Some servers commng up !


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
At least we dont have to get used to weekly server restarts/maintanance, daily server crashes, and crap all support, like in a certain Other Game.

To be honest, GOA server uptime, excluding the rather unusuall Prydwen incident recently, has been very good. Ive been able to play when i want to play 99.99% of the time, and im not going to complain that we get downtime once every third or fourth month or so. I think you would be hard pressed to find a game with better uptime really.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
on mainpage of camelot servers says up, and 2 on excalibur, but im not able to login


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Might take anything from 30-60 mins to log in now depending on the contention ratio


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Fana said:
At least we dont have to get used to weekly server restarts/maintanance, daily server crashes, and crap all support, like in a certain Other Game.

To be honest, GOA server uptime, excluding the rather unusuall Prydwen incident recently, has been very good. Ive been able to play when i want to play 99.99% of the time, and im not going to complain that we get downtime once every third or fourth month or so. I think you would be hard pressed to find a game with better uptime really.

Agreed. Think I've said before they on the whole have done a heck of a good job with fewer staff than most companies. I use to play Ultima online- europa server. at one point the daily maintenance was 2-3hours with rollbacks every week when things broke out of hours.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
for those that Q_Q at the servers being down in future... spare a lil thought for me and the few other small population of unfourtunates...

that use a 56k modem...

this is a 65.8 meg patch.... u do the math on the time that takes to download lol. Though on the +side it means the server will be up and running and everything fixed by the time it reaches 100% for me net month ^_^

25 minutes in... 5% downloaded...



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
knighthood said:
for those that Q_Q at the servers being down in future... spare a lil thought for me and the few other small population of unfourtunates...

that use a 56k modem...

this is a 65.8 meg patch.... u do the math on the time that takes to download lol. Though on the +side it means the server will be up and running and everything fixed by the time it reaches 100% for me net month ^_^

25 minutes in... 5% downloaded...


not there fault you are cheap and dont get a better connection


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Cathos said:
well i'd pick A) and say well goodluck with fixing it and let me know when it's up and running , poeple have to except the fact that nothing is perfect , things break down things do go wrong but to moan on about how shit it is when it's broken isn't gonna fix it is it?

have to agree with gear rather than you cathos and i bet the majority of people would also!
lets put it another way u go into tesco's to buy your grocceries at the till they charge you for it all then as your packing it away the take to packets of pasta from your shopping and put it back on the shelf.

would you
A. let them and walk of into the sunset
B. wrap that flimsy tesco carrier bag filled with tins of soup round their head and camly take your items back and walk of into the sunset with that warm fuzzy feeling dripping down your arm as you wipe of bits of brain from your shoulder
C. disregard this and order online


fair enough if it was one day out of the year but its one day out of every patch.
and tbh i pay them for that day and i'm entitled for that 1 day to be given back. I know i ain't going to quit over one day loss of subs but it is the principle of the thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I played Everquest 2 for a while and compared to that Daoc is far better. EQ2 Servers are going down every Day for Maintance, Patches, Restarts for about 20 Minutes up to 2 hours at 6am. Big Patches (Called Liveupdates) have the same Problems like Daoc. Bugs, Server messed up etc Downtimes are similar to Daoc. A couple of Hours. ^^

Shit Happens!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Reika said:
You'd lose that bet.
Then surely and especially you should realize that DAoCs patching has been going incredibly smooth almost all the time compared to most other MMOs?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Behmoth said:
have to agree with gear rather than you cathos and i bet the majority of people would also!
lets put it another way u go into tesco's to buy your grocceries at the till they charge you for it all then as your packing it away the take to packets of pasta from your shopping and put it back on the shelf.

Your analogy is flawed.

It's more like you go to a tescos (not a 24 hour one ;)) at 3 in the morning and find out it's closed, as advertised on the front of the shop. Then write into your local paper a huge rant about how you want to do your shopping now ;)

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