So long ppl



I think the main problem ain't the game but the ammount of elitist bastards running around in their WTF we PWNed jOO good set ups who play as if it was a full time job !!!

If your own guild turns you down from an r v r grp because they say "sorry there is nothing you can do for us that a WTF PWN *insert FOTM character here* can't do better" it is time to tell those shit kickers to fuck off and find another guild.

I am in LoM, we dont go around in WTF PWN groups when we r v r , we win some , we lose some, but the most important thing is we have fun, and it doesn't matter what toon you play. You could have the most retarded spec known to man and you would still get in a grp because we play for fun and not to go around WTFPWNing everyone we can get our hands on.


Couldnt agree more Arnor.

Sad to see you go(we didnt team much but we talked from time to time and your attitude were always super, you were always kind and humble no matter what)

Comeback(Frosty :p) soon!!!

Farewell and may the sun shine on your path.


exactly same reasons I quit daoc. Same shit in our guild. For some RP > friends which is shite imo. Mythic ruined their game falling for kids whining.


Cya Arnor :(

more and more old schooler leave ....gah. beta / early excal days was best time, a memory the new l33tz00rs will never ever have ....:hat:

Blazor Meneth

Bye bye my stlong troll friend, cya out there in the other patchen


Originally posted by rg-zorena
yeha cry some more bubye

/advise Zorena Don't be a wanker all your life.

Sorry to see you go Arny. Totally agree with your sentiments. Maybe we should organise a "Gimps Day" and everyone run in a so-called gimp group. Each group to consist of 8 different classes...just like the old days.


I agree Arnor. This modern DAoC shite doesn't make it feel like a game anymore. It feels more like a chore; just a routine.

I hope you're going to be in WoW and I hope I could be on the same side as you there, because hopefully I will be able to rejoin the community again when WoW comes out. Heh - Reducing 3 sdes to 2 in WoW should be amusing... Can make more friends instead of bitching at them. :)

emer Roma

I totally agree with you , Arnor.

I see many very good players who can't get in group - sorry perfect group- just cos they are thane , SM , RM..; and I see lots of crap/rpwhoring players running around with a balanced group and getting wiped just like a normal group :rolleyes:

Hope you will be back soon

Emergency Roma healer 50
Brixia healer 50 (Andred )
Brixia healer (Mordred)
Emerald healer 43 (Camlann)
.......and I still find pps tring to teach me how to play my healer


Originally posted by Rg.Miath

daoc is a shit game if you really think about it....

I could be a great game. The reason it isn't is only fractionally due to mythic/goa...the rest is down to us and the fact we make it shit because of our "must win" mentality. Maybe it's time we all took a look at what we are making of it?

Hmmm now I think of it, maybe a "Gimps Day" has some mileage in it.


Originally posted by angrykid
Hehe.. Sat down last night after reading your post, thinking about the past year.. And it came to my mind, that the first day I ever heard about daoc from you and xarr and meeka, was a day at school, in the cantina. :)

You and xarr sat there, very eager, wawing your hands all over the place, talking about procs and the lair.. I didn't understand jack shit, but thought "hey, cool. I wanna know how to proc"

Hehe.. And then all those dinners at Milano, where you and xarr would amuse us with your stories from the beta or the stories from US.. Or even your first run to Gorge.

And it also came to mind the day you dinged 50. OmG how proud you were, running around with your red gloves, and glowing axes. hehe.

Well, enuff nostalgia from me now..


*sniffle* My red Gauntlets of the Bloodwolf and immolated dragonfire cleavers that I didnt use till I was lvl 49 so they wouldnt get worn out :D

damn man, im getting all nostalgic here and stuff :eek:

goddamn, gif milano kebabs and daoc stories!

thanks for all your kind words mates, Ill cya around as the patches progress and such, but we'll all hopefully meet again in WoW for real :)

I leave you with these screenies of the good old times

edit: cadiva, the problem isnt the guild, the problem is EVERYONE. since most ppl make optimal groups, there arent room for random groups because they will get owned, and getting chainraped isnt fun.


Etcetra, deleted. now lvl 35 Savage
Damn you if you have rolled a savage, you stinking bandwagonjumper! :D

I luved that thane, you could kill my skald and sb any day of the week, you know that?

And bjaadi... OMG that's one hardhitting thane..
Gif thanes.

Fhran OopsMt

bye Arnor....
i too recall well the good old days for me as in march 2002 when i started. Got into FoM as a lvl 11 zerker and got to rvr a lot as a lvl 24 zerker damn i miss those days where it was rare that u had a lvl 50 in your rvr group or that u saw one hehe. well i think that u are right the game is kinda broke but hey it has lasted a long time

i´ll keep playing it until something better comes along well not a s much as i did in the old days but then again have done most of the stuff u can do in the game by now.


Awww... sad to see you go.. :( Good luck and hope we see you again someday!!



my advice. take a break, play diablo2,gta3,q3,Ron,ee or whatever u find fun. then come back and wtfpwn evryone.


Originally posted by Arnor
edit: cadiva, the problem isnt the guild, the problem is EVERYONE. since most ppl make optimal groups, there arent room for random groups because they will get owned, and getting chainraped isnt fun.

Hon that's not true tho. Well, it might be true if you go to Emain, but it's certainly not true for RvR in Hadrians Wall and not always the case in Odins Gate.

Like I said before, my guild never goes out with a so-called balanced group because we don't have the people with the classes to do it ;)
What we do do, is go out with anyone who wants to go do some RvR and yep, we win some, we lose some, but we pretty much always get some decent fights in Hadrians Wall against a similar number of Albs and very rarely do we get zerged.

I think the real big problem is, as it has been pretty much since day one, that Emain is a bottleneck and you can't get through it to get anywhere else in Hibernia for some decent RvR.
The geography of the zone means people have to zerg to survive and that's what makes it shite and starts the 'must have this that and the other to win' attitude.

All that said, like I said before tho, if you're not enjoying playing there's no point in playing.

Sadly the attitude of a few elitist guilds in each of the realms, and it is a very small number of actual people in my opinion, are making RvR untenable for the vast majority of people and that sucks.

Have a break, play something else and then, like has been said elsewhere in this post, come back when hopefully the rphungry leet pharming morons have all got bored and moved to another game ;)


Sorry to see you go Arnor =/

This truly is DARK ages :(


Originally posted by Arnor
edit: cadiva, the problem isnt the guild, the problem is EVERYONE. since most ppl make optimal groups, there arent room for random groups because they will get owned, and getting chainraped isnt fun.

don't go to emain :)

read Roo's post on Daoc:general for a bit of morale-boosting stuff :)

Everyone needs a break now and again - same thing over and again gets to you no matter what it is.

Hope yer back soon - not met you often in game but I enjoy our sparring on the boards :)



cu mate :/ take care... hope to see u back ingame sometime in future.


yes, daoc do suck, both pve and rvr. i imagine most rvr guilds that aint mid have fun maybe 30% of the time in rvr or smth.

thing is, there aint no good game atm, no quake4, no hl2, no wow etc :/

bai bai anyway :)


I really agree with u Arnor.
Some people lost theirs way to have a fun from this game ... they are only looking for RPs. It's really sad, but its true.

I really miss old days without RAs, when people was under lvl50 or even old lvl50 days. I've never played any mmorpg to be best, but for fun/make a friends and i hope i've made.

I really miss times when people walking around WHOLE Midgard/all RvR zones, "unbalanced" groups having fun even when died, huge/zerg/epic battles at milegates (some of them was awsome).

The worst things are that some really nice people changes ... to bad in my opinion.

I remember U, Xarr when we were exping in Vanern ...

Really good points Arnor, and u give me some nostalgic moments :)

ps. Why are u waiting for WoW, not eg. DnL, Horizons ? :)
I hope we will meet again (in Daoc - if i will back or in any mmorpg).


some heavy nostalgia going on in here. :')

i haven't really played daoc in a long while myself, but i don't feel it's quite the time to bury the ugly troll just yet.

just thought i'd say i miss the good old days too. i know they will never return, but they will live on forever in memory. and i'm sure they will get company in the future.

i remember me and arnor's first trip to the gorge. i was level 21 and he 19. we had to dodge a million purple mobs and patrols, but thanks to my hardcore navigating skills and arnors frantic screaming we managed to get there safely. then as we emerged from the lake, there she was, zana the lurikeen caster. she was just sitting there and resting for power, probably after killing a mob. we stormed her and started hitting for all we were worth (which wasn't really much ^^). after a while however the lurikeen slumped dead and our first purple enemy was very dead. haha, that was great. won't mention too much about how we got hunted down and killed by laserbax & co merely seconds after ;D.

although i'm probably gonna see your ugly mug tomorrow or something i felt i should say goodbye here.


arnor was a great, fat, troll. :-D

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