So long ppl


Bleri McThrust


Cant disagree with anything you said there :(


take care :p

well thats a great post about the game atm btw...


im glad someone made a post like this i remember back at the start when ppl just killed cos it was fun and really appreciated the drops we got
now its all about gettin that next realm rank or that epic drop its just utter bullshit i now suffer the same problem as u arnor i dont get grps with my light mentalist because its not an rvr "viable" char

it is a shame to see the game sink to such a low lvl but it also appears mythic dont intend to do fuk all about it i pve alot now get bored and quit i dont bother going to druim ligen in hopes of getting a grp anymore hell i practically given up asking in guild chat

ill never forget how much fun it was back in the early days id say things really started to slip around time we got Darkness falls. the ppl who have joined in the last 6 months really have missed the best part of this game.
eventually all that will be left is little cocky teenagers and hardcore gamers another anarchy online i believe

just remember the good times arnor unfortunately they wont be back but you played the game while it was still fun and thats the most important thing



Bye Arnor!
Take care, sad to see you go. You wont be the last to leave:(


Yeah bring back the old days.

With MG fights lasting 3 hours and first person to land mez winning. And mid chain stun.

The old days were not better you misty-eyed cock smokers.

The only problem is the daoc players are progressing and the game is struggling to keep up.


There goes my favourite hamster :(

Take care mate, hopefully see you in WoW if not before hand.

Come to HW for a duel occasionally please, its not as good as 'old odins' but its alot better then the current odins.



agree arnor, i played from the start for fun and giggles.....

daoc is a shit game if you really think about it.... the gfx engine, the poor thought of balancing, the expansions, the lack of rvr arena's and goals, the super poor customer support the lack of thought in just about every aspect of the game. Il be happy to see the back of daoc but not the friends ive made...thier the only reason i bother logging on... Blizzard ent take my money!!


Maybe a bit of a controversial attitude here from me good self, but if you can't even get a group in your guild with the character and class you want to play, maybes its time to find a new guild hon?

There's still quite a few guilds going out without the uber leet FOTM setup and me own guild pokes its head out of the door in Hadrians Wall quite a lot with nothing resembling a have-to-have-this-class-to-win setup.

Obviously you'll have friends and stuff in your guild, maybe have a quiet word with the best of them and see if they're feeling the same way and route out a new guild to play with.

At the end of the day if you're not having fun, there's not much point in playing ;)


Bah, there goes one of the coolest people ever to play daoc :(

I understand you though, and after all theres no point playing a game you dont enjoy.

Take care m8, and dont leave the forums :)


wise words and i share your sentiments. i too played qwtf and cs from the early days and all that rings true to me :)

how would i feel if armsman had become fotm instead of mercs? exactly the same way you do i daresay. i always believed a dual-wield class would/should be superior for rvr and thats exactly why i rolled one, both in beta and on release.

noone should spend a very large period of time levelling a char they like/enjoy only to find it 'sub-optimal' or unwanted in the end game.

hope mythic do something to enable/force more group diversity in the very near future.

ps nerf savages! (some more) ;)


I completely agree. Thats why I never play fotm or classes that are wtfpwn. I made my mana eld first month after release, and only reason i went mana is beacsue everyeone on hib was void. After that, i took a summer break,and when i logged on everyone and their mothers dog had a mana ench or eld. Ok, it was fun running around with 1 tank and getting kicked by alpha, but hey, its better than waiting in dl for grps. After sc, casters were nearly useless although i kept on playing him, and after joiing LA, I played and became more experienced with it. However,the recent patches did nothing to improve my survival rate, nor did it increase my damage. Now, LA only want det tanks, and casters who do a debuff and then die. I made a bm only because that was only class an elf could be, but then, things fucked up somwhere, and I made a bladeshade. I hate cookie cutter or fotm. Now, I am faced in standing in dl askng for grp, and basically everyong just gives u the cold shoulder. Even my friends in LA jsut tell me blankly, ur not gonna get a grp invite. So now I understand daoc. RP>>>friends. I have been thinking of retirement, because I don't awnt to be a rp cow for you albs/mids and i don't want to be a tool for LA so they can get rps. The more they say ns is crap, the more I have to prove that skill>>class(not include damn savage) THis moment onwards. Friend or foe, will only see me as my nightshade Fortehwin. THis game is about fun, and having to smell the grass or snow 90% of my life is too much and also too much for tanks to comprehend. I hate det, and it should be removed. And to you infils or sbs, please dont zerg me,^^ you only need 1 to kill me.

Last goodbye from rr7L3 Mana eldritch Etherion

CU all in emain with rr3L4 Bladeshade Fortehwin


Sad to see you go Arnor, but I can fully understand.

Came back after my break and did a /who on various things - and allmost all you see are: savages, healers, skalds and shammies when talking about RvR.
It is all about the RP now.

But it was fun gameing with you back in the days of yonder Arnor, also my brief incursion into OÆ when you were part of running that :)
Take care, and maybe we will see each other in the game in the furture, or maybe another one :)


Do us all a favour and retire from forums also?

p.s.: bb


See you, Arnor! :( Hope to see you back soon. But like Gordonax says, someone has to work against the so-called "leet" RvR guilds popping up with their "optimal" group setups. Join or form a guild working against this trend is the only way. You may say what you want about Outlaw's and Zoyster's group, but they do dare to challenge the conventional wisdom.

For myself, like Etherion, my own objective has always been to stay away from the FotM classes and be different (well, I always knew speed would be needed, hence my minstrel). I have a 21 mercenary and no spirit to ever level him, and if I ever roll a new char, it will likely be a sorcerer.
Originally posted by rg-zorena
yeha cry some more bubye
And FUCK OFF, Zorena -- you have nowhere near the respect Arnor pulls, and in fact your stock just plummeted because of pathetic statements like this. Don't for a moment mistake your FotM groups for skill, mmkay?
Originally posted by nalistah
Yet another mindless tard, how surprising.


Hehe.. Sat down last night after reading your post, thinking about the past year.. And it came to my mind, that the first day I ever heard about daoc from you and xarr and meeka, was a day at school, in the cantina. :)

You and xarr sat there, very eager, wawing your hands all over the place, talking about procs and the lair.. I didn't understand jack shit, but thought "hey, cool. I wanna know how to proc"

Hehe.. And then all those dinners at Milano, where you and xarr would amuse us with your stories from the beta or the stories from US.. Or even your first run to Gorge.

And it also came to mind the day you dinged 50. OmG how proud you were, running around with your red gloves, and glowing axes. hehe.

Well, enuff nostalgia from me now..


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