you are fine and on the road to recovery! Take it easy and remember your life is worth more than a few hundred quid spent on things which you can always do again another time!

Got any pics of the female doctor???


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Sadly no pics of the female Doctor, but happy memories of the winks she gave me everytime the surgical team did their rounds ;) None of the nurses were fit, however, although there was a military nurse (and a sergeant no less) on secondment there who was great fun. She was full of stories of Afghan, Iraq and Kuwait -- yet she felt safer there than in Birmingham!

Thanks for the goodwill guys, much appreciated. You know you are poorly when your mum makes you runny boiled eggs and soldiers when you are 41 :D


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Glad you're OK old bean, must have been very scary. :)

Never go to NHS direct - if you're feeling really shit you go to your GP or hospital straight away.

It wouldn't be me if I didn't do this in your "glad to be alive" thread tho:

I really thought I was going to die. Because of the state I was in they had to perform open stomach surgery. I have been struggling with my Christian faith and the religion that I am baptised into for sometime but I decided very quickly that I didn't want to accept blood as part of the treatment.

Jeesus tittyfucking christ Turamber. Ditch that shitty religion quickly. :eek:

Did you expect the doctors to go "you're a cock"? They're there to make you feel better. You'll have no fun at all (evah) if you have, say, a car accident and are bleeding heavily...


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Night and day rolled around with little if any sleep and even the end of the World Cup held little interest.

Wow all that just to say you were bored by Spain, you could have just said it, the rest of us have :)

Glad it got spotted in time. Think you should ring back the people you spoke to initially to try and get a house call, and point out that you could have died because of their incompetence and reluctance to home visit.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Glad you came thru alright pal. Good to hear things do work, eventually.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Take blood you numpty, you have a niece and a mother who'd feel like shit if you died because you were a pillock.

That aside, mmmm hot anal asian action..mmmm wait were where we.

Glad you're alive :d


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Good to have you back old chap :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Sounds nasty mate... very lucky and glad to hear you're still with us.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
glad you came through it Turam. Sounds like it was a pretty close call in the end.

exploding appendix is no fun, I had problems with mine a few years ago and had to get mine whipped out. not as serious as yours by the sound of it but still urgh


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I decided very quickly that I didn't want to accept blood as part of the treatment.

Er, what? Why?

Agree about the NHS though. I already sang their praises after seeing the NHS from the inside when my niece was ill and when my Dad was dying, but now I live in a country with third-world public healthcare (its great if you can pay) it makes me appreciate the NHS all the more.


Dec 26, 2003
Wow - thats a pretty close call - you were on borrowed time there and would have died if it had ruptured over the weekend.

Its pretty incredible that with your symptoms they didnt consider the possibility of appendicitis when you phoned up on that sunday.

Anyway, get well soon - puts everything in perspective eh?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
In case you missed my ascerbic comments, sometimes silly sense of humour and general unpleasantness
What do you mean "in case" :eek:

Of course we missed it. Glad you're on the road to recovery, get well soon dude :D


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Thanks guys. I think when you face something like that it makes you re-evaluate where you are in your life and what is important to you. Of course we should all do that regularly anyway .... but who does?

I appreciate not everyone thinks the same way about religion or blood, but right there and then looking at the possible end of my life I realised they were important to me.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
good to hear your still breathing Turam.

goes to show you - life is a 50/50 chance depending on the Doctors you get.

Neighbour when to visit the Doctor complaining of a sore throat - doctor gave him a prescription for a throat spray.

5 weeks later he was dead with throat cancer.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Turamber, glad you are on the road to recovery - sounds like you've gone through a huge ordeal.

I still believe in the NHS. Yes, you could end up with a bad GP or a lazy nurse - just like you could end up with a bad teacher, taxi driver, bus driver, pilot etc. In this day and age it's becoming harder to rely and trust people - but most of em out there are like you and I, just trying our best and don't mean any harm.

Hopefully it all works out in the end :)


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Ive never had a problem with the NHS. Its slow but i dont think the service is any less


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Something of a bump. My wounds opened up earlier this week and tonight it was confirmed that they had opened up completely. The wound infection appears to be coming from a bowel infection and is responding to anti-biotics, but not quickly enough to stop my stomach disintegrating altogether.

The District Nurse flagged this to my GP at 5pm, having visited this late despite my reporting it to them as suspected early in the day, GP got here at 7pm and referred me to the hospital. And here I am at nearly 9pm waiting for an ambulance.


GP thinks they need to re-suture the wound, but I suspect they will just want to keep packing the wound and send me home. If an ambulance ever turns up that is. Dumdedum....


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
All the very best mate - hope they sort you out properly!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Smoke yourself a kipper and be back for breakfast.


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Ooooer doesn't sound good, but hope they manage to patch you all up!!!
I remember when I had appendicitis no-one believed me for about 4 days until the pain was so intense I couldn't move. Luckily it didnt turn into peritonitis but it burst as they removed it, even the doctors didnt think I had it at first until one decided to get me scanned just in case.


Dec 26, 2003
Bloody hell - your not having a lot of luck - I hope it turns out ok for you :(


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Let me get this right. She tickled your prostate and milked you dry?!?!

You lucky bastard, infact you doubly lucky bastard! You lived and got a zero knuckle shuffle! :D

Get well soon fella.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Ack just read the update, fingers crossed for you bud, can't be any fun at all. :(


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I appreciate not everyone thinks the same way about religion or blood, but right there and then looking at the possible end of my life I realised they were important to me.

Up to you totally but blood keeps you alive and religion is a money making lie of massive proportions. There is no god and there is no santa but there is definately blood. Jebus won't save you but blood will ;)

Not posting to shit on your beliefs and I am really pleased you pulled through it, look forward to your spacky views once more :D

Edit - quite sure you will be grand after the latest hiccup.

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