So long ppl



oh forgot to add a couple of pictures from our lil gorge trip.

picture #1
picture #2

those of you who speak scandinavian will chuckle at the groupchat :-D


qwtf was teh win, a better teamplaygame will never see the light of day :/


Originally posted by vintervargen
yes, daoc do suck, both pve and rvr. i imagine most rvr guilds that aint mid have fun maybe 30% of the time in rvr or smth.

thing is, there aint no good game atm, no quake4, no hl2, no wow etc :/

bai bai anyway :)

I think if you think this wow will suck aswell after 1 year or even less, the idea is as cadiva and roo on some other thread is just keep the fun in the game. You shouldnt get pissed about dieing, just dont set yourself the bar that you must own people in rvr. Hell if you meet np/LA/BF in rvr you could be happy that you killed just one person and have a laugh about how fast you all got owned and who did the biggest screw up.
People in daoc are now so obsessed with getting rp's that they wont let in a friend in their group just because he gimped his spec slightly or his character isnt as powerful as others :(. But you can avoid such people by joining the right guild and going to HW/odins or teaming up with friends who do not mind running in a slightly "gimped" group.

anyway sad to see a good daoc player leave :(


Originally posted by old.Xarr
oh forgot to add a couple of pictures from our lil gorge trip.

picture #1
picture #2

those of you who speak scandinavian will chuckle at the groupchat :-D

ooh how i loved the old quickbars :D


Cya m8 was great fun playing with you, those RM groups we had going where none fotm and really fun :p

Anyway Cya around if not in daoc probaly in WOW :)

But i do understand why you quit, only reason i play myself are all the friends ingame... :)

Just started on HIb with some Irl friends if that fails to be fun ill follow same road and quit the game allso.. :)


As I have said before, one these boards and to my guild, this game is not quake, it is not supposed to be about evenly matched 8 on 8 fights. It is partly due to this quake mentality that this game and it's community is being ruined.

The other cause is buff bots and power leveling (which I am just as guilty as any of) which is killing the PvE group which helped build the community in the first place.

They should rename the game to DAoC Arena and simply allow us to create level 50 chars with selection of mp weapons and suits and custom stats and bugger the PvE, cos that's the way its being played.

IMO ofc.


Cu round big tr00l, och hoppas du lirar me oss i WoW ^^


Ya spot on ..bye take care...
QWTF was the best...wot clan ya play in??
I played demoman...[TF]Gandalf great times:)


aa zaber, vi sees i wow :)

I Roadkill in [ETF] which was Ethereal Team Fortress. Our gm made some maps too, [ETF]SirLiam iirc.

Only two really good clans I remember from back then was Vallasherra and Clan Erinyes. good times :)


Hehe...Roadkill remember the name well...
Well take care see you in emain again oneday...Good luck.


Good post , exactly why i took a few months break.

Well sad to hear you going altho i didn't really knew you.

byebye and see you in later patches/expansions :(:(:(


Originally posted by Arnor
I Roadkill in [ETF] which was Ethereal Team Fortress. Our gm made some maps too, [ETF]SirLiam iirc.

Only two really good clans I remember from back then was Vallasherra and Clan Erinyes. good times :)

uhm, I played QWTF (mega TF), and I remember the clan Vallasherra.. you didn't happen to play on one of finnish "eDome" servers? :) I know they played there a bit (as I played loads). Another very good clan there was Charta77

well, bubye anyway, and gl..


Sorry about the late responce here mate, but I haven't forgotten about it ;)
Sad to hear you are leaving the game :-( Anor + daoc seemed to be the way it was supposed to be, but I guess daocs bitching got too much to bare and that's very understandable :-/ Like a constant PMS ^^
You and me play daoc for different reasons and I think that's why I still will linger on in daoc. I play PvE, but that doesn't mean I don't notice what happens in RvR and alot has happened to RvR as you wrote.
As AngryKid replied to this post, I also began looking back to the begining and remembering how you so pationately told us about this game and invited us to join your guild Odins Æresgarde =) You have a great way with people and I am sure everybody will miss you, even the ones you have killed in the frontiers hehe ;)

Thank you, and good luck in the future =)


c u in WoW Arnor!

and for the others! why dont you just quit?

yeah i agree the game is fecked! but it is you guys

who are paying to play this fecked game! only person you

should blame is your self! imo! (jeez what am i saying! GOA/Mythic sux!!!)


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(

Bye fluffeh Arnor. :(

I do see your point though - my mentalist only got groups at all cos of the guild I was in and the people I knew. I don't recall EVER having a random group except like twice. People always wanted a chanter or eldritch.

Ah well, look me up in WoW I'll be there. ;)


bi bi troll :( /salute for not becomin a fotm bastard like alot of ppl :) /roll savage... id like to see the day that someone invite thanes to organized rvr groups... but the way mythic thinks let em have mcl and there pbae insta will do more dmg.. big deal wont change a frickin thing :( have fun.. and cya in wow

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