Games Sony Conference


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It seems to me they are trying to corner a market they don't really understand. That whole share thing will kill the market it is trying to be part of. Everyone will be spamming all sorts of shit and it will be (more) flooded with tedious game play videos of some jackass keyboard turning and killing stuff with autoaim.

The pad in general seems to just be fluff. touch pad, light thingy, share button. No real point whatsoever.

The games were meh,

Generic shooter number 2342423, looks weren't amazing controls looks really clunky (may have been because it was gamepad)
Generic driving game number 6554645 - never heard of the development house, I see no reason to get excited until proper game play videos are out. Yeah it may look pretty but if it drives like crap then it's a total waste of time.
3rd instalment of an average (at best) franchise, 3rd person bore'em'up

The fact that they are getting excited over a feature that involves the customer spending another couple of hundred quid on, using Vita as a gaming screen/controller...sorry if you expect me to spend £4-500 on a console and another £200 on an awful hand held...not going to happen. For that money you could be a PC that utterly destroys the PS4. Really nice idea though just really, really badly thought out, Nintendo did it better and it comes with the console.

The whole thing reaks of trying to get an announcement out before the other guy.

No price yet.

No real details on the console. Big woop, 8 gig of shared memory.

The witness looked interesting and the developer did an excellent job with's multi platform though...

Oh and a fuckton of data grabbing for them to sell on or lose to a hacker.

All in all a big meh but like I said, if it's sub £300 it might do as a media centre come occasional game machine for the rare exclusive that is worth playing. Any more than that and they are taking the piss somewhat.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
One thing I forgot to mention is the preloading of games, that could be pretty good and the jumping in and out of other people games. It could be a bit of a fad though.

Not keen on the whole cloud gaming though, means you have even less ownership of your property (the software you buy)


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
They will have likely spec'd it with 8GB of RAM rather than 4GB because Sony are future proofing the system to be able to handle 4K HD TV & video. Going from 1080p to 4k take at least 8 times more video ram.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
It seems to me they are trying to corner a market they don't really understand. That whole share thing will kill the market it is trying to be part of. Everyone will be spamming all sorts of shit and it will be (more) flooded with tedious game play videos of some jackass keyboard turning and killing stuff with autoaim.

The pad in general seems to just be fluff. touch pad, light thingy, share button. No real point whatsoever.

The games were meh,

Generic shooter number 2342423, looks weren't amazing controls looks really clunky (may have been because it was gamepad)
Generic driving game number 6554645 - never heard of the development house, I see no reason to get excited until proper game play videos are out. Yeah it may look pretty but if it drives like crap then it's a total waste of time.
3rd instalment of an average (at best) franchise, 3rd person bore'em'up

The fact that they are getting excited over a feature that involves the customer spending another couple of hundred quid on, using Vita as a gaming screen/controller...sorry if you expect me to spend £4-500 on a console and another £200 on an awful hand held...not going to happen. For that money you could be a PC that utterly destroys the PS4. Really nice idea though just really, really badly thought out, Nintendo did it better and it comes with the console.

The whole thing reaks of trying to get an announcement out before the other guy.

No price yet.

No real details on the console. Big woop, 8 gig of shared memory.

The witness looked interesting and the developer did an excellent job with's multi platform though...

Oh and a fuckton of data grabbing for them to sell on or lose to a hacker.

All in all a big meh but like I said, if it's sub £300 it might do as a media centre come occasional game machine for the rare exclusive that is worth playing. Any more than that and they are taking the piss somewhat.

Here's the thing with that PC that destroys the console argument, PC games have stagnated so much in recent years simply due to the consoles being the dominant platforms for gaming, when was the last PC exclusive that literally blew the socks off everyone? I honestly can't remember because its been so fucking long.

I bought a GTX 670 last year and well it has been a complete waste of money because apart from Crysis 3 which is pretty crap anyway nothing has even come close to making this card sweat.

MMOs are garbage now and really the only thing the PC has going for it, most of the good PC games these days are Indie games but they hardly push the boundaries in terms of graphics and gameplay.

There are so many great console games these days that offer a great story and great gameplay, the PC can only dream of having this stuff back and they will be stuck with console ports forever, fine knock the auto aim and the control pads (many people are fine with them except PC players) but do not knock some of the amazing franchises that have only been possible due to consoles.

Fuck me even Blizzard have got in on the act now and Diablo 3 is just the start now and if they get rid of the online auction house for the PS3 it will be the version PC gamers wish they had, if they get decent sales with that what's next? Titan? Starcraft? Sony have already proven with the PS3 they are happy to let devs use a mouse and keyboard control scheme so is that really a problem now?

My gaming PC that I bought last year will be the last one I buy they simply aren't worth it anymore when you look at the actual games that come out for the PC the true great ones are YEARS and YEARS apart.

Only diehard PC fanboys such as yourself can't see past your keyboard and mouse and superior graphics and quite frankly your a minority that game developers don't care about anymore.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The real reason to shift to Console market is the return is better, generally always has been.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I see I touched a nerve :) with one sentence!

Feel free to list some console exclusives that are worth buying a console for (and putting up with the shitty controls!) The vast majority of games are multiplatform. Pretty much anything multi platform is a far better experience on the PC anyway. There were maybe 4 console exclusives in the entire lifespan of the PS3 that were worth getting a console for. Gran Turismo and the Uncharted series. Nothing on Xbox. Please don't mention Halo, it is utter garbage. You're also welcome to Diablo, if you think it is the auction house that makes it bad then, are wrong. It's the fact that it is too short and cannot have it's life increased by the mod community that makes it terrible, it actually feels like a console game, a maximum of 4 weeks entertainment. The entire industry has stagnated, directly caused by consoles.

As for overall gaming experience then the PC remains the better choice. It says a lot that you need a constant drip feed of mediocre games and cut down versions of PC games on the console to keep you interested, whereas on the PC you have constant mods and variations on games. For example, I am still playing Skyrim now and again on the PC - when was the last time you played in on the consoles? How about Fallout? Yeah, I still buy a few of the console ports such as battlefield etc but lets face it, they aren't exactly long lifed games are they?

If you paid more than £500 for a PC without doing any research then more fool you.

The publishers like consoles because they can push out yearly dross and know that idiots will buy them along with several months of DLC packs of skins and maps, stuff that is free on the PC. It wouldn't be such an issue as before you could just sell your game once you have got your few hours of gameplay out of it. Not any more though. With the end of a second hand market I also expect prices on games to rise overall too.

I don't really think I am a fanboy either. I own several consoles myself, I am just not too blind to see their shortfalls.
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Nice and no mention of "No second hand games" - pretty sure they would have mentioned it as it would be a big deal. Fuck you microsoft indeed.
Why ruin a perfectly optimistic revealing with something they know people won't like? I'm sure they'll announce it a little later down the line.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Why ruin a perfectly optimistic revealing with something they know people won't like? I'm sure they'll announce it a little later down the line.

Because its something they need to let people know, rather than saving it for the absolute last minute. People won't like it so it really doesn't matter when they reveal it, reactions won't be any different the longer they wait.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
No backwards compatibility (again) too. I am sure people will be happy with having to buy games twice again :)

Although I think I have bought FF7 about 4 times now on different formats!


Dec 26, 2003
Ye gods - the cesspit of consoles just gets worse - truly a console is the pc of the stupid.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004

Although that can be overcome by not releasing them on discs and replacing them with a download platform that supports direct buying and things like POSA cards from shops.

Going offline -

If they stick to not blocking used games that will hurt 720 sales quite abit I should imagine, I can see Microsoft now going "Oh, we won't block games now either!"


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Because its something they need to let people know, rather than saving it for the absolute last minute. People won't like it so it really doesn't matter when they reveal it, reactions won't be any different the longer they wait.

You really don't understand how marketing works do you? Get the fanboys frothing for the best part of a year, then reveal the bad news. Cognitive dissonance kicks in and everyone goes "ah, we were expecting it anyway", and proceeds to convince themselves that its just one of those things.

Its going to be interesting to see the 720 announcement, because architecturally, its probably going to be almost exactly the same (a locked down PC). Now, do you want your locked-down PC from Sony, or MS? Or maybe you'd prefer Valve...


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Because its something they need to let people know, rather than saving it for the absolute last minute. People won't like it so it really doesn't matter when they reveal it, reactions won't be any different the longer they wait.
Aye but on launch night? Not likely. There's plenty they've held back, full specs and what the thing actually looks like for a start :p


Dec 26, 2003
Irrelevant now, been confirmed to not have a block on 2nd hand games.

Not very convincingly - I'd wait till you see an official written statement first else they could claim it was a mis translation or something.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Why be limited to 1 when you can have both? you'll get titles that you won't get on the PC for the PS3 and vice versa.

Not many. As has been said earlier, there weren't that many PS exclusives over the whole lifecycle of the PS3.

To be honest, the only reason I'd bother with PS4 (or X720) is because my PS3 actually made for a fairly decent home entertainment hub until my eldest toddler destroyed it, and as it will probably have a fairly long lifecycle, I'm probably going to end up with a new console under the telly in the next few years anyway.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Just read through this laughing at bitches getting horny over this.

They're not going to show you the fail parts, are they? ;)


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
I'm no console fanboy so I'll keep opinions on the matter brief.

It's a PC architecture but "not quite" - they can't be seen to call themselves useless cocks, which they're effectively doing by abandoning the "PC Killer" Cell. That will of course break any backwards compatibility, but that's not something people generally used to worry about, or should worry about. You could only play NES games on a SNES after buying an addon with much public pressure, but they shared very similar architectures - same with the Smegadrive and master system. Couldn't play majority of PS1 games on 2. Could only play certain Xbox games on 360. So no backward compatibility. Big deal it isn't.

However, I'd be fairly certain this will be the last generation of "consoles" we see. We're already so damn close to the "one box that does it all" there's no point in further iterations. The trouble is, we've all had one of those very boxes for years (a PC) but they've been too scared to market anything properly on it. It's heading towards unified hardware, sort of a Mac (ugh!) that combines the best bits of everything. Media players, gaming, office work, internet, communication. I know consoles are capable of half or most of that already but they do such a half arsed job of it, it's pointless. If anything, the *end user* needs to stop being such fucking fanboys and actually do something useful and think about what they want rather than abiding by fanboyism towards certain products.

My personal opinion on how it *should* go from here forth:

One, unified piece of hardware akin to a media centre. More along the lines of a Mac instead of PC (but designed and engineered properly, sorry Apple cocks) Decent grunt for gaming, properly futureproofed, full BR playback obviously, media recording/Tivo type capability. Decent (I mean PROPERLY decent, sorry Playstation/xbox fanboys) storage. Ability to multitask these jobs - so someone can watch & record telly whilst it "streams" applications to a laptop/tablet (surface more like than ipad - surface really shows the ipad up in it's *possibilities* here) for things like Office, browsing, comms etc.
I'm not the first to think of this - I will guarantee every sales monkey for all the big guns brought out the same, and got thrown out a window like a certain popular meme because the very idea scares the living shit out of profiteering cockmonkeys.

And people will continue to allow it.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
It's a PC architecture but "not quite" - they can't be seen to call themselves useless cocks, which they're effectively doing by abandoning the "PC Killer" Cell.

Well it's more realistic to assume that having the same vendor producing the CPU & GPU is a big cost saving to Sony. Also if AMD manage to get both onto a single chip die that's a *huge* cost & power saving.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Indeed - and they've certainly got past practice & form with that. As diminutive as it might seem, the AMD APU stuff makes for rapid gaming machines for very little money and resource.


Dec 26, 2003
Indeed - and they've certainly got past practice & form with that. As diminutive as it might seem, the AMD APU stuff makes for rapid gaming machines for very little money and resource.

All of the crap/misbehaving graphics cards I have ever owned were AMD - I will never buy another thing by them.

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