So... black falcons then.

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uhmm.. Khalen you just wanted to write something didnt you? :D




Cook the burgers using the regular hamburger recipe and place one THIN slice of american cheese on the crown side before adding meat patty. Don't use Kraft
singles or Velveeta. (or anything termed as "American processed cheese FOOD) Use only real American cheese. That is KEY! Please Note****Most slices of
American cheese are too big for McDonald's® cheeseburgers. So take about 1/4" off two edges to make a smaller square.

McDonald's® Bacon Double-Cheeseburger

2 prepared beef patties
1 prepared bun
2 American cheese slices
1 slice Oscar Mayer® Ready~Made™ bacon

Prepare the beef patties and buns as directed in the regular hamburger recipe. Dress the bun the same way.

Microwave the pre-cooked bacon for about 15-20 seconds, tear it in half, and lay the pieces side by side on the dressed crown. Follow that with one slice of
cheese. Put cooked beef patty #1 on top of the cheese, add another slice of cheese and then beef patty #2. Add the toasted heel and wrap in a 12"x16" sheet of
waxed paper. (see cooking regular hamburgers for wrapping directions)
Let sit for 5-7 minutes, then microwave (still wrapped) for 15 seconds until hot.

Enjoy a classic bacon double cheeseburger! :D



First of all about the flaming in general, We have never done that before towards any other guild.untill someone called Treniel Uberarmsman was talking towards our guild in general all the time. so as I posted before on this forum..we will talk back the way we were talked to. We do not show respect to ppl/guilds who do not show respect towards us.I think thats a very human thing ->
However, Ialkarn then took this as an opportunity to attack not only me but FC as well

to Kedal : BF-members random bs talking on IRC? afaik Treniel is A FC-member.he bs everytime hes on u log his conversations aswell? He doesnt BS talk about 1 guild.He BS talks about every guild in every realm. So whats ur point?

Second :By making this thread shows that Treniel isnt the only one that does his general flaming,another guildmember of his guild does the same aswell.I'm sure these 2 aren't the only ones,I haven't read all the replies.mostly some random flaming towards each other which i do not wish to spend my time reading it.

third : Every member of every guild thinks their guild are the best ones in their own way either it be rvr,xp,friendship,fun etc. If this was not the case at ur side.would u been making a thread to flame another guild for not being good?So should we be ashamed if we think the guild we are in are best?

fourth : I won't take this oppurtunity to flame towards the FC guild in general,maybe there is too much to say,who knows. but if u dont like BF that much.don't group with us etc.

fifth and final : Our guild have encountered a lot of bad experience towards FC grps in emain in the past... U dont see us going on BW flaming the guild in general.This thread just established our thoughts.


My respect for anyone flaming another player over personal matters on BW is nil
It is simply so childish, go work it out in pm.
Just glad to see that the guildmembers of both guilds acted more maturely than to follow the flaming-zerg.


to Anarki

but <sigh> kinda want to show they independace, dont work with othres often. And Kate is an Uber Cleric
Reason we dont work a lot with the zerg in emain is because we dont like to zerg,this has nothing to do with elitism or independance.we just like to encounter some nice skirmiches with even numbers. But it is true that we prefer to group with our own guildmates.cos than we have most fun at playing.we fill up empty slots when we know no one else is going rvr as much as possible.the view u have about us is a bit different of the reality i think.

and Kate is an Uber Cleric :clap: :p


its all lies, kate just smites in fights and godmodes the healing star.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
I turn to look for my group which included a healer, nukers and tanks, to find them miles back, just coming over the top of the hill that I'd pursued eos/sub over, trusting my group to be right behind me.

I was one of the tanks in the group, and if you really wanna know, if ur a tank u shouldn't use sprint to get to your enemy. Why? A tank with no end is not a tank anymore, in the case of mages it's different, no end just means you can't sprint away.

Originally posted by old.Wildfire
and for sitting around talking about RAs instead of playing.

come on pls, ive been in countless grps and in none of them have i seen a quiet /g. and as for playing, i think we did well, it was just plain unlucky sub decided to eat you. soz for that

come on man u died once, and in mage standards thats good just live it cos the rps can be earnt later, emain is open all day :)

ps this is my point of view from a neutral position not against fc or bf



I don't really care much for who dislikes who, who's better than who or whether billyboner slagged off johnnynomates in IRC. All I care about is that there are relics to be taken and 2 realms that need to be shown the error of their ways. As a member of Legion Of Darkness (yes we are allied to BF), I've never had a problem with Ialk. Likewise, I never personally had a problem with Treniel, and as Wildfire he did organise a fine Relic take. I also personally don't give a toss if members of one guild (whether it be BF, LoD or anyother) don't like another particular guild. As far as I'm concerned, when there are 2 enemies to be beaten there is no place for such petty arguing. So let's stop this crap once and for all, and get back to what we're supposed to be doing. Everyone understand? Good ;)

And btw, just as a little sidenote, nothing more annoying as a tank than casters using sprint to catch up with a fleeing enemy group and using up our precious endurance. Of course, if its just one or two who you are chasing down to gank, then it's less of a problem :)


Sigh, I had hoped i had extinguished this flame thread before it could get of of control.

Mids and hibs must be chuckling to themselves , although im sure there are equivalent silly things going on there too.... /em tries to fan the flames into hibernia and midgard .. ;) ... Pssst you'll never guess what i just heard Novamir saying about Eleasias on IRC just a minute go... lol ;)

P.S. No more replies from FC members to this thread please.

Herbal Remedy

1st wildifre u sprinted ahead of your group and got munched so what not the group fault its yours chasing is all well and good but not everyone can sprint tanks etc omfg your a caster and u died oh the horror! - if outlaw started a thread like this everytime time he got ganked bw would need seperate servers for the whine threads.

2nd leave serra and ialkarn alone know both from start of beta they both rock and imo can do no wrong :D

3rd treniel umm well treniel the joke of albion gets kicked out of most guilds before the day is out ,but somehow fc stomach him, dunno how but you do (some special award perhaps from the rest of albions guilds is in order mebe? :p )

4th kedal how big a spoon do you normally stir shit with?

5th GoL dont think they are the best we know we are the best (pls note for all the retarded children out there this is a joke!)

6th person to person problem not whole guilds so why start a bitch fight? childish to the extreme imo (beside kates handbag is massive and in a bitch fight i know which guild id back :p )

7th bugger me its 1116 am on saturday why the hell am i up responding to this crap

8th why the hell are the so many numbered points?

9th sod this im logging in or off to bed :p

/edit to make all that readable kinda :D damn its to early, also yes i know im a self confessed smilly abuser and proud of it !


Ok firstly i think BF are a very good guild and deserve alot of respect and i think it is wildfires own fault that he went after Sub and Eos by him self and yes gunner tanks dont sprint after enemys

Secondly Treniel you have a very bad name in Albion and trying to flame a guild like BF is just silly


I am just feeling bad that 1 person in the guild can get us all so bad rep by posts like this

And yes I have had my disputes with some BF ppl, but I took it with those persons ingame, and I hope it is over with cause I dont want to see BF and FC being enemys, we both like the same, run around in guild groups cause then you know what you get when the fights show......I think thats the main reason to make 'regular/guild' groups in emain.....all comes down to who you can trust to do there job and not just turn around and die

Best regards



hehe - I knew it was intended as a joke on irc but I just wanted to cause an upset between the 2 of the biggest guilds on Albion..

Sheesh im a bitch :rolleyes:

Hit ^_^

Fc have 30peeps and 34chars in guild. so i dont see it as "big"


None of your n00bish guilds are worthly of kissing the footsteps of a member of Dragon Knights.
We are the true masters of albion and you are all inferior to us.



Seriously guys, what's the use of this throwing of shit in the other guilds general direction?


Ubbercut straight to jaws, he dodges the blown from behind, is getting some fingers from woods, some1 trows some burgers, peeps sit down eat some food, some r wondering where is cola, w00t here goes the popcorn guy , who didnt pay his buyings?

lol =)


Originally posted by old.Xanthian

hehe - I knew it was intended as a joke on irc but I just wanted to cause an upset between the 2 of the biggest guilds on Albion..

Sheesh im a bitch :rolleyes:

We often struggle to get 1fg together atm, so I'd hardly call us big. Still the No1 Rp earning guild in alb the last few weeks tho :clap: ;)


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
None of your n00bish guilds are worthly of kissing the footsteps of a member of Dragon Knights.
We are the true masters of albion and you are all inferior to us.

Damn right

Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
1st wildifre u sprinted ahead of your group and got munched so what not the group fault its yours chasing is all well and good but not everyone can sprint tanks etc omfg your a caster and u died oh the horror! - if outlaw started a thread like this everytime time he got ganked bw would need seperate servers for the whine threads.



So you died in emain - Big deal
Oh, blame someone - Of course, It's never your own fault (Not saying It was your fault but Imo it was since you didn't spin the camera to see if you had backup)

Wildfire: Why did you post this?
Try make us all dislike BF?
To make FC look better?
Please tell me.

Why do people feel the need to whine on BW about these thing?
People are discussing other guilds ALL THE TIME in /gu/irc/irl whatever. Always someone who like/dislike <random guild>.
I often whine about bla bla just got me killed but why the hell should I post that on BW? I know people can do wrong, I know a few people i would never group with. But why o why should i list em here? Or talking about a single death and whos fault it is?


personally i got no problem with any of the BF members nor the FC

Id say BF is a very good guild aswell, so why do we have to put up with this.

Cant we all just forget this and show some manners to eachother ?

you dont have to hit back just cos you got slapped (im not 100% sure of the situation, since ive been away this week but i hope we can just be friends ;) )

wildfire no offence but there were no reason to post this, but nvm hope we all can just go above this flameing


Originally posted by K0nah

We often struggle to get 1fg together atm, so I'd hardly call us big. Still the No1 Rp earning guild in alb the last few weeks tho :clap: ;)

RP = time spent in emain, and you know it.


In the words of the Joker:

Why can't we all just.... get along?


Wildfire and Ialkarn, I consider both of you to be among my best friends in Albion.... and I hate it when my friends fight.

Kiss and make up, please! :wub:


Love is in the air ......... everywhere i look around...... love is in the air ....... la la la la la la la


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
None of your n00bish guilds are worthly of kissing the footsteps of a member of Dragon Knights.
We are the true masters of albion and you are all inferior to us.

Except me, I should be sainted, right?


Originally posted by old.LandShark
RP = time spent in emain, and you know it.

Erm no, for the average zergling yes. Quality time is what matters. Noone makes any rps when 4fg rape 1fg. If theres no good rps to be made I go play an alt until conditions are better. You can spend 4hrs in emain and make 1k, if u just follow the herd.
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