Sorcs Teamleader?


Qte Eth

u shock me
50 casts is same as dropping coin 50 or so times -it actually shows how it works.It isnt 5 casts or 1 as u say about coin lol.
Just multyply number resist on 10 to know what happens with 500.


Originally posted by Qte Eth
u shock me
50 casts is same as dropping coin 50 or so times -it actually shows how it works.It isnt 5 casts or 1 as u say about coin lol.
Just multyply number resist on 10 to know what happens with 500.

no, roll a d1000 50 times, tell me how random it is.
The coin is an example. How many times have you missed a bolt 5 times in a row, or fumbled. It happens - things are _random_ they don't always happen according to averages.

If you roll a d1000 50 times you _might_ get an average of 500, but probably not. It'll be around it... but you're going to be off by a fair bit...

the more you roll, the closer your average will get to 500...

same thing works in reverse, if you're trying to work out what your dice is.

say you roll 1 4 10 965 38 453
on your 1000-sided dice. that's an average of 245. Would you turn around and tell me that your dice is weighted now?

*rolls eyes*

OK I give up trying to hammer the concepts of probability into people's heads :) there's just too much stone in the way.


Originally posted by censi
ampthy, cant be bothered to reply with further info.... needless to say you are a lost cause... (suspect aged around 14-16 to)

Ahh, here we have the "I'm losing the argument so I'm going to pretend I'm bored now."

Coupled with the "What age are you anyway?" defence. Divert the topic, try and derail everyone from realising you've lost your argument.

Victory, Apathy.



I'm a Sorc too ! What's that now, 4 of us? :D

Why do people always use Veeshan as an example of how to play a Sorc?

AFAIK, Veeshan was a Body spec Sorc (ie nuker) not a CC Sorc - so comparisons are entirely different here.

Sorcs have their problems, number 1 for me is simply survivability as Sorcs die pretty easily :)

We have some good tools at our disposal (and Sorcs look great on paper) but don't always get chance to use them.

I don't want insta-mez either, I'd like to see the range reduced on them instead, to say 1000 or 1200 units


Qte Eth

d1000 has 1000 variants of course 50 drops aint enuff
mes has 2 variants -resist or land ,its close to dropping coin 50 times -it actually shows how it works


Originally posted by Loth

I'm a Sorc too ! What's that now, 4 of us? :D

Why do people always use Veeshan as an example of how to play a Sorc?

AFAIK, Veeshan was a Body spec Sorc (ie nuker) not a CC Sorc - so comparisons are entirely different here.

Sorcs have their problems, number 1 for me is simply survivability as Sorcs die pretty easily :)

We have some good tools at our disposal (and Sorcs look great on paper) but don't always get chance to use them.

I don't want insta-mez either, I'd like to see the range reduced on them instead, to say 1000 or 1200 units


Like I have said earlier inhere ''demand'' a slam bot who can protect you coz I have been in grps where I got a slam bot and he got stick on me all the time.

And in these grps I allways survive alot longer than the ones who just charge and think more about how much damage they do and I dont know what.

Try think about it, grps allways want pro/gua/int on the cleric but afaik he got chain and dont need same protection as sorcs

Just a thought.

Mazter Mind


Sorc got body nukes - great you hit xxx for 200(-220) if they arent some mong noob/lowbie w/o any resists...

Sorc can either specc:

Best nuke sorc can get due to matter resist, but downside is crap mezz and the nuke is 1350 range. you also get ok singeltarget dots.
A L40 pet

Aoe root
Crap dd (gotta use lifetap/baseline)
Best castable mezz ingame with a radius of 400
L50 pet

You get 2nd best nuke (crap dmg due to resists)
2nd best aoe mezz (works for mezzing, but insta will still beat you to it)
Aoe root (handy in larger battles)
L50 pet

Random crap debuffs/amnezia etc and other worthless crap


Best nuke, crap resistance tho so you wont do much of a dmg with it :(
Very poor aoe mezz
Random debuffs
L40 pet

Sorc will NEVER be able to be a CC that can be compared with bard/healer.. just the fact that both classes get insta ccs and sorcs dont, while sorc got crapper armour etc lower survivabilty...

Additon to that albion got some VERY stupid players to really make the sorc gimped...

Sorc needs some loveing, i didnt wait for mine .delete - Y-E-S...

PS: for you all pretending that you know how it is to play the class, shut up unless you made L50 and RR4+ you know what you are talking about..

they may look good on paper but in real action they got nothing against healer/bard - ive played both healer and bard myself (got a healer on pvp now and its ALOT easier with chain instea heals and 4 insta CC spells).. So dont give us sorcs bullshit that they arent a gimped class that need fixes

Oh and most sorcs play like shiet aswell :(


your asking people not to comment on sorcerers unless they're level 50 with RR4+ but you'll tell us how ace healers are when your level 5+? :rolleyes:

Albion have more classes than the other realms, fact is that mythic had to make all the classes different and as such ended up with strange hybrids like the sorcerer. It's neither a healer nor a bard or a wizard. It's a sort of weird mix..

With SI we're ending up with even more stupid hybrid pet classes too, probably overpowered to start with too.

Qte Eth

Additon to that albion got some VERY stupid players to really make the sorc gimped...
That is a problem - i dont think albion will suddenly begin to rock as hell if sorcs get switch to healer.


Originally posted by Qte Eth
- i dont think albion will suddenly begin to rock as hell if sorcs get switch to healer.

I do.


kameh ive played healer for ~200k rps aswell and its hell easier, hence my healer aint L5 either its above L5 between L5 -> 49 :p

Healer got alot easier to survive than a sorc and a bard got due to 4 insta cc, 2 insta heals, chain, massive hp pool, self buffs...

Bard got crap RF, no insta heal, 2 insta amnezia, 2 insta mezz, higher hp pool than sorc atleast....

Sorc is just gimped they should either take away ALL our dmg output and give us heals and insta mezzes, or they should give us more damage and let us keep the getto mezz sorcs have...

The player is important aswell, a well played sorc can win over hibs/mids, but they got the odds on their side (hibb with grp purge and 2 insta mezzes), midd with 4 insta cc..

Albion got SoS tho, but problem with albion is that they arent swiss army knifes like other realms, we have 1 class to do 1 thing, while hibb and midd got 1 class for 3 - 4 things... Makes teamwork alot harder for albs... especially with those kind of players you will find in albion... hururu mezz breaking tanks and gimped ones :)


Originally posted by sorusi

PS: for you all pretending that you know how it is to play the class, shut up unless you made L50 and RR4+ you know what you are talking about..

So that'd be "Everyone else in this thread fuck off, my opinion is the only valid one?"

You had some good points :) but that's just stupid.


No, but if you havnt lvled a sorc to L50 atleast you havnt got a word in this discussion (unless you played a friends or so).. since thidranki isnt to be compared with real rvr.. and if you hvant done real rvr alot you havnt got expereience.. RR4 is possible in like 2 weeks of rvr... if you havnt spent atleast that then i think you havnt got the experience to judge a class....

And there are ppl in this thread that got a valid point, but not mentalists,bards and mercs k :)

You may know your class, but sorc isnt the same and you cant just read facts and forums etc to make the picture out of that, play one yourself and you will make your own judgement :p

Qte Eth

another idea why albion mes sucks:
1 Veeshan 2,497,626 0 50 Guardians of Light Briton
2 Grymulv Wilk 1,594,161 148,385 50 Covenant of Zak Briton
3 Riwen 596,177 0 50 Herfølge Boldklub Avalonian
4 Afun Mindbreaker 486,297 0 50 First Cohort Avalonian
5 Kayla 474,322 8,613 50 Raven Claw Briton
6 Athenea 418,147 7,431 50 Santa Inquisicion Avalonian
7 Aurelius Ambrosius 407,980 747 50 Dark Prophecy Avalonian
8 Wou Mindbarrier 403,987 20,192 50 The Royal Guard Avalonian
9 Fatsy Fatass 401,331 20,449 50 Herfølge Boldklub Avalonian
10 Tinaydien Forever 387,285 0 50 Legion of Darkness Avalonian

1 Miss 2,628,441 3,257 50 Llaw Arian Celt
2 Fearmast 1,478,490 160,168 50 Black Dragon Celt
3 Fame Aaldaemon 1,422,579 171,506 50 Llaw Arian Celt
4 Daigh Cathaoir 1,370,410 4,584 50 Lliad Ddraig Celt
5 Nicky Nook 1,211,854 39,167 50 Dark Order Celt
6 Feldegast Illuminor 1,203,154 28,713 50 Terra Dominus Firbolg
7 Trent 1,093,593 43,931 50 Vengeance Celt
8 Lavelle 1,006,486 19,408 50 Ithil Galad Celt
9 Gargo Moonstone 844,991 6,071 50 The Brotherhood of Hibernia Celt
10 Tomatera Gazpachera 764,478 95,227 49 Tuatha de Mag Mor Celt

Check rp for bards and sorcs-most sorcs are unskilled and check how many of em are avalonnians instead of britons^^


hehe most of those bards had thier RPs before they got insta mez too ;)

P.S. I cant see how mythic can "fix" the sorcerers imaginary gimpness. Best solution I can think of is to give them a skill like the hunters insta-pet they've just recieved. Only problem with that is that albion already has so many pet classes so I cant see that happening.

It'd be easy to do, why mythic might go for it :D

Qte Eth

well noticed -i remember such whine coz sorc cc sux even more before bards got insta -actually while bard had worst cc in game


Q, you're talking out of your arse :p

Its kinda:
player chooses albion and becomes dumbarse witless coward
player chooses hibernia and becomes leet skilled and tactically aware.

Hibs just have best class layout that fits into 8 man group. Albion has worst.

Qte Eth

lol sko -was just a fact
btw with all our friendship ur frase sounds not good..that is what happens to guy when he switch hib->alb:p


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And indeed albs suck in average rp/per person.


Well big problem for sorcs is that they die very fast, being main target in cloth is lethal for you...

Bards get RF and more hps atleast, along with uber classes in their realm (oh dont forget grp purge wich just makes hibb uber)


Saying that because of the rp distribution sorc players are shit is complete rubbish. Except for the soloers, getting rp's boils down to who can stay alive the longest. A sorc who has just put themselves in a whole grp or mores' target window and has nothing more to keep them alive than a pair of pyjama's is not going to stick around to get the rps. Of course the very high end of the ability scale is going to be able to influence things, but branding 99% of sorcs shit because they cant stay alive when pounded on by 4 trolls is bullshit.

This whole issue really does draw so much flak because there is such a void between what people think playing a sorc is like and the reality of it, and only one side is right...

Qte Eth

bard usually dont lasts longer then sorc if hes attacked properly
and when u say sorc cant survive long -he has Much betters spells to help him to survive then for example me.still i got some rps.
And rps matter ,when sorc sux hes mes doesnt lands ,he dies first and dont get rps.sorcs with rps means hes mes lands and he survives coz of that.

Qte Eth

hm sorusi special for u:
MOST rps bards got BEFORE insta mes was up -while they had WORST mes of all CC classes


dont bother arguing sor, the only conclusions that can be drawn are as follows:

- you roll a hib, you become tactically and intellectually superior at the game
- you roll an alb, you become skilless, have no idea how to play yours or anyone else's class, and do nothing but zerg

:sleeping: just waiting for my LOS-ignoring necro, then we'll see who's laughing


Yer, doubt that, hibb chars got most of their RPS after 1.50 :p


Originally posted by Qte Eth
bard usually dont lasts longer then sorc if hes attacked properly
and when u say sorc cant survive long -he has Much betters spells to help him to survive then for example me.still i got some rps.
And rps matter ,when sorc sux hes mes doesnt lands ,he dies first and dont get rps.sorcs with rps means hes mes lands and he survives coz of that.

it takes 3 tanks to kill a bard efficiently

it takes 1 to kill a sorc.


buff and heal your sorcs, it takes forever to kill qte (1400+ hps) and it takes 2-3 hits to kill a sorc


Originally posted by old.anubis
buff and heal your sorcs, it takes forever to kill qte (1400+ hps) and it takes 2-3 hits to kill a sorc

3 tanks

1 tank

about 6 seconds of one tank hitting to kill a sorc
about 18 seconds to kill a bard

if you have one tank killing a sorc - the sorc is dead unless you have insta-heals at the ready.

if you have one tank killing a bard - the bard will survive long enough to get a normal heal if its available, or someone to run over and shield slam the attacker.

The reason noone plays a sorcerer can be summed up as I did earlier:

If you lose you die
If you win you still die :)


hire a slam specced bodyguard for guard/intercept/slam

somehow veeshan (the old one) managed to survive long enough for being first phoenix knight on excalibur

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