So long ppl



I look back to daoc release, when we all were noobs and everyone ran around with eachother, even thanes got groups!

and I see how it is now, where there isnt hope of getting into a random group (or guild group in most cases) unless you are an absolute essential class and/or are an "uber" class.

What made daoc take this sharp turn from being about fun and friendship, to being about who is the leetest and the best and the one with the most rps etc?

I look at my servers normal rvr now, and its shot to shit. Everyone are making fotm groups or zergs, everyone steamrolls and leeches of everyone and they all scurry for the scraps of the more successful.

And as I look further back, I realize its been in the cards all the time. Since back in the days when I played quake team fortress with friends for fun, then it slid over to the clan-based portion of its time, and that was fun too, playing against equally matched/numbered enemies, ever testing your might and all that. Exactly the same happened in another game I played from the start, counterstrike. what began as playing for fun, ended up with a need to be the best in the world. For me, this wasnt a big problem because I played it a lot, same with qtf, I didnt think of the ppl that I played against and totally annihilated on the random servers I played, I would join the loosing team, make them the winning team and then change over again.
And as I look back, it wasnt that much of a problem, you join a server and someone is very good, you can always change teams/server if your getting your ass handed to you. Which brings us to daoc, as it is now, we have classes/players that are "worthless" in rvr. We have players that stand at mtk for hours on end, trying to get a group they wont get, since 3healers, 1shaman, 1skald rest savages( maybe one warrior or zerk) is the best, the "only" way to compete. There is no room for a runemaster or a spiritmaster or a thane or a bonedancer there, they cant compete. For me personally this wasnt the biggest problem, i had previously played alot, and my zerker was pretty well respected on the server, so I got into groups. I still played so much that if I wanted, I couldve made a savage and be guaranteed groups. I still got turned down over rr2 savages fresh from malm by morons ofc.
But im tired, im tired of having to "flaunt" my rr and me having pf to get groups, Im tired of never getting groups with my rm/sm, im tired of being asked to bring my zerker to guild groups because everyone else runs with optimal groups, when I much rather wanna play sm/rm. Im tired of everyone "forcing" everyone else to roll fotms, or stand at mtk. Im tired of having to play with damn good players/high realm rankers to have a chance with the semi-perma rm-group we got going that will get nerfed in 1.65. Im tired of the mindless /assist tank-train that daoc has become (and im MA 90% of the time). Im tired of new guilds popping up with the "fotm-setup" and claiming to wtfpwn everyone with their "skill". Im tired of the elitism/powerwhoring/rpwhoring that has infested daoc to the bones.

I wanna be able to make a group with some mates that know how to play but maybe dont have the "fotmgroup-classes" and actually have a chance against some rr8 in 10days /played fotm guild, I just want to have fun, I want to be able to get a group with my rm in emain and go rvr, instead of seeing groups sitting on their asses at tk waiting for the last healer or savage to pop. I want to be able to solo ppl in odins gate without 10 stealthers popping to leech a rp from me. I want casters to become viable in groups again (not only special groups) But most of all, I want the focus of the game to shift from rps to fun.

Now that im done ranting, im retiring my chars for the time being, ill be back for Toa to check it out, ill be back for the rvr-expansion, but I wont be online sitting on ass in mtk trying to get/set up groups anymore. I wont be online waiting for the inevitable "bring your zerker, not rm plz" on /gu.
Ill still be on from time to time, but it will be more or less like i've been the last week or so.

edit: I couldve spent 2 pages listing all the ppl i would like to thank for all their help and the good times we've had, but they know who they are, everyone from Wolf to Tzee :)

edit2: Ill still be spamming the boards more or less, so your not completely rid of me :p

Arnor - Zerker
Coiin - Rm
Mazuma - Sm
Cuddlykeen - Chanter


See ya soon Arnor ;p

Should have been Hib from the start imo bro :D


Word up for what you say arnor. See you in ToA :)


I really do agree with you arnor (even though I am no better myself and only trying to join "leet" groups)

Anyway, good luck irl :)


so long m8, good luck but mabey give SWG a try?
if not I hope to see you in WoW.

Tilda :(


Good post and I totally agree, luckily for me my 2 most fun chars (sorc and minstrel) happen to be needed a lot in groups so thats prolly why I'm still playing that game.

I can imagine it being worse in midgard cus of the savage, a shame casters are so hard to play now as mid pbae has the potential to be very powerful. The main problem being BaoD hib groups, and also the caster problems we all know about already. Oh and the fact casters don't get Determination.

Perhaps determination was the RA that killed variation in daoc, groups without it suffer so much from mezz (unless they have GP) hence hib being the only realm that can field succesfull caster groups.

Sad to see you go anyway, but I hope determination is fixed, just giving tanks 75% reduction and ignoring casters and hybrids was not the solution.


:clap: was great 2 play with ya m8y, was only a short time but was a pleasure and most importantly a good laugh! c u soon :)


gah shame to see u go arnor
guess ill see u again with toa and rvr pack :D
1 of best mid tanks i knew :D


Originally posted by Tilda
so long m8, good luck but mabey give SWG a try?
if not I hope to see you in WoW.

Tilda :(

wont do another mmorpg till WoW

what really tipped the scale was the utter lack of brains that mythic showed by nerfing casters (debuff nerfs 1.65)

I know its in testing and shit, but just the fucking nerve to do such a thing is utterly disgusting


:/ sheesh, I feel for you mate, must suck to sit at mtk and wait for ages for groups etc ...

hopefully see you back in the patches etc :D


This is the way most games evolve, sad to see you go. Had the most fun i had in a long time running RM grp with you :)


Sad to see you leave, but knowing you had fun back in the days makes up for it. It's been almost two years now, arnor. In may next year, it will be two years since I first started my shadowblade, joined Odins Æresgarde with you and Xarr and Legolian (meeka). Great fun, great game.... back in the days.

Can't seem to wanna do much RvR these days, since we get squished real easy as I'm in LoM, and we don't run in wtfpwn grps, nor savagegrps.. We are a guild who takes on the most fun aspect in the game, friendship, and work with that.. what class you play? hehe.. don't mean shit, as long as you can talk and have fun when doing RvR..

See ya around, matey..


Sad to see you go, even though you've talked some real crap on here :D There are too many guilds and players who are exactly as you describe. One of the reasons that I'm damn happy in HG is that we never play like that - the idea is to bring along the character you enjoy playing to RvR, not whatever you think you HAVE to play. And you know what? Sometimes, so-called gimped groups actually win. Oh sure, when you meet NP or CF or VGN they're going to tear holes in you - but they would even if you had the perfect balanced group. So why not just have some fun?

Anyway, you won't see me in WoW cos I think it's going to suck :D But good luck, either way.


Sad to see another one leave because the game has slipped so far downhill :(

As for what you stated I totally agree. It's not even a logical situation we got on our hands in Mid nowadays. Try make a group in Emain nowadays and you'll see. Sure enough people might join your, check who you got on team and then go "no shammy!?" and leave when you tell them "there's a one hour waiting list for shammies so you'll just have to do without'em".
Not to mention the poor thanes and zerkers... when I started playing this game every class had a function, and no one looked down on any other class (well as I recall it at least, but my memory is lousy at bes). All tanks had a function and we had the other classes to support us in their own way. Now... seems like there are hardly any active thanes left. I'm impressed by those who continue playing, cause it's bloody hard getting a group for you.

Problem might be this is a trend started by players, and the majority of players at that. Might be hard to change, but those who'll live will see...

Kind regards



Cya mate :(

I agree with you on the caster part - not like casters need another nerf really.

The rest, well. Depends on guilds a lot as well mate, but I can see what you're getting at.

GL and hf until I'll see you in WoW ;)


Gah, one of my best in-game mate leaving :(

Remember when I joined Odins Æresgarde and played together with all of you...
I looked forward to becoming lvl 50 so I could RvR together with you as you promised :(

I still got you on msn so I talk with you there, and see ya in ToA mate ;)


cya m8. sorry I couldent help more then I did last time :<

and I so agree with u.

Mythic is kicking out peeps tbh dosent seem that they want peeps to play the game when WoW comes out:<

good luck and have fun arnor :)


so fuckin true mate take care
waiting at mtk juist turns u into an alcoholic
look forward to seeing u in the expansions


Remember when i borrowed Dagalush and farmed 30k with you in some hours, havent had that much fun ever since :)

And well, hope youre staying - or returning :x

Troll loving, peace


Something a lot of people have done lately I guess... Although most do have tanks or clerics. I totally agree with yah on that. It's boring. I've drawn back to the XPing again with new alts. And making new friends.

Bring back the old days!!! Where people of all realms roamed around and RAs was something unknown...


Sad to see you got Arnor. You are a great player indeed.
But I understand you very well, and im feeling that im getting very very close quit playing daoc myself.
Just gotta figure out what to do with my account now :)


Originally posted by rg-zorena
yeha cry some more bubye

Whats a true noob......

Bye bye Arnor and see you in WOW if not in DAOC :>

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