Some evil people in this world.. (pt 2)


Testin da Cable

that's not what Will means JD. you are perfectly entitled to defend your home, but you aren't allowed to break the law doing it. in a (poor) example: you are allowed to hit a burgler with a chair; you aren't allowed to keep going with said chair until said burgler's head looks like catfood.

I too will react violently if someone directly attacks me/my lovedones and there is no other way out. As an educated, reasonably sane person I find this bad enough as it is, and no way will I keep going with the chair if you know what I mean.


*pretends he isn't repeating himself*

You missed the point again. Reasonable force is "what a reasonable person would do under the circumstances". Seems like a good judge to me.

So knife-wielding loonie (again, like it would ever happen). I he is coming at you trying to kill you, a reasonalbe person would lash out as hard as they could with anything at hand. Fair enough.

Someone stabs your girlfriend then comes for you. You are not a reasonable person at the point, and you'll probably try to kill him. However, while a crime, you aren't going down for 20 to life, but thats for a judge to decide. I'd say odds on you'd get a temporary insanity defense, but the law cannot list every possible situation.

And in what way are people like me the cause of crime. Again, I give a patronising pu-lease.

Edit : what TdC said...I'm at work and I can't construct this in one go, and/or think about it too much.


Originally posted by Will.
The point I made is you can't kill someone for breaking into your house, if you had an option not to.

but should they be breaking in and tresspassing and breaking the law for no reason?


Originally posted by n3wbie
but should they be breaking in and tresspassing and breaking the law for no reason?
Of course they shouldn't, but that doesn't mean you can kill them.


then that comes back down to the criminal is allowed to break the law but someone defending their own property cant.


The criminal will go to jail. Thats why we call them a criminal, because they have commited a crime. I don't think the right to excute people in your own home will help. You'd see criminals who would be routinely armed in case someone tries to kill them, who would be more prepared to use force against the householder before they did the same to them, and life certainly wouldn't get any better.


Originally posted by stu
The Police don't decide what to "do" people for. That's the CPS' job.

I'm just saying what the police have told my friend, maybe its what the CPS have advised them, I don't know, my friend was rather upset about it and wasn't incredibly indepth and bubbling with technicalities. They talked it through with him at great length as to what they could charge the person with, and discussed what would happen if the attacker was under sixteen or over sixteen, so someone has been considering these things, be it the police or the CPS.

And n3wbie, I'm not phoning 999 for people trespassing. There's eight of them, and all they'd get would be a slapped wrist, not even that: "move along now lads, you're intimidating the scaredy lady", and I'd be singled out as someone who causes them grief. I'm not saying the police should do anything in that instance, its just the brass balls of these chavs to stand right on someones doorstep as if its their god given right that infuriated me.


Grey that really sux - hope the pikeys get some time and your mum's ok.

And on breaking and entering ? Don't kill em - but the severity of your attack should be based on what theyre doing. If theyre just nicking money and leaving your family alone, just smack em over the head - give em a little amnesia.

If theyre attacking/threatening you or your family ? Time to start maiming (but not the face cos.. thats just.. *shudder*).


Originally posted by Damini
And n3wbie, I'm not phoning 999 for people trespassing.

well im just saying, if you want people out quick, no matter how small the crime, just phone 999, came straight from the pigs mouth.


I have an uncle who used to be a police inspector in Malaysia... Three men broke into his house in the middle of the night not realising that he was a cop, indeed, head of the local police force.

He came home and found the three men holding my aunt and two cousins hostage whilst looting and wrecking his house.

He shot all three in the ensuing fight. In his defence, they were armed as well. Two with knives and machetes, one with a pistol. None died, but one was critically injured, indeed paralysed from the waist down after the incident.

Over there he was given a commendation for bravery. Over here he would have probably been jailed, stripped of his badge and then sued by all three intruders who were all known criminals.

My two pence.


gas 'em all tbh

im suprised its not law to have to leave your house unlocked to give criminals an easier time

Sir Frizz

Actually, i wouldn't mind a society that responds harshly to criminals. I would be all for a law-for example; that if someone steals, they aren't in too much shit, but if they keep on doing it, cut their fucking head/hands off. "Thieving stains" fuck me off so badly, Thugs/Yobs/Vandalls should all be fucking castrated. They simply do not learn with the current laws. Look at the school system, little shits running rampant because they know they can get away with it. TBH i think modern society is way too soft on law breakers/miscreants/young offenders.


and nearly everyone with broadband would get anally fucked for breach of piracy laws?


Update for you's..

As i say, they caught them, and they will _not_ be released, why? Because they're wanted all over Merseyside for exactly the same crimes...

Mum feels a bit better now plus me and dad picked up her car..

I went to see my bros grave and there was a young girl about 24 there, i told her to becareful around there from now on

Testin da Cable

I'm glad your mum feels better now matey, and I hope those yobs get done severely heh.


watched Alien3 last night

half the guys in that prison looked like they live down the road from me

whats the world coming too :/


Interesting thread :)

The situation with youth crime in particular is just going to escalate to a point of gang warfare, which undoubtedly exists but not on the scale it does elsewhere. Personally I'm not sure about harsher punishments, after all doesn't behaviour breed behaviour? I am fully aware that the current "slap on the wrist" technique is doing fuck all but I'm not sure about chopping someone's hand off, for example. Rapists however should be castrated. In my experience with the police force the officers are generally all nice friendly people - but they can't do fuck all because their hands are tied. I imagine many of them go home after work and think the same as many of us and hate the fact they're unable to do enough to control the situation.

Something needs to be done about kids too, seriously. I'm terrified of gangs of townies despite the fact I'm a tall fat bloke who doesn't particularly look timid. I'd be just as frightened as Damini was if a group of townies were hanging around outside my house, it simply isn't worth telling them to piss off or even letting them know you're there. You simply won't intimidate them unless you're an absolutely crazed psycho looking person. I have no idea what most of the idiots at my school who used to kick the shit out of me are upto, but I think it's entirely likely they're committing crimes for whatever reason.

This post will probably make no sense to anyone, sorry. I need to be gooder at Engrish.


Originally posted by Super_Gray[SG]
My mum has just been fucking mugged when she was visiting my older brothers grave

some fucking sick twats in this world, just got phoned up now, have to stay in house coz they took they took her bag with her car keys and address in it, they threatened her...

At my brothers grave of all fucking places...

If people will mug OAPs for fish and chips then why be surprised :(


Just to update you guys (5months after incident), they was finally sentanced the other week... suprised too i guess

Guy got 9years
Woman got 3years

Fair by me... mum seems to be over it all now... which is good.. still rather the fuckers die but still.. cant have it all


Wow, that's fairly impressive. Glad to hear that the guys serving some serious time for it.


Now go to their house and do their windows

I mean clean em of course :)

Sir Frizz

9 years, that's pretty fucking good justice Gray. :)


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Just read this thread, very interesting.

My 2 penneh worth:

This country's view on laws and those who break them are just too soft. As many have pointed out, you commit a crime (other than a driving one where money can be made) and you get a slapped wrist. If it's a driving one, they take it as far as possible to get their "revenue". I wonder if Traffic cops are on a commision system....

As for our prisons, we must mimic the Chinese method. Straw bed, bucket, concrete and 1 lightbulb. Not these hotel style rooms. I once knew a friend who was quite poor, committed a crime to get inside cos it was easier in there and he automatically got his debts cleared.

I am one of these people who believes in a harsh law and punishment system. Rapists, for example, should be castrated, if proven using all our advances by 2 bodies that they commited the crime. Burglars should be branded on their hands and a mark on their face. Fuck em, they broke the law, I don't want them.

Education, oh what a state. When I was at school I would get the cane, slipper, or ruler across the back of the hand for just looking at a teacher the wrong way. My kids tell me the teachers are NOT allowed to go near them. What a fucking joke, no wonder townies are like they are especially if they can terrorise and create gangs at their schools. They then see "real life" as an extension.

Too early for a more coherent reply but we are too soft.


Originally posted by Sir Frizz
9 years, that's pretty fucking good justice Gray. :)

TBH I doubt he will serve all that time.


Originally posted by Daffeh
gas 'em all tbh

im suprised its not law to have to leave your house unlocked to give criminals an easier time

The really sad thing is, if a burglar injures himself trying to break into your house, there is a fair chance he can sue you for negligence (depending on what caused the injury)

It has happened before.

As for me, i would more than likely go to jail if I found someone in my house who shouldnt be. "red mist" would descend rapidly.


Of course he won't, but 9 years = 6 years ish, which is still far more than I anticipated. I'm used to people back home just popping away for a few months before street strutting again.


I dunno if anyone's een it but there was this program on where these two burglars, one of whom is now a vicar went round people's houses and broke in like they used to. No holds bared they'd smash stuff up and all sorts while the owners of the house watched on CCTV, able to say STOP at any time though.

So after breaking in, they'd then go around and recommend everything they could to make it as hard as humanly possible for someone to break in again. Of course if someone's determined enough they admited there's no way to stop them but you can make your house a lot less desireable...i.e. not worth the hassle.

Well getting ot the point there was this woman who had a back gate and they recommended putting some plastic spikes on the top of it to stop anyone getting a hand hold and pulling themselves over. But as well as that they had to put a massive warning sign telling the burglar about the spikes cos these guys told her it's her responsibility to make her home SAFE FOR BURGLARS and if she was going to put any hazards in their way she had to make them clearly sign posted. Fucking crazy.

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