
Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I have moral issues with the likes of Google too. Just pointing out that it is perfectly legal.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
From an external accountancy firm...
Perish the thought that an "accountancy firm" (no, wait, the single largest "accountancy firm" in the world, with more clients in the FTSE 250 than anybody else) would have a finger on the pulse of what big businesses are thinking.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
With their 0.0001% tax rather than my 20% eh.

Good thing I'm a multibillionaire corporation rather than a guy with a single half-average price house to his name eh? :)
Ludicrous isn't it..my mate has a 100 plus houses, but is a limited company and is exempt from the loan tax hike that is seeing off most small landlords.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Perish the thought that an "accountancy firm" (no, wait, the single largest "accountancy firm" in the world, with more clients in the FTSE 250 than anybody else) would have a finger on the pulse of what big businesses are thinking.

Unfortunately I will need a citation for that claim. Where has anyone officially said anything? For starters it wasn't a report, it was an internal note. Actual report with data to back it up please.

Not only that but the claims are pretty laughable, 30,000 staff? Yeah...OK

We get it, you are upset that we are actually doing OK at the moment, it must be tremendously depressing for you to be stuck in France at the moment, France that will soon have an actual right wing government, frightening times.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
For now yes but what kind of idiot only looks at the short term? My bank balance hasn't changed at all, nether has my income, neither has any of my "things"

France are about to have a right wing government, I would be more concerned about a dirty exit than an organised one.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Who do we think has a better measure of what big multinationals are thinking? A government on its heels, desperate to cling on to whoever they can bribe to hang around or the largest financial services company in the world who happens to have most of those very same companies as its clients?
France are about to have a right wing government.
No France isn't ffs.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
If you say so, champ. I recommend you go away and read up on two-round elections, though. Specifically, what happened the last time a candidate with the surname Le Pen made it to the 2nd round (hint: it was 2002 and the guy whose surname wasn't Le Pen got over 80% of the final vote).


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
She got trounced last time..but who knows...all bets are off these days


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Of course it's possible that Le Pen will win and it's likely that she'll get through to the second round but then she'll probably find herself up against Juppé who is an actual good and popular candidate (the feeling is that he'll beat Sarkozy for the Republican nomination) and everybody who isn't far-right will vote against Le Pen, which is how Chirac won so convincingly against her dad (although it wouldn't be anywhere near as convincing a win this time around). She has tried to mainstream the National Front and move away from the full-on nationalism of her father but her party is still deeply unpopular and untrusted by many.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Ahh, good old fashioned, reliable opinion polls. Not to worry then!


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Tbh they'd never ratified. just like the US and China for that matter.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yet more traditional media completely and utterly missing the point. Along we trundle, ever deeper into the mire. The moral high ground is an ever shrinking piece of real estate.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Where do you start, firstly the author has one almighty chip on his working class background shoulder, secondly patronising is claiming not all the working class are xenophobes..no shit...he likes opera now, middle class, this cunt is the epitome of preaching of the social climber.

"Part of that fight is accepting what the working classes really are – often liberal, justice-loving people whose values set the foundation of the Labour movement which so many middle-class people have now joined. "

'Often'..eh?.."they're not all Alf Garnets, I can assure you Oliver, I saw one last week taking to a coloured gentlemen."
Knobhead here has moved 'up' from his parents culture and has presumed his own idea of how the middle classes look down on regressive opinions.
Plastic scousers we call them.
And finally, who exactly turns a blind eye to working class xenophobia?
The same people who turn a blind eye to middle class bigotry, upper class elitism?
I've come across dickheads like him so many times in my life, educated yes...knowledge of anything outside of their simplistic view of the world..zero.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
What's happening in your post is that you're belittling the views of a man who sees working class people as a more complex social set than "racist idiot UKIPers". A man with direct experience of a working class parents who stoked his interest in literature and opera when he was a boy - a long time away from any idea of what social climbing was.

Maybe you don't have experience of "liberal, justice-loving people whose values set the foundation of the Labour movement" in your working-class area but I certainly did. And the opposite too. All too often.

"he likes opera now, middle class, this cunt"

Are you Billy Elliot's father? So threatened by the idea of a working class lad liking opera that the very idea of it is to mean he's forever to be labeled a cunt and robbed of his heritage?

I like classical music. I've loved it since I could listen to music. My very working class dad loved it and played it to me before he died when I was four. Does that mean I'm not working class, and haven't been working class for my entire life? Does the fact that I go to the Liverpool Philharmonic to watch the performance of classical music mean that the single-parent poverty I grew up in isn't allowed to be a part of my makeup?

I've got working-class cousins who'd totally agree with your argument. They're limited, bigoted people who look down on others for the same sort of reasons - whilst all the time trying to keep up appearences. But I've also got family who, despite having even less, are the epitome of the values that lad espouses.

Does their liberal, tolerant viewpoint on life mean they're not working class? Who are you to mandate what is and what isn't a working class pursuit? What working class viewpoints have to be in order to "qualify".

I know @Raven spectacularly missed the point when he dissed the article - despite being the foremost proponent of the argument that labelling the working classes as "OMG racist" wasn't an accurate reflection of why people voted Brexit, or why people voted for Trump - which is exactly the argument this lad makes.

But I think you're angry at it because he demonstrates that there are a lot of good, tolerant working class people who strive to intellectually better themselves and perhaps you're not one of them. So his article lumps you in with the ones he doesn't like - a bit racist, xenophobic, homophobic - and you've gone "fuck you" in response...

I'll ask you this. If middle-class people like working class artforms and hate gay people, does that make them working class in your eyes? Or are only people allowed to be working class if they think or feel exactly like you?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
There you go, your entire argument is omg they are so stupid ololol. Pointless discussion that does absolutely nothing but alienate people and make them ignore your pathetic ramblings.

You are the problem, you seem to have this vision of yourself as the intellectual elite, you aren't...sorry, not even close. When you finally get over that fact it will be worth having a discussion with you, rather than just winding you up.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Jesus Scouse..did you read my reply or did the keywords just cause an auto response.
I'm saying he's a cunt for patronising the working class as basically nice people, but because of his very limited experience, presumes they are mostly ignorant twats.
Then has the bare faced cheek to suggest the culturally superior middle classes...who he joined last week and doesnt represent..should not turn a blind eye to their bigotry.
The middle classes, who it seems he has read a ladybird book on..are just as bigotted as anyone.
He's a social climbing twerp who thinks going to the opera and getting a journalists job gives him some moral authority.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm saying he's a cunt for patronising the working class as basically nice people, but because of his very limited experience, presumes they are mostly ignorant twats
A) how is his experience any more "limited" than yours. The fact that he's also a gay man who grew up in a homophobic environment that changed on experience actually puts him ahead IMO.
B) how is he patronising when he's pointing out that the working classes aren't all knuckle dragging retards. He comes out fighting in support of the working classes. Yet he clearly acknowledges that some, the racists and xenophobes, are.

That's not patronising. That's discussing a complex middle class in an intelligent and adult way.

But then accusations of being patronising are often thrown at people who are trying to explain things in a non-simplistic way that people don't like.

Edit: Also, what a fucking awful website you've managed to find that video from @Job :\
Last edited:


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Youtube direct actually..just searching Farage my hero


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually went back to check your argument Job. fair's fair n' all that.

Ever seen Educating Rita?

To fix...
I'm saying he's a cunt for patronising the working class as basically nice people and resent the fact that because of his higher standard of education he now finds that they are mostly ignorant
But dictionary definition (synonyms)...

His opinions don't make him a middle class social climber. He's just educated working class. And like the smart kids in school he's getting a pasting - unfairly.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
So like it's okay for you to 'drop political correctness' in order to attack people such as Muslims because theyre all terrorists but he's not allowed to make the generalisation that working class people are more likely to be racist?

I mean I don't blame working class people for it, because Akala.

View: https://youtu.be/opEM4I_g_Sc

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